/******************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2007-2011, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Name : specmgr.cc * * Description : Perl bindings for the Perforce API. Class for handling * Perforce specs. This class provides other classes with * generic support for parsing and formatting Perforce * specs. * ******************************************************************************/ #include <clientapi.h> #include <strops.h> #include <spec.h> #include <strtable.h> #include "perlheaders.h" #include "p4perldebug.h" #include "p4specdata.h" #include "specmgr.h" struct defaultspec { const char *type; const char *spec; } speclist[] = { { "branch", "Branch;code:301;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Update;code:302;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:303;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:304;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;" "Options;code:309;type:line;len:32;val:" "unlocked/locked;;" "View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" }, { "change", "Change;code:201;rq;ro;fmt:L;seq:1;len:10;;" "Date;code:202;type:date;ro;fmt:R;seq:3;len:20;;" "Client;code:203;ro;fmt:L;seq:2;len:32;;" "User;code:204;ro;fmt:L;seq:4;len:32;;" "Status;code:205;ro;fmt:R;seq:5;len:10;;" "Type;code:211;seq:6;type:select;fmt:L;len:10;" "val:public/restricted;;" "ImportedBy;code:212;type:line;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Identity;code:213;type:line;;" "Description;code:206;type:text;rq;seq:7;;" "JobStatus;code:207;fmt:I;type:select;seq:9;;" "Jobs;code:208;type:wlist;seq:8;len:32;;" "Files;code:210;type:llist;len:64;;" }, { "client", "Client;code:301;rq;ro;seq:1;len:32;;" "Update;code:302;type:date;ro;seq:2;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:303;type:date;ro;seq:4;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:304;seq:3;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Host;code:305;seq:5;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;" "Root;code:307;rq;type:line;len:64;;" "AltRoots;code:308;type:llist;len:64;;" "Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:" "noallwrite/allwrite,noclobber/clobber,nocompress/compress," "unlocked/locked,nomodtime/modtime,normdir/rmdir;;" "SubmitOptions;code:313;type:select;fmt:L;len:25;val:" "submitunchanged/submitunchanged+reopen/revertunchanged/" "revertunchanged+reopen/leaveunchanged/leaveunchanged+reopen;;" "LineEnd;code:310;type:select;fmt:L;len:12;val:" "local/unix/mac/win/share;;" "Stream;code:314;type:line;len:64;;" "StreamAtChange;code:316;type:line;len:64;;" "ServerID;code:315;type:line;ro;len:64;;" "Type;code:318;type:select;len:10;val:" "writeable/readonly/graph/partitioned;;" "Backup;code:319;type:select;len:10;val:enable/disable;;" "View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" "ChangeView;code:317;type:llist;len:64;;" }, { "depot", "Depot;code:251;rq;ro;len:32;;" "Owner;code:252;len:32;;" "Date;code:253;type:date;ro;len:20;;" "Description;code:254;type:text;len:128;;" "Type;code:255;rq;len:10;;" "Address;code:256;len:64;;" "Suffix;code:258;len:64;;" "StreamDepth;code:260;len:64;;" "Map;code:257;rq;len:64;;" "SpecMap;code:259;type:wlist;len:64;;" }, { "extension", "ExtName;code:901;type:line;opt:once;len:64;;" "ExtDescription;code:902;type:text;opt:once;len:128;;" "ExtVersion;code:903;type:line;opt:once;len:32;;" "ExtUUID;code:904;type:line;opt:once;len:36;;" "ExtRev;code:905;type:word;opt:once;len:20;;" "ExtMaxScriptTime;code:913;type:word;len:12;;" "ExtMaxScriptMem;code:914;type:word;len:12;;" "ExtAllowedGroups;code:915;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" "ExtEnabled;code:916;type:word;opt:default;len:12;;" "ExtP4USER;code:917;type:word;opt:default;len:12;;" "Name;code:906;type:line;opt:default;len:32;;" "Owner;code:907;type:word;opt:default;len:36;;" "Update;code:908;type:date;opt:always;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Description;code:909;type:text;opt:required;len:128;;" "ExtConfig;code:912;type:text;opt:required;len:256;;" }, { "group", "Group;code:401;rq;ro;len:32;;" "MaxResults;code:402;type:word;len:12;;" "MaxScanRows;code:403;type:word;len:12;;" "MaxLockTime