* Copyright 1995, 1997 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* enviro.h - get/set environment variables/registry entries
* Note that there is no longer a global environment. If
* multiple threads wish to share the same enviroment, they'll
* have to call Reload() to see any changes. On UNIX, there
* is no setting the environment so that isn't an issue.
* Public methods:
* Enviro::BeServer() - get and set "system level"/service(NT) variables
* Enviro::Get() - get a variable from the environment
* Enviro::Set() - set a variable in the environment (NT only)
* Enviro::Config() - load $P4CONFIG file (if set)
* Enviro::List() - list variables in the environment
* Enviro::Reload() - flush values cached from NT registry
* Enviro::GetConfig() - get the name of the $P4CONFIG file (if set)
class EnviroTable;
struct EnviroItem;
class Error;
class StrBuf;
class StrPtr;
class FileSys;
struct KeyPair;
class Enviro {
enum ItemType {
NEW, // not looked up yet
UNSET, // looked up and is empty
UPDATE, // set via the Update call
ENV, // set in environment
SVC, // set in service-specific registry
USER, // set in user registry
SYS // set is machine registry
int BeServer( const StrPtr *name = 0, int checkName = 0 );
const char *ServiceName();
static const StrPtr *GetCachedServerName();
void OsServer();
void List();
int FormatVariable( int i, StrBuf *sb );
int HasVariable( int i );
static int IsKnown( const char *nm );
void GetVarName( int i, StrBuf &sb );
void GetVarValue( int i, StrBuf &sb );
void Format( const char *var, StrBuf *sb );
void Print( const char *var );
char *Get( const char *var );
void Set( const char *var, const char *value, Error *e );
void Update( const char *var, const char *value );
ItemType GetType( const char *var );
int FromRegistry( const char *var );
void Config( const StrPtr &cwd );
void LoadConfig( const StrPtr &cwd, int checkSyntax = 1 );
void LoadEnviro( int checkSyntax = 1 );
void Reload();
void SetCharSet( int ); // for i18n support
int GetCharSet();
const StrPtr &GetConfig();
void SetEnviroFile( const char * );
const StrPtr *GetEnviroFile();
EnviroTable *symbolTab;
EnviroItem *GetItem( const char *var );
void ReadConfig( FileSys *, Error *, int, ItemType );
void Setup();
bool ReadItemPlatform( ItemType type, const char *var, EnviroItem * item );
int SetEnviro( const char *var, const char *value, Error *e );
StrBuf configFile;
StrBuf enviroFile;
StrBuf serviceName;
// used for netsslcredentials to get at service name
static const StrPtr *sServiceNameStrP;
# ifdef OS_NT
KeyPair *setKey;
KeyPair *serviceKey;
StrBuf serviceKeyName;
int charset;
# elif defined ( OS_MACOSX ) || defined ( OS_DARWIN )
ItemType domain; // set to Enviro::USER or Enviro::SYS
#endif /* OS_NT, OS_MACOSX, OS_DARWIN */
} ;