#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -u #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment declare ThisScript="${0##*/}" declare RunDir="${0%%/*}" declare Version=7.1.1 declare CmdLine="$ThisScript $*" declare ThisUser= declare ThisHost=${HOSTNAME%%.*} declare SDPInstance=UnsetSDPInstance declare SDPInstallRoot="/p4" declare PerforcePackageBase="/opt/perforce" declare SDPPackageBase="$PerforcePackageBase/helix-sdp" declare SDPPackageBins="$SDPPackageBase/helix_binaries" declare ImmutableSDPDir="$SDPPackageBase/sdp" declare WritableP4Dir="$SDPPackageBase/p4" declare WritableSDPDir="$WritableP4Dir/sdp" declare SDPMountPointBase="" declare SymlinkTarget= declare ConfigFile= declare SetcapCmd= declare TmpFile= declare Cmd= declare GenSudoersScript= declare FirewallType= declare FirewallDir= declare -i LoadActiveCrontab=1 declare -i CrontabFileGenerated=0 declare -i DoFirewall=1 declare -i FirewallOnline=0 declare -i NoOp=0 declare -i Debug=0 declare -i PreflightOnly=0 declare -i TestMode=0 declare -i TestCleanup=0 declare -i DoChownCommands=1 declare -i DoNFSChownCommands=1 declare -i UpdateSudoers=0 declare -i LimitedSudoers=1 declare -i EnableSystemdServices=1 declare -i RunningAsRoot=0 declare -i InstallP4D=1 declare -i InstallP4Broker=1 declare -i InstallP4Proxy=0 declare -i InstallP4DTG=0 declare -i ErrorCount=0 declare -i WarningCount=0 declare -i UsePackageDirs=0 declare -i LimitedSudoers=2 declare SELinuxMode= declare BinList= declare InitMechanism= declare InitScripts= declare SDPVersionString= declare SDPVersionFile= declare SDPVersion= declare OverrideCD= declare OverrideDD= declare OverrideLG= declare OverrideDB1= declare OverrideDB2= declare SystemdTemplatesDir= declare TarRoot= declare TarRootCommon= declare TarRootConfig= declare TarRootCron= declare TarRootBinDir= declare TarRootInit= declare TarRootSSL= declare TarRootUnsupported= declare ServerID= declare TargetServerID= declare TargetPort= declare ListenPort= declare ServerType= declare -i ServerIDSet=0 declare -i TargetPortSet=0 declare -i ListenPortSet=0 declare -i FastMode=0 declare -i UseSystemd=1 declare -i DoServiceInit=1 declare Log= declare ExtendPermsTo= declare ExecPerms= declare ReadPerms= declare CrontabFile= declare CrontabFileInP4= declare SDPCrontabDir= #============================================================================== # Local Functions function msg () { echo -e "$*"; } function dbg () { [[ "$Debug" -eq 0 ]] || msg "DEBUG: $*"; } function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: (line: ${BASH_LINENO[0]}) $*" >&2; ErrorCount+=1; } function warnmsg () { msg "\\nWarning: (line: ${BASH_LINENO[0]}) $*"; WarningCount+=1; } function bail() { errmsg "(line: ${BASH_LINENO[0]}) ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n" >&2; exit "${2:-1}"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This function takes as input an SDP version string, and returns a version # id of the form YYYY.N.CL, where YYYY is the year, N is an incrementing # release ID with a given year, and CL is a changelist identifier. The # YYYY.N together comprise the major version, often shortened to YY.N, e.g. # r20.1 for the 2020.1 release. # # The full SDP Version string looks something like this: # Rev. SDP/MultiArch/2019.3/26494 (2020/04/23). # # This function parses that full string and returns a value like: 2019.3.26494 function get_sdp_version_from_string () { local versionString="${1:-}" local version= version="20${versionString##*/20}" version="${version%% *}" version="${version/\//.}" echo "$version" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: run ($cmd, $desc, $honorNoOp) # # Input: # # $cmd - Command to execute, including arguments.? # # $desc - Description of command to run. Optional; default is no description. # # $honorNoOp - If set to 1, command is always executed; NoOp setting is ignored. # Optional, default is 0. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function run () { declare cmd="${1:-echo}" declare desc="${2:-}" declare honorNoOp="${3:-1}" [[ -n "$desc" ]] && msg "$desc" msg "Running: $cmd" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 1 && "$honorNoOp" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "NO_OP: Would run $cmd" return 0 else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if eval $cmd; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # error, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obscure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -h # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} declare usageErrorMessage=${2:-Unset} if [[ "$usageErrorMessage" != Unset ]]; then msg "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$usageErrorMessage\\n\\n" fi # tag::includeManual[] msg "USAGE for $ThisScript v$Version: $ThisScript <instance> [-s <ServerID>] [-t <ServerType>] [-tp <TargetPort>] [-lp <ListenPort>] [-I <svc>[,<svc2>]] [-MDD /bigdisk] [-MCD /ckps] [-MLG /jnl] [-MDB1 /db1] [-MDB2 /db2] [-f] [-p] [-no_init|-no_systemd|-no_enable] [-fs|-ls] [-no_cron] [-no_firewall] [-test [-clean]] [-n] [-L <log>] [-d|-D] OR $ThisScript <instance> [-c <CfgFile>] [-f] [-p] [-no_init|-no_systemd] [-test [-clean]] [-n] [-L <log>] [-d|-D] or $ThisScript [-h|-man] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then msg " DESCRIPTION: == Overview == This script initializes an SDP instance on a single machine. This script is intended to support two scenarios: * First time SDP installation on a given machine. In this case, the user calls the install_sdp.sh script, which in turn calls this script. See 'install_sdp.sh -man' for more information. * Adding new SDP instances (separate Helix Core data sets) to an existing SDP installation on a given machine. For this scenario, this mkdirs.sh script is called directly. An SDP instance is a single Helix Core data set, with its own unique set of one set of users, changelist numbers, jobs, labels, versioned files, etc. An organization may run a single instance or multiple instances. This is intended to be run either as root or as the operating system user account (OSUSER) that p4d is configured to run as, typically 'perforce'. It should be run as root for the initial install. Subsequent additions of new instances do not require root. == Directory Structure == If an initial install as done by a user other than root, various directories must exist and be writable and owned by 'perforce' before starting: * /p4 * /hxcheckpoints * /hxdepots * /hxlogs * /hxmetadata * /hxmetadata2 * /opt/perforce/helix-sdp (optional; used for package installations) The directories starting with '/hx' are configurable, and can be changed by settings in the mkdirs.cfg file (or mkdirs.N.cfg), or with command line options as illustrated here: -MDD /bigdisk -MCD /ckps -MLG /jnl -MDB1 /db1 -MDB2 /db2 This script creates an init script in the /p4/N/bin directory. == Crontab == Crontabs are generated for all server types. After running this script, set up the crontab based on templates generated as /p4/common/etc/cron.d. For convenience, a sample crontab is generated for the current machine as /p4/p4.crontab.<SDPInstance> (or /p4/p4.crontab.<SDPInstance>.new if the former name exists). These files should be copied or merged into any existing files named with this convention: /p4/common/etc/cron.d/crontab.<osuser>.<host> where <osuser> is the user that services run as (typically 'perforce'), and <host> is the short hostname (as returned by a 'hostname -s' command). == Init Mechanism == If this script is run as root, the init mechanism (Systemd or SysV) is configured for installed services. The Systemd mechanim is used if the the /etc/systemd/system folder exists and systemctl is in the PATH of the root user. Otherwise, the SysV init mechanism is used. == Firewall Configuration == This script checks to see if a known firewall type is available. The firewalld is checked using the command 'firewall-cmd --state' command, and the ufw firewall is checked using the 'ufw status'. If either firewall is detected, the ports required for Helix Core applications installed are opened in the firewall. For more information, see the templates in these folders: /p4/common/etc/firewalld /p4/common/etc/ufw If the firewall service is not online, no firewall coniguration is performed. == SELinux Configuration == If Systemd is used and the semanage and restorecon utilities are available in the PATH of the root user, then SELinux configuration for the installed services is done. REQUIRED PARAMETERS: <instance> Specify