;code:407;type:word;len:12;;" "MaxOpenFiles;code:413;type:word;len:12;;" "Timeout;code:406;type:word;len:12;;" "PasswordTimeout;code:409;type:word;len:12;;" "LdapConfig;code:410;type:line;len:128;;" "LdapSearchQuery;code:411;type:line;len:128;;" "LdapUserAttribute;code:412;type:line;len:128;;" "LdapUserDNAttribute;code:414;type:line;len:128;;" "Subgroups;code:404;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" "Owners;code:408;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" "Users;code:405;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" }, { "job", "Job;code:101;rq;len:32;;" "Status;code:102;type:select;rq;len:10;" "pre:open;val:open/suspended/closed;;" "User;code:103;rq;len:32;pre:$user;;" "Date;code:104;type:date;ro;len:20;pre:$now;;" "Description;code:105;type:text;rq;pre:$blank;;" }, { "label", "Label;code:301;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Update;code:302;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:303;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:304;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;" "Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:" "unlocked/locked,noautoreload/autoreload;;" "Revision;code:312;type:word;words:1;len:64;;" "ServerID;code:315;type:line;ro;len:64;;" "View;code:311;type:wlist;len:64;;" }, { "ldap", "Name;code:801;rq;len:32;;" "Host;code:802;rq;type:word;words:1;len:128;;" "Port;code:803;rq;type:word;words:1;len:5;;" "Encryption;code:804;rq;len:10;val:" "none/ssl/tls;;" "BindMethod;code:805;rq;len:10;val:" "simple/search/sasl;;" "Options;code:816;type:line;len:64;val:" "nodowncase/downcase,nogetattrs/getattrs," "norealminusername/realminusername;;" "SimplePattern;code:806;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchBaseDN;code:807;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchFilter;code:808;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchScope;code:809;len:10;val:" "baseonly/children/subtree;;" "SearchBindDN;code:810;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchPasswd;code:811;type:line;len:128;;" "SaslRealm;code:812;type:word;words:1;len:128;;" "GroupBaseDN;code:813;type:line;len:128;;" "GroupSearchFilter;code:814;type:line;len:128;;" "GroupSearchScope;code:815;len:10;val:" "baseonly/children/subtree;;" "AttributeUid;code:817;type:word;len:128;;" "AttributeName;code:818;type:line;len:128;;" "AttributeEmail;code:819;type:word;len:128;;" }, { "license", "License;code:451;len:32;;" "License-Expires;code:452;len:10;;" "Support-Expires;code:453;len:10;;" "Customer;code:454;type:line;len:128;;" "Application;code:455;len:32;;" "IPaddress;code:456;len:24;;" "IPservice;code:461;type:wlist;len:24;;" "Platform;code:457;len:32;;" "Clients;code:458;len:8;;" "Users;code:459;len:8;;" "Files;code:460;len:8;;" "Repos;code:462;len:8;;" }, { "protect", "SubPath;code:502;ro;len:64;;" "Update;code:503;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Protections;code:501;fmt:C;type:wlist;words:5;opt:default;z;len:64;;" }, { "remote", "RemoteID;code:851;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Address;code:852;rq;type:line;len:32;;" "Owner;code:853;fmt:R;len:32;;" "RemoteUser;code:861;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Options;code:854;type:line;len:32;val:" "unlocked/locked,nocompress/compress,copyrcs/nocopyrcs;;" "Update;code:855;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:856;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Description;code:857;type:text;len:128;;" "LastFetch;code:858;fmt:L;len:10;;" "LastPush;code:859;fmt:L;len:10;;" "DepotMap;code:860;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" "ArchiveLimits;code:862;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" }, { "repo", "Repo;code:1001;rq;ro;len:128;;" "Owner;code:1002;len:32;;" "Created;code:1003;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Pushed;code:1004;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "ForkedFrom;code:1005;ro;len:128;;" "Description;code:1006;type:text;len:128;;" "DefaultBranch;code:1007;len:32;;" "MirroredFrom;code:1008;len:32;;" "Options;code:1009;type:select;len:10;val:lfs/nolfs;;" }, { "server", "ServerID;code:751;rq;ro;len:32;;" "Type;code