package VCP::Source::revml ; =head1 NAME VCP::Source::revml - Outputs versioned files to a revml file =head1 SYNOPSIS vcp revml[:<source>] vcp revml[:<source>] --dtd <dtd> Where <source> is a filename for input; or missing or '-' for STDIN. To compile a DTD in to a perl module: revml: --dtd <dtd> --save-doctype =head1 DESCRIPTION This reads a revml file and reconstitutes every revision of every file fond therein on the disk and then submits them to the destination. This can require a huge amount of disk space, but it works. Disk usage can be optimised later by only reconstituting the files two revisions at a time (the previous revision is needed to generate the current one) as the revs are submitted to the destination after they are sorted (by the dest). When that happens, we need to bear in mind that the revml file will be in the default sort order defined by L<VCP::Dest> and this may be changed by other destinations, particularly the change set oriented ones like p4. As an example, imagine the following process: cvs -> vcp -> foo.revml -> vcp -> p4 There is some chance that L<VCP::Dest::p4> will want to reorder the revisions in foo.revml in order to attemp change set aggregation. This means that it may ask for the revs in a different order than they are found in the file. Since the default sort order *should* put the foo.revml file in (roughly) change set order. This is a bad example, I guess, but hey, just watch out when optimizing for disk space. =head1 EXTERNAL METHODS =over =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use Fcntl ; use Getopt::Long ; use Digest::MD5 ; use MIME::Base64 ; use RevML::Doctype ; use Symbol ; use UNIVERSAL qw( isa ) ; use XML::Parser ; use Time::Local qw( timegm ) ; use VCP::Debug ':debug' ; use VCP::Rev ; use vars qw( $VERSION $debug ) ; $VERSION = 0.1 ; $debug = 0 ; use base 'VCP::Source' ; use fields ( 'COPY_MODE', ## TRUE to do a copy, FALSE if not (like when writing .pm DTD) 'DOCTYPE', 'HEADER', ## The $header is held here until the first <rev> is read 'IN_FH', ## The handle of the input revml file 'IN_NAME', ## The name of the input revml file, or '-' for stdout 'WORK_NAME', ## The name of the working file (diff or content) 'WORK_FH', ## The filehandle of working file 'REV', ## The VCP::Rev containing all of this rev's meta info 'STACK', ## A stack of currently open elements 'UNDECODED_CONTENT', ## Base64 content waiting to be decoded. ) ; =item new Creates a new instance. The only parameter is '-dtd', which overrides the default DTD found by searching for modules matching RevML::DTD:v*.pm. Attempts to open the input file if one is specified. If the option '--save-doctype' is passed, then no copying of resources is done (queue_all returns nothing to copy) and the doctype is saved as a .pm file. See L<RevML::Doctype> for details. =cut sub new { my $class = shift ; $class = ref $class || $class ; my VCP::Source::revml $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ ) ; $self->{COPY_MODE} = 1 ; my ( $spec, $args ) = @_ ; my $parsed_spec = $self->parse_repo_spec( $spec ) ; my $save_doctype ; { local *ARGV = $args ; GetOptions( 'dtd|version' => sub { $self->{DOCTYPE} = RevML::Doctype->new( shift @$args ) ; }, 'save-doctype' => \$save_doctype, ) or $self->usage_and_exit ; } $self->{DOCTYPE} = RevML::Doctype->new unless $self->{DOCTYPE} ; if ( $save_doctype ) { $self->{COPY_MODE} = 0 ; $self->{DOCTYPE}->save_as_pm ; } my @errors ; my $files = $parsed_spec->{FILES} ; $self->{IN_NAME} = defined $files && length $files ? $files : '-' ; if ( $self->{IN_NAME} eq '-' ) { $self->{IN_FH} = \*STDIN ; ## TODO: Check IN_FH for writability when it's set to STDIN } else { require Symbol ; $self->{IN_FH} = Symbol::gensym ; open( $self->{IN_FH}, "<$self->{IN_NAME}" ) or die "$!: $self->{IN_NAME}\n" ; } $self->{WORK_FH} = Symbol::gensym ; die join( '', @errors ) if @errors ; return $self ; } sub dest_expected { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; return $self->{COPY_MODE} ; } sub handle_header { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; ## Save this off until we get our first rev from the input $self->{HEADER} = shift ; return ; } sub get_rev { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; my VCP::Rev $r ; ( $r ) = @_ ; } sub copy_revs { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->revs( VCP::Revs->new ) ; $self->parse_revml_file ; $self->dest->sort_revs( $self->revs ) ; my VCP::Rev $r ; while ( $r = $self->revs->shift ) { $self->get_rev( $r ) ; $self->dest->handle_rev( $r ) ; } } sub parse_revml_file { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; my @stack ; $self->{STACK} = \@stack ; my $char_handler = sub { my $expat = shift ; my $pelt = $stack[-1] ; ## parent element my $tag = $pelt->{NAME} ; my $content = $pelt->{CONTENT} ; if ( defined $content ) { if ( @$content && $content->[-1]->{TYPE} eq 'PCDATA' ) { $content->[-1]->{PCDATA} .= $_[0] ; } else { push @$content, { TYPE => 'PCDATA', PCDATA => $_[0] } ; } } my $sub = "$tag\_characters" ; $self->$sub( @_ ) if $self->can( $sub ) ; } ; my $p = XML::Parser->new( Handlers => { Start => sub { my $expat = shift ; my $tag = shift ; if ( $tag eq "char" ) { while ( @_ ) { my ( $attr, $value ) = ( shift, shift ) ; #print STDERR $value, "=" ; if ( $attr eq "code" ) { if ( $value =~ s{^0x}{} ) { $value = chr( hex( $value ) ) ; } else { $value = chr( $value ) ; } #print STDERR ord $value, "\n" ; $char_handler->( $expat, $value ) ; } } return ; } #print STDERR "<$tag>\n" ; push @stack, { NAME => $tag, ATTRS => {@_}, CONTENT => ! $self->can( "$tag\_characters" ) ? [] : undef, } ; my $sub = "start_$tag" ; $self->$sub( @_ ) if $self->can( $sub ) ; }, End => sub { my $expat = shift ; my $tag = shift ; return if $tag eq "char" ; #print STDERR "</$tag>\n" ; die "Unexpected </$tag>, expected </$stack[-1]>\n" unless $tag eq $stack[-1]->{NAME} ; my $sub = "end_$tag" ; $self->$sub( @_ ) if $self->can( $sub ) ; my $elt = pop @stack ; if ( @stack && $stack[-1]->{NAME} =~ /^rev(ml)?$/ && defined $elt->{CONTENT} ) { #print STDERR "</$tag>\n" ; ## Save all the meta fields for start_content() or start_diff() if ( $tag eq 'label' ) { push @{$stack[-1]->{labels}}, $elt ; } else { $stack[-1]->{$tag} = $elt ; } } }, Char => $char_handler, }, ) ; $p->parse( $self->{IN_FH} ) ; } sub start_rev { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; ## We now have all of the header info parsed, save it off ## TODO: Demystify this hairy wart. Better yet, simplify all the code ## in this module. It needs to decode the fields as they come in and ## stick them in the header and the rev_meta for ( map( $self->{STACK}->[-2]->{$_}, grep /^[a-z_0-9]+$/, keys %{$self->{STACK}->[-2]} ) ) { $self->{HEADER}->{$_->{NAME}} = $_->{CONTENT}->[0]->{PCDATA} ; } ## Make sure no older rev is lying around to confuse us. $self->{REV} = undef ; } ## RevML is contstrained so that the diff and content tags are after all of ## the meta info for a revision. And we really don't want to hold ## the entire content of a file in memory, in case it's large. So we ## intercept start_content and start_diff and initialize the REV ## member as well as opening a place to catch all of the data that gets ## extracted from the file. sub init_rev_meta { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; my $rev_elt = $self->{STACK}->[-2] ; my VCP::Rev $r = VCP::Rev->new() ; ## All revml tag naes are lc, all internal data member names are uc #require Data::Dumper ; print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $self->{STACK} ) ; for ( grep /^[a-z_0-9]+$/, keys %$rev_elt ) { if ( $_ eq 'labels' ) { $r->labels( map $_->{CONTENT}->[0]->{PCDATA}, @{$rev_elt->{labels}} ) ; } else { ## We know that all kids *in use today* of <rev> are pure PCDATA ## Later, we'll need sub-attributes. ## TODO: Flatten the element tree by preficing attribute names ## with, I dunno, say '_' or by adding '_attr' to them. my $out_key = $_ ; $r->$out_key( $rev_elt->{$_}->{CONTENT}->[0]->{PCDATA} ) ; } } #require Data::Dumper ; print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $r ) ; $r->work_path( $self->work_path( $r->name, $r->rev_id ) ) ; $self->mkpdir( $r->work_path ) ; $self->{REV} = $r ; return ; } sub start_delete { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->init_rev_meta ; $self->{REV}->action( "delete" ) ; ## Clear the work_path so that VCP::Rev doesn't try to delete it. $self->{REV}->work_path( undef ) ; } sub start_move { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->init_rev_meta ; $self->{REV}->action( "move" ) ; ## Clear the work_path so that VCP::Rev doesn't try to delete it. $self->{REV}->work_path( undef ) ; die "<move> unsupported" ; } sub start_content { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->init_rev_meta ; #require Data::Dumper ; print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $self->{REV} ) ; $self->{REV}->action( "edit" ) ; $self->{WORK_NAME} = $self->{REV}->work_path ; $self->{UNDECODED_CONTENT} = "" ; sysopen $self->{WORK_FH}, $self->{WORK_NAME}, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC or die "$!: $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; } sub content_characters { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; if ( $self->{STACK}->[-1]->{ATTRS}->{encoding} eq "base64" ) { $self->{UNDECODED_CONTENT} .= shift ; if ( $self->{UNDECODED_CONTENT} =~ s{(.*\n)}{} ) { syswrite( $self->{WORK_FH}, decode_base64( $1 ) ) or die "$! writing $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; } } elsif ( $self->{STACK}->[-1]->{ATTRS}->{encoding} eq "none" ) { # print STDERR map( sprintf( " %02x=$_", ord ), $_[0] =~ m/(.)/gs ), "\n" ; syswrite $self->{WORK_FH}, $_[0] or die "$! writing $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; } else { die "vcp: unknown encoding '$self->{STACK}->[-1]->{ATTRS}->{encoding}'\n"; } return ; } sub end_content { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; if ( length $self->{UNDECODED_CONTENT} ) { syswrite( $self->{WORK_FH}, decode_base64( $self->{UNDECODED_CONTENT} ) ) or die "$! writing $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; } close $self->{WORK_FH} or die "$! closing $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; if ( $self->none_seen ) { #require Data::Dumper ; print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $self->{HEADER} ) ; $self->dest->handle_header( $self->{HEADER} ) ; } $self->seen( $self->{REV} ) ; } sub start_delta { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->init_rev_meta ; my $r = $self->{REV} ; $r->action( 'edit' ) ; $self->{WORK_NAME} = $self->work_path( $r->name, 'delta' ) ; sysopen $self->{WORK_FH}, $self->{WORK_NAME}, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC or die "$!: $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; } ## TODO: Could keep deltas in memory if they're small. *delta_characters = \&content_characters ; ## used once warning...grumble *delta_characters = \&content_characters ; sub end_delta { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; close $self->{WORK_FH} or die "$! closing $self->{WORK_NAME}" ; #print STDERR `hexdump -cx $self->{WORK_NAME}` ; my VCP::Rev $r = $self->{REV} ; ## Delay sending handle_header to dest until patch succeeds. my $is_first = $self->none_seen ; my VCP::Rev $saw = $self->seen( $r ) ; die "No original content to patch for ", $r->name, ",", " revision ", $r->rev_id unless defined $saw ; if ( -s $self->{WORK_NAME} ) { my $patchout ; $self->run( [ 'patch', '-o', $r->work_path, '-u', $saw->work_path, $self->{WORK_NAME} ], \undef, # Close child's STDIN. *sigh* \$patchout, ) or die "$! patching ", $saw->work_path, " up to rev ", $r->rev_id, ",\n$patchout" ; $patchout =~ s/^missing header for.*$//m ; $patchout =~ s/^patching file.