* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* MapTable.h - mapping table interface
* Public Classes:
* MapTable - a mapping table
* Public Methods:
* MapTable::Better( MapTable &other, MapTableT dir )
* Compares the depths of MapTree used for matching to see
* which table would provide quicker matching.
* MapTable::Check( MapTableT direction, char *from )
* Does the matching part of Translate(), but not the generating
* of the target string. Returns 0 on no match and a MapItem *
* on match.
* MapTable::Clear()
* Empties the table.
* MapTable::Count()
* Returns the number of map entries.
* MapTable::Disambiguate()
* Mappings provided by the user (client views, branch views)
* can be ambiguous since later mappings can override earlier
* ones. Disambiguate() adds explicit exclusion (-) mappings
* for any ambiguous mappings, so that Join() and Translate()
* don't have to worry about them.
* MapTable::Dump( char *trace )
* Print out the mapping on the standard output.
* MapTable::EmptyReason()
* Return what was set by SetReason() or Join().
* MapTable::Get( int n )
* Gets the n'th map table entry, returning a MapItem *.
* MapTable::GetFlag( MapItem *m )
* Gets MapItem m's map flag.
* MapTable::GetStr( MapItem *m, MapTableT dir )
* Gets MapItem m's map string for dir.
* MapTable::Insert( const StrPtr &lhs, const StrPtr &rhs, MapFlag f )
* Insert a mapping entry. The following wildcards are
* supported: %1-%9, *, "...". lhs and rhs must agree
* in wildcards.
* MapTable::InsertByPattern( StrBuf &lhs, StrBuf &rhs, MapFlag f )
* Takes two strings and makes a pattern out of them by
* replacing the righthand common substrings with ... or *
* depending on whether the substrings included a '/'.
* Won't replace the first 3 '/'s (i.e. //depot/).
* MapTable::IsEmpty()
* Returns 1 if there are no map table entries, or
* if all entries are unmappings.
* MapTable::HasOverlays()
* Returns 1 if there are + mappings in the table.
* MapTable::IsSingle()
* Returns 1 if there exactly one mapping and it contains no
* wildcards.
* MapTable::Join( MapTableT d1, MapTable *m2, MapTableT d2, ErrorId *r )
* Joins the d1 side of this mapping against the d2 side of
* the mapping in m2, filling in the MapTable. The result is
* the revised (limited) lhs and rhs of the map. r is the
* emptyReason used if the join turns up empty but neither map
* was empty.
* MapTable::Join2( MapTableT d1,MapTable *m2, MapTableT d2, ErrorId *r )
* Joins the mapping in this mapping against the mapping in m2,
* filling in the MapTable. The rhs of the map is joined with
* the lhs of maps2, and the result is the revised lhs of
* m1 and the revised rhs of m2.
* MapTable::JoinCheck( MapTableT dir, const StrPtr &lhs )
* Returns 1 if lhs joined agains the dir of this MapTable
* produces any rows, i.e. if this MapTable includes lhs.
* MapTable::Match( char *lhs, char *from )
* Matches the pattern lhs against from. Returns 1 on match
* and 0 on no match. Cheesy access to MapHalf::Match().
* MapTable::Reverse()
* Turn the order of the mapping around, to make them appear
* if they were appended instead of inserted.
* Maptable::SetReason( char *emptyReason )
* Set reason to be returned by EmptyReason(). The reason
* strings are assumed to be global. This reason string is
* used by DbPipeMap* (if set) if the map is empty or filtered
* out all the incoming rows.
* MapTable::Strings( MapTableT direction )
* Returns a MapStrings object which contains sorted initial
* substrings for finding candidates pathnames that will map
* through the MapTable. Direction == LHS (0) or RHS (1),
* meaning find strings for all lhs or rhs sides of the mapping.
* MapTable::StripMap( MapFlag mapFlag )
* Returns a copy of the MapTable, without any of the mapFlag
* entries.
* MapTable::Translate( MapTableT dir, char *from, StrBuf *to )
* Maps 'from' to 'to' returning the MapItem that matched, or 0
* if nothing matches. Direction is LHS (0) if 'from'
* matches lhs, and RHS (1) if 'from' matches rhs.
