set -u
# Declarations and Environment
declare ThisScript=${0##*/}
declare Version=1.0.7
declare ThisUser=
declare SDPInstallRoot="/p4"
declare SDPCommon="$SDPInstallRoot/common"
declare SDPPackageRoot="$SDPInstallRoot/sdp"
declare -i Debug=0
declare -i ErrorCount=0
declare OutputFile=
# Local Function
function msg () { echo -e "$*"; }
function dbg () { [[ "$Debug" -eq 0 ]] || msg "DEBUG: $*"; }
function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; ErrorCount+=1; }
function bail () { errmsg "${1:-Unknown Error}"; exit "${2:-1}"; }
function usage () {
local style=${1:--h}
local usageErrorMsg=${2:-}
[[ -n "$usageErrorMsg" ]] && msg "\\n\\nUsage Error: $usageErrorMsg\\n\\n"
msg "USAGE for $ThisScript v$Version:
$ThisScript [-d|-D]
$ThisScript [-h|-man]
if [[ $style == -man ]]; then
msg "
This script, pre-sdp_upgrade.sh, symlink'd as pre-upgrade.sh, does
does HMS preflight checks for SDP and Helix Core upgrades.
The SDP scripts sdp_upgrade.sh (that upgrades the SDP) and upgrade.sh
(that upgrades Helix Core) both have a built-in mechanism to call
site-local preflight checks in addition to the standard SDP preflight
checks. The mechansim based simply on the existence of a file (or
symlink). If /p4/common/site/upgrade/pre-sdp_upgrade.sh exists, it
will be called by sdp_upgrade.sh as additional preflight checks. If
/p4/common/site/pre-upgrade.sh exists, it will be called by upgrade.sh
as additional preflight checks.
In an HMS managed environment, the additional preflight checks are done
to ensure that we are \"Tight Ship\" compliant prior to starting
upgrades across a set of Helix Core servers.
The pre-sdp_ugprade.sh (or pre-upgrade.sh if called as a symlink) are
primarily intended to be called by the other scripts, but can also be
called directly for manual flight checks.
This script does does only reporting. It does not change any data.
If the preflight is determined to have failed, the corresponding SDP
or Helix Core upgrade will abort before attempting the upgrade.
Manual changes are generally needed to get back into Tight Ship
condition on the current machine before proceeding.
-d Specify '-d' to enable debug mode, for more verbose output.
-D Speicfy '-D' to include '-d' and use bash 'set -x' extreme debugging mode.
-h Display short help message
-man Display man-style help message
Example 1: Typical usage with no options:
Example 2: Verbose usage:
$ThisScript -d
For info on sdp_upgrade.sh, run: sdp_ugprade.sh -man
For info on upgrade.sh, run: ugprade.sh -man
exit 2
# Command Line Processing
declare -i shiftArgs=0
set +u
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
(-h) usage -h;;
(-man) usage -man;;
(-d) Debug=1;;
(-D) Debug=1; set -x;; # Use bash 'set -x' extreme debugging mode.
(-*) dbg "$ThisScript: Ignoring unhandled option ($1).";;
(*) dbg "$ThisScript: Ignoring unhandled parameter ($1).";;
# Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times.
shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments."
set -u
# Command Line Verification
# Main Program
ThisUser=$(id -n -u)
msg "Started $ThisScript as $ThisUser@${HOSTNAME%%.*} on $(date)."
cd "$SDPCommon" || bail "Could not cd to $SDPCommon."
export P4CONFIG=/p4/.p4config.SDP
msg "Checking status of key SDP versioned directories."
for d in "$SDPCommon"/* "$SDPPackageRoot"/helix_binaries; do
if [[ -d "$d" ]]; then
[[ "$d" =~ /sample_depot/$|/test$ ]] && continue
cd "$d" || bail "Could not cd to $d"
msg "Operating in: $PWD"
p4 opened ... > "$OutputFile" 2>&1
if grep -q 'not opened on this client' "$OutputFile"; then
dbg "Verified: Directory $d/... has no checked out files."
errmsg "The $d directory may have opened files. A 'p4 opened ...' in this directory reported:"
cat "$OutputFile"
msg "Doing: p4 -s flush $PWD/..."
p4 -s flush $PWD/... > "$OutputFile" 2>&1
cat "$OutputFile"
p4 status > "$OutputFile" 2>&1
if grep -q 'to reconcile' "$OutputFile"; then
dbg "Verified: Directory $d/... is versioned and clean."
errmsg "The $d directory is dirty. A 'p4 status' reported:"
cat "$OutputFile"
msg "Checking status of SDP Version file: $SDPPackageRoot/Version"
p4 opened "$SDPPackageRoot/Version" > "$OutputFile" 2>&1
if grep -q 'not opened on this client' "$OutputFile"; then
dbg "Verified: The $SDPPackageRoot/Version file is not chedcked out."
errmsg "The $SDPPackageRoot/Version file may be checked out. A 'p4 opened $SDPPackageRoot/Version' reported:"
cat "$OutputFile"
p4 status "$SDPPackageRoot/Version" > "$OutputFile" 2>&1
if grep -q 'to reconcile' "$OutputFile"; then
dbg "$SDPPackageRoot/Version is clean."
errmsg "The $SDPPackageRoot/Version file is dirty. A 'p4 status' reported:"
cat "$OutputFile"
rm -f "$OutputFile"
if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then
msg "\\nVerified: Key SDP folders and and the Version file are clean, versioned, and free of cruft."
errmsg "Could not verify that key SDP folders are clean, versioned, and free of cruft."
exit "$ErrorCount"