* Copyright 1997 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Diff code written by James Strickland, May 1997.
* Diffsp.h - diff's sequence object
* The Sequence class implements the abstraction of a file as a sequence
* of elements. It's job is to count elements (lines) and compare them.
* To do comparisons quickly, Sequence builds in memory a list of hashes
* and offsets for each line. ProbablyEqual() compares this hash, which
* may return false positives. Equal() must do the full check, actually
* looking at file contents.
* Sequence uses Sequencer, an abstract base class, for actual hashing
* and comparing: there are different Sequencer implementations for
* regular text files, files broken apart at whitespace, and files where
* whitespace is ignored. Which is selected by the flag to sequence.
* Sequence relies on ReadFile's ability to handle text files of different
* line endings, and thus takes a LineType flag for CopyLines() and Dump().
* Classes defined:
* Sequence - a file as an abstract sequence of elements
* Public methods:
* Sequence::Sequence() - open file and hash lines
* Sequence::~Sequence() - close file
* Sequence::Lines() - return # of lines read
* Sequence::SeekLink() - position ReadFile at given line
* Sequence::CopyLines() - copy given lines into buffer
* Sequence::Dump() - copy given lines into FILE
* Sequence::Length() - return raw length of lines
* Sequence::Equal() - return whether lines are identical
* Sequence::ProbablyEqual() - return false if lines are not identical
* Private classed:
* Sequencer - abstract base utility class for parsing file
* VarInfo - single line's hash and offset
* Private methods:
* Sequence::GrowLineBuf() - grow hash/offset list table
* Sequence::StoreLine() - add hash/offset to list
* Sequencer::Load() - build list of hashed lines
* Sequencer::Equal() - compare two lines
# ifdef Length // Ugh - MS headers
# undef Length
# endif
class Sequence;
class DiffFlags;
typedef offL_t LineLen;
typedef signed int LineNo; // no 16 bit machines please
typedef unsigned int HashVal;
typedef unsigned long UChar;
* VarInfo - single line's hash and offset
struct VarInfo {
HashVal hash;
offL_t offset;
* Sequencer - abstract base utility class for parsing file
class Sequencer {
virtual int Equal( LineNo lA, Sequence *B, LineNo lB ) = 0;
virtual void Load( Error *e ) = 0;
Sequence *A;
ReadFile *src;
* Sequence - a file as an abstract sequence of elements
class Sequence {
Sequence( FileSys *f, const DiffFlags &fl, Error *e );
LineNo Lines() const { return lineCount; }
void SeekLine( LineNo l ) { readfile->Seek( Off( l ) ); }
int CopyLines( LineNo &l, LineNo m,
char *buf, int length, LineType t );
bool Dump( FILE *out, LineNo l, LineNo m, LineType t );
LineLen Length( LineNo l ) const
{ return Off(l+1) - Off(l); }
LineLen Length( LineNo l, LineNo m ) const
{ return Off( m ) - Off( l ); }
LineLen LengthLeft( LineNo l )
{ return Off(l+1) - readfile->Tell(); }
int Equal( LineNo lA, Sequence *B, LineNo lB ) {
return ProbablyEqual( lA, B, lB ) &&
sequencer->Equal( lA, B, lB );
int ProbablyEqual( LineNo lA, Sequence *B, LineNo lB ) {
return Hash( lA ) == B->Hash( lB );
void StoreLine( HashVal HashValue, Error *e );
HashVal Hash( LineNo l ) const { return line[l].hash; }
offL_t Off( LineNo l ) const { return line[l].offset; }
/* Variable length list of lines */
void GrowLineBuf( Error *e );
VarInfo *line;
LineNo lineCount;
LineNo lineMax;
int reallocCount;
/* Actual underlying file reader */
Sequencer *sequencer;
ReadFile *readfile;