* MapTable::Validate( char *lhs, char *rhs, Error *e )
* Verifies that a mapping has the same wildcards on both
* sides.
* MapTable::ValidHalf( MapTableT direction, Error *e )
* Verifies that a mapping has the permitted number of
* wildcards.
class MapItem;
class MapJoiner;
struct MapParams;
class MapStrings;
class MapTree;
class MapHalf;
class StrBuf;
enum MapTableT {
LHS, // do operation on left-hand-side strings
RHS // do operation on right-hand-side strings
} ;
enum MapFlag {
MfMap, // map
MfUnmap, // -map
MfRemap, // +map
MfHavemap, // $map
MfChangemap, // @map
MfStream1 = 10, // Stream, Paths
MfStream2 = 11, // Stream, Remapped
MfStream3 = 12, // Stream, Ignored
MfStream5 = 14, // Stream, Paths: shared
MfStream6 = 15, // Stream, Paths: public
MfStream7 = 16, // Stream, Paths: private
MfStream8 = 17 // Stream, Paths: excluded
} ;
class MapTable {
MapTable& operator=( MapTable &f );
int Better( MapTable &other, MapTableT direction );
MapItem * Check( MapTableT direction, const StrPtr &from );
void Clear();
int Count() { return count; }
void Disambiguate();
void Dump( const char *trace, int fmt=0 );
void Insert( const StrPtr &l,
const StrPtr &r = StrRef::Null(),
MapFlag f = MfMap );
void Insert( MapTable *table, int fwd = 1, int rev = 0 );
void InsertByPattern( const StrPtr &l, const StrPtr &r,
MapFlag f );
int IsEmpty() const { return !hasMaps; }
int JoinError() const { return joinError; }
int HasOverlays() const { return hasOverlays; }
int HasHavemaps() const { return hasHavemaps; }
int IsSingle() const;
void JoinOptimizer( MapTableT dir2 );
MapTable * Join( MapTableT dir1, MapTable *m2,
MapTableT dir2, const ErrorId *reason = 0 );
MapTable * Join2( MapTableT dir1, MapTable *m2,
MapTableT dir2, const ErrorId *reason = 0 );
int JoinCheck( MapTableT dir, const StrPtr &lhs );
static int Match( const StrPtr &lhs, const StrPtr &rhs );
static int Match( MapHalf *l, const StrPtr &rhs );
static int ValidDepotMap( const StrPtr &map );
void Reverse();
MapStrings * Strings( MapTableT dir );
MapTable * StripMap( MapFlag mapFlag );
MapTable * Swap( MapTable *m );
int CountByFlag( MapFlag mapFlag );
MapItem * Translate( MapTableT dir, const StrPtr &f, StrBuf &t );
void Validate( const StrPtr &l, const StrPtr &r, Error *e );
void ValidHalf( MapTableT dir, Error *e );
int GetHash();
void SetReason( const ErrorId *e ) { emptyReason = e; }
const ErrorId * EmptyReason() { return emptyReason; }
// MapItem access, so we don't have to declare the MapItem here.
MapItem * Get( int n );
int GetSlot( MapItem *m );
static MapFlag GetFlag( MapItem *m );
static MapItem * GetNext( MapItem *m );
static const StrPtr * GetStr( MapItem *m, MapTableT direction );
const StrPtr * Get( int n, MapTableT direction )
{ return GetStr( Get( n ), direction ); }
static int Translate( MapItem *m, MapTableT dir,
const StrPtr &f, StrBuf &t );
// For internal use.
void InsertNoDups( const StrPtr &l, const StrPtr &r,
MapFlag flag );
MapItem ** Sort( MapTableT, int streamFlag=0 );
void Join( MapTable *m1, MapTableT dir1,
MapTable *m2, MapTableT dir2,
MapJoiner *j, const ErrorId *reason );
// For building the string table for MapStrings and the
// MapTree for Match() and Translate().
void MakeTree( MapTableT );
// count is length of entry chain.
// entry is the chain of mappings.
// trees is the pair of search trees for Match() and Translate()
int count;
MapItem * entry;
MapTree * trees;
const ErrorId * emptyReason;
int joinError;
// For IsEmpty/HasOverlays/HasHavemaps
int hasMaps;
int hasOverlays;
int hasHavemaps;
} ;