*$//m ; debug "vcp: patch output:\n$patchout" if debugging $self ; unlink $self->{WORK_NAME} or warn "$! unlinking $self->{WORK_NAME}\n" ; } else { ## TODO: Don't assume working link() debug "vcp: linking ", $saw->work_path, ", ", $r->work_path if debugging $self ; link $saw->work_path, $r->work_path or die "vcp: $! linking ", $saw->work_path, ", ", $r->work_path } if ( $is_first ) { #require Data::Dumper ; print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $self->{HEADER} ) ; $self->dest->handle_header( $self->{HEADER} ) ; } } ## Convert ISO8601 UTC time to local time since the epoch sub end_time { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; my $timestr = $self->{STACK}->[-1]->{CONTENT}->[0]->{PCDATA} ; ## TODO: Get parser context here & give file, line, and column. filename ## and rev, while we're scheduling more work for the future. confess "Malformed time value $timestr\n" unless $timestr =~ /^\d\d\d\d(\D\d\d){5}/ ; confess "Non-UTC time value $timestr\n" unless substr $timestr, -1 eq 'Z' ; my @f = split( /\D/, $timestr ) ; --$f[1] ; # Month of year needs to be 0..11 $self->{STACK}->[-1]->{CONTENT}->[0]->{PCDATA} = timegm( reverse @f ) ; } # double assign => avoid used once warning *end_mod_time = *end_mod_time = \&end_time ; ## TODO: Verify that we should be using a Base64 encoded MD5 digest, ## according to <delta>'s attributes. Oh, and same goes for <content>'s ## encoding. ## TODO: workaround backfilling if the destination is revml, since ## it can't put the original content in place. We'll need to flag ## some kind of special pass-through mode for that. ## sub end_digest { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->init_rev_meta unless defined $self->{REV} ; my $r = $self->{REV} ; my $original_digest = $self->{STACK}->[-1]->{CONTENT}->[0]->{PCDATA} ; my $d = Digest::MD5->new() ; if ( $r->is_base_rev ) { $self->dest->handle_header( $self->{HEADER} ) if $self->none_seen ; ## Don't bother checking the digest if the destination returns ## FALSE, meaning that a backfill is not possible with that destination. ## VCP::Dest::revml does this. return unless $self->dest->backfill( $r ) ; my VCP::Rev $saw = $self->seen( $r ) ; warn "I've seen ", $r->name, " before" if $saw ; } my $work_path = $r->work_path ; sysopen F, $work_path, O_RDONLY or die "vcp: $! opening '$work_path' for digestion\n" ; $d->addfile( \*F ) ; close F ; my $reconstituted_digest = $d->b64digest ; ## TODO: provide an option to turn this in to a warning ## TODO: make this abort writing anything to the dest, but continue ## processing, so as to deliver as many error messages as possible. unless ( $original_digest eq $reconstituted_digest ) { my $reject_file_name = $r->name ; $reject_file_name =~ s{[^A-Za-z0-9 -.]+}{-}g ; $reject_file_name =~ s{^-+}{}g ; my $reject_file_path = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->tmpdir, $reject_file_name ) ; link $work_path, $reject_file_path or die "vcp: digest check failed for ", $r->as_string, "\nvcp: failed to leave copy in '$reject_file_path': $!\n" ; die "vcp: digest check failed for ", $r->as_string, "\nvcp: copy left in '$reject_file_path'\n" ; } } ## Having this and no sub rev_characters causes the parser to accumulate ## content. sub end_rev { my VCP::Source::revml $self = shift ; $self->revs->add( $self->{REV} ) unless $self->{REV}->is_base_rev ; ## Release this rev. $self->{REV} = undef ; } =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This will be licensed under a suitable license at a future date. Until then, you may only use this for evaluation purposes. Besides which, it's in an early alpha state, so you shouldn't depend on it anyway. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker <> =cut 1
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#61 | 4515 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::*::revml supports <release_id> | ||
