* Copyright 1995, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* msgspec.cc - definitions of errors for info subsystem.
* Note:
* Never re-use an error code value, these may have already been
* translated, so using it for a different error is not OK.
* ErrorIds which are no longer used should be moved to the bottom
* of the list, with a trailing comment like this: // DEPRECATED.
* We keep these to maintain compatibility between newer api clients
* and older servers which send old ErrorIds.
* Its okay to add a message in the middle of the file.
* When adding a new error make sure its greater than the current high
* value and update the following number:
* Current high value for a MsgSpec error code is: 15
# include <error.h>
# include <errornum.h>
# include "msgspec.h"
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecBranch = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 1, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Branch Specification.\n"
"# Branch: The branch name.\n"
"# Update: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Access: The date of the last 'integrate' using this branch.\n"
"# Owner: The user who created this branch.\n"
"# Description: A short description of the branch (optional).\n"
"# Options: Branch update options: [un]locked.\n"
"# View: Lines to map source depot files to target depot files.\n"
"# Use 'p4 help branch' to see more about branch views.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecClient = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 2, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Client Specification.\n"
"# Client: The client name.\n"
"# Update: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Access: The date this client was last used in any way.\n"
"# Owner: The Perforce user name of the user who owns the client\n"
"# workspace. The default is the user who created the\n"
"# client workspace.\n"
"# Host: If set, restricts access to the named host.\n"
"# Description: A short description of the client (optional).\n"
"# Root: The base directory of the client workspace.\n"
"# AltRoots: Up to two alternate client workspace roots.\n"
"# Options: Client options:\n"
"# [no]allwrite [no]clobber [no]compress\n"
"# [un]locked [no]modtime [no]rmdir\n"
"# SubmitOptions:\n"
"# submitunchanged/submitunchanged+reopen\n"
"# revertunchanged/revertunchanged+reopen\n"
"# leaveunchanged/leaveunchanged+reopen\n"
"# LineEnd: Text file line endings on client: local/unix/mac/win/share.\n"
"# ServerID: If set, restricts access to the named server.\n"
"# View: Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.\n"
"# Stream: The stream to which this client's view will be dedicated.\n"
"# (Files in stream paths can be submitted only by dedicated\n"
"# stream clients.) When this optional field is set, the\n"
"# View field will be automatically replaced by a stream\n"
"# view as the client spec is saved.\n"
"# StreamAtChange: A changelist number that sets a back-in-time view of a\n"
"# stream ( Stream field is required ).\n"
"# Changes cannot be submitted when this field is set.\n"
"# Use 'p4 help client' to see more about client views and options.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecStream = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 14, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Stream Specification.\n"
"# Stream: The stream field is unique and specifies the depot path.\n"
"# Update: The date the specification was last changed.\n"
"# Access: The date the specification was originally created.\n"
"# Owner: The user who created this stream.\n"
"# Name: A short title which may be updated.\n"
"# Parent: The parent of this stream, or 'none' if Type is mainline.\n"
"# Type: Type of stream provides clues for commands run\n"
"# between stream and parent. Five types include 'mainline',\n"
"# 'release', 'development' (default), 'virtual' and 'task'.\n"
"# Description: A short description of the stream (optional).\n"
"# Options: Stream Options:\n"
"# allsubmit/ownersubmit [un]locked\n"
"# [no]toparent [no]fromparent\n"
"# Paths: Identify paths in the stream and how they are to be\n"
"# generated in resulting clients of this stream.\n"
"# Path types are share/isolate/import/exclude.\n"
"# Remapped: Remap a stream path in the resulting client view.\n"
"# Ignored: Ignore a stream path in the resulting client view.\n"
"# Use 'p4 help stream' to see more about stream specifications and command.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecLabel = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 3, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Label Specification.\n"
"# Label: The label name.\n"
"# Update: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' on this label.\n"
"# Owner: The user who created this label.\n"
"# Description: A short description of the label (optional).\n"
"# Options: Label update options: [un]locked, [no]autoreload.\n"
"# Revision: Optional revision specification to make an automatic label.\n"
"# ServerID: If set, restricts access to the named server.\n"
"# View: Lines to select depot files for the label.\n"
"# Use 'p4 help label' to see more about label views.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecLicense = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 13, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce License Specification.\n"
"# License: The license key.\n"
"# License-Expires: Date at which the license expires.\n"
"# Support-Expires: Date at which support expires.\n"
"# Customer: Customer to whom this license is granted.\n"
"# Application: Application that can use this license.\n"
"# IPAddress: IP/Port address for license.\n"
"# Platform: Platform.\n"
"# Clients: Number of supported clients.\n"
"# Users: Number of supported users.\n"
