=head1 NAME
genhelp - Build lib/VCP/Help.pm by extracting POD from the listed files
genhelp bin/vcp lib/VCP.pm lib/VCP/Foo.pm ...
When bundling libraries and POD files with PAR <= 0.79, it is difficult
to find and parse the files to generate help with. So we extract it
and build it in to a Perl module as a bunch of strings using this tool.
See Makefile.PL for how this tool is automated.
my $text;
## My::Pod::Usage writes to this instead of STDOUT. It's a global
## to allow us to call pod2usage() and collect its output.
package My::Pod::Text;
use POD::Text;
@ISA = qw( Pod::Text );
sub parse_from_file {
my $self = shift;
$text = "";
$self->SUPER::parse_from_file( @_ );
sub output {
$text .= $_[1];
package main;
use strict;
use lib 'lib';
use List::Util;
use Pod::Usage;
use VCP::PodOPTIONSParser;
use Text::Wrap qw( wrap );
## HACK: Pod::* are very single minded about only outputting to the
## console. Subvert Pod::Usage.
@Pod::Usage::ISA = qw( My::Pod::Text );
use lib 'lib';
open OUTPUT, ">lib/VCP/Help.pm" or die "$!: lib/VCP/Help.pm";
warn "writing lib/VCP/Help.pm\n";
package VCP::Help;
\%topics = (
sub print_topic {
my ( $topic, $text ) = @_;
$topic = lc $topic;
$text =~ s/^TOPIC/ TOPIC/mg
and warn "TOPIC escaped in $topic\n";
## This should never happen, so it's ok if a wonky little leading
## space is added: graceful degredation.
1 while chomp $text;
print OUTPUT "#" x 72, "\n'$topic' => <<'TOPIC',\n$text\nTOPIC\n";
sub wrap_pod_paragraphs {
local $Text::Wrap::columns = shift;
return map /^\s/ || /==\z/
? "$_"
: wrap(
map split( /\n+/ ), $_
sub pod_paragraphs_to_string {
return join
map( "$_\n", wrap_pod_paragraphs 60, @_ ),
## We wrap at 60 because paragraphs that pass through here
## are destined to be printed to a config file as inline
## commmentary and need to be narrow so they can be indented.
sub wrap_into_3_columns {
my @topics = @_;
## Display 3 columns of topics
push @topics, "" while @topics % 3;
my $l = List::Util::max( map length, @topics );
my $m = @topics / 3;
return join "",
" %-${l}s %-${l}s %s\n",
@topics[ $_, $_+$m, $_+2*$m ]
(0..$m - 1)
sub class_hierarchy {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my @isa_q = ( $class );
## The queue of unvisited classes
my %seen_classes;
## Classes to be skipped because they've been seen.
my @classes;
while ( @isa_q ) {
my $class = shift @isa_q;
next if $seen_classes{$class}++;
push @classes, $class;
push @isa_q, do {
no strict "refs";
return @classes;
my @topics;
my %seen;
for my $fn ( @ARGV ) {
my $topic = $fn;
$topic =~ s{.*\b(bin|VCP)[\\/]}{}i;
$topic =~ s{\..*}{};
$topic =~ s{[\\/]}{::}g;
warn( "Already emitted topic $topic from $seen{$topic}\n" ), next
if $seen{$topic};
$seen{$topic} = $fn;
push @topics, $topic;
## Convert the whole POD in to a large help file for "vcp help"
do {
my $p = My::Pod::Text->new( width => 72 );
$p->parse_from_file( $fn );
print_topic $topic, $text;
## Extract usage and config file docs for sources, filters and dests
next unless $topic =~ /^(vcp$|source::|filter::|dest::)/i;
-input => $fn,
-verbose => 0,
-exitval => 'noexit',
) ;
print_topic "$topic usage", $text;
if ( $topic ne "vcp" ) {
print_topic "$topic description",
@{VCP::PodDESCRIPTIONParser->parse( $fn )};
my $class = "VCP::$topic";
eval "require $class" or die "$@: VCP::$class\n";
my @classes = class_hierarchy $class;
my $opts_hash = VCP::PodOPTIONSParser->parse( reverse @classes );
## reverse()d because we want parent classes to be scanned
## first so derived classes can replace options docs.
for ( sort keys %$opts_hash ) {
( my $name = $_ ) =~ s/^--?//;
"$topic option $name",
pod_paragraphs_to_string( @{$opts_hash->{$_}} )
@topics = sort @topics;
print_topic "topics",
join "",
"vcp help topics:\n\n",
wrap_into_3_columns( @topics );
print_topic "", <<'TOPIC';
vcp - Version Copy, a tool for copying versions file repositories
help topics (use "vcp help <topic>" to see):
vcp General help for the vcp command
source::cvs Extracting from a cvs repository
source::p4 Extracting from a p4 repository
source::vss Extracting from a VSS repository
dest::cvs Inserting in to a cvs repository
dest::p4 Inserting in to a p4 repository
newlines Newline, ^Z and NULL issues
process How vcp works
license Copyright and license information
topics All available topics
The PAGER environment variable specifies pager program to use for
these help topics.
sub get {
my ( \$topic ) = \@_;
\$topic = '' unless defined \$topic;
\$topic = lc \$topic;
\$topic =~ s/^vcp:://;
warn( "unkown help topic: '\$topic'\\n\\n" ), return
unless \$topics{\$topic};
return \$topics{\$topic};
sub print { CORE::print shift->get( \@_ ); }
sub error { CORE::print STDERR shift->get( \@_ ); }