package VCP::UIMachines; =begin hackers DO NOT EDIT!!! GENERATED FROM ui_machines/vcp_ui.tt2 by /usr/local/bin/stml AT Mon Jul 14 18:36:12 2003 =end hackers =head1 NAME VCP::UIMachines - State machines for user interface =head1 SYNOPSIS Called by VCP::UI =head1 DESCRIPTION The user interface module L<VCP::UI|VCP::UI> is a framework that bolts the implementation of the user interface to a state machine representing the user interface. Each state in this state machine is a method that runs the state and returns a result (or dies to exit the program). =cut use strict; use VCP::Debug qw( :debug ); use VCP::Utils qw( empty ); =head1 API =over =item new Creates a new user interface object. =cut sub new { my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; } =item run Executes the user interface. =cut sub run { my $self = shift; my ( $ui ) = @_; $self->{STATE} = "init"; while ( defined $self->{STATE} ) { debug "UI entering state $self->{STATE}" if debugging; no strict "refs"; $self->{STATE} = $self->{STATE}->( $ui ); } return; } =back =head2 Interactive Methods =over =cut use strict; =item init Initialize the machine Next state: intro_prompt =cut sub init { return 'intro_prompt'; } =item intro_prompt: Continue This is vcp's interactive user interface. Type 'Enter' key to continue, 'q' to quit. If you would like help using the vcp scriptable command line interface, type 'vcp help' from the command line after quitting the interactive interface. Valid answers: => source_prompt => init =cut sub intro_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Continue END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/\A(y(es)?)?\z/i, 'source_prompt', undef, ], [ '', qr/\A(q(uit)?)|no?\z/i, 'init', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; exit(); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); This is vcp's interactive user interface. Type 'Enter' key to continue, 'q' to quit. If you would like help using the vcp scriptable command line interface, type 'vcp help' from the command line after quitting the interactive interface. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_prompt: Source SCM type Enter the kind of repository to copy data from. Valid answers: vss => source_vss_filespec_prompt revml => source_revml_filespec_prompt p4 => source_p4_run_p4d_prompt cvs => source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt =cut sub source_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Source SCM type END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'vss', 'vss', 'source_vss_filespec_prompt', undef, ], [ 'revml', 'revml', 'source_revml_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Source::revml; $ui->{Source} = VCP::Source::revml->new; $ui->{Source}->repo_scheme( 'revml' ); }, ], [ 'p4', 'p4', 'source_p4_run_p4d_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Source::p4; $ui->{Source} = VCP::Source::p4->new; $ui->{Source}->repo_scheme( 'p4' ); }, ], [ 'cvs', 'cvs', 'source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Source::cvs; $ui->{Source} = VCP::Source::cvs->new; $ui->{Source}->repo_scheme( 'cvs' ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the kind of repository to copy data from. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_prompt: Destination SCM type Enter the kind of repository to copy data to. Valid answers: cvs => dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt vss => dest_vss_filespec_prompt p4 => dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt revml => dest_revml_filespec_prompt =cut sub dest_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Destination SCM type END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvs', 'cvs', 'dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Dest::cvs; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::cvs->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'cvs' ); }, ], [ 'vss', 'vss', 'dest_vss_filespec_prompt', undef, ], [ 'p4', 'p4', 'dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Dest::p4; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::p4->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'p4' ); }, ], [ 'revml', 'revml', 'dest_revml_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Dest::revml; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::revml->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'revml' ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the kind of repository to copy data to. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item convert Run VCP with the options entered =cut sub convert { return undef; } =item dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt: Launch a private p4d in a local directory If you are working with an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a p4d in that directory on a random high numbered TCP port for you. Valid answers: yes => dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt no => dest_p4_host_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Launch a private p4d in a local directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->{P4_RUN_P4D} = 1; }, ], [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'dest_p4_host_prompt', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); If you are working with an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a p4d in that directory on a random high numbered TCP port for you. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt: Directory to run p4d in Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. Valid answers: => dest_p4_user_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Directory to run p4d in END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', sub { die qq{Please enter a directory name\n} unless length; die qq{'$_' is not a valid directory\n} unless -d; 1; }, 'dest_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_p4_host_prompt: P4 Host name, including port Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. Valid answers: => dest_p4_user_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_host_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 Host name, including port END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_p4_user_prompt: P4 user id Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to the P4USER environemnt variable, if present; or the login user if not. Valid answers: => dest_p4_password_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_user_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 user id END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_p4_password_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_user( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to the P4USER environemnt variable, if present; or the login user if not. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_p4_password_prompt: Password If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. Valid answers: => dest_p4_filespec_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_password_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Password END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_p4_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_password( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_p4_filespec_prompt: Destination spec The destination spec is a perforce repository spec and must begin with // and a depot name ("//depot"), not a local filesystem spec or a client spec. Valid answers: //... => dest_p4_change_branch_rev_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Destination spec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '//...', qr#\A//#, 'dest_p4_change_branch_rev_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); The destination spec is a perforce repository spec and must begin with // and a depot name ("//depot"), not a local filesystem spec or a client spec. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_p4_change_branch_rev_prompt: Change branch rev #1 Forces VCP to do a p4 integrate, add, submit sequence to branch files, thus capturing the branch and the file alterations in one change. Valid answers: => convert => convert =cut sub dest_p4_change_branch_rev_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Change branch rev #1 END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->init; }, ], [ '', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->{P4_CHANGE_BRANCH_REV_1} = 1; $ui->{Dest}->init; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Forces VCP to do a p4 integrate, add, submit sequence to branch files, thus capturing the branch and the file alterations in one change. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt: cvsroot Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. Valid answers: cvsroot spec => dest_cvs_filespec_prompt =cut sub dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvsroot END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvsroot spec', qr/^/, 'dest_cvs_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_cvs_filespec_prompt: cvs filespec Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: => dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt =cut sub dest_cvs_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt: Change branch rev #1 Initialize a cvs repository in the directory indicated in the cvs CVSROOT spec? Valid answers: => convert => convert =cut sub dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Change branch rev #1 END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->init; }, ], [ '', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->init; $ui->{Dest}->{CVS_INIT_CVSROOT} = 1; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Initialize a cvs repository in the directory indicated in the cvs CVSROOT spec? END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_vss_filespec_prompt: vss filespec Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: => convert =cut sub dest_vss_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; vss filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'convert', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_p4_run_p4d_prompt: Launch a private p4d in a local directory If you are working with an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a p4d in that directory on a random hi-numbered TCP port for you. Valid answers: yes => source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt no => source_p4_host_prompt =cut sub source_p4_run_p4d_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Launch a private p4d in a local directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{P4_RUN_P4D} = 1; }, ], [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'source_p4_host_prompt', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); If you are working with an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a p4d in that directory on a random hi-numbered TCP port for you. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt: Directory to run p4d in Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. Valid answers: => source_p4_user_prompt =cut sub source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Directory to run p4d in END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', sub { die qq{Please enter a directory name\n} unless length; die qq{'$_' is not a valid directory\n} unless -d; 1; }, 'source_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_server( $answer ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_p4_host_prompt: P4 Host name, including port Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. Valid answers: => source_p4_user_prompt =cut sub source_p4_host_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 Host name, including port END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_p4_user_prompt: P4 user id Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to the P4USER environment variable, if present; or the login user if not. Valid answers: => source_p4_password_prompt =cut sub source_p4_user_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 user id END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_p4_password_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_user( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to the P4USER environment variable, if present; or the login user if not. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_p4_password_prompt: Password If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. Valid answers: => source_p4_filespec_prompt =cut sub source_p4_password_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Password END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_p4_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_password( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_p4_filespec_prompt: Files to copy If you want to copy a portion of the source repository, enter a p4 filespec starting with the depot name. Do not enter any revision or change number information. Valid answers: //... => dest_prompt =cut sub source_p4_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Files to copy END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '//...', qr{\A//.