:752;rq;len:32;;" "Name;code:753;type:line;len:32;;" "Address;code:754;type:line;len:32;;" "ExternalAddress;code:755;type:line;len:32;;" "Services;code:756;rq;len:128;;" "Options;code:764;type:line;len:32;val:" "nomandatory/mandatory;;" "ReplicatingFrom;code:765;type:line;len:32;;" "Description;code:757;type:text;len:128;;" "User;code:761;type:line;len:64;;" "AllowedAddresses;code:763;type:wlist;len:64;;" "ClientDataFilter;code:758;type:wlist;len:64;;" "RevisionDataFilter;code:759;type:wlist;len:64;;" "ArchiveDataFilter;code:760;type:wlist;len:64;;" "DistributedConfig;code:762;type:text;len:128;;" }, { "spec", "Fields;code:351;type:wlist;words:5;rq;;" "Words;code:352;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Formats;code:353;type:wlist;words:3;;" "Values;code:354;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Presets;code:355;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Openable;code:362;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Comments;code:356;type:text;;" }, { "stream", "Stream;code:701;rq;ro;len:64;;" "Update;code:705;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:706;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:704;len:32;;" "Name;code:703;rq;type:line;len:32;;" "Parent;code:702;rq;len:64;open:isolate;;" "Type;code:708;rq;len:32;open:isolate;;" "Description;code:709;type:text;len:128;;" "Options;code:707;type:line;len:64;val:" "allsubmit/ownersubmit,unlocked/locked," "toparent/notoparent,fromparent/nofromparent," "mergedown/mergeany;;" "Paths;code:710;rq;type:wlist;words:2;maxwords:3;len:64;open:isolate;;" "Remapped;code:711;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;open:isolate;;" "Ignored;code:712;type:wlist;words:1;len:64;open:isolate;;" "View;code:713;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" "ChangeView;code:714;type:llist;ro;len:64;;" }, { "triggers", "Triggers;code:551;type:wlist;words:4;len:64;opt:default;z;;" }, { "typemap", "TypeMap;code:601;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;opt:default;z;;" }, { "user", "User;code:651;rq;ro;seq:1;len:32;;" "Type;code:659;ro;fmt:R;len:10;;" "Email;code:652;fmt:R;rq;seq:3;len:32;;" "Update;code:653;fmt:L;type:date;ro;seq:2;len:20;;" "Access;code:654;fmt:L;type:date;ro;len:20;;" "FullName;code:655;fmt:R;type:line;rq;len:32;;" "JobView;code:656;type:line;len:64;;" "Password;code:657;len:32;;" "AuthMethod;code:662;fmt:L;len:10;val:" "perforce/perforce+2fa/ldap/ldap+2fa;;" "Reviews;code:658;type:wlist;len:64;;" }, { 0, 0} }; SpecMgr::SpecMgr() { debug = 0; specs = 0; Reset(); } SpecMgr::~SpecMgr() { delete specs; } void SpecMgr::AddSpecDef(const char *type, StrPtr &specDef) { if (specs->GetVar(type)) specs->RemoveVar(type); specs->SetVar(type, specDef); } void SpecMgr::AddSpecDef(const char *type, const char *specDef) { if (specs->GetVar(type)) specs->RemoveVar(type); specs->SetVar(type, specDef); } void SpecMgr::Reset() { delete specs; specs = new StrBufDict; for (struct defaultspec *sp = &speclist[0]; sp->type; sp++) AddSpecDef(sp->type, sp->spec); } int SpecMgr::HaveSpecDef(const char *type) { return specs->GetVar(type) != 0; } // // Convert a Perforce StrDict into a Perl hash. Convert multi-level // data (Files0, Files1 etc. ) into (nested) array members of the hash. // SV * SpecMgr::StrDictToHash(StrDict *dict, SV * hashref) { StrRef var, val; int i; HV * hash; if (!hashref) { hash = newHV(); hashref = newRV_noinc( (SV*) hash ); } else { hash = (HV*) SvRV( hashref ); } for (i = 0; dict->GetVar(i, var, val); i++) { if (var == "specdef" || var == "func" || var == "specFormatted") continue; InsertItem(hash, &var, &val); } return hashref; } // // Convert a Perforce StrDict into a P4::Spec object // SV * SpecMgr::StrDictToSpec(StrDict *dict, StrPtr *specDef) { // This converts it to a string, and then to a hash, so we go from one // type of dictionary to another, via an intermediate form (a StrBuf). Error e; SpecDataTable dictData(dict); #if P4API_VERSION >= 513538 Spec s(specDef->Text(), "", &e); #else Spec s( specDef->Text(), "" ); #endif StrBuf form; if (e.Test()) return &PL_sv_undef; // Format the StrDict into a StrBuf object s.Format(&dictData, &form); // Now parse the StrBuf into a new P4::Spec object SV * spec = NewSpec(specDef); SpecDataPerl hashData(spec); s.ParseNoValid(form.Text(), &hashData, &e); if (e.Test()) return &PL_sv_undef; StrRef ebase("extraTag"); int j = 0; for (j = 0;; j++) { StrBuf tag; StrPtr *var; StrPtr *val; tag << ebase << j; if (!