#60 | 4507 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- RevML: - added <action>, removed <delete>, <placeholder> and <move> - added <from_id> for clones (and eventually merge actions) - Simplified DTD (can't branch DTD based on which action any more) - VCP::Source::cvs, VCP::Filter::changesets and VCP::Dest::p4 support from_id in <action>clone</action> records - VCP::Dest::perl_data added - VCP::Rev::action() "branch" added, no more undefined action strings - "placeholder" action removed |
#59 | 4407 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Source::revml preserves the order of revisions it reads from the RevML file | ||
#58 | 4154 | Barrie Slaymaker | - dist/vcp.exe passes almost all tests | ||
#57 | 4021 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Remove all phashes and all base & fields pragmas - Work around SWASHGET error |
#56 | 4012 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Remove dependance on pseudohashes (deprecated Perl feature) | ||
#55 | 3970 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source handles rev queing, uses disk to reduce RAM - Lots of other fixes |
#54 | 3930 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source::cvs and VCP::Dest::p4 handle cloning deletes - "placeholder" actions and is_placeholder_rev() deprecated in favor of is_branch_rev() and is_clone_rev(). - Misc cleanups and minor bugfixes |
#53 | 3855 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- vcp scan, filter, transfer basically functional - Need more work in re: storage format, etc, but functional |
#52 | 3850 | Barrie Slaymaker | - No longer stores all revs in memory | ||
#51 | 3836 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Sources no longer cache all revs in RAM before sending | ||
#50 | 3820 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source::revml now uses VCP::Source's queueing methods - For maintainability only, does not decrease memory util. |
#49 | 3813 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Rev::previous() is no more | ||
#48 | 3811 | Barrie Slaymaker | - fetch_*() and get_rev() renamed get_source_file() | ||
#47 | 3800 | Barrie Slaymaker | - <branches> removed from all code | ||
#46 | 3774 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Source::revml minor cleanups | ||
#45 | 3698 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Passes all VSS, cvs, and revml tests | ||
#44 | 3690 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Source::revml no longer emits scads of undefined value warnings | ||
#43 | 3677 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- rev_root sanity check is now case insensitive on Win32 - Parens in source filespecs are now treated as regular characters, not capture groups - ** is not treated as '...' |
#42 | 3532 | John Fetkovich |
changed File::Spec->rel2abs( blah, start_dir ) to start_dir_rel2abs blah everywhere. which does the same thing and is defined in VCP::Utils |
#41 | 3511 | John Fetkovich | $self setting tweak | ||
#40 | 3499 | John Fetkovich |
- implement recoverable and non-recoverable exceptions in arc handlers. A user may accept a value that generated a recoverable exception. Otherwise, the question will be re-asked. - changed exceptions text in ui_set_revml_repo_spec. |
#39 | 3493 | John Fetkovich | refined ui_set_revml_repo_spec | ||
#38 | 3492 | John Fetkovich |
interative ui question re-asked if exception generated when arc handlers are run. a single test case for source revml input file has been tested. |
#37 | 3490 | John Fetkovich | doc fix | ||
#36 | 3489 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Document options emitted to .vcp files. | ||
#35 | 3462 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Make sure bootstrap regexps get compiled | ||
#34 | 3460 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Revamp Plugin/Source/Dest hierarchy to allow for reguritating options in to .vcp files |
#33 | 3436 | Barrie Slaymaker | - A source spec of "revml:" now defaults to "revml:-" | ||
#32 | 3431 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Source revml file name is relative to start_dir, not cwd | ||
#31 | 3420 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Minor debugging improvement | ||
