# ============================================================================ # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <# .Synopsis Creates a filtered edge checkpoint from a master offline database. The resulting checkpoint can be copied to the remote edge server and restored using recover-edge.ps1 .Description Create filtered checkpoint using the server spec (output of 'p4 server -o', and in particular the fields RevisionDataFilter: and ArchiveDataFilter: which specify filtering). IMPORTANT NOTE: Because this uses the offline database, you can not just edit an existing server spec to change the filter and have it picked up by this script. After changing the server spec for the live server, you must ensure that the metadata changes are reflected in the offline_db - which is easy to do by running daily-backup.ps1 as normal (this rotates the journal and applies it to offline_db). Alternatively you can wait until the following day to run this script, by which time a scheduled daily backup should have run! Output of this script: A gzipped (filtered) checkpoint file, reflecting the name of the current instance. E.g. if current instance is Master, then result will be c:\p4\Master\checkpoints\p4_Master.ckp.filtered-edge.193.gz where 193 is the latest numbered checkpoint in that directory. .Parameter SDPInstance The specified instance to process, e.g. 1 or Master .Parameter EdgeServer The specified id of edge server (a server spec visible in output of 'p4 servers' command). .Example create-filtered-edge-checkpoint.ps1 Master Edge-server #> [CmdletBinding()] param ([string]$SDPInstance = $(throw "SDPInstance parameter is required."), [string]$EdgeServer = $(throw "EdgeServer parameter is required.")) Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 # Source the SDP Functions shared between scripts $SDPFunctionsPath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Join-Path -childpath "SDP-Functions.ps1" . $SDPFunctionsPath $global:ScriptName = "create-filtered-edge-checkpoint.ps1" $global:ScriptTask = "Create Filtered edge checkpoint from master" $global:LogFileName = "create-filtered-edge-checkpoint.log" Parse-SDPConfigFile $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Create-LogFile $OrigPath = convert-path . Set-Location -Path $global:LOGS_DIR try { $checkpoint_prefix = -join($global:CHECKPOINTS_DIR, "\", $global:SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME, ".ckp.") $checkpoint_path = -join($checkpoint_prefix, "[0-9]*.gz") $files = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $checkpoint_path | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending) if (!$files -or $files.count -eq 0) { $journal = Get-JournalCounter $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR } else { $journal = $files[0].Name | select-string '\.ckp\.([0-9]*)\.gz' | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Groups[1].Value} } $CkpFile = -join($checkpoint_prefix, "filtered-edge.", $journal, ".gz") $md5file = -join($checkpoint_prefix, "filtered-edge.", $journal, ".md5") remove-files $CkpFile 0 remove-files $md5file 0 # With -K we filter out the various Edge-specific tables which will be replaced with # current live versions. $EXCLUDED_TABLES = "db.have,db.working,db.resolve,db.locks,db.revsh,db.workingx,db.resolvex" log "Checkpointing from master offline_db skipping tables not used on the edge - with filtering." $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR -K ""$EXCLUDED_TABLES"" -P $EdgeServer -jd -z $CkpFile" run-cmd-with-check $cmd "ERROR - attempting to create filtered checkpoint" Log "End ${global:SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME} ${global:ScriptTask}" Write-Output "`r`n${global:ScriptTask} completed successfully - see ${global:logfile}" Log "Please copy $CkpFile to remote server and restore using recover-edge.ps1" } Catch { write-error $error[0].ScriptStackTrace LogException $_.Exception Write-Output "`r`nFAILED - ${global:ScriptTask} - see ${global:logfile}" } Set-Location -Path $OrigPath
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#7 | 26659 | Robert Cowham |
Removing out-of-date files and ancient utilities. Updating SDP Guide for Windows with includes to various .ps1 scripts Add new sync-replica.ps1 and call it from sync_replica.bat |
#6 | 26120 | Robert Cowham |
Fix daily_checkpoint for edge/standby servers Make edge tables to include/exclude version specific Move password files to config dir |
#5 | 22759 | Robert Cowham | Improve documentation within scripts. | ||
#4 | 22727 | Robert Cowham | Rotate md5 where necessary | ||
#3 | 22726 | Robert Cowham | Fix quoting issues | ||
#2 | 22724 | Robert Cowham | Fix problem with multiple files. | ||
#1 | 22722 | Robert Cowham | Basic creation of filtered edge checkpoint file |