* Copyright 2001 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
class TransDictQues : public StrBufDict {
StrDict *other;
CharSetCvt *fromOther;
TransDictQues( StrDict *o, CharSetCvt *f )
: other(o), fromOther(f) {}
StrPtr *VGetVar( const StrPtr &var );
int VGetVarX( int, StrRef &, StrRef & );
class TransDict : public StrBufDict {
StrDict *other;
CharSetCvt *fromOther, *toOther;
TransDict(StrDict *o, CharSetCvt *f, Error *lastError = 0);
TransDictQues *CreateErrorOutputDict()
{ return new TransDictQues( other, fromOther ); }
CharSetCvt *FromCvt() { return fromOther; }
CharSetCvt *ToCvt() { return toOther; }
StrPtr *VGetVar( const StrPtr &var );
void VSetVar( const StrPtr &var, const StrPtr &val );
int VGetVarX( int, StrRef &, StrRef & );
void VSetError( const StrPtr &, Error * );
void SetTransErr( CharSetCvt *cvt, const StrPtr &var );
void ResetTransErr(CharSetCvt *cvt);
int transerr;
Error *lastError;
StrBuf notransbuf;