#include "stdafx.h" #include "P4Image.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CP4Image16 - support for 16 color images bool CP4Image16::Load(int nId) { if(!m_bmp.LoadBitmap(nId)) return false; m_bmp.GetBitmap(&m_bm); m_w = m_bm.bmWidth; m_h = m_bm.bmHeight; return true; } bool CP4Image16::Create(CDC &dc, int w, int h) { if(!m_bmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, w, h)) return false; m_w = w; m_h = h; return true; } void CP4Image16::StartBlendingSource() { m_imgList = new CImageList(); m_imgList->Create(m_cellWidth, m_h, ILC_COLOR4|ILC_MASK, 1, 1); m_imgList->Add(&m_bmp, m_chromaKey); } void CP4Image16::EndBlendingSource() { delete m_imgList; m_imgList = 0; } void CP4Image16::StartBlendingDest(CDC &dc) { m_dc = new CDC; m_dc->CreateCompatibleDC(&dc); m_oldBmp = m_dc->SelectObject(&m_bmp); } void CP4Image16::EndBlendingDest() { m_dc->SelectObject(m_oldBmp); m_oldBmp = 0; delete m_dc; m_dc = 0; } void CP4Image16::FillImage(COLORREF clr) { CBrush bgbr; bgbr.CreateSolidBrush(clr); m_dc->FillRect(CRect(0, 0, m_w, m_h), &bgbr); } void CP4Image16::BlendImage(int di, CP4Image &src, int si) { // Blending is done using an ImageList rather than just // using TransparentBlt, because TransparentBlt isn't // available on win95 or nt4 CP4Image16 * src4 = dynamic_cast<CP4Image16*>(&src); ASSERT(src4); ASSERT(src4->m_cellWidth == m_cellWidth); src4->m_imgList->Draw(m_dc, si, CPoint(di * m_cellWidth, 0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); } CBitmap * CP4Image16::CreateDDB(CDC &/*dc*/) { return &m_bmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CP4ImageDib - support for 32 bit rgba images bool CP4ImageDib::Load(int nId) { // You might think it would work to just call LoadImage // to load a bitmap image. But apparently some versions // of Windows will be confused and load a 32-bit image // incorrectly for some mysterious reason. So we do it // the slightly harder way here: HRSRC hRes = FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(nId), RT_BITMAP); if(hRes == NULL) return false; HGLOBAL hResLoad = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hRes); if(hResLoad == NULL) return false; char * lpResLock = (char*)LockResource(hResLoad); if (lpResLock == NULL) return false; BITMAPINFOHEADER * bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)lpResLock; if(bmih->biBitCount != 32 || bmih->biPlanes != 1) { return false; } // create a dib using the dib section and copy the bits m_bmi.bmiHeader = *bmih; m_w = m_bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth; m_h = m_bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = m_w * m_h * 4; m_bits = new unsigned char [m_bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage]; memcpy(m_bits, lpResLock + bmih->biSize, m_bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); return true; } bool CP4ImageDib::Create(int w, int h) { // set up the DIB m_bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(m_bmi.bmiHeader); m_bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = h; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = w * h * 4; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; m_bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; m_w = m_bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth; m_h = m_bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight; m_bits = new unsigned char [m_bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage]; return true; } void CP4ImageDib::FillImage(COLORREF clr) { for(int r = 0; r < m_h; r++) { unsigned char *pd = m_bits + r * m_w * 4; for(int c = 0; c < m_w; c++, pd += 4) { pd[0] = GetBValue(clr); pd[1] = GetGValue(clr); pd[2] = GetRValue(clr); pd[3] = 0; } } } void CP4ImageDib::BlendImage(int di, CP4Image &src, int si) { CP4ImageDib * dib = dynamic_cast<CP4ImageDib*>(&src); ASSERT(dib); if(!dib) return; for(int r = 0; r < m_h; r++) { unsigned char *ps = dib->m_bits + r * dib->m_w * 4 + si * m_cellWidth * 4; unsigned char *pd = m_bits + r * m_w * 4 + di * m_cellWidth * 4; for(int c = 0; c < m_cellWidth; c++, ps += 4, pd += 4) { int alpha = ps[3]; if(!alpha) continue; // blend source bitmap with background color using source alpha pd[0] = (unsigned char)(ps[0] + ((255 - alpha) * pd[0] >> 8)); pd[1] = (unsigned char)(ps[1] + ((255 - alpha) * pd[1] >> 8)); pd[2] = (unsigned char)(ps[2] + ((255 - alpha) * pd[2] >> 8)); pd[3] = (unsigned char)(ps[3] + ((255 - alpha) * pd[3] >> 8)); } } } CBitmap * CP4ImageDib::CreateDDB(CDC &dc) { HBITMAP hBitmap = ::CreateDIBitmap(dc.m_hDC, &m_bmi.