* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* RpcBuffer.h - manipulate a buffer full of symbols
* Classes Defined:
* RpcBuffer - an RPC symbol table
* Public Methods:
* RpcBuffer::Clear() - clear out previous symbols
* RpcBuffer::SetVar() - set a new symbol in the buffer
* RpcBuffer::MakeVar() - return StrBuf for variable contents
* RpcBuffer::Parse() - parse a formatted buffer, finding the symbols
* RpcBuffer::GetVar() - get the value of a symbol in a parsed buffer
* RpcBuffer::CopyVars() - copy all variables from another RpcBuffer
* Private methods:
* RpcBuffer::EndVar() - set actual length from MakeVar
class RpcRecvBuffer
{ isAccepted=false; }
void Parse( Error * );
StrPtr * GetVar( const StrPtr &v )
{ return syms.GetVar( v ); }
StrPtr * GetVar( const char *v )
{ return syms.GetVar( v ); }
int GetVar( int x, StrRef &var, StrRef &val )
{ return syms.GetVar( x, var, val ); }
void RemoveVar( const StrPtr &v )
{ syms.RemoveVar( v.Text() ); }
int GetArgc() { return args.Count(); }
StrPtr * GetArgv() { return args.Table(); }
StrBuf * GetBuffer()
return &ioBuffer;
int GetBufferSize()
{ return ioBuffer.Length(); }
void CopyBuffer( const RpcRecvBuffer *fromBuffer )
{ ioBuffer.Set( fromBuffer->ioBuffer ); }
void CopyBuffer( const StrPtr *fromBuffer )
{ ioBuffer.Set( fromBuffer ); }
void SetAccepted()
{ isAccepted=true; }
friend class RpcSendBuffer;
StrBuf ioBuffer; // data area
StrPtrDict syms; // for named symbols
StrPtrArray args; // for unnamed symbols
bool isAccepted;
} ;
class RpcSendBuffer
{ lastLength = 0; isAccepted=false; }
void Clear()
{ lastLength = 0; ioBuffer.Clear(); }
void SetVar( const StrPtr &var, const StrPtr &value );
void SetVar( const char *var, const StrPtr &value );
StrBuf * MakeVar( const StrPtr &var );
StrBuf * GetBuffer()
{ if( lastLength ) EndVar(); return &ioBuffer; }
int GetBufferSize()
{ return ioBuffer.Length(); }
void CopyBuffer( const RpcSendBuffer *fromBuffer )
{ ioBuffer.Set( fromBuffer->ioBuffer ); }
void CopyVars( RpcRecvBuffer *fromBuffer );
void SetAccepted()
{ isAccepted=true; }
void EndVar();
StrBuf ioBuffer; // data area
int lastLength; // from last MakeVar call
bool isAccepted;
} ;
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
15901 |
Matt Attaway |
Clean up code to fit modern Workshop naming standards |
12189 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial (and much belated) drop of 2014.2 p4 source code |