* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Options::Parse() - parse command line options
* The "opts" string list flags. Each (single character) flag x
* can be followed by an optional modifier:
* x. - flag takes an argument (-xarg)
* x: - flag takes an argument (-xarg or -x arg)
* x? - flag takes an optional argument (--long=arg only)
* x+ - flag takes a flag and arg (-xyarg or -xy arg)
* x# - flag takes a non-neg numeric arg (-xN or -x N)
const int N_OPTS = 256;
enum OptFlag {
// Bitwise selectors
OPT_ONE = 0x01, // exactly one
OPT_TWO = 0x02, // exactly two
OPT_THREE = 0x04, // exactly three
OPT_MORE = 0x08, // more than two
OPT_NONE = 0x10, // require none
OPT_MAKEONE = 0x20, // if none, make one that points to null
// combos of the above
OPT_OPT = 0x11, // NONE, or ONE
} ;
struct ErrorId;
class Options
Options() { optc = 0; }
enum Opt {
// options which are used commonly, across many commands:
All = 'a',
Archive = 'A',
Change = 'c',
Delete = 'd',
Depot = 'D',
Expression = 'e',
NoCaseExpr = 'E',
Force = 'f',
Filter = 'F',
Input = 'i',
JournalPrefix = 'J',
Long = 'l',
Max = 'm',
Preview = 'n',
Output = 'o',
OutputFlags = 'O',
Port = 'p',
Parent = 'P',
Quiet = 'q',
Reverse = 'r',
Short = 's',
Stream = 'S',
Filetype = 't',
Tags = 'T',
User = 'u',
Variable = 'v',
Wipe = 'w',
Compress = 'z',
// options which are relatively uncommon, but have existing
// short-form versions:
InfrequentShortFormOptions = 1000,
Version , // -V
Client , // -c client
Shelf , // -s shelf
DiffFlags , // -d<diff-flags>
Inherited , // -i on changes, filelog, etc.
ClientName , // -C client
Charset , // p4 -C charset
CmdCharset , // p4 -Q charset
Help , // -h for main programs
Batchsize , // -b N
MessageType , // 'p4 -s'
Xargs , // 'p4 -x file'
Exclusive , // opened -x
Directory , // p4 -d dir
Host , // p4 -H host
Password , // -P password
Retries , // p4 -r retries
Progress , // p4 -I
NoIgnore , // add -I
Downgrade , // add -d
Unload , // -U for unloaded objects
CentralUsers , // users -c
ReplicaUsers , // users -r
Branch , // unshelve -b
FullBranch , // branch -F
SpecFixStatus , // change -s, submit -s
ChangeType , // change -t
ChangeUpdate , // change -u
Original , // change -O, describe -O
ChangeUser , // change -U
Template , // client -t, label -t
Switch , // client -s
Temporary , // client -x
Owner , // group -a
Administrator , // group -A
Global , // label/labelsync/tag -g
StreamType , // stream -t
VirtualStream , // stream -v
Brief , // changes -L, filelog -L
ShowTime , // changes -t, filelog -t
ChangeStatus , // changes -s
Exists , // files -e
Blocksize , // sizes -b
Shelved , // sizes -S, describe -S
Summary , // sizes -s
OmitLazy , // sizes -z
Human1024 , // sizes -h
Human1000 , // sizes -H
LimitClient , // list -C
LabelName , // list -l
RunOnMaster , // list -M
LeaveKeywords , // print -k
OutputFile , // print -o
Content , // filelog -h
OmitPromoted , // filelog -p
OmitMoved , // filelog -1
KeepClient , // edit -k, delete -k, sync -k
FileCharset , // add/edit -Q
Virtual , // delete -v
Generate , // server -g
Usage , // license -u
Job , // fixes -j
Increment , // counter -i
FixStatus , // fix -s
Replace , // shelve -r
ShelveOpts , // shelve -a
SubmitShelf , // submit -e
SubmitOpts , // submit -f
Reopen , // submit -r
Description , // submit -d
Tamper , // submit -t
Date , // unload -d
StreamName , // unload -s, reload -s
Unchanged , // revert -a
KeepHead , // archive -h
Purge , // archive -p
ForceText , // archive -t
BinaryAsText , // -t on annotate, diff, diff2,
// grep, resolve, merge3, ...
