* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Client - the Perforce client, implemented as an RPC service
* Basic flow:
* ClientUser ui;
* Client client;
* client.SetProtocol( "gui", "1" ); // optional
* client.Dispatcher( &dispatchTable ); // optional
* // SetPort() must happen _before_ the Init().
* client.SetPort( somefunctionof( client.GetPort() ) ); //optional
* client.Init( e );
* // GetClient() must happen _after_ the Init().
* client.SetClient( somefunctionof( client.GetClient() ) ); //optional
* client.SetCwd( somefunctionof( client.GetCwd() ) ); //optional
* client.SetUser( somefunctionof( client.GetUser() ) ); //optional
* while( !client.Dropped() )
* {
* client.SetArgv( argc, argv )
* client.Run( func, &ui )
* }
* return client.Final( e );
* Public methods:
* Client::Init() - establish connection and prepare to run commands.
* Client::Run() - run a single command, assuming arguments have
* already been set up.
* Client::RunTag() - run a single command (potentially) asynchronously.
* Client::WaitTag() - wait for a RunTag()/all RunTag()s to complete.
* Client::Final() - clean up end of connection, returning error count.
* Client::Dispatcher() - just a shortcut to the service dispatcher.
* Client::SetProtocol() - just a shortcut to the service SetProtocol.
* Client::SetCharset()
* Client::SetClient()
* Client::SetCwd()
* Client::SetHost()
* Client::SetLanguage()
* Client::SetPassword()
* Client::SetPort()
* Client::SetUser() - set current directory, client, host, port, or
* user, overridding all defaults. SetPort() must be called
* before Init() in order to take effect. The others must be
* set before Run() to take effect.
* SetCwd() additionally searches for a new P4CONFIG file.
* Client::DefineCharset()
* Client::DefineClient()
* Client::DefineHost()
* Client::DefineLanguage()
* Client::DefinePassword()
* Client::DefinePort()
* Client::DefineUser() - sets client, port, or user in the registry
* and (so as to take permanent effect) then calls SetClient(),
* etc. to take immediate effect.
* Client::GetBuild()
* Client::GetCharset()
* Client::GetClient()
* Client::GetCwd()
* Client::GetHost()
* Client::GetLanague()
* Client::GetOs()
* Client::GetPassword()
* Client::GetPort()
* Client::GetUser() - get current directory, client, OS, port or user,
* as determined by defaults or by corresponding set value.
* GetClient()/GetHost() are not valid until after Init()
* establishes the connection, because the hostname of the
* local endpoint may serve as the default client name.
* Client::GetConfig() - get the filename pointed to by P4CONFIG, as
* determined by enviro::Config().
* Client::GetEnv() - set the cwd/client/host/os/user variables (using
* Rpc::SetVar() call). These variables are needed by just
* about all calls (via Rpc::Invoke()) to the server.
* Client::Confirm() - copy all recv vars to send vars, excluding
* 'data' and 'func', and Invoke() the named func.
* Client::SetError() - bumps an error counter, whose value is
* returned by GetErrors(). Used by OutputError() to
* track any errors returned by the server.
* Client::GetErrors() - returns error count of times OutputError()
* has been called, so that the client's main routine can
* exit non-zero if errors occurred.
* Client::OutputError() - a gentle way of reporting an error, rather
* than having to blurted out by Rpc::Dispatch().
const int ClientTags = 4; // max pending RunTags()
class ClientUser;
class CharSetCvt;
class Ignore;
class Enviro;
enum EnvVarType
VAR_P4USER = 0x0001, // P4USER
VAR_P4CLIENT = 0x0002, // P4CLIENT
VAR_P4PORT = 0x0004, // P4PORT
} ;
class Client : public Rpc {
// caller's main interface
void SetTrans( int output, int content = -2,
int fnames = -2, int dialog = -2 );
int GuessCharset();
int ContentCharset();
void Init( Error *e );
void Run( const char *func, ClientUser *ui );
int Final( Error *e );
// alternative async Run() interface
void RunTag( const char *func, ClientUser *ui );
void WaitTag( ClientUser *ui = 0 );
void SetArgv(int ac, char * const * av);
// for fine tuning caller's use
void SetCharset( const StrPtr *c ) { charset.Set( c ); }
void SetClient( const StrPtr *c ) { client.Set( c ); }
void SetClientPath( const StrPtr *c )
{ clientPath.Set( c ); }
void SetCwd( const StrPtr *c );
void SetCwdNoReload( const StrPtr *c ) { cwd.Set( c ); }
void SetHost( const StrPtr *c ) { host.Set( c ); }
void SetIgnoreFile( const StrPtr *c ) { ignorefile.Set( c ); }
void SetLanguage( const StrPtr *c ) { language.Set( c ); }
void SetPort( const StrPtr *c ) { port.Set( c ); }
void SetProg( const StrPtr *c );
void SetVersion( const StrPtr *c );
void SetPassword( const StrPtr *c )
{ password.Set( c ); ticketKey.Clear(); authenticated = 0; }
void SetUser( const StrPtr *c )
{ user.Set( c ); authenticated = 0; }
void SetTicketFile( const StrPtr *c )
{ ticketfile.Set( c ); }
void SetTrustFile( const StrPtr *c ) { trustfile.Set( c ); }
void SetEnviroFile( const StrPtr *c )
{ if( c ) SetEnviroFile( c->Text() ); }
void SetCharset( const char *c ) { charset.Set( c ); }
void SetClient( const char *c ) { client.Set( c ); }
void SetCwd( const char *c );
void SetCwdNoReload( const char *c ) { cwd.Set( c ); }
