* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Rpc.h - remote procedure service
* Classes Defined:
* Rpc - an actual Rpc association
* RpcService - a send/receive remote procedure service endpoint
* Public Methods:
* RpcService::RpcService() - provide IPC address for Connect
* RpcService::Dispatcher() - add functions to call on received RPC
* RpcService::Listen() - convert RpcService from client to server
* RpcService::ListenCheck() - see if we can listen on the given address
* RpcService::CheaterCheck() - check if supplied port is the licensed one
* RpcService::Unlisten() - cancel Listen() (still a server, tho)
* RpcService::SetProtocol() - set a protocol capability
* RpcService::IsSingle() - is this protocol single threading?
* RpcService::SetBreak() - keepalive callback for user interrupt.
* RpcService::GetHost() - manipulate a peer address for MITM crypto
* Rpc::Connect() - create an RPC to/from the named peer
* Rpc::Disconnect() - tear down RPC
* Rpc::GetAddress() - return address of this endpoint
* Rpc::GetPeerAddress() - return address of the peer
* Rpc::MakeVar() - return StrBuf for variable contents
* Rpc::SetVar() - allocate variable and set contents
* Rpc::SetVarV() - set variable using var=value syntax
* Rpc::SetArgv() - copy char **argv into as variable settings
* Rpc::Invoke() - send buffer full of variables to peer
* Rpc::Release() - wrapper to call Invoke() with 'release' op
* Rpc::Dispatch() - dispatch uncoming RPC's until 'release' received
* Rpc::GetVar() - get a variable from receive buffer
* Rpc::CopyVars() - copy all variables from receive to send buffer
* Rpc::InvokeDuplex() - Invoke(), but poll for same data sent back
* Rpc::InvokeDuplexRev() - Invoke(), but poll for lots of data sent back
* Rpc::FlushDuplex() - flush responses to all Invoke() calls
* Rpc::Dropped() - connection is no longer serviceable
* Rpc::IoError() - pointer to error struct describing dropped connection
* Rpc::StartCompression() -- initiate full link compression
* Methods for rpcservice routines:
* Rpc::GotFlushed() - note receipt of "flush" sent by InvokeDuplex()
* Rpc::GotReleased() - note receipt of "release" sent by Release()
* Rpc::GotRecvCompress() -- turn on recv half compression
* Rpc::GotSendCompress() -- turn on send half compression
* Public structures:
* RpcDispatch - a procedure name/function call mapping
# ifdef OS_NT
// On Windows, one of the OpenSSL includes in rpc.cc brings in a
// system header that includes its own <rpc.h>, so we need to
// guard against that here.
# pragma once
# endif
class Rpc;
class RpcRecvBuffer;
class RpcSendBuffer;
class RpcTransport;
class RpcDispatcher;
class NetEndPoint;
class KeepAlive;
class RpcService;
class RpcForward;
class Timer;
typedef void (*RpcCallback)( Rpc *, Error * );
struct RpcDispatch {
const char *opName;
RpcCallback function;
} ;
* NOTE: If you add a new RPC type to this list update the
* matching string array (const char *RpcTypeNames[]) in rpc.cc
enum RpcType {
extern "C" const char *RpcTypeNames[];
* These are defined here as well as in "net/netsupport.h"
* so that rpc clients don't need to include the net dir,
* but they need to be in net to avoid a circular dependency.
* The two sets of definitions must remain in sync!
* See "net/netsupport.h" for more details.
