package RevML::Doctype::v0_35 ; ## ## THIS FILE CREATED AUTOMATICALLY: YOU MAY LOSE ANY EDITS IF YOU MOFIFY IT. ## ## When: Wed Nov 19 09:25:16 2003 ## By: RevML::Doctype, v0.1, (XML::Doctype, v0.11) ## require XML::Doctype ; sub import { my $pkg = shift ; my $callpkg = caller ; $XML::Doctype::_default_dtds{$callpkg} = $doctype ; } $doctype = bless( [ { 'ELTS' => 1, 'NAME' => 2, 'SYSID' => 3, 'PUBID' => 4 }, { 'move' => bless( [ { 'PATHS' => 6, 'DECLARED' => 3, 'NAME' => 4, 'TODO' => 7, 'NAMES' => 5, 'CONTENT' => 2, 'ATTDEFS' => 1 }, undef, '^<name>$', 1, 'move', [ 'name' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'lock' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:<time>)?<user_id>$', 1, 'lock', [ 'time', 'user_id' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_filebranch_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'source_filebranch_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'content' => bless( [ {}, { 'encoding' => bless( [ { 'NAME' => 2, 'DEFAULT' => 1, 'TYPE' => 5, 'QUANT' => 4, 'OUT_DEFAULT' => 3 }, undef, 'encoding', undef, '#REQUIRED', '(none|base64)' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ) }, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'content', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'rev_root' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'rev_root', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'branch_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'branch_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'sourcesafe_action' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'sourcesafe_action', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'name' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'name', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'rep_type' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'rep_type', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'p4_action' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'p4_action', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_safe_info' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'source_safe_info', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'delta' => bless( [ {}, { 'type' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'type', undef, '#REQUIRED', '(diff-u)' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ), 'encoding' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'encoding', undef, '#REQUIRED', '(none|base64)' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ) }, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'delta', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'attrib' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'attrib', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'delete' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'EMPTY', 1, 'delete', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'rev' => bless( [ {}, { 'id' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'id', undef, '#REQUIRED', 'CDATA' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ) }, '^<name><source_name><source_filebranch_id><source_repo_id>(?:<type>(?:<branch_id><source_branch_id>)?<rev_id><source_rev_id>(?:<change_id><source_change_id>)?<digest>|(?:<type>)?(?:<branch_id><source_branch_id>)?<rev_id><source_rev_id>(?:<change_id><source_change_id>)?<time>(?:<mod_time>)?(?:<user_id>)?(?:<comment>)?<previous_id><placeholder>|<type>(?:<cvs_info>|<p4_info>|<source_safe_info>|<pvcs_info>)?(?:<branch_id><source_branch_id>)?<rev_id><source_rev_id>(?:<change_id><source_change_id>)?<time>(?:<mod_time>)?<user_id>(?:<p4_action>|<sourcesafe_action>)?(?:<label>)*(?:<lock>)?(?:<comment>)?(?:<move>|(?:<previous_id>)?(?:<content>|<delta>)<digest>)|(?:<type>)?(?:<cvs_info>|<p4_info>|<source_safe_info>|<pvcs_info>)?(?:<branch_id><source_branch_id>)?(?:<rev_id>)?(?:<source_rev_id>)?(?:<change_id><source_change_id>)?(?:<time>)?(?:<mod_time>)?(?:<user_id>)?(?:<p4_action>|<sourcesafe_action>)?(?:<label>)*(?:<lock>)?(?:<comment>)?(?:<previous_id>)?<delete>)$', 1, 'rev', [ 'move', 'lock', 'mod_time', 'time', 'content', 'source_branch_id', 'source_filebranch_id', 'source_rev_id', 'pvcs_info', 'p4_info', 'branch_id', 'placeholder', 'rev_id', 'sourcesafe_action', 'previous_id', 'change_id', 'name', 'source_change_id', 'p4_action', 'source_name', 'source_safe_info', 'source_repo_id', 'delta', 'comment', 'delete', 'label', 'cvs_info', 'type', 'digest', 'user_id' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'user_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'user_id', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'type' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'type', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'cvs_info' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'cvs_info', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'label' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'label', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'trunk_rev_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'trunk_rev_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'time' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'time', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'mod_time' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'mod_time', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_branch_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'source_branch_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_rev_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'source_rev_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'pvcs_info' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<trunk_rev_id>|<attrib>|<char>)*$', 1, 'pvcs_info', [ 'char', 'attrib', 'trunk_rev_id' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'p4_info' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'p4_info', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'branches' => bless( [ {}, undef, undef, undef, 'branches', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'placeholder' => bless( [ {}, undef, undef, undef, 'placeholder', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'rev_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'rev_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'p4_branch_spec' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'p4_branch_spec', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'previous_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'previous_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'change_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'change_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_change_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'source_change_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'revml' => bless( [ {}, { 'version' => bless( [ {}, '0.35', 'version', undef, '#FIXED', 'CDATA' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ) }, '^<time><rep_type><rep_desc>(?:<comment>)?