* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* MapChar -- a MapHalf's character string
* Public Methods:
* MapChar::Set() - initialize MapChar, given the string
* MapChar::Advance() - advance to the next lexical element
* MapChar::ParamNumber() - return wildcard slot of current element
* %x = x
* * = 10 + nStars
* ... = 20 + nDots
* MapChar::MakeParam() - format a parameter element
* MapChar::Name() - dump out current element name for debugging
* Public attributes:
* p - pointer to current element
* cc - current element's type
* ccPre - previous element's type
const int PARAM_BASE_PERCENT = 0; // parameter slots for %x
const int PARAM_BASE_STARS = 10; // parameter slots for *'s
const int PARAM_BASE_DOTS = 20; // parameter slots for ...'s
const int PARAM_BASE_TOP = 23; // last slot
enum MapCharClass {
cEOS, // \0
cCHAR, // any char
cSLASH, // /
cPERC, // %x
cSTAR, // *
cDOTS // ...
} ;
class MapChar {
int Set( char *&p, int &nStars, int &nDots );
void MakeParam( StrBuf &buf, MapChar *mc2, int &wildSlot );
const char *Name(); // debugging only
int IsWild() { return cc >= cPERC; }
int operator -( MapChar &mc )
{ return StrPtr::SCompare( c, mc.c ); }
int operator -( char oc )
{ return StrPtr::SCompare( c, oc ); }
int operator ==( MapChar &mc )
{ return StrPtr::SEqual( c, mc.c ); }
int operator ==( char oc )
{ return StrPtr::SEqual( c, oc ); }
char c; // current character
char paramNumber; // current ParamNumber
MapCharClass cc; // current char's type
} ;