# define RAF_NAME 0x01 // get symbolic name
# define RAF_PORT 0x02 // append port number
struct RpcTrack {
int trackable;
int sendCount;
P4INT64 sendBytes;
int recvCount;
P4INT64 recvBytes;
int rpc_hi_mark_fwd;
int rpc_hi_mark_rev;
int sendTime;
int recvTime;
} ;
class RpcService {
void SetEndpoint( const char *addr, Error *e );
void Dispatcher( const RpcDispatch *dispatch );
void SetProtocol( const char *var, const StrRef &val );
void SetProtocolV( const char *arg );
void Listen( Error *e );
void ListenCheck( Error *e );
int CheaterCheck( const char *port );
void Unlisten();
int IsSingle();
void GetHost( StrPtr *peerAddr, StrBuf & hostBuf, Error *e );
virtual void GetMyFingerprint(StrBuf &value);
void GetExpiration( StrBuf &buf );
// Set Protocol varieties
void SetProtocol( const char *var )
{ SetProtocol( var, StrRef::Null() ); }
void SetProtocol( const char *var, const char *val )
{ SetProtocol( var, StrRef( val ) ); }
void SetProtocol( const char *var, int val )
{ SetProtocol( var, StrNum( val ) ); }
friend class Rpc; // needs the following privates
#ifdef USE_ZK
friend class RpcZksClient; // needs access to endpoint
#endif /* USE_ZK */
RPC_OPEN_TYPE openFlag; // inbound or outbound
RpcDispatcher *dispatcher; // incoming function dispatch
NetEndPoint *endPoint; // transport's endpoint
RpcSendBuffer *protoSendBuffer; // proto/values to send
} ;
class Rpc : public StrDict {
Rpc( RpcService *s );
virtual ~Rpc();
void Unlisten() { service->Unlisten(); }
int IsSingle() { return service->IsSingle(); }
void Connect( Error *e );
void Disconnect();
void DoHandshake( Error *e );
void CheckKnownHost( Error *e, const StrRef & trustfile );
void ClientMismatch( Error *e );
void GetEncryptionType( StrBuf &value );
void GetPeerFingerprint(StrBuf &value);
void GetExpiration(StrBuf &value);
StrPtr * GetAddress( int raf_flags );
StrPtr * GetPeerAddress( int raf_flags = 0 );
int GetPortNum();
bool IsSockIPv6();
KeepAlive *GetKeepAlive();
void SetBreak( KeepAlive *breakCallback );
void SetProtocolDynamic( const char *var, const StrRef &val );
void ClearProtocolDynamic( const char *var );
// Invoke/Dispatch
virtual void Invoke( const char *opName );
void InvokeDuplex( const char *opName );
void InvokeDuplexRev( const char *opName );
void InvokeOver( const char *opName );
void FlushDuplex();
void Release();
void ReleaseFinal();
enum DispatchFlag { DfComplete, DfDuplex, DfFlush, DfOver };
void Dispatch( DispatchFlag f, RpcDispatcher *d );
void Dispatch() {
Dispatch( DfComplete, service->dispatcher );
void DispatchFlush() {
Dispatch( DfFlush, service->dispatcher );
// Variable setting/getting
// The V* are virtuals of StrDict
StrBuf * MakeVar( const char *var );
void VSetVar( const StrPtr &var, const StrPtr &val );
StrPtr * VGetVar( const StrPtr &var );
int VGetVarX( int x, StrRef &var, StrRef &val );
void VClear();
void VRemoveVar( const StrPtr &var );
virtual int GetArgc();
virtual StrPtr *GetArgv();
StrPtr * GetArgi( int i, Error *e );
StrPtr * GetArgi( int i );
void CopyVars();
// fake out message being sent as being just received
void Loopback( Error * );
// Connection is still alive in spite of send errors if we are
// expecting acks from earlier sends (i.e. duplexing).
int Dropped() {
return re.Test() || !duplexFrecv && se.Test();
Error * IoError() { return se.Test() ? &se : &re; }
bool ReadErrors() { return re.Test(); }
int SendErrors() { return se.Test(); }
void StartCompression( Error *e );
void SetHiMark( int sndbuf, int rcvbuf );
int protocolServer; // 'server'/'server2' protocol
// Not really public, but needed by the rpcservice.cc routines.
void GotFlushed();
void GotReleased() { endDispatch = 1; }
void GotSendCompressed( Error *e );
void GotRecvCompressed( Error *e );
int InvokeOne( const char *opName );
void FlushTransport();
int GetRecvBuffering() ;
// for proxying
void SetForwarder( RpcForward *f ) { forward = f; }
RpcForward * GetForwarder() { return forward; }
void DispatchOne( RpcDispatcher *dispatcher );
void DispatchOne() { DispatchOne( service->dispatcher ); }
int DispatchDepth() { return dispatchDepth; }
int recvBuffering; // For flush1 handling in rpcfwd,pxclient
// for performance tracking
void TrackStart();
int Trackable( int level );
void TrackReport( int level, StrBuf &out );
void GetTrack( int level, RpcTrack *track );
void ForceGetTrack( RpcTrack *track );
virtual RpcType GetRpcType() { return RPC_UNKNOWN; };
RpcService *service;
RpcTransport *transport; // send/receive transport
RpcForward *forward; // for proxying
RpcSendBuffer *sendBuffer; // var/values to send
RpcRecvBuffer *recvBuffer; // var/values received
StrDict *protoDynamic;
int duplexFsend; // bytes InvokeDuplex sent
int duplexFrecv; // and data received back...
int duplexRsend; // bytes InvokeDuplexRev sent
int duplexRrecv; // and data received back...
int dispatchDepth; // count nested calls
int endDispatch; // cause Dispatch() to return
int protocolSent; // protoSendBuffer sent
Error se; // send errors
Error re; // recv errors
Error ue; // dispatch errors
int rpc_lo_mark;
int rpc_hi_mark_fwd; // InvokeDuplex()
int rpc_hi_mark_rev; // InvokeDuplexRev()
int sendCount; // performance tracking
P4INT64 sendBytes;
int recvCount;
P4INT64 recvBytes;
int sendTime;
int recvTime;
Timer *timer;
} ;
enum RpcUtilityType {
Generate_Uninitialized = 0,
class RpcUtility
void Generate(RpcUtilityType type, Error *e );