* Copyright 1997 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Diff code written by James Strickland, May 1997.
* Diff walkers: produce output according to diff style by walking
* the diff results.
* Classes defined:
* Diff - compare two files, outputting the differences
* DiffFlags - parse diff's -d<flags>
* Diff::Diff - set up for diff output
* Diff::DiffWithFlags - produces diff output according to flags
* Diff::DiffContext - produces diff -c output to a file
* Diff::DiffUnified - produces diff -u output to a file
* Diff::DiffNorm - produces normal diff output to a file
* Diff::DiffRcs - produces diff -n output to a file
* Diff::DiffHTML - produces html markup
* Diff::DiffSummary - produces a single summary line
* Diff::CloseOutput - finish write and collect error status
class DiffAnalyze;
class DiffFlags;
class Error;
class FileSys;
class Sequence;
class StrPtr;
typedef signed int LineNo;
class Diff {
void SetInput( FileSys *fx, FileSys *fy,
const DiffFlags &flags, Error *e );
void SetOutput( const char *fout, Error *e );
void SetOutput( FILE *fout );
void CloseOutput( Error *e );
void DiffWithFlags( const DiffFlags &flags );
void DiffContext( int c = 0 );
void DiffUnified( int c = 0 );
void DiffUnifiedDeleteFile( FileSys *f, Error *e );
void DiffNorm();
void DiffRcs();
void DiffHTML();
void DiffSummary();
void DiffFast() { fastMaxD = 1; }
int GetChunkCnt() { return (chunkCnt); }
void Walker( const char *flags, Sequence *s,
LineNo sx, LineNo sy );
Sequence *spx;
Sequence *spy;
FILE *out;
DiffAnalyze *diff;
const DiffFlags *flags;
int closeOut;
LineType lineType;
const char *newLines;
int fastMaxD;
int chunkCnt;
} ;
class DiffFlags {
DiffFlags() { Init( "" ); }
DiffFlags( const char *flags ) { Init( flags ); }
DiffFlags( const StrPtr *flags ) { Init( flags ); }
void Init( const char *flags );
void Init( const StrPtr *flags );
enum Type { Normal, Context, Unified, Rcs, HTML, Summary } type;
enum Sequence { Line, Word, DashL, DashB, DashW, WClass } sequence;
enum Grid { Optimal, Guarded, TwoWay } grid;
int contextCount;
} ;
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
15901 |
Matt Attaway |
Clean up code to fit modern Workshop naming standards |
12188 |
Matt Attaway |
Move 'main' p4 into a release specific directory in prep for new releases |
//guest/perforce_software/p4/diff/diff.h |
9129 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial commit of the 2014.1 p4/p4api source code |