(var = dict->GetVar(tag) )) break; val = dict->GetVar(*var); if (!val) continue; InsertItem((HV*) SvRV(spec), var, val); } return spec; } SV * SpecMgr::StringToSpec(const char *type, const char *form, Error *e) { StrPtr * specDef = specs->GetVar(type); SV * hash = NewSpec(specDef); SpecDataPerl specData(hash); if (!specDef) { e->Set(E_FAILED, "No specdef available. Cannot parse form"); return &PL_sv_undef; } #if P4API_VERSION >= 513538 Spec s(specDef->Text(), "", e); #else Spec s( specDef->Text(), "" ); #endif if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMS) PerlIO_stdoutf("[SpecMgr::StringToSpec]: Input form is:\n%s\n", form); if (!e->Test()) s.ParseNoValid(form, &specData, e); if (e->Test()) return &PL_sv_undef; return hash; } // // Format routine. updates a StrBuf object with the form content. // The StrBuf can then be converted to a Perl string where required. // void SpecMgr::SpecToString(const char *type, HV * hash, StrBuf &b, Error *e) { StrPtr * specDef = specs->GetVar(type); if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMS) PerlIO_stdoutf( "[SpecMgr::SpecToString]: Converting %s from hash to string\n", type); if (!specDef) { e->Set(E_FAILED, "No specdef available. Cannot convert hash to a " "Perforce form"); return; } #if P4API_VERSION >= 513538 Spec s(specDef->Text(), "", e); #else Spec s( specDef->Text(), "" ); #endif if (e->Test()) return; // Now format it into the buffer. SpecDataPerl specData(hash); s.Format(&specData, &b); if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMS) PerlIO_stdoutf("[SpecMgr::SpecToString]: Converted form:\n%s\n", b.Text()); } // // Split a key into its base name and its index. i.e. for a key "how1,0" // the base name is "how" and they index is "1,0". We work backwards from // the end of the key looking for the first char that is neither a // digit, nor a comma. // void SpecMgr::SplitKey(const StrPtr *key, StrBuf &base, StrBuf &index) { int i = 0; base = *key; index = ""; for (i = key->Length(); i; i--) { char prev = (*key)[i - 1]; if (!isdigit(prev) && prev != ',') { base.Set(key->Text(), i); index.Set(key->Text() + i); break; } } } // // Insert an element into the response structure. The element may need to // be inserted into an array nested deeply within the enclosing hash. // void SpecMgr::InsertItem(HV * hash, const StrPtr *var, const StrPtr *val) { AV * av; AV * tav; SV * sv; SV ** svp; StrBuf msg; StrBuf key; StrBuf base, index; StrRef comma(","); if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("[SpecMgr::InsertItem]: key %s, value %s\n", var->Text(), val->Text()); SplitKey(var, base, index); if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("\tbase=%s, index=%s\n", base.Text(), index.Text()); // If there's no index, then we insert into the top level hash // but if the key is already defined then we need to rename the key. This // is probably one of those special keys like otherOpen which can be // both an array element and a scalar. The scalar comes last, so we // just rename it to "otherOpens" to avoid trashing the previous key // value if (index == "") { if (hv_exists( hash, base.Text(), base.Length() )) { base << "s"; } if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("\t[Simple]: %s -> %s\n", base.Text(), val->Text()); sv = newSVpv( val->Text(), val->Length() ); hv_store( hash, base.Text(), base.Length(), sv, 0); return; } // // Get or create the parent array from the hash. // svp = hv_fetch( hash, base.Text(), base.Length(), 0 ); if (!svp) { if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("\t[Array]: %s -> []\n", base.Text()); av = newAV(); sv = newRV_noinc( (SV*) av ); svp = &sv; hv_store( hash, base.Text(), base.Length(), sv, 0); } else if (!SvROK( *svp ) || SvTYPE( SvRV( *svp ) ) != SVt_PVAV) { // // There's an index in our var name, but the name is already defined // and the value it contains is not an array. This means we've got a // name