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, m_bits, &m_bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); m_bmp.Attach(hBitmap); return &m_bmp; } void CP4ImageDib::PreMultiplyAlpha() { for(int r = 0; r < m_h; r++) { unsigned char *ps = m_bits + r * m_w * 4; for(int c = 0; c < m_w; c++, ps += 4) { // pre-multiply alpha into source bitmap int alpha = ps[3]; ps[0] = (unsigned char)((ps[0] * alpha) >> 8); ps[1] = (unsigned char)((ps[1] * alpha) >> 8); ps[2] = (unsigned char)((ps[2] * alpha) >> 8); } } } void CP4ImageDib::BlendBackground(COLORREF bg) { // set up some colors unsigned char bgb = GetBValue(bg); unsigned char bgg = GetGValue(bg); unsigned char bgr = GetRValue(bg); unsigned ubg = GetBValue(bg) | (GetGValue(bg)<<8) | (GetRValue(bg)<<16); for(int r = 0; r < m_h; r++) { unsigned char *ps = m_bits + r * m_w * 4; for(int c = 0; c < m_w; c++, ps += 4) { int alpha = ps[3]; if(!alpha) { // special case for totally transparent parts *((unsigned*)ps) = ubg; continue; } // blend source bitmap with background color using source alpha ps[0] = (unsigned char)((bgb * (255 - alpha) + ps[0] * alpha) >> 8); ps[1] = (unsigned char)((bgg * (255 - alpha) + ps[1] * alpha) >> 8); ps[2] = (unsigned char)((bgr * (255 - alpha) + ps[2] * alpha) >> 8); ps[3] = 255; } } } bool CP4ImageDib::CreateDisabled(CP4ImageDib &src, COLORREF bg) { if(!Create(src.m_w, src.m_h)) return false; // To create the disabled image, convert to a 'grayscale' // using a range from COLOR_3DHILIGHT to COLOR_3DDKSHADOW // This produces a good approximation to what winxp does. COLORREF shadow = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW); COLORREF hilight = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT); unsigned char bgb = GetBValue(bg); unsigned char bgg = GetGValue(bg); unsigned char bgr = GetRValue(bg); unsigned char sb = GetBValue(shadow); unsigned char sg = GetGValue(shadow); unsigned char sr = GetRValue(shadow); unsigned char hb = GetBValue(hilight); unsigned char hg = GetGValue(hilight); unsigned char hr = GetRValue(hilight); unsigned ubg = GetBValue(bg) | (GetGValue(bg)<<8) | (GetRValue(bg)<<16); for(int r = 0; r < m_h; r++) { unsigned *ps = (unsigned *)src.m_bits + r * m_w; unsigned *pd = (unsigned *)m_bits + r * m_w; for(int c = 0; c < m_w; c++, ps++, pd++) { if(*ps == ubg) { *pd = ubg; continue; } // get source image components unsigned nb = *ps & 0xff; unsigned ng = (*ps >> 8) & 0xff; unsigned nr = (*ps >> 16) & 0xff; unsigned alpha = (*ps >> 24) & 0xff; // calculate luminance. This is what is used to determine // where in the monochrome range the color maps. double luminance = (0.299 * nr + 0.587 * ng + 0.114 * nb)/255; if(luminance > 1.0) luminance = 1.0; // map from color to monochrome unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(sb + luminance * (hb - sb)); unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(sg + luminance * (hg - sg)); unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(sr + luminance * (hr - sr)); // blend with the background color b = (unsigned char)((bgb * (255 - alpha) + b * alpha) >> 8); g = (unsigned char)((bgg * (255 - alpha) + g * alpha) >> 8); r = (unsigned char)((bgr * (255 - alpha) + r * alpha) >> 8); // and put it away pd[0] = b | (g << 8) | (r << 16) | 0xff000000; } } return true; } void CP4ImageDib::SetTransparentColor(COLORREF t) { unsigned clr = GetBValue(t) | (GetGValue(t)<<8) | (GetRValue(t)<<16); for(int r = 0; r < m_h; r++) { unsigned char *ps = m_bits + r * m_w * 4; for(int c = 0; c < m_w; c++, ps += 4) { int alpha = ps[3]; if(!alpha) { // replace color only for totally transparent pixels *((unsigned*)ps) = clr; } } } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 16169 | perforce_software | Move files to follow new path scheme for branches. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/common/P4Image.cpp | |||||
#1 | 8562 | Matt Attaway |
These feet never stop running. Initial commit of the P4Win source code. To the best of our knowledge this compiles and runs using the 2013.3 P4 API and VS 2010. Expect a few changes as we refine the build process. Please post any build issues to the forums. |