use Test; use VCP::Utils qw( empty escape_filename is_win32 program_name rel2abs shell_quote start_dir ); use strict; my @tests = ( sub { ok empty undef }, sub { ok empty "" }, sub { ok !empty 0 }, sub { ok !empty " " }, sub { ok !empty "a" }, sub { ok length start_dir }, sub { ok 0 == index rel2abs( "a" ), start_dir }, sub { ok shell_quote " ", is_win32 ? q{" "} : q{' '} }, sub { ok escape_filename( chr 1 ), "%1%" }, sub { ok escape_filename( chr 255 ), "%255%" }, sub { ok 0 <= index $0, program_name }, ); plan tests => 0+@tests; $_->() for @tests;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 3532 | John Fetkovich |
changed File::Spec->rel2abs( blah, start_dir ) to start_dir_rel2abs blah everywhere. which does the same thing and is defined in VCP::Utils |
#1 | 3463 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Add test suite for VCP::Utils |