collision. This can happen in 'p4 diff2' for example, when // one file gets 'depotFile' and the other gets 'depotFile2'. In // these cases it makes sense to keep the structure flat so we // just use the raw variable name. // if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("\t[Simple]: %s -> %s\n", var->Text(), val->Text()); hv_store( hash, var->Text(), var->Length(), newSVpv( val->Text(), val->Length() ), 0); return; } // // De-reference // av = (AV *) SvRV( *svp ); // // At this point we know that (a) we have an index, and (b) the top hash // contains an array reference with the right key name. Now, the index // may be a simple digit, or it could be a comma separated list of digits. // For each "level" in the index, we need a containing array. // if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("\t[Array]: %s -> [", base.Text()); for (const char *c = 0; (c = index.Contains(comma));) { StrBuf level; level.Set(index.Text(), c - index.Text()); index.Set(c + 1); // Found another level so we need to get/create a nested array // under the current entry. We use the level as an index so that // missing entries are left empty deliberately. svp = av_fetch( av, level.Atoi(), 0 ); if (!svp) { tav = newAV(); av_store( av, level.Atoi(), newRV_noinc( (SV*) tav )); av = tav; } else if (SvROK( *svp ) && SvTYPE( SvRV( *svp ) ) == SVt_PVAV) { av = (AV*) SvRV( *svp ); } else { warn("Not an array reference"); return; } if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("%s][", level.Text()); } if (P4PERL_DEBUG_FORMCONV) PerlIO_stdoutf("%d] = %s\n", (int) av_len( av ) + 1, val->Text()); av_store( av, index.Atoi(), newSVpv( val->Text(), val->Length() )); } // // This method returns a hashref describing the valid fields in the spec. To // make it easy on our users, we map the lowercase name to the name defined // in the spec. Thus, the users can always user lowercase, and if the field // should be in mixed case, it will be. // SV * SpecMgr::SpecFields(const char *type) { return SpecFields(specs->GetVar(type)); } SV * SpecMgr::SpecFields(StrPtr *specDef) { if (!specDef) return &PL_sv_undef; // // Here we abuse the fact that SpecElem::tag is public, even though it's // only supposed to be public to SpecData's subclasses. It's hard to // see that changing anytime soon, and it makes this so simple and // reliable. So... // HV * hash = newHV(); Error e; #if P4API_VERSION >= 513538 Spec s(specDef->Text(), "", &e); #else Spec s( specDef->Text(), "" ); #endif if (e.Test()) return &PL_sv_undef; for (int i = 0; i < s.Count(); i++) { StrBuf k; StrBuf v; SpecElem * se = s.Get(i); v = se->tag; k = v; StrOps::Lower(k); hv_store( hash, k.Text(), k.Length(), newSVpv( v.Text(), v.Length() ), 0); } SV *ref = newRV_noinc( (SV*) hash ); return ref; } // // Return a freshly created P4::Spec object // SV * SpecMgr::NewSpec(StrPtr *specDef) { SV * spec = 0; SV * className = 0; SV * hashref = 0; int output = 0; dSP; ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK( sp); className = sv_2mortal( newSVpv( "P4::Spec", 0 ) ); hashref = sv_2mortal( SpecFields( specDef ) ); XPUSHs( className); XPUSHs( hashref); PUTBACK; // End of arguments // Call the constructor output = perl_call_method( "P4::Spec::new", G_SCALAR ); SPAGAIN; // Start looking at results. if (!output) warn("Failed to create a P4::Spec object!"); else spec = POPs; PUTBACK; // // Constructor will mortalize its return value. If we fail to // increment the refcnt, then when we call LEAVE and FREETMPS // the result we got back will be trashed. // SvREFCNT_inc( spec); // Now, we can cleanup FREETMPS; LEAVE; return spec; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 25167 | Paul Allen | P4Perl 2018.2 release update. | ||
#2 | 19372 | Paul Allen | Update with P16.1 changes. | ||
#1 | 15920 | Matt Attaway | Move p4perl files into the main directory | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4perl/lib/specmgr.cpp | |||||
#2 | 8739 | Paul Allen |
Update of Spec Manager for 14.1 Server Specs. Transferred from p4://p4prod.perforce.com:1666@806398 |
#1 | 8486 | Paul Allen |
Initial population of P4PERL from: //depot/main/p4-perl/...@565514 //depot/main/p4-doc/user/p4perlnotes.txt@565514 |