#30 | 3331 | John Fetkovich |
Small change in source revml state machine. split 'sub init' from 'sub new' in Source/ and Dest/ |
#29 | 3156 | Barrie Slaymaker | Fix a misplaced shell quoting operation, simplify the code. | ||
#28 | 3155 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Convert to logging using VCP::Logger to reduce stdout/err spew. Simplify & speed up debugging quite a bit. Provide more verbose information in logs. Print to STDERR progress reports to keep users from wondering what's going on. Breaks test; halfway through upgrading run3() to an inline function for speed and for VCP specific features. |
#27 | 3133 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Make destinations call back to sources to check out files to simplify the architecture (is_metadata_only() no longer needed) and make it more optimizable (checkouts can be batched). |
#26 | 3120 | Barrie Slaymaker | Move changeset aggregation in to its own filter. | ||
#25 | 3112 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Reduce memory footprint when handling large numbers of revisions. |
#24 | 2972 | Barrie Slaymaker | Interim checkin | ||
#23 | 2938 | John Fetkovich | added empty() calls | ||
#22 | 2837 | John Fetkovich |
Use parse_options rather than using Getopt::Long directly. |
#21 | 2802 | John Fetkovich |
Added a source_repo_id to each revision, and repo_id to each Source and Dest. The repo_ids include repository type (cvs,p4,revml,vss,...) and the repo_server fields. Changed the $self->...->set() and $self->...->get() lines in VCP::Dest::* to pass in a conglomerated key value, by passing in the key as an ARRAY ref. Also various restructuring in, and related to this change. |
#20 | 2764 | John Fetkovich |
add --compress switch to dest::revml add --uncompress switch to source::revml use gzip to compress/uncompress revml files |
#19 | 2640 | Barrie Slaymaker | VCP::Source::revml now supports revision name wildcard matching. | ||
#18 | 2453 | John Fetkovich |
removed compilation of revml. will be making that a separate executable. |
#17 | 2059 | Barrie Slaymaker | Support for branching in p4->p4 added | ||
#16 | 2042 | Barrie Slaymaker | Basic source::p4 branching support | ||
#15 | 2026 | Barrie Slaymaker | VCP::8::cvs now supoprt branching | ||
#14 | 2017 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Interim checkin of id=/base_version_id for revml: and branch_diagram: |
#13 | 2015 | Barrie Slaymaker | submit changes | ||
#12 | 2014 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Give helpful error messages if the vcp command can't read/write RevML due to a missing required module. |
#11 | 2009 | Barrie Slaymaker |
lots of fixes, improve core support for branches and VCP::Source::cvs now supports branches. |
#10 | 1998 | Barrie Slaymaker | Initial, revml and core VCP support for branches | ||
#9 | 1367 | Barrie Slaymaker | lots of docco updates | ||
#8 | 1358 | Barrie Slaymaker | Win32 changes | ||
#7 | 1175 | Barrie Slaymaker | Implement VCP::Patch, roll 0.26 release. | ||
#6 | 1022 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Perl "$foo\_..." => "${foo}_..." cleanup by Peter Prymmer <>. |
#5 | 628 | Barrie Slaymaker | Cleaned up POD in bin/vcp, added BSD-style license. | ||
#4 | 480 | Barrie Slaymaker |
0.06 Wed Dec 20 23:19:15 EST 2000 - bin/vcp: Added --versions, which loads all modules and checks them for a $VERSION and print the results out. This should help with diagnosing out-of-sync modules. - Added $VERSION vars to a few modules :-). Forgot to increment any $VERSION strings. - VCP::Dest::cvs: The directory "deeply" was not being `cvs add`ed on paths like "a/deeply/nested/file", assuming "deeply" had no files in it. - VCP::Dest::revml: fixed a bug that was causing files with a lot of linefeeds to be emitted in base64 instead of deltaed. This means most text files. - Various minor cleanups of diagnostics and error messages, including exposing "Can't locate" when a VCP::Source or VCP::Dest module depends on a module that's not installed, as reported by Jeff Anton. |
