* Copyright 2002 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* Errormsh.cc - Error::Marshall/UnMarshall
# include <stdhdrs.h>
# include <strbuf.h>
# include <strdict.h>
# include <strtable.h>
# include <strops.h>
# include <error.h>
# include <errorpvt.h>
# include <p4tags.h>
* Error::Marshall0() - pack an Error into a StrBuf
* Error::UnMarshall0() - unpack an Error from a StrBuf
* Marshall0() is used for 2001.2 and earlier clients, but uses a simplified
* version of the format: 2002.1 and later servers pre-format the message,
* removing the argument count from the code and escaping any %'s in the
* resulting message. That's because 2002.1 had much richer message format
* support.
* The layout of a marshalled Error is as follows. All numbers are
* represented as null-terminated ASCII strings:
* <severity>
* <generic code>
* <error count>
* <error 1 code>
* <error 1 offset into buffer>
* <error 2 code>
* <error 2 offset into buffer>
* ...
* <buffer length>
* <error 1 message, using %1 %2 etc>
* <error 1 arg 1>
* <error 1 arg 2>
* ...
* <error 2 message, using %1 %2 etc>
* <error 2 arg 1>
* <error 2 arg 2>
* ...
* ...
* EscapePercents() - turn % into %% in a StrBuf (starting at an offset)
EscapePercents( StrBuf &buf, int offset )
const char *p;
while( p = strchr( buf.Text() + offset, '%' ) )
/* This is slow, but rare. */
StrBuf t;
t.Set( p );
offset = p - buf.Text() + 1;
buf.SetLength( offset );
buf.Append( &t );
* Error::Marshall0() - pack an Error into a StrBuf
Error::Marshall0( StrBuf &out ) const
/* Pack severity, generic code, error count */
StrOps::PackIntA( out, severity );
if( severity == E_EMPTY )
StrOps::PackIntA( out, genericCode );
StrOps::PackIntA( out, ep->errorCount );
/* Build new buffer of error messages/args for marshalling. */
/* Marshalled messages are expanded, with the id's arg code */
/* zeroed and and any %'s escaped with %%. */
int i;
ErrorId *id;
StrBuf tmpBuf;
for( i = 0; id = GetId( i ); i++ )
/* Pack code and (new) offset for message */
int codeNoArgs = ErrorOf(
id->Subsystem(), id->UniqueCode(),
id->Severity(), id->Generic(),
0 /* no args */ );
int length = tmpBuf.Length();
StrOps::PackIntA( out, codeNoArgs );
StrOps::PackIntA( out, length );
/* Marshall expanded message. */
/* If there's a % (rare case), go back and %% escape it */
/* A null separates messages */
StrOps::Expand2( tmpBuf, StrRef( id->fmt ), *ep->whichDict );
EscapePercents( tmpBuf, length );
/* Finally, pack the rebuilt messages/parms */
StrOps::PackStringA( out, tmpBuf );
* Error::UnMarshall0() - unpack an Error from a StrBuf
* This currently uses no private knowledge of the Error class, other
* than the temp ErrorPrivate::marshall (for the marshalled messages
* and params).
* This expands inline the %x variables of old, so that the resulting
* Error has only messages without parameters.
* We don't give a hoot about the original per-item codes; we just
* doctor up new ones using the global severity/generic.
* Resulting data is local:
* whichDict is ErrorPrivate::errorDict
* ids[].fmt in ErrorPrivate::fmtbuf
Error::UnMarshall0( const StrPtr &inp )
if( !ep ) ep = new ErrorPrivate;
/* We use private dictionary and share the fmts */
ep->fmtSource = ErrorPrivate::isFmtBuf;
/* Unpack severity, generic code, error count */
/* Note these locals override Error class' */
StrRef in = inp;
int severity = StrOps::UnpackIntA( in );
if( (ErrorSeverity)severity == E_EMPTY )
int generic = StrOps::UnpackIntA( in );
int count = StrOps::UnpackIntA( in );
/* Pass 1. Unpack code, offset for each error */
int i;
int offsets[ ErrorMax ];
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
(void)StrOps::UnpackIntA( in );
offsets[i] = StrOps::UnpackIntA( in );
/* Unpack marshall format messages and params */
StrBuf tmpBuf;
StrOps::UnpackStringA( in, tmpBuf );
/* Pass 2. Format each message from tmpBuf into ep->marshall */
/* expanding the %x params so the resulting fmts have no */
/* parameters. */
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
// Expand message, expanding args.
char *p = tmpBuf.Text() + offsets[ i ];
char *a = p + strlen( p ) + 1;
char *q;
// reusing offsets here: now it's into marshall buffer.
offsets[i] = ep->fmtbuf.Length();
while( a <= tmpBuf.End() && ( q = strchr( p, '%' ) ) )
if( q[1] == '%' )
// %% -- append %
ep->fmtbuf.Append( p, q + 1 - p );
// %x
int l = strlen( a );
ep->fmtbuf.Append( p, q - p );
ep->fmtbuf.Append( a, l );
a += l + 1;
p = q + 2;
/* Save remainder of fmt after last %. */
/* If there's a % (rare case), go back and %% escape it */
/* A null separates messages */
ep->fmtbuf.Append( p );
EscapePercents( ep->fmtbuf, offsets[i] );
/* Pass 3. Set each error message. */
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
ErrorId id;
id.code = ErrorOf( 0, 0, severity, generic, 0 );
id.fmt = ep->fmtbuf.Text() + offsets[i];
Set( id );
* Error::Marshall1() - copy an Error out as a StrDict
* Marshall1() is used by 2002.1 and newer client/servers, to pass
* formattable Error and message information to the client. The
* StrDict is usually an Rpc one.
