#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <macutil.h>
bool WindowServicesAvailable()
CFDictionaryRef sessionInfoDict = CGSessionCopyCurrentDictionary();
if ( sessionInfoDict == NULL )
return false;
CFRelease( sessionInfoDict );
return true;
// If 'Terminal' is running already, run the command in a new Window
// If 'Terminal' is not yet running, run the command the front most (just opened) Window.
bool RunCommandInNewTerminalWithCFStrRef( CFStringRef command )
NSString * s = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@" tell application \"System Events\""
"\n set isRunning to (name of processes) contains \"Terminal\""
"\n end tell"
"\n tell application \"Terminal\""
"\n activate"
"\n if (isRunning) then"
"\n do script \"%@\""
"\n else"
"\n do script \"%@\" in window 1"
"\n end if"
"\n end tell",
(NSString*)command, (NSString*)command];
NSAppleScript * as = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: s];
NSAppleEventDescriptor * desc = [as executeAndReturnError:nil];
[as release];
[s release];
return desc != nil;
bool RunCommandInNewTerminal( const char * command )
NSString * cmd = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:command encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
bool result = RunCommandInNewTerminalWithCFStrRef( (CFStringRef)cmd );
[cmd release];
return result;
char * CreateFullPathToApplicationBundle( const char * path )
NSString * bundlePath = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:path encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
NSBundle * bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:bundlePath];
NSString * executablePath = [bundle executablePath];
if ( !executablePath )
return NULL;
const char * cString = [executablePath cStringUsingEncoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
int memSize = strlen(cString) + 1;
char * returnVal = malloc( memSize );
if ([executablePath getCString:returnVal maxLength:memSize encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]])
return returnVal;
return NULL;
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
12188 |
Matt Attaway |
Move 'main' p4 into a release specific directory in prep for new releases |
9129 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial commit of the 2014.1 p4/p4api source code |