BypassFlow , // -F on copy, interchanges, merge
ShowChange , // annotate -c
FollowBranch , // annotate -i
FollowInteg , // annotate -I
SourceFile , // -s on copy, integrate, merge,
// interchanges, populate
ShowFlags , // diff -s<flags>
ResolveFlags , // resolve -A<flags>
AcceptFlags , // resolve -a<flags>
IntegFlags , // integrate -R<flags>
DeleteFlags , // integrate -D<flags>
RestrictFlags , // fstat -R<flags>
SortFlags , // fstat -S<flags>
ForceFlag , // client -d -f -F<flags>
UseList , // sync -L, fstat -L
Safe , // sync -s
Publish , // sync -p
IsGroup , // groups -g
IsUser , // groups -u
IsOwner , // groups -o
Verbose , // groups -v
LineNumber , // grep -n
InvertMatch , // grep -v
FilesWithMatches,// grep -l
FilesWithoutMatch,// grep -L
NoMessages , // grep -s
FixedStrings , // grep -F
BasicRegexp , // grep -G
ExtendedRegexp , // grep -E
PerlRegexp , // grep -P
Regexp , // grep -e
AfterContext , // grep -A
BeforeContext , // grep -B
Context , // grep -C
IgnoreCase , // grep -i
Repeat , // pull -i
Backoff , // pull -b
ArchiveData , // pull -u
Status , // pull -l
LocalJournal , // pull -L
JournalPosition, // pull -j
PullServerid , // pull -P
ExcludeTables , // pull -T
File , // pull -f
Revision , // pull -r
Append , // logappend -a, property -a
Sequence , // logger -c
Counter , // logger -t
HostName , // login -h
Print , // login -p
LoginStatus , // login -s
StartPosition , // logparse -s, logtail -s
Encoded , // logparse -e
LogName , // logtail -l
CompressCkp , // p4 admin checkpoint -Z
SpecType , // p4 admin updatespecdepot -s
MaxAccess , // p4 protects -m
GroupName , // p4 protects -g
ShowFiles , // p4 interchanges -f
Name , // attribute -n, property -n
Value , // attribute -v, property -v
Propagating , // attribute -p
OpenAdd , // reconcile -a
OpenEdit , // reconcile -e
OpenDelete , // reconcile -d
UseModTime , // reconcile -m
Local , // reconcile -l
OutputBase , // resolved -o
System , // set -s
Service , // set -S
Histogram , // dbstat -h
TableNotUnlocked,// dbverify -U
TableName , // dbverify -t
AllClients , // lockstat -C
CheckSize , // verify -s
Transfer , // verify -t
Update , // verify -u
Verify , // verify -v
NoArchive , // verify -X
Serverid , // clients -s, labels -s
Unified , // diff2 -u
PreviewNC , // resolve -N
Estimates , // sync -N/flush -N/update -N
Locked , // unload -L
UnloadAll , // unload -a
KeepHave , // integrate -h
Yes , // trust -y
No , // trust -n
InputValue , // trust -i
Replacement , // trust -r
Rebuild , // jobs -R
Equal , // fstat -e
AttrPattern , // fstat -A
DiffListFlag , // diff -s
Arguments , // monitor show -a
Environment , // monitor show -e
TaskStatus , // monitor show -s
AllUsers , // property -A
Promote , // shelve -p
Test , // ldap -t, ldaps -t
Active , // ldaps -A
ReplicationStatus, // servers --replication-status, servers -J
// options which have only long-form option names go here:
LongFormOnlyOptions = 2000,
NoRejournal , // pull --no-rejournal
From , // renameuser --from
To , // renameuser --to
Parallel , // sync --parallel
InputFile , // reload --input-file
PidFile , // p4d --pid-file
NoRetransfer , // submit --noretransfer
ForceNoRetransfer, // submit --forcenoretransfer
DurableOnly , // journalcopy --durable-only
NonAcknowledging, // journalcopy --non-acknowledging
BypassExclusiveLock, // open --bypass-exclusive-lock
} ;
void Parse( int &argc, char **&argv, const char *opts,
int flag, const ErrorId &usage, Error *e );
void ParseLong( int &argc, char **&argv, const char *opts,
const int *longOpts,
int flag, const ErrorId &usage, Error *e );
void Parse( int &argc, StrPtr *&argv, const char *opts,
int flag, const ErrorId &usage, Error *e );
void ParseLong( int &argc, StrPtr *&argv, const char *opts,
const int *longOpts,
int flag, const ErrorId &usage, Error *e );
StrPtr * operator [](int opt)
{ return GetValue( opt, 0, 0 ); }
StrPtr * GetValue( int opt, int subopt )
{ return GetValue( opt, 0, subopt ); }
StrPtr * GetValue( int opt, char flag2, int subopt );
int FormatOption( int i, Error *e );
int FormatOption( int i, StrBuf & f) const;
int HasOption( int i );
void GetOptionName( int i, StrBuf &sb );
void GetOptionValue( int i, StrBuf &sb );
int optc;
int flags[ N_OPTS ];
char flags2[ N_OPTS ];
StrRef vals[ N_OPTS ];
static struct OptionInfo {
const char *name;
int optionCode;
int shortForm;
int valueType;
const ErrorId *help;
} list[];
} ;