#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME p4.t - testing of vcp p4 i/o =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use File::Spec ; use Test ; use VCP::TestUtils ; my @vcp = ( vcp_cmd, "vcp:-" ); my $t = -d 't' ? 't/' : '' ; ## Repositories to read from my $p4root_0 = "${t}p4root_0"; my $p4root_1 = "${t}p4root_1"; ## where to put the destination repository my $destroot = tmpdir "destp4root"; my $state_location = tmpdir "vcp_state"; ## where to write to in the destination repo my $dest_spec = "p4:$destroot://depot/..."; my $repo_id; sub _clean_up_in_and_out { my ( $in_ref, $out_ref ) = @_; ##TODO: allow dest spec to not need //depot/... s_content qw( rev_root ), $in_ref, "depot"; s_content qw( p4_info rep_desc time mod_time ), $in_ref, $out_ref ; s_content qw( source_repo_id ), $in_ref, "p4:test_repository"; $$in_ref =~ s{(id="|_id>)/+ignored}{$1//depot}g; } my @tests = ( ## ## p4->p4 bootstrap ## ## read p4root_0 into destroot sub { my $vcp_spec = <<VCP_FILE; Source: p4:revml2p4\@$p4root_0://depot/foo/... --run-p4d --repo-id=p4:test_repository Destination: $dest_spec --init-p4d --delete-p4d-dir --db-dir=$state_location --repo-id=p4:dest_test_repository VCP_FILE eval { run \@vcp, \$vcp_spec }; ok $@ || '', ''; }, ## read repository built in previous test, and compare it to the ## test-p4-in-0.revml to see how it compares to a file that hasn't been ## through a revml->p4->p4->revml pipeline. sub { return skip "previous test failed", 1 if $@; my $infile = $t . "test-p4-in-0.revml" ; my $in = slurp $infile ; my $out = get_vcp_output $dest_spec, "--run-p4d", "--repo-id=p4:test_repository", { revml_out_spec => [ "--db-dir=$state_location", "--repo-id=revml:test_repository" ] } ; _clean_up_in_and_out \$in, \$out; ok_or_diff $out, $in; }, ## --repo-id here should agree with the other one above that writes to ## the same destination. because we are faking by reading from two ## different repositories that are really for test purposes snapshots ## of the same repository at two different moments in time. ## ## because vcp would by default use the paths to these two ## repositories as the repo_ids, vcp would refuse to add an ## incremental export from the second repository on top of the ## revisions from the first repository. by specifying the same ## repo_id in both places, we make vcp think that the revisions came ## from the same repository. ## ## p4->p4 incremental export ## ## read from p4root_1 repository into p4. ## sub { eval { run \@vcp, \<<VCP_END; } or die $@; Source: p4:revml2p4\@$p4root_1://depot/foo/... --continue --run-p4d --repo-id=p4:test_repository Destination: $dest_spec --run-p4d --db-dir=$state_location --repo-id=p4:dest_test_repository VCP_END ok 1; }, ## extract stuff inserted into cvs in the previous test and compare ## to the source revml to see that it got there ok. sub { my $infile = $t . "test-p4-in-1.revml" ; my $in = slurp $infile ; my $out = get_vcp_output $dest_spec, "--continue", "--run-p4d", "--repo-id=p4:test_repository", { revml_out_spec => [ "--db-dir=$state_location", "--repo-id=revml:test_repository" ] } ; _clean_up_in_and_out \$in, \$out; ok_or_diff $out, $in; }, ); # end @tests. plan tests => scalar @tests; my $p4d_borken = $ENV{P4BORKEN} || p4d_borken ; my $why_skip ; $why_skip .= "p4 command not found\n" unless ( `p4 -V` || 0 ) =~ /^Perforce/ ; $why_skip .= "$p4d_borken\n" if $p4d_borken ; $why_skip ? skip( $why_skip, '' ) : $_->() for @tests ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#5 | 5403 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Misc logging, maintainability & debugging improvements | ||
#4 | 3970 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source handles rev queing, uses disk to reduce RAM - Lots of other fixes |
#3 | 3723 | Barrie Slaymaker | - test suite duplicate code factored in to a sub {} | ||
#2 | 3719 | Barrie Slaymaker | - p4 username is now parsed correctly (but client is lost) | ||
#1 | 3718 | Barrie Slaymaker | - p4->p4 is now tested |