+}, 'dest_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_filespec( $answer ); $ui->{Source}->init; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); If you want to copy a portion of the source repository, enter a p4 filespec starting with the depot name. Do not enter any revision or change number information. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item dest_revml_filespec_prompt: revml filespec Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. Valid answers: => convert =cut sub dest_revml_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; revml filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->parse_revml_repo_spec( "revml:" . $answer ); $ui->{Dest}->init; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt: cvsroot Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. Valid answers: cvsroot spec => source_cvs_filespec_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvsroot END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvsroot spec', qr/./, 'source_cvs_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_server( $answer ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_filespec_prompt: cvs filespec Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: => source_cvs_working_directory_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'source_cvs_working_directory_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_working_directory_prompt: Enter CVS working directory Enter the CVS working directory (Optional). VCP::Source::cvs will cd to this directory before calling cvs, and won't initialize a CVS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::cvs does a "cvs checkout" in a temporary directory). Valid answers: => source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_working_directory_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Enter CVS working directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{CVS_WORK_DIR} = $answer unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the CVS working directory (Optional). VCP::Source::cvs will cd to this directory before calling cvs, and won't initialize a CVS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::cvs does a "cvs checkout" in a temporary directory). END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt: Force binary checkout? Pass the -kb option to cvs, to force a binary checkout. This is useful when you want a text file to be checked out with Unix linends, or if you know that some files in the repository are not flagged as binary files and should be. Valid answers: => source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt => source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Force binary checkout? END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{CVS_K_OPTION} = "b"; }, ], [ '', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Pass the -kb option to cvs, to force a binary checkout. This is useful when you want a text file to be checked out with Unix linends, or if you know that some files in the repository are not flagged as binary files and should be. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt: Use cvs? (rather than reading local repositories directly) Use cvs rather than a direct read of local repositories. This is slower, but the option is present in case there are repositories vcp has trouble reading directly. Valid answers: => source_cvs_revision_prompt => source_cvs_revision_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Use cvs? (rather than reading local repositories directly) END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'source_cvs_revision_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{CVS_USE_CVS} = 1; }, ], [ '', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'source_cvs_revision_prompt', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Use cvs rather than a direct read of local repositories. This is slower, but the option is present in case there are repositories vcp has trouble reading directly. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_revision_prompt: cvs log revision specification Passed to "cvs log" as a "-r" revision specification. This corresponds to the "-r" option for the rlog command, not either of the "-r" options for the cvs command. See rlog(1) man page for the format. Valid answers: => source_cvs_date_spec_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_revision_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs log revision specification END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_cvs_date_spec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; unless( empty $answer ) { $ui->{Source}->rev_spec( $answer ); $ui->{Source}->force_missing( defined $ui->{Source}->rev_spec ); } }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Passed to "cvs log" as a "-r" revision specification. This corresponds to the "-r" option for the rlog command, not either of the "-r" options for the cvs command. See rlog(1) man page for the format. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_cvs_date_spec_prompt: cvs log date specification Passed to 'cvs log' as a "-d" date specification. See rlog(1) man page for the format. Valid answers: => dest_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_date_spec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs log date specification END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->date_spec( $answer ) unless empty $answer; $ui->{Source}->init; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Passed to 'cvs log' as a "-d" date specification. See rlog(1) man page for the format. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_vss_filespec_prompt: vss filespec Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: => source_vss_working_directory_prompt =cut sub source_vss_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; vss filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'source_vss_working_directory_prompt', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_vss_working_directory_prompt: Enter VSS working directory Used to set the VSS working directory. VCP::Source::vss will cd to this directory before calling vss, and won't initialize a VSS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::vss does a "vss checkout" in a temporary directory). Valid answers: => dest_prompt =cut sub source_vss_working_directory_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Enter VSS working directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_prompt', undef, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Used to set the VSS working directory. VCP::Source::vss will cd to this