<? php /** * {{classname}} * PHP version 5 * * @category Class * @package {{invokerPackage}} * @author http://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache Licene v2 * @link https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen */ /** * Copyright 2015 SmartBear Software * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen * Do not edit the class manually. */ namespace {{ apiPackage }}; use \{ { invokerPackage }} \Configuration ; use \{ { invokerPackage }} \ApiClient ; use \{ { invokerPackage }} \ApiException ; use \{ { invokerPackage }} \ObjectSerializer ; /** * {{classname}} Class Doc Comment * * @category Class * @package {{invokerPackage}} * @author http://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache Licene v2 * @link https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen */ {{# operations }} class {{ classname }} { /** * API Client * @var \{{invokerPackage}}\ApiClient instance of the ApiClient */ protected $apiClient ; /** * Constructor * @param \{{invokerPackage}}\ApiClient|null $apiClient The api client to use */ function __construct ( $apiClient = null ) { if ( $apiClient == null ) { $apiClient = new ApiClient (); $apiClient -> getConfig ()-> setHost ( '{{basePath}}' ); } $this -> apiClient = $apiClient ; } /** * Get API client * @return \{{invokerPackage}}\ApiClient get the API client */ public function getApiClient () { return $this -> apiClient ; } /** * Set the API client * @param \{{invokerPackage}}\ApiClient $apiClient set the API client * @return {{classname}} */ public function setApiClient ( ApiClient $apiClient ) { $this -> apiClient = $apiClient ; return $this ; } {{# operation }} /** * {{{operationId}}} * * {{{summary}}} * {{#allParams}} * @param {{dataType}} ${{paramName}} {{description}} {{#required}}(required){{/required}}{{^required}}(optional){{/required}} {{/allParams}} * @return {{#returnType}}{{{returnType}}}{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}} * @throws \{{invokerPackage}}\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function {{ operationId }}({{# allParams }} $ {{ paramName }}{{^ required }} = null {{ /required}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/ hasMore }}{{/ allParams }}) { list ( $response , $statusCode , $httpHeader ) = $this ->{{ operationId }} WithHttpInfo ({{# allParams }} $ {{ paramName }}{{# hasMore }}, {{ /hasMore}}{{/ allParams }}); return $response ; } /** * {{{operationId}}}WithHttpInfo * * {{{summary}}} * {{#allParams}} * @param {{dataType}} ${{paramName}} {{description}} {{#required}}(required){{/required}}{{^required}}(optional){{/required}} {{/allParams}} * @return Array of {{#returnType}}{{{returnType}}}{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}null{{/returnType}}, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \{{invokerPackage}}\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function {{ operationId }} WithHttpInfo ({{# allParams }} $ {{ paramName }}{{^ required }} = null {{ /required}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/ hasMore }}{{/ allParams }}) { {{# allParams }}{{# required }} // verify the required parameter '{{paramName}}' is set if ( $ {{ paramName }} === null ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'Missing the required parameter ${{paramName}} when calling {{operationId}}' ); }{{ /required}}{{/ allParams }} // parse inputs $resourcePath = "{{path}}" ; $resourcePath = str_replace ( "{format}" , "json" , $resourcePath ); $method = "{{httpMethod}}" ; $httpBody = '' ; $queryParams = array (); $headerParams = array (); $formParams = array (); $_header_accept = ApiClient :: selectHeaderAccept ( array ({{# produces }} '{{mediaType}}' {{# hasMore }}, {{ /hasMore}}{{/ produces }})); if (! is_null ( $_header_accept )) { $headerParams [ 'Accept' ] = $_header_accept ; } $headerParams [ 'Content-Type' ] = ApiClient :: selectHeaderContentType ( array ({{# consumes }} '{{mediaType}}' {{# hasMore }},{{ /hasMore}}{{/ consumes }})); {{# queryParams }} // query params {{# collectionFormat }} if ( is_array ( $ {{ paramName }})) { for ( $idx = 0 ; $idx < count ( $ {{ paramName }}); ++ $idx ) { $queryParams [ "{{baseName}}$idx" ] = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toQueryValue ( $ {{ paramName }}[ $idx ]); } }{{/ collectionFormat }} {{^ collectionFormat }} if ( $ {{ paramName }} !