"# Use 'p4 help license' to see more about license specification.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecChange = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 4, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Change Specification.\n"
"# Change: The change number. 'new' on a new changelist.\n"
"# Date: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Client: The client on which the changelist was created. Read-only.\n"
"# User: The user who created the changelist.\n"
"# Status: Either 'pending' or 'submitted'. Read-only.\n"
"# Type: Either 'public' or 'restricted'. Default is 'public'.\n"
"# Description: Comments about the changelist. Required.\n"
"# Jobs: What opened jobs are to be closed by this changelist.\n"
"# You may delete jobs from this list. (New changelists only.)\n"
"# Files: What opened files from the default changelist are to be added\n"
"# to this changelist. You may delete files from this list.\n"
"# (New changelists only.)\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecDepot = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 5, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Depot Specification.\n"
"# Depot: The name of the depot.\n"
"# Owner: The user who created this depot.\n"
"# Date: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Description: A short description of the depot (optional).\n"
"# Type: Whether the depot is 'local', 'remote', 'spec', 'archive',\n"
"# 'stream', or 'unload'. Default is 'local'.\n"
"# Address: Connection address (remote depots only).\n"
"# Suffix: Suffix for all saved specs (spec depot only).\n"
"# Map: Path translation information (must have ... in it).\n"
"# SpecMap: For spec depot, which specs should be recorded (optional).\n"
"# Use 'p4 help depot' to see more about depot forms.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecGroup = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 6, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Group Specification.\n"
"# Group: The name of the group.\n"
"# MaxResults: Limits the rows (unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') any one\n"
"# operation can return to the client.\n"
"# See 'p4 help maxresults'.\n"
"# MaxScanRows: Limits the rows (unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') any one\n"
"# operation can scan from any one database table.\n"
"# See 'p4 help maxresults'.\n"
"# MaxLockTime: Limits the time (in milliseconds, unless 'unlimited' or\n"
"# 'unset') any one operation can lock any database table when\n"
"# scanning data. See 'p4 help maxresults'.\n"
"# Timeout: A time (in seconds, unless 'unlimited' or 'unset')\n"
"# which determines how long a 'p4 login'\n"
"# session ticket remains valid (default is 12 hours).\n"
"# PasswordTimeout:\n"
"# A time (in seconds, unless 'unlimited' or 'unset')\n"
"# which determines how long a 'p4 password'\n"
"# password remains valid (default is unset).\n"
"# Subgroups: Other groups automatically included in this group.\n"
"# Owners: Users allowed to change this group without requiring super\n"
"# access permission.\n"
"# Users: The users in the group. One per line.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecProtect = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 7, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# Perforce Protections Specification.\n"
"# Each line contains a protection mode, a group/user indicator, the\n"
"# group/user name, client host id and a depot file path pattern.\n"
"# A user gets the highest privilege granted on any line.\n"
"# Mode: The permission level or right being granted or denied. Each\n"
"# permission level includes all the permissions above it,\n"
"# except for 'review'. Each permission right only includes\n"
"# the specific right and not all the lesser rights. Modes\n"
"# preceded by '=' are rights; all other modes are levels.\n"
"# list - users can see names but not contents of files;\n"
"# users can see all non-file related metadata\n"
"# (clients, users, changelists, jobs, etc.)\n"
"# read - users can sync, diff, and print files\n"
"# open - users can add, edit, delete, and integrate files\n"
"# write - users can submit open files\n"
"# admin - permits those administrative commands and command\n"
"# options that don't affect the server's security\n"
"# super - allows access to the 'p4 protect' command\n"
"# review - allows access to the 'p4 review' command; implies\n"
"# read access\n"
"# =read - if this right is denied, users cannot sync, diff,\n"
"# or print files\n"
"# =branch - if this right is denied, users are not permitted\n"
"# to use files as a source for 'p4 integrate'\n"
"# =open - if this right is denied, users cannot open files\n"
"# (add, edit, delete, integrate)\n"
"# =write - if this right is denied, users cannot submit open\n"
"# files\n"
"# Group/User indicator: either 'group' or 'user'.\n"
"# Name: A Perforce group or user name; may be wildcarded.\n"
"# Host: The IP address of a client host; may be wildcarded, or\n"
"# may instead use CIDR syntax, e.g. would match\n"
"# all IPv4 addresses which start with 172.16.\n"
"# Path: The part of the depot being granted access.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecServer = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 15, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Server Specification.\n"
"# ServerID: The server identifier.\n"
"# Type: The server type: server/broker/proxy.\n"
"# Name: The P4NAME used by this server (optional).\n"
"# Address: The P4PORT used by this server (optional).\n"
"# Description: A short description of the server (optional).\n"
"# Services: Services provided by this server, one of:\n"
"# standard: standard Perforce server\n"
"# replica: read-only replica server\n"
"# broker: p4broker process\n"
"# proxy: p4p caching proxy\n"
"# commit-server: central server in distributed installation\n"
"# edge-server: node in distributed installation\n"
"# forwarding-replica: replica which forwards update commands\n"
