USAGE for v1.2.0: [<SDPInstance>] [-p <Profile>] [-c <CfgFile>] [-y] [-v] [-d|-D]
or [-h|-man|-V]
This script compares configurables set on the current server with best
practices defined a data file.
-p <Profile>
Specify a profile defined in the config file, such as 'demp' or 'hcc'. A profile
defines a set of expected configurable values that can differ from the expected
values in other profiles. For example, for a demo environment, the filesys.P4ROOT.min
might have an expected value of 128M, while the expected value in a prod (production)
profile might be 5G, and the same value might be 30G for 'prodent', the profile for
production at large enterprise scale.
The 'always' profile defines settings that always apply whether '-p' is specified
or not. The profile specified with '-p' applies in addition to the 'always'
configuration, adding to and possibly overriding settings from the 'always'
The defaut profile is 'prod', the production profile.
Specify the special value '-p none' to use only the settings defined in the
'always' profile.
-c <CfgFile>
Specify an alternate config file that defines best practice configurables. This
is intended for testing.
-L <log>
Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable
logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to
NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen
is simultaneously captured in the log file. Using redirection operators like
'> log' or '2>&1' are unnecessary, nor is using 'tee'.
-y Live operation mode. By default, any commands that affect data, such as
setting configurables, are displayed, but not executed. With the '-y' option,
commands may be executed.
This option is included for future needs. This current version of does not execute any commands that affect data.
-d Display debug messages.
-D Set extreme debugging verbosity using bash 'set -x' mode. Implies -d.
-si Silient Mode. No output is displayed to the terminal (except for usage errors
on startup). Output is captured in the log. The '-si' cannot be used with
'-L off'.
-h Display short help message
-man Display man-style help message
The standard configurables config file is:
Example 1: Check configurables with the default profile, and no logging: -L off
Example 2: Check configurables with the 'prod' (Production) profile: -p prod
Example 3: Check configurables with the 'demo' profile, doing a verbose comparison: -p demo -v
Presently, this v1.2.0 only reports configurables. It does not
support changing configurables.
As the script is currently only capable of reporting, the '-y' option has no
Some possible future enhancements are:
* Extend reporting to suggesting configuration changes.
* Provide an option to make changes to configurables that are safe to change
immediately, and provide guidance on those configurables that are best set with
guidance and plannning.
* Provide a way to specify custom exemptions for certain configurables.
* Added multi-version support for backward compatibility. This version assumes
P4D 2023.1+ (though will be useful for older versions).