* Test the site model.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class P4Cms_SiteTest extends TestCase
* Set core modules path so that site load can find modules.
* Load test sites and set the sites path to the test sites.
public function setUp()
P4Cms_Site::setSitesDataPath(TEST_DATA_PATH . '/sites');
P4Cms_Module::setCoreModulesPath(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . '/core-modules');
P4Cms_Theme::addPackagesPath(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . '/sites/all/themes');
* Cleanup.
public function tearDown()
* Ensure that sites list can be accessed and is cached.
public function testSites()
$sites = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll();
$this->assertTrue($sites instanceof P4Cms_Model_Iterator, 'Expect sites object site');
$site = P4Cms_Site::fetch($this->_qualifySiteId('basic'));
$this->assertTrue($site instanceof P4Cms_Site, 'Expect site object type');
* Ensure that site to url matching logic works as expected.
public function testSiteUrls()
$tests = array(
'http://basic.com' => 'basic',
'http://www.basic.com/' => 'basic',
'http://www.basic.com/foo' => 'basic',
'http://basic.com:123/' => 'basic',
'http://nomatch.com/' => 'basic',
'http://othersite.com/' => 'other',
'http://subdir.com/foo' => 'subdir',
'https://secure.com/' => 'secure',
foreach ($tests as $urlString => $expectedId) {
$url = Zend_Uri_Http::fromString($urlString);
$request = new P4Cms_Controller_Request_HttpTestCase($url);
$request->setServer('HTTPS', $url->getScheme() == 'https' ? 'on' : 'off');
$request->setServer('HTTP_HOST', $url->getHost());
$site = P4Cms_Site::fetchByRequest($request);
$id = $site ? $site->getId() : false;
$this->assertSame($this->_qualifySiteId($expectedId), $id, 'Expected site id');
* Test the fetch method.
public function testFetchSite()
$this->assertTrue(P4Cms_Site::fetch($this->_qualifySiteId('basic')) instanceof P4Cms_Site);
try {
$this->fail('Fetch with bogus id should have failed');
} catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Expect fetch with bogus id to fail');
"Cannot find the specified site.",
'Expected error message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unexpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
try {
$this->fail('Fetch with numeric id should have failed');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Expect fetch with numeric id to fail');
"No site id given.",
'Expected error message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unexpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
try {
$this->fail('Fetch with false id should have failed');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Expect fetch with false id to fail');
"No site id given.",
'Expected error message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unexpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
* Test the key exists method.
public function testIdExists()
* Test config.
public function testConfig()
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
$config = $site->getConfig();
$this->assertTrue($config instanceof P4Cms_Site_Config, 'expected matching type');
// adjust a config value directly
$counter = intval($config->counter);
$config->setValue('counter', ++$counter);
// adjust values stored in config indirectly
$title = 'the site title';
$description = 'description of the site';
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
$config = $site->getConfig();
$this->assertSame((string)$counter, $config->counter, 'expected matching count');
$this->assertEquals($title, $site->getConfig()->getTitle(), 'Expected title.');
$this->assertEquals($description, $site->getConfig()->getDescription(), 'Expected description.');
// test invalid arguments
try {
$site->getConfig()->setTitle(new stdClass);
$this->fail('Unexpected success setting a non-string title.');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
"The provided title is not a string.",
'Expected error message.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
"Unexpected exception setting a non-string title (" . get_class($e) . '): ' . $e->getMessage()
try {
$site->getConfig()->setDescription(new stdClass);
$this->fail('Unexpected success setting a non-string description.');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
"The provided description is not a string.",
'Expected error message.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
"Unexpected exception setting a non-string description (" . get_class($e) . '): ' . $e->getMessage()
* Test p4.
public function testP4()
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
$p4 = $site->getConnection();
$info = $p4->getInfo();
$this->assertTrue($p4 instanceof P4_Connection_Interface, 'Expected object class');
$this->assertTrue(is_array($info), 'Info should be an array');
// ensure site's p4 connection uses a temp client.
"/^" . P4_Client::TEMP_ID_PREFIX . "/",
* Test getUrl method.
public function testGetUrl()
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
try {
$url = Zend_Uri_Http::fromString($site->getConfig()->getUrl());
$this->assertTrue(true, "string url from getUrl should not fail");
} catch (Zend_Uri_Exception $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unexpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
$request = new P4Cms_Controller_Request_HttpTestCase($url);
$request->setServer('HTTP_HOST', $url->getHost());
$fetchedSite = P4Cms_Site::fetchByRequest($request);
$this->assertEquals($site->getId(), $fetchedSite->getId(), 'Expected fetched site');
* Try to get a site's current theme.
public function testThemeAccessors()
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
$config = $site->getConfig();
$theme = $config->getTheme();
$this->assertSame($theme, 'default', 'Expect default theme');
$config->theme = 'alternative';
$theme = $config->getTheme();
$this->assertSame($theme, 'alternative', 'Expect alternative theme');
$theme = $config->getTheme();
$this->assertSame($theme, 'default', 'Expect default theme again');
* Test site load.
public function testLoad()
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
// clear the active site.
try {
$active = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
$this->fail('Expect fetchActive() to fail');
} catch(P4Cms_Site_Exception $e) {
'There is no active (currently loaded) site.',
'Expect fetchActive() to fail when no site is active'
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unexpected error: '. $e->getMessage());
// run load and verify site is active.
$this->assertTrue(P4Cms_Site::hasActive(), 'Expect an active site post load');
P4Cms_Site::fetchActive() instanceof P4Cms_Site,
'Expect correct object type for active site'
* Test getting the acl object.
public function testGetAcl()
$site = $this->_getFirstTestSite();
// should create an acl instance automatically.
$acl = $site->getAcl();
$this->assertTrue($acl instanceof P4Cms_Acl);
// should contain default roles.
$roles = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll(null, $site->getStorageAdapter());
$this->assertSame(count($roles), count($acl->getRoles()));
// should be able to fetch a second time (this time from memory).
$acl2 = $site->getAcl();
$this->assertSame($acl, $acl2);
// should be able to save acl and have a new site fetch it from storage.
$acl->add(new P4Cms_Acl_Resource('test-resource'));
$site2 = new P4Cms_Site;
$acl3 = $site2->getAcl();
* Takes a site id (e.g. 'foo') and turns it into a qualified
* stream id (e.g. '//chronicle-foo/live') using the SITE_PREFIX
* and DEFAULT_BRANCH constants off the P4Cms_Site class.
* @param string|bool $id the id to qualify or false
* @return string|bool the qualified id or a flow through false
protected function _qualifySiteId($id)
// if false is passed in just return it.
if ($id === false) {
return false;
$prefix = '//' . P4Cms_Site::SITE_PREFIX;
$suffix = '/' . P4Cms_Site::DEFAULT_BRANCH;
return $prefix . $id . $suffix;
* Get the first test site model.
* @return P4Cms_Site the first test site.
protected function _getFirstTestSite()
return P4Cms_Site::fetch(key($this->utility->getTestSites()));
* Load specific site test data.
protected function _loadSiteData()
$this->_qualifySiteId('basic') => array(
'urls' => array(
$this->_qualifySiteId('other') => array(
'urls' => array(
$this->_qualifySiteId('subdir') => array(
'urls' => array(
$this->_qualifySiteId('secure') => array(
'urls' => array(