* This encodes an Error as a StrDict, like this:
* code0 = code for first error
* fmt0 = format string for first error
* code1 = code for second error
* fmt1 = format string for second error
* .
* .
* .
* val = var (for each parameter in the fmt strings)
* Generic, severity, and count are recalculated by UnMarshall1().
Error::Marshall1( StrDict &out ) const
int i;
StrRef r, l;
/* Copy variables */
for( i = 0; i < ep->errorCount; i++ )
out.SetVar( P4Tag::v_code, i, StrNum( ep->ids[i].code ) );
out.SetVar( P4Tag::v_fmt, i, StrRef( ep->ids[i].fmt ) );
StrRef c( P4Tag::v_code ), f( P4Tag::v_fmt );
for( i = 0; ep->whichDict->GetVar( i, r, l ); i++ )
if( r != P4Tag::v_func && c.XCompareN( r ) && f.XCompareN( r ) )
out.SetVar( r, l );
* Error::UnMarshall1() - import an Error in as a StrDict
* Resulting data is shared:
* whichDict is &'in'
* ids[].fmt in 'in'
Error::UnMarshall1( StrDict &in )
if( !ep ) ep = new ErrorPrivate;
/* We use external dictionary and share the fmts */
ep->whichDict = ∈
ep->fmtSource = ErrorPrivate::isShared;
/* Set each of ids[] */
const StrPtr *s, *t;
while( ( s = in.GetVar( StrRef( P4Tag::v_code ), ep->errorCount ) )
&& ( t = in.GetVar( StrRef( P4Tag::v_fmt ), ep->errorCount ) )
&& ep->errorCount < ErrorMax )
ErrorId &id = ep->ids[ ep->errorCount++ ];
id.code = s->Atoi();
id.fmt = t->Text();
/* Most severe error sets severity/generic */
if( id.Severity() >= severity )
genericCode = id.Generic();
severity = ErrorSeverity( id.Severity() );
* Error::Marshall2() - pack an Error into a StrBuf
* Marshall2() is used by the server to pack an Error into a StrBuf
* so that it can be passed wholly through the client and then
* reconstructed back on the server. It looks like this (ints as
* binary):
* severity
* generic
* count
* code0
* fmt0 (null terminated)
* code1
* fmt1
* .
* .
* .
* var0 len/string
* var1 len/string
* .
* .
* .
Error::Marshall2( StrBuf &out ) const
/* Pack severity, generic code, error count */
StrOps::PackInt( out, severity );
if( severity == E_EMPTY )
StrOps::PackInt( out, genericCode );
StrOps::PackInt( out, ep->errorCount );
/* Stash ep's arg walk offset in the dict */
if ( ep->walk )
ep->whichDict->SetVar( "errorMarshall2WalkOffset",
ep->walk - ep->ids[ep->errorCount-1].fmt );
/* Build new buffer of error messages/args for marshalling. */
/* Marshalled messages are expanded, with the id's arg code */
/* zeroed and and any %'s escaped with %%. */
int i;
ErrorId *id;
StrRef r, l;
char c0 = 0; // for null terminating strings
for( i = 0; id = GetId( i ); i++ )
StrOps::PackInt( out, id->code );
StrOps::PackString( out, StrRef( id->fmt ) );
StrOps::PackChar( out, &c0, 1 );
for( i = 0; ep->whichDict->GetVar( i, r, l ); i++ )
StrOps::PackString( out, r );
StrOps::PackString( out, l );
if ( ep->walk )
ep->whichDict->RemoveVar( "errorMarshall2WalkOffset" );
* Error::UnMarshall2() - unpack an Error from StrBuf
* Resulting data is local/shared:
* whichDict is ErrorPrivate::errorDict
* ids[].fmt in 'inp'
Error::UnMarshall2( const StrPtr &inp )
if( !ep ) ep = new ErrorPrivate;
/* We use private dictionary and share the fmts */
ep->fmtSource = ErrorPrivate::isShared;
/* Unpack severity, generic code, error count */
/* Note these locals override Error class' */
StrRef in = inp;
severity = (ErrorSeverity)StrOps::UnpackInt( in );
if( (ErrorSeverity)severity == E_EMPTY )
genericCode = StrOps::UnpackInt( in );
ep->errorCount = StrOps::UnpackInt( in );
if( ep->errorCount > ErrorMax )
ep->errorCount = ErrorMax;
/* Unpack error code/messages. */
int i;
StrRef r, l;
char c0;
for( i = 0; i < ep->errorCount; i++ )
ep->ids[i].code = StrOps::UnpackInt( in );
StrOps::UnpackString( in, r );
ep->ids[i].fmt = r.Text();
StrOps::UnpackChar( in, &c0, 1 );
/* Unpack variables */
while( in.Length() )
StrOps::UnpackString( in, r );
StrOps::UnpackString( in, l );
ep->whichDict->SetVar( r, l );
StrPtr* walkOff = ep->whichDict->GetVar( "errorMarshall2WalkOffset" );
if ( !walkOff )
int wo = walkOff->Atoi();
if ( wo >= 0 && wo < strlen( ep->ids[ep->errorCount-1].fmt ) )
ep->walk = ep->ids[ep->errorCount-1].fmt + wo;
ep->whichDict->RemoveVar( "errorMarshall2WalkOffset" );