void SetHost( const char *c ) { host.Set( c ); }
void SetIgnoreFile( const char *c ) { ignorefile.Set( c ); }
void SetLanguage( const char *c ) { language.Set( c ); }
void SetPort( const char *c ) { port.Set( c ); }
void SetProg( const char *c );
void SetVersion( const char *c );
void SetExecutable( const char *c ) { exeName.Set( c ); }
void SetPassword( const char *c )
{ password.Set( c ); ticketKey.Clear(); authenticated = 0; }
void SetUser( const char *c )
{ user.Set( c ); authenticated = 0; }
void SetTicketFile( const char *c )
{ ticketfile.Set( c ); }
void SetTrustFile( const char *c ) { trustfile.Set( c ); }
void SetEnviroFile( const char *c );
void SetServerID( const char *c )
{ serverID.Set( c ); }
void DefineCharset( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefineClient( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefineHost( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefineIgnoreFile( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefineLanguage( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefinePassword( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefinePort( const char *c, Error *e );
void DefineUser( const char *c, Error *e );
const StrPtr &GetCharset();
const StrPtr &GetClient();
const StrPtr &GetClientNoHost();
const StrPtr &GetClientPath();
const StrPtr &GetCwd();
const StrPtr &GetHost();
const StrPtr &GetLanguage();
const StrPtr &GetOs();
const StrPtr &GetPassword();
const StrPtr &GetPassword2();
const StrPtr &GetPort();
const StrPtr &GetUser();
const StrPtr &GetTicketFile();
const StrPtr &GetTrustFile();
const StrPtr &GetConfig();
const StrPtr &GetLoginSSO();
const StrPtr &GetSyncTrigger();
const StrPtr &GetIgnoreFile();
const StrPtr &GetBuild() { return buildInfo; }
const StrPtr &GetExecutable() { return exeName; }
void SetIgnorePassword()
{ ignoreList |= VAR_P4PASSWD; }
int IsIgnorePassword()
{ return ( ignoreList & VAR_P4PASSWD ); }
void SetProtocol( const char *p, const char *v )
{ service.SetProtocol( p, v ); }
void SetProtocol( const char *p )
{ service.SetProtocol( p ); }
void SetProtocolV( const char *arg )
{ service.SetProtocolV( arg ); }
void Dispatcher( RpcDispatch *d )
{ service.Dispatcher( d ); }
// for use by the client service implementation
void GetEnv();
Enviro* GetEnviro() { return enviro; }
const StrPtr * GetEnviroFile();
Ignore* GetIgnore() { return ignore; }
void Confirm( const StrPtr *confirm );
ClientUser * GetUi() { return tags[ lowerTag ]; }
void SetError() { errors++; }
int GetErrors() { return errors; }
void SetFatal() { fatals++; }
int GetFatals() { return fatals; }
void OutputError( Error *e );
Handlers handles;
void NewHandler();
CharSetCvt *fromTransDialog, *toTransDialog;
StrDict *translated, *transfname;
int unknownUnicode;
int content_charset; // file content charset
int output_charset; // result output charset
void VSetVar( const StrPtr &var, const StrPtr &val );
int protocolXfiles; // 'xfiles' protocol
int protocolNocase; // 'nocase' protocol
int protocolSecurity; // server 'security' protocol
int protocolUnicode; // server 'unicode' protocol
StrPtr * GetProtocol( const StrPtr &var );
void SetSecretKey( StrPtr &s ) { secretKey.Set( s ); }
void ClearSecretKey() { secretKey.Clear(); }
StrPtr * GetSecretKey() { return( &secretKey ); }
void SetPBuf( StrPtr &s ) { pBuf.Set( s ); }
void ClearPBuf() { pBuf.Clear(); }
StrPtr * GetPBuf() { return( &pBuf ); }
void SetTicketKey( const StrPtr *s ) { ticketKey.Set( *s ); }
int IsUnicode() { return is_unicode; }
// Old closure stuff, only used by scc api and to be retired
void *GetClosure() { return closure; }
void SetClosure( void *v ) { closure = v; }
void *closure;
virtual RpcType GetRpcType()
return RPC_CLIENT;
ClientUser *tags[ClientTags];
int lowerTag;
int upperTag;
int authenticated;
int pubKeyChecked;
RpcService service;
int errors;
int fatals;
StrBuf charset; // character set
StrBuf client; // client's name
StrBuf clientPath; // Authorized areas of the filesystem
StrBuf cwd; // current directory
StrBuf host; // client host name
StrBuf os; // client's OS
StrBuf programName; // (optionally) set by SetProg()
StrBuf port; // server address (P4PORT)
StrBuf serverID; // server address (ID from server)
StrBuf user; // user's name
StrBuf password; // user's password
StrBuf password2; // user's password (password is ticket)
StrBuf ticketKey; // key used to look up ticket
StrBuf language; // language for err messages
StrBuf ticketfile; // alternate location for ticketfile
StrBuf trustfile; // trusted finger print file
StrBuf secretKey; // for salting password key
StrBuf pBuf; // for salting password key
StrBuf loginSSO; // single signon binary
StrBuf syncTrigger; // sync trigger binary
StrBuf ignorefile; // ignore filename
StrBuf exeName;
StrBuf charsetVar;
StrRef buildInfo;
Enviro *enviro; // environment vars
Ignore *ignore; // naughty list
int ignoreList; // environment vars to ignore
int is_unicode; // talking in unicode mode
int hostprotoset;
StrNum protocolBuf; // for our GetProtocol
void CleanupTrans(); // free translators
void SetupUnicode( Error * );
void LearnUnicode( Error * );
void LateUnicodeSetup( const char *, Error * );
} ;