#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME 01ui.t - testing of VCP::UI =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use Test ; use VCP::UI; use IPC::Run qw( start pump finish timeout run ); use VCP::TestUtils qw( vcp_cmd ); my @vcp = vcp_cmd ; my $ui; sub _ok { my ( $cli_params, $stdin, $exp_return_codes, $expected ) = @_; my ( $out, $err ) = ( "", "" ); my $is_ok = eval { VCP::TestUtils::run [ @vcp, @$cli_params ], \$stdin, \$out, \$err, { ok_result_codes => $exp_return_codes }; 1; }; warn "$err" if $err && ! $is_ok; @_ = ( $is_ok ? defined $expected ? "$out$err" : $is_ok : $@, defined $expected ? $expected : 1, join " ", "vcp", @$cli_params, $stdin ? qq{\\"$stdin"} : () ); goto &ok; } # Rough test of an interactive vcp session. # # Takes a list of alternating (output, input) pairs, where the output # strings are generally user prompts. The list may be odd-sized, with # the final output item having no user input expected in response. # # Runs vcp in interactive mode, with the input supplied. There is no # attempt made to make sure the responses match up with the input, # only that the responses are seen in the order expected. The # responses given are regexes. They are concatenated together with # '*', so they need not be complete. # sub ok_interactive_vcp { my $options; $options = pop if ref $_[-1]; croak "expected_return_codes option required, and must be array ref" unless ref $options->{expected_return_codes} eq "ARRAY"; my (@output, @prompts); while( @_ ) { push @output, shift; push @prompts, shift if @_; } my $in = join( "\n", @prompts ) . "\n"; #my $re = join( ".*", map "quotemeta $_", @output ); my $re = join( ".*", @output ); my @vcp = qw( vcp ); _ok [], $in, $options->{expected_return_codes}, /$re/i ; } my @tests = ( sub { $ui = VCP::UI->new; ok 1; }, sub { ok ! defined eval { VCP::UI->new( UI => "NOT::A::REAL::MODULE" )->run }; }, sub { ok_interactive_vcp( "This is vcp's interactive user interface.", "n", { expected_return_codes => [0] } ); }, sub { my $tmpfile = "/tmp/${$}_vcp_01ui_tmp.revml"; `echo '<revml/>' > $tmpfile`; ok_interactive_vcp( "continue", "y", "source scm type", "revml", "revml filespec", "$tmpfile", "destination scm type", "revml", "revml filespec", "/dev/null", "vcp: sorting revisions by change_id", { expected_return_codes => [0] } ); unlink $tmpfile; }, ) ; plan tests => scalar( @tests ) ; $_->() for @tests ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#7 | 4021 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Remove all phashes and all base & fields pragmas - Work around SWASHGET error |
#6 | 3974 | Barrie Slaymaker | - IPC::Run no longer required | ||
#5 | 3488 | John Fetkovich | move init of each plugin after writing config file | ||
#4 | 3484 | John Fetkovich | fix a prompt name | ||
#3 | 3440 | John Fetkovich | added more simple tests | ||
#2 | 3261 | John Fetkovich | test suite fixes | ||
#1 | 3237 | Barrie Slaymaker | More work on the UI StateML conventions |