use Test::More tests => 14; BEGIN { use_ok( 'P4' ); } # Load test utils unshift( @INC, "." ); unshift( @INC, "t" ); require_ok( "p4test" ); my $test = new P4::Test; my $p4 = $test->InitClient(); ok( defined( $p4 ) ); $p4->SetProg( $0 ); my %client; # # Number of fields here influences number of tests. Change with care... # $client{ 'Client' } = "foo"; $client{ 'Owner' } = "tony"; $client{ 'Root' } = "/home/tony"; $client{ 'View' } = [ "//depot/... //foo/..." ]; my $c = $p4->FormatClient( \%client ); ok( length( $c ) > 0 ); my $newclient = $p4->ParseClient( $c ); foreach my $k (keys %client) { ok( defined( $newclient->{ $k } ) ); if( ref( $newclient->{ $k } ) eq "ARRAY" ) { for( my $i = 0; defined( $client{ $k }->[ $i ] ); $i++ ) { is( $newclient->{ $k }->[ $i ], $client{ $k }->[ $i ] ) } } else { is( $newclient->{ $k }, $client{ $k } ); } } ok( ref( $newclient ) eq "P4::Spec" ); ok( grep( /Owner/, $newclient->PermittedFields() ) );
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 15920 | Matt Attaway | Move p4perl files into the main directory | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4perl/t/08-specs.t | |||||
#1 | 8486 | Paul Allen |
Initial population of P4PERL from: //depot/main/p4-perl/...@565514 //depot/main/p4-doc/user/p4perlnotes.txt@565514 |