== null ) { $queryParams [ '{{baseName}}' ] = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toQueryValue ( $ {{ paramName }}); }{{ /collectionFormat}}{{/ queryParams }} {{# headerParams }} // header params {{# collectionFormat }} if ( is_array ( $ {{ paramName }})) { $ {{ paramName }} = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> serializeCollection ( $ {{ paramName }}, '{{collectionFormat}}' ); } {{/ collectionFormat }} if ( $ {{ paramName }} !== null ) { $headerParams [ '{{baseName}}' ] = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toHeaderValue ( $ {{ paramName }}); }{{/ headerParams }} {{# pathParams }} // path params {{# collectionFormat }} if ( is_array ( $ {{ paramName }})) { $ {{ paramName }} = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> serializeCollection ( $ {{ paramName }}, '{{collectionFormat}}' ); } {{/ collectionFormat }} if ( $ {{ paramName }} !== null ) { $resourcePath = str_replace ( "{" . "{{baseName}}" . "}" , $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toPathValue ( $ {{ paramName }}), $resourcePath ); }{{/ pathParams }} {{# formParams }} // form params if ( $ {{ paramName }} !== null ) { {{# isFile }} // PHP 5.5 introduced a CurlFile object that deprecates the old @filename syntax // See: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/curl-file-upload if ( function_exists ( 'curl_file_create' )) { $formParams [ '{{baseName}}' ] = curl_file_create ( $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toFormValue ( $ {{ paramName }})); } else { $formParams [ '{{baseName}}' ] = '@' . $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toFormValue ( $ {{ paramName }}); } {{/ isFile }} {{^ isFile }} $formParams [ '{{baseName}}' ] = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> toFormValue ( $ {{ paramName }}); {{/ isFile }} }{{/ formParams }} {{# bodyParams }} // body params $_tempBody = null ; if ( isset ( $ {{ paramName }})) { $_tempBody = $ {{ paramName }}; }{{/ bodyParams }} // for model (json/xml) if ( isset ( $_tempBody )) { $httpBody = $_tempBody ; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif ( count ( $formParams ) > 0 ) { $httpBody = $formParams ; // for HTTP post (form) } {{# authMethods }}{{# isApiKey }} // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this -> apiClient -> getApiKeyWithPrefix ( '{{keyParamName}}' ); if ( strlen ( $apiKey ) !== 0 ) { {{# isKeyInHeader }} $headerParams [ '{{keyParamName}}' ] = $apiKey ;{{ /isKeyInHeader}}{{#isKeyInQuery}}$queryParams['{{keyParamName}}'] = $apiKey;{{/ isKeyInQuery }} }{{/ isApiKey }} {{# isBasic }} // this endpoint requires HTTP basic authentication if ( strlen ( $this -> apiClient -> getConfig ()-> getUsername ()) !== 0 or strlen ( $this -> apiClient -> getConfig ()-> getPassword ()) !== 0 ) { $headerParams [ 'Authorization' ] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode ( $this -> apiClient -> getConfig ()-> getUsername () . ":" . $this -> apiClient -> getConfig ()-> getPassword ()); }{{ /isBasic}}{{#isOAuth}}/ / this endpoint requires OAuth ( access token ) if ( strlen ( $this -> apiClient -> getConfig ()-> getAccessToken ()) !== 0 ) { $headerParams [ 'Authorization' ] = 'Bearer ' . $this -> apiClient -> getConfig ()-> getAccessToken (); }{{/ isOAuth }} {{/ authMethods }} // make the API Call try { list ( $response , $statusCode , $httpHeader ) = $this -> apiClient -> callApi ( $resourcePath , $method , $queryParams , $httpBody , $headerParams {{# returnType }}, '{{returnType}}' {{/ returnType }} ); {{# returnType }} if (! $response ) { return array ( null , $statusCode , $httpHeader ); } return array ( $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> deserialize ( $response , '{{returnType}}' , $httpHeader ), $statusCode , $httpHeader ); {{/ returnType }}{{^ returnType }} return array ( null , $statusCode , $httpHeader ); {{/ returnType }} } catch ( ApiException $e ) { switch ( $e -> getCode ()) { {{# responses }}{{# dataType }} {{^ isWildcard }} case {{ code }}:{{ /isWildcard}}{{#isWildcard}}default:{{/ isWildcard }} $data = $this -> apiClient -> getSerializer ()-> deserialize ( $e -> getResponseBody (), '{{dataType}}' , $e -> getResponseHeaders ()); $e -> setResponseObject ( $data ); break ;{{ /dataType}}{{/ responses }} } throw $e ; } } {{/ operation }} } {{/ operations }}
Change, client, command tests for PHP Client SDK.
Changed how array-like query paramete ... rs were passed to the server to be consistent with other SDKs. «
9 years ago