#3 | 478 | Barrie Slaymaker |
0.05 Mon Dec 18 07:27:53 EST 2000 - Use `p4 labels //...@label` command as per Rober Cowham's suggestion, with the '-s' flag recommended by Christopher Siewald and Though it's actually something like vcp: running /usr/bin/p4 -u safari -c safari -p localhost:5666 -s files //.../NtLkly //...@compiler_a3 //.../NtLkly //...@compiler_may3 and so //on //for 50 parameters to get the speed up. I use the //.../NtLkly "file" as //a separator between the lists of files in various //revisions. Hope nobody has any files named that :-). What I should do is choose a random label that doesn't occur in the labels list, I guess. - VCP::Source::revml and VCP::Dest::revml are now binary, control code, and "hibit ASCII" (I know, that's an oxymoron) clean. The <comment>, <delta>, and <content> elements now escape anything other than tab, line feed, space, or printable chars (32 <= c <= ASCII 126) using a tag like '<char code="0x09">'. The test suite tests all this. Filenames should also be escaped this way, but I didn't get to that. - The decision whether to do deltas or encode the content in base64 is now based on how many characters would need to be escaped. - We now depend on the users' diff program to have a "-a" option to force it to diff even if the files look binary to it. I need to use and adapt it for use on binary data. - VCP::Dest::cvs now makes sure that no two consecutive revisions of the same file have the same mod_time. VCP::Source::p4 got so fast at pulling revisions from the repositories the test suite sets up that CVS was not noticing that files had changed. - VCP::Plugin now allows you to set a list of acceptable result codes, since we now use p4 in ways that make it return non-zero result codes. - VCP::Revs now croaks if you try to add two entries of the same VCP::Rev (ie matching filename and rev_id). - The <type> tag is now limited to "text" or "binary", and is meant to pass that level of info between foreign repositories. - The <p4_info> on each file now carries the one line p4 description of the file so that p4->p4 transferes can pick out the more detailed info. VCP::Source::p4, VCP::Dest::p4 do this. - VCP::{Source,Dest}::{p4,cvs} now set binaryness on added files properly, I think. For p4->p4, the native p4 type is preserved. For CVS sources, seeing the keyword substitution flag 'o' or 'b' implies binaryness, for p4, seeing a filetype like qr/u?x?binary/ or qr/x?tempobj/ or "resource" implies binaryness (to non-p4 destinations). NOTE: Seeing a 'o' or 'b' in a CVS source only ends up setting the 'b' option on the destination. That should be ok for most uses, but we can make it smarter for cvs->cvs transfers if need be. |
#2 | 468 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Dest::p4 now does change number aggregation based on the comment field changing or whenever a new revision of a file with unsubmitted changes shows up on the input stream. Since revisions of files are normally sorted in time order, this should work in a number of cases. I'm sure we'll need to generalize it, perhaps with a time thresholding function. - t/90cvs.t now tests cvs->p4 replication. - VCP::Dest::p4 now doesn't try to `p4 submit` when no changes are pending. - VCP::Rev now prevents the same label from being applied twice to a revision. This was occuring because the "r_1"-style label that gets added to a target revision by VCP::Dest::p4 could duplicate a label "r_1" that happened to already be on a revision. - Added t/00rev.t, the beginnings of a test suite for VCP::Rev. - Tweaked bin/gentrevml to comment revisions with their change number instead of using a unique comment for every revision for non-p4 t/test-*-in-0.revml files. This was necessary to test cvs->p4 functionality. |
#1 | 467 | Barrie Slaymaker | Version 0.01, initial checkin in perforce public depot. |