* Copyright 1997 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Diff code written by James Strickland, May 1997.
* Diff output generators.
#define NEED_TYPES
#define NEED_SLEEP
#define NEED_FILE
#include <stdhdrs.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <strbuf.h>
#include <readfile.h>
#include <filesys.h>
#include <charset.h>
#include <i18napi.h>
#include <charcvt.h>
#include "diffsp.h"
#include "diffan.h"
#include "diff.h"
// NT CRLF handling -- out output files are raw (binary) because our
// input files were raw (according to ReadFile). So we have to handle
// the proper CR when we print our lines.
out = 0;
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
diff = 0;
flags = 0;
lineType = LineTypeRaw;
closeOut = 0;
fastMaxD = 0;
chunkCnt = 0;
# ifdef USE_CRLF
newLines = "\r\n";
# else
newLines = "\n";
# endif
delete diff;
delete spx;
delete spy;
if( closeOut ) fclose( out );
Diff::DiffUnifiedDeleteFile( FileSys *f, Error *e )
StrBuf buf;
int lineCount = 0;
while( f->ReadLine( &buf, e ) )
// ignore errors when diffing deleted files.
if( e->Test() )
f->Seek( 0, e );
fprintf( out, "@@ -1,%d +1,0 @@\n", lineCount );
while( f->ReadLine( &buf, e ) )
fprintf( out, "-%s\n", buf.Text() );
Diff::SetInput( FileSys *fx, FileSys *fy, const DiffFlags &flags, Error *e )
// diff -h does it by word; see DiffWithFlags below.
spx = new Sequence( fx, flags, e );
this->flags = &flags;
if( !e->Test() )
spy = new Sequence( fy, flags, e );
if( e->Test() )
diff = new DiffAnalyze( spx, spy, fastMaxD );
Diff::SetOutput( const char *fout, Error *e )
// NT CRLF handling: raw writes
#ifdef OS_NT
// XXX Hate to have Windows specific code here but there is
// no easy fix short of using FileSys here...
if( CharSetApi::isUnicode((CharSetApi::CharSet)GlobalCharSet::Get()) )
CharSetCvtUTF816 cvt;
int newlen = 0;
const char *wname = cvt.FastCvt( fout, strlen( fout ), &newlen );
if( newlen > ( MAX_PATH * 2 ) )
goto errorout;
if( cvt.LastErr() == CharSetCvt::NONE &&
( out = _wfopen( (const wchar_t *)wname, L"wb" ) ) )
goto done;
// If wfopen() fails, we intentionally fall through.
if( !( out = fopen( fout, "wb" ) ) )
e->Sys( "write", fout );
#ifdef OS_NT
SetHandleInformation( (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle( fileno(out) ),
closeOut = 1;
Diff::SetOutput( FILE *fout )
out = fout;
lineType = LineTypeLocal;
newLines = "\n";
Diff::CloseOutput( Error *e )
// If SetInput never opened a file, CloseOutput won't
// touch it. Normally, that means 'out' is stdout, but
// if not, caveat caller.
if( !closeOut )
// Flush and check for output error.
// Don't stack this error against others.
if( fflush( out ) < 0 || ferror( out ) )
if( !e->Test() )
e->Sys( "write", "diff" );
fclose( out );
closeOut = 0;
const char *flags,
Sequence *sp,
LineNo sx, LineNo ex )
sp->SeekLine( sx );
bool lineEnd = true;
for( ; sx < ex; ++sx ) {
fputs( flags, out );
lineEnd = sp->Dump( out, sx, sx + 1, lineType );
if( lineEnd == false && this->flags->type == DiffFlags::Unified )
fprintf(out, "\n\\ No newline at end of file\n" );
Diff::DiffWithFlags( const DiffFlags &flags )
// allow 'c' and 'u' (as well as 'C' and 'U') to take a count.
// if it breaks, it defaults to 0 (which is then treated as 3).
switch( flags.type )
case DiffFlags::Normal: DiffNorm(); break;
case DiffFlags::Context: DiffContext( flags.contextCount ); break;
case DiffFlags::Unified: DiffUnified( flags.contextCount ); break;
case DiffFlags::Summary: DiffSummary(); break;
case DiffFlags::HTML: DiffHTML(); break;
case DiffFlags::Rcs: DiffRcs(); break;
Snake *s = diff->GetSnake();
Snake *t;
for( ; t = s->next; s = t )
/* Print edit operator */
char c;
LineNo nx = s->u, ny = s->v;
if( s->u < t->x && s->v < t->y ) c = 'c', ++nx, ++ny;
else if( s->u < t->x ) c = 'd', ++nx;
else if( s->v < t->y ) c = 'a', ++ny;
else continue;
fprintf( out, "%d", nx );
if( t->x > nx ) fprintf( out, ",%d", t->x );
fprintf( out, "%c%d", c, ny );
if( t->y > ny ) fprintf( out, ",%d", t->y );
fprintf( out, "%s", newLines );
/* Line lines that differ */
Walker( "< ", spx, s->u, t->x );
if( c == 'c' ) fprintf( out, "---%s", newLines );
Walker( "> ", spy, s->v, t->y );
Snake *s = diff->GetSnake();
Snake *t;
for( ; t = s->next; s = t )
if( s->u < t->x )
fprintf( out, "d%d %d%s", s->u + 1, t->x - s->u, newLines );
if( s->v < t->y )
fprintf( out, "a%d %d%s", t->x, t->y - s->v, newLines );
spy->SeekLine( s->v );
spy->Dump( out, s->v, t->y, lineType );
Snake *s = diff->GetSnake();
Snake *t;
for( ; t = s->next; s = t )
// Dump the common stuff
spx->SeekLine( s->x );
spy->SeekLine( s->v );
spx->Dump( out, s->x, s->u, lineType );
// Dump spx
fprintf( out, "<font color=red>" );
spx->Dump( out, s->u, t->x, lineType );
// dump spy
fprintf( out, "</font><font color=blue>" );
spy->Dump( out, s->v, t->y, lineType );
// Done
fprintf( out, "</font>" );
* DiffUnified
Diff::DiffUnified( int c )
// s,t bound the diffs being displayed.