directory before calling vss, and won't initialize a VSS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::vss does a "vss checkout" in a temporary directory). END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =item source_revml_filespec_prompt: revml filespec Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. Valid answers: => dest_prompt =cut sub source_revml_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; revml filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'dest_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->parse_revml_repo_spec( "revml:" . $answer ); $ui->{Source}->init; }, ], ); my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( <<'END_DESCRIPTION', $prompt, \@valid_answers ); Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. END_DESCRIPTION ## Run handlers for this arc $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; return $answer_record->[-2]; ## The next state } =back =head1 WARNING: AUTOGENERATED This module is autogenerated in the pre-distribution build process, so to change it, you need the master repository files in ui_machines/..., not a CPAN/PPM/tarball/.zip/etc. distribution. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in L<vcp>. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker <> =cut 1;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#50 | 5401 | Barrie Slaymaker | - UI updated | ||
#49 | 4502 | Barrie Slaymaker | - "Run without saving" option removed | ||
#48 | 4064 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- RevML is no longer offered in the UI - Sources and dests are given an id in the UI - The .vcp file name defaulting now works |
#47 | 4002 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Interactive UI no longer prompts for CVS -r and -d options | ||
#46 | 3863 | Barrie Slaymaker | - updated | ||
#45 | 3675 | Barrie Slaymaker | - More of a .vcp file is now editable | ||
#44 | 3671 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Add user interface flow diagrams - User interface flow diagrams now generated without handlers by default, make ui-with-handlers.{png,ps} to see the handlers. |
#43 | 3666 | Barrie Slaymaker | - vcp can now edit existing .vcp files, for VSS sources and revml dests | ||
#42 | 3654 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP-Source-vss UI prompt is more clear - VCP::Source::vss' --cd option removed until a need is found |
#41 | 3650 | Barrie Slaymaker | - UIMachines now current | ||
#40 | 3640 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- xmllint no longer require to build UI - UI now offers multiple choices where appropriate |
#39 | 3567 | John Fetkovich |
- added the field UIManager in - added the fields UIImplementation and TersePrompts in - removed Source and Dest fields in - now returns the result of running the UI implementation. - VCP::UI::Text->run return a list of (source, dest) all future UI implementations must do the same. - bin/vcp gets (source, dest) list from VCP::UI->run. - added --terse (or -t) command line option to vcp to remove verbose help from interactive UI. |
#38 | 3547 | John Fetkovich | Added defaults to yes/no questions (no in all cases) | ||
#37 | 3538 | John Fetkovich | bug fix P4PASSWD defaulting | ||
#36 | 3523 | John Fetkovich | more ui defaults and checks added | ||
#35 | 3522 | John Fetkovich | default cvsroot from $ENV{CVSROOT} | ||
#34 | 3518 | John Fetkovich | more interactive ui improvements | ||
#33 | 3517 | John Fetkovich | change mode to text+w | ||
#32 | 3515 | John Fetkovich | added P4HOST default | ||
#31 | 3514 | John Fetkovich | p4 password defaulting | ||
#30 | 3513 | John Fetkovich | defaulting of p4 user variable | ||
#29 | 3512 | John Fetkovich | enhanced ui checks on repo_server | ||
#28 | 3503 | John Fetkovich | not sure if this was re-generated on last change | ||
#27 | 3501 | John Fetkovich | added ui_set_revml_repo_spec, and caller in the stml file | ||
#26 | 3499 | John Fetkovich |
- implement recoverable and non-recoverable exceptions in arc handlers. A user may accept a value that generated a recoverable exception. Otherwise, the question will be re-asked. - changed exceptions text in ui_set_revml_repo_spec. |
#25 | 3494 | John Fetkovich | default values in interactive ui partially implemented | ||
#24 | 3492 | John Fetkovich |
interative ui question re-asked if exception generated when arc handlers are run. a single test case for source revml input file has been tested. |
#23 | 3486 | John Fetkovich | moved (source or dest)->init calls to bin/vcp | ||
#22 | 3484 | John Fetkovich | fix a prompt name | ||
#21 | 3481 | John Fetkovich |
intro text moved out of state machine to bin/vcp. no longer requires user interaction to move on. |
#20 | 3455 | John Fetkovich | remove "change branch rev #1" yes/no option from interactive interface | ||
#19 | 3403 | John Fetkovich |
options given on all multiple choice prompts, and most free-form prompts where it makes sense |
#18 | 3399 | John Fetkovich | ui fixes | ||
#17 | 3395 | John Fetkovich | various ui refinements | ||
#16 | 3390 | John Fetkovich | handlers for cvs ui | ||
#15 | 3389 | John Fetkovich | made change_branch_rev prompt have both yes & no exit arcs | ||
#14 | 3387 | Barrie Slaymaker | Make always writable on client | ||
#13 | 3383 | John Fetkovich |
removed setting of repo_id, it's now done in 'sub init' in the sources and dests |
#12 | 3375 | John Fetkovich | more ui changes | ||
#11 | 3374 | John Fetkovich | set repo_id in branch running in local directory also | ||
#10 | 3362 | John Fetkovich | revml source and dest now works through interactive UI | ||
#9 | 3331 | John Fetkovich |
Small change in source revml state machine. split 'sub init' from 'sub new' in Source/ and Dest/ |
#8 | 3330 | John Fetkovich | Added revml source and dest to ui state machines | ||
#7 | 3305 | John Fetkovich |
added calls to set fields in p4 source and dest state machines, and then call to init |
#6 | 3255 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Add in support for <arc> <handler>s. Requires latest StateML. See VCP-Source-p4.stml for an example. Calls VCP::Source::p4 in an unsupported way resulting in death. |
#5 | 3253 | John Fetkovich | Added source::vss user interface | ||
#4 | 3252 | John Fetkovich | added state machine parts for these destinations | ||
#3 | 3244 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Integrate VCP::UI with bin/vcp. Type 'vcp' to run the UI. |
#2 | 3240 | Barrie Slaymaker | UI definition cleanup | ||
#1 | 3237 | Barrie Slaymaker | More work on the UI StateML conventions |