<rev_root>(?:<branches>)?(?:<rev>)*$', 1, 'revml', [ 'comment', 'rev_root', 'time', 'rev', 'branches', 'rep_desc', 'rep_type' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_name' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'source_name', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'source_repo_id' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'source_repo_id', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'comment' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'comment', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'char' => bless( [ {}, { 'code' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'code', undef, '#REQUIRED', 'CDATA' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ) }, 'EMPTY', 1, 'char', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'rep_desc' => bless( [ {}, undef, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?|<char>)*$', 1, 'rep_desc', [ 'char' ] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ), 'digest' => bless( [ {}, { 'type' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'type', undef, '#REQUIRED', '(MD5)' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ), 'encoding' => bless( [ {}, undef, 'encoding', undef, '#REQUIRED', '(base64)' ], 'XML::Doctype::AttDef' ) }, '^(?:(?:#PCDATA)?)$', 1, 'digest', [] ], 'XML::Doctype::ElementDecl' ) }, 'revml', undef, undef ], 'RevML::Doctype' ); $doctype->[1]{'lock'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_filebranch_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'content'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'rev_root'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'branch_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'sourcesafe_action'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'name'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'rep_type'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'p4_action'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_safe_info'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'delta'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'delta'}[1]{'type'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'delta'}[1]{'encoding'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'attrib'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'delete'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'rev'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'rev'}[1]{'id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'user_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'type'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'cvs_info'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'label'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'trunk_rev_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'time'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'mod_time'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_branch_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_rev_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'pvcs_info'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'p4_info'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'branches'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'placeholder'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'rev_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'p4_branch_spec'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'previous_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'change_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_change_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'revml'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'revml'}[1]{'version'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_name'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'source_repo_id'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'comment'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'char'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'char'}[1]{'code'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'rep_desc'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'digest'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'move'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'digest'}[1]{'type'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; $doctype->[1]{'digest'}[1]{'encoding'}[0] = $doctype->[1]{'content'}[1]{'encoding'}[0]; 1 ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#5 | 4514 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Rev::earlier_ids and <release_id> added | ||
#4 | 4507 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- RevML: - added <action>, removed <delete>, <placeholder> and <move> - added <from_id> for clones (and eventually merge actions) - Simplified DTD (can't branch DTD based on which action any more) - VCP::Source::cvs, VCP::Filter::changesets and VCP::Dest::p4 support from_id in <action>clone</action> records - VCP::Dest::perl_data added - VCP::Rev::action() "branch" added, no more undefined action strings - "placeholder" action removed |
#3 | 3993 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Fold in changes from clkao's SVN work | ||
#2 | 3970 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source handles rev queing, uses disk to reduce RAM - Lots of other fixes |
#1 | 3943 | Barrie Slaymaker | - RevML supports comments in placeholders |