// First we move t forward until the snake is bigger than
// 2 * CONTEXT, then we display [s,t], then iterate for [t,...].
// Remember: a snake is a matching chunk. Diffs are inbetween
// snakes, before the first snake, or after the last snake.
if( c < 0 ) c = 3;
Snake *s = diff->GetSnake();
Snake *t;
while( t = s->next )
// Look for snake > 2 * CONTEXT
while( t->next && t->x + 2 * c >= t->u )
t = t->next;
// Compute first/last lines of diff block
LineNo sx = s->u - c > 0 ? s->u - c : 0;
LineNo sy = s->v - c > 0 ? s->v - c : 0;
LineNo ex = t->x + c < spx->Lines() ? t->x + c : spx->Lines();
LineNo ey = t->y + c < spy->Lines() ? t->y + c : spy->Lines();
// Display [s,t]
fprintf( out, "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s",
sx+1, ex-sx, sy+1, ey-sy, newLines );
// Now walk the snake between s,t, displaying the diffs
LineNo nx = s->u;
LineNo ny = s->v;
Walker( " ", spx, sx, nx );
s = s->next;
sx = s->x;
sy = s->y;
Walker( "-", spx, nx, sx );
Walker( "+", spy, ny, sy );
while( s != t );
// Display the tail of the chunk
Walker( " ", spx, sx, ex );
* DiffContext
Diff::DiffContext( int c )
// s,t bound the diffs being displayed.
// First we move t forward until the snake is bigger than
// 2 * CONTEXT, then we display [s,t], then iterate for [t,...].
// Remember: a snake is a matching chunk. Diffs are inbetween
// snakes, before the first snake, or after the last snake.
if( c < 0 ) c = 3;
Snake *s = diff->GetSnake();
Snake *t;
for( ; t = s->next; s = t )
// Look for snake > 2 * CONTEXT
while( t->next && t->x + 2 * c >= t->u )
t = t->next;
// Compute first/last lines of diff block
LineNo sx = s->u - c > 0 ? s->u - c : 0;
LineNo sy = s->v - c > 0 ? s->v - c : 0;
LineNo ex = t->x + c < spx->Lines() ? t->x + c : spx->Lines();
LineNo ey = t->y + c < spy->Lines() ? t->y + c : spy->Lines();
// Display [s,t]
fprintf( out, "***************%s", newLines );
// File 1
fprintf( out, "*** %d,%d ****%s", sx+1, ex, newLines );
// Now walk the snake between s,t, displaying the diffs
Snake *ss, *tt;
for( ss = s; ss != t; ss = tt )
tt = ss->next;
if( ss->u < tt->x )
Walker( " ", spx, sx, ss->u );
const char *mark = ss->v < tt->y ? "! " : "- ";
Walker( mark, spx, ss->u, tt->x );
sx = tt->x;
if( s->u < sx )
Walker( " ", spx, sx, ex );
// File 2
fprintf( out, "--- %d,%d ----%s", sy+1, ey, newLines );
// Now walk the snake between s,t, displaying the diffs
for( ss = s; ss != t; ss = tt )
tt = ss->next;
if( ss->v < tt->y )
Walker( " ", spy, sy, ss->v );
const char *mark = ss->u < tt->x ? "! " : "+ ";
Walker( mark, spy, ss->v, tt->y );
sy = tt->y;
if( s->v < sy )
Walker( " ", spy, sy, ey );
* DiffSummary
Snake *s = diff->GetSnake();
Snake *t;
LineNo l_deleted = 0;
LineNo l_added = 0;
LineNo l_edited_in = 0;
LineNo l_edited_out = 0;
LineNo c_deleted = 0;
LineNo c_added = 0;
LineNo c_edited = 0;
for( ; t = s->next; s = t )
/* Print edit operator */
if( s->u < t->x && s->v < t->y )
l_edited_in += (t->x - s->u);
l_edited_out += (t->y - s->v);
else if (s->v < t->y)
l_added += (t->y - s->v);
else if( s->u < t->x )
l_deleted += (t->x - s->u);
fprintf( out,
"add %d chunks %d lines\n"
"deleted %d chunks %d lines\n"
"changed %d chunks %d / %d lines\n",
c_added, l_added,
c_deleted, l_deleted,
c_edited, l_edited_in, l_edited_out );