* Copyright 1995, 2001 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* CharMan - Character manipulation support for i18n environments
# include <ctype.h>
# define isAhighchar(x) ( (0x80 & *(x)) != 0 )
# define isAcntrl(x) ( ! isAhighchar(x) && iscntrl(*(x)) )
# define isAdigit(x) ( ! isAhighchar(x) && isdigit(*(x)) )
# define isAprint(x) ( isAhighchar(x) || isprint(*(x)) )
# define isAspace(x) ( ! isAhighchar(x) && isspace(*(x)) )
# define isAalnum(x) ( isAhighchar(x) || isalnum(*(x)) )
# define toAupper(x) ( isAhighchar(x) ? *(x) : toupper(*(x)) )
# define toAlower(x) ( isAhighchar(x) ? *(x) : tolower(*(x)) )
* tolowerq -- quick version for NT that doesn't use SLOW locale stuff
* toupperq -- quick version for NT that doesn't use SLOW locale stuff
# define tolowerq(x) ((x)>='A'&&(x)<='Z'?(x)-'A'+'a':(x))
# define toupperq(x) ((x)>='a'&&(x)<='z'?(x)-'a'+'A':(x))
class CharStep {
CharStep( char * p ) : ptr(p) {}
virtual char *Next();
char *Next( int );
char *Ptr() const { return ptr; }
int CountChars( char *e );
static CharStep * Create ( char * p, int charset = 0 );
char * ptr;
class CharStepUTF8 : public CharStep {
CharStepUTF8( char * p ) : CharStep( p ) {}
char *Next();
class CharStepShiftJis : public CharStep {
CharStepShiftJis( char * p ) : CharStep( p ) {}
char *Next();
class CharStepEUCJP : public CharStep {
CharStepEUCJP( char * p ) : CharStep( p ) {}
char *Next();
class CharStepCP949 : public CharStep {
CharStepCP949( char * p ) : CharStep( p ) {}
char *Next();
class CharStepCN : public CharStep {
CharStepCN( char * p ) : CharStep( p ) {}
char *Next();
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
15902 |
Matt Attaway |
A second renaming that I will not obliterate as a badge of shame |
//guest/perforce_software/p4/2014_1/i18n/charman.h |
15901 |
Matt Attaway |
Clean up code to fit modern Workshop naming standards |
//guest/perforce_software/p4/2014.1/i18n/charman.h |
12188 |
Matt Attaway |
Move 'main' p4 into a release specific directory in prep for new releases |
//guest/perforce_software/p4/i18n/charman.h |
9129 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial commit of the 2014.1 p4/p4api source code |