"# build-server: replica which supports build farm integration\n"
"# P4AUTH: server which provides central authentication\n"
"# P4CHANGE: server which provides central change numbers\n"
"# ClientDataFilter:\n"
"# For a replica server, this optional field can contain one\n"
"# or more patterns describing how active client data is to\n"
"# be filtered. Active client data includes have lists,\n"
"# working records, and pending resolves.\n"
"# RevisionDataFilter:\n"
"# For a replica server, this optional field can contain one\n"
"# or more patterns describing how submitted revision data is\n"
"# to be filtered. Submitted revision data includes revision\n"
"# records, integration records, label contents, and the files\n"
"# listed in submitted changelists.\n"
"# ArchiveDataFilter:\n"
"# For a replica server, this optional field can contain one\n"
"# or more patterns describing the policy for automatically\n"
"# scheduling the replication of file content. If this field\n"
"# is present, only those files described by the pattern are\n"
"# automatically transferred to the replica; other files will\n"
"# not be transferred until they are referenced by a replica\n"
"# command which needs the file content.\n"
"# Use 'p4 help server' to see more about server ids and services.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecTrigger = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 8, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# Perforce Submit and Form Validating Trigger Specifications.\n"
"# Triggers: a list of triggers; one per line. Each trigger line must be\n"
"# indented with spaces or tabs in the form. Each line has four\n"
"# elements:\n"
"# Name: The name of the trigger.\n"
"# Type: 'archive' external archive access triggers\n"
"# 'auth-check' check authentication trigger\n"
"# 'auth-check-sso' sso check authentication trigger\n"
"# 'auth-set' set authentication trigger\n"
"# 'change-submit' pre-submit triggers\n"
"# 'change-content' modify content submit triggers\n"
"# 'change-commit' post-submit triggers\n"
"# 'change-failed' submit failure fires these triggers\n"
"# 'command' pre/post user command triggers\n"
"# 'edge-submit' Edge Server pre-submit\n"
"# 'edge-content' Edge Server content submit\n"
"# 'fix-add' pre-add fix triggers\n"
"# 'fix-delete' pre-delete fix triggers\n"
"# 'form-in' modify form in triggers\n"
"# 'form-out' modify form out triggers\n"
"# 'form-save' pre-save form triggers\n"
"# 'form-commit' post-save form triggers\n"
"# 'form-delete' pre-delete form triggers\n"
"# 'service-check' check auth trigger (service users)\n"
"# 'shelve-submit' pre-shelve triggers\n"
"# 'shelve-commit' post-shelve triggers\n"
"# 'shelve-delete' pre-delete shelve triggers\n"
"# Path: For change-*, edge-*, or shelve-*triggers, a pattern\n"
"# to match files in the changelist.\n"
"# For form-* triggers, the type of form: e.g. 'branch'\n"
"# 'client', etc.\n"
"# For fix-* triggers use 'fix'.\n"
"# For auth-* triggers use 'auth'.\n"
"# For archive triggers, a file pattern to match the\n"
"# file name being accessed.\n"
"# For command triggers, the client command to match.\n"
"# Must be in the form \"(pre|post)-user-$command\",\n"
"# e.g. \"pre-user-tag\". The command name is a regular\n"
"# expression. See \"p4 help grep\" for details on\n"
"# syntax.\n"
"# Command: The OS command to run for validation. If the\n"
"# command contains spaces, the whole command must\n"
"# be quoted. See 'p4 help triggers' for a list of\n"
"# variables that can be expanded in the command\n"
"# string.\n"
"# For example,\n"
"# Triggers:\n"
"# cscheck change-submit //depot/... \"cmd %%changelist%%\"\n"
"# no-oblits command pre-user-obliterate fail\n"
"# mkspec form-out client \"%%quote%%//trig/scr.pl%%quote%%\"\n"
"# See 'p4 help triggers' for more information about triggers.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecTypeMap = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 9, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# Perforce File Type Mapping Specifications.\n"
"# TypeMap: a list of filetype mappings; one per line.\n"
"# Each line has two elements:\n"
"# Filetype: The filetype to use on 'p4 add'.\n"
"# Path: File pattern which will use this filetype.\n"
"# See 'p4 help typemap' for more information.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecUser = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 10, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce User Specification.\n"
"# User: The user's user name.\n"
"# Type: Either 'service', 'operator', or 'standard'.\n"
"# Default: 'standard'. Read only.\n"
"# Email: The user's email address; for email review.\n"
"# Update: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Access: The date this user was last active. Read only.\n"
"# FullName: The user's real name.\n"
"# JobView: Selects jobs for inclusion during changelist creation.\n"
"# Password: If set, user must have matching $P4PASSWD on client.\n"
"# Reviews: Listing of depot files to be reviewed by user.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecJob = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 11, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Job Specification.\n"
"# Job: The job name. 'new' generates a sequenced job number.\n"
"# Status: Either 'open', 'closed', or 'suspended'. Can be changed.\n"
"# User: The user who created the job. Can be changed.\n"
"# Date: The date this specification was last modified.\n"
"# Description: Comments about the job. Required.\n" };
ErrorId MsgSpec::SpecEditSpec = { ErrorOf( ES_SPEC, 12, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 0 ),
"# A Perforce Spec Specification.\n"
"# Updating this form can be dangerous!\n"
"# To update the job spec, see 'p4 help jobspec' for proper directions.\n"
"# Otherwise, see 'p4 help spec'.\n" };
// ErrorId graveyard: retired/deprecated ErrorIds.