the SDP instance name to add. This is a reference to the Perforce Helix Core data set. OPTIONS: -s <ServerID> Specify the ServerID, overriding the REPLICA_ID setting in the configuration file. -S <TargetServerID> Specify the ServerID of the P4TARGET of the server being installed. Use this only when setting up an HA replica of an edge server. -t <ServerType> Specify the server type, overriding the SERVER_TYPE setting in the config file. Valid values are: * p4d_master - A master/commit server. * p4d_replica - A replica with all metadata from the master (not filtered in any way). * p4d_filtered_replica - A filtered replica or filtered forwarding replica. * p4d_edge - An edge server. * p4d_edge_replica - Replica of an edge server. If used, '-S <TargetServerID>' is required. * p4broker - An SDP host running only a standalone p4broker, with no p4d. * p4proxy - An SDP host running only a standalone p4p with no p4d. -tp <TargetPort> Specify the target port. Use only if ServerType is p4proxy and p4broker. -lp <ListenPort> Specify the listen port. Use only if ServerType is p4proxy and p4broker. -I [<svc>[,<svc2>]] Specify additional init scripts to be added to /p4/<instance>/bin for the instance. By default, the p4p service is installed only if '-t p4proxy' is specified, and p4dtg is never installed by default. Valid values to specify are 'p4p' and 'dtg' (for the P4DTG init script). If services are not installed by default, they can be added later using templates in /p4/common/etc/init.d. Also, templates for systemd service files are supplied in /p4/common/etc/systemd/system. -MDD /bigdisk -MCD /ckps -MLG /jnl -MDB1 /db1 -MDB2 /db2 Specify the '-M*' optons to specify mount points, overriding DD/CD/LG/DB1/DB2 settings in the config file. Sample: -MDD /bigdisk -MLG /jnl -MDB1 /fast If -MDB2 is not specified, it is set the the same value as -MDB1 if that is set, or else it defaults to the same default value as DB1. -c <CfgFile> Specify the path to the configuration file to use, overriding the default logic of finding the file based on naming convention. -f Specify -f 'fast mode' to skip chown/chmod commands on depot files. This should only be used when you are certain the ownership and permissions are correct, and if you have large amounts of existing data for which the chown/chmod of the directory tree would be slow. -p Specify '-p' to halt processing after preflight checks are complete, and before actual processing starts. By default, processing starts immediately upon successful completion of preflight checks. -no_init Specify '-no_init' to avoid any service configuration, which is done by default if running as root (using systemd if available, otherwise SysV). If '-no_init' is used, then neither systemd nor SysV init mechanism is configured for installed services. This option is implied if not running as root. This option is implied if '-test' is used. -no_systemd Specify '-no_systemd' to avoid using systemd, even if it appears to be available. By default, systemd is used if it appears to be available. This is helpful in operating in containerized test environments where systemd does not work even if it appears to be available. This option is implied if the systemctl command is not available in the PATH of the root user. This option is implied if '-no_init' is used. -no_enable Specify '-no_enable' to avoid enabling systemd services to start automatically after a reboot. If this option is used, systemd services will still be created, allowing services to be manually started and stopped. Specifically, this options means the 'systemctl enable' command is not run for generated services. -no_cron Specify '-no_cron' to avoid loading the crontab. A crontab file is generated in the $SDPInstallRoot directory, but but with '-no_cron, this file is not loaded as the active crontab. -no_firewall Specify '-no_firewall' to avoid attempting firewall configuration. By default, if the firewalld service is found to be running, it is configured so that the ports for p4d and p4broker are open. -fs Specify '-full' when calling gen_sudoers.sh to install a new, full sudoers file. This option is only available if running as root. This option is mutually exclusive with '-ls'. See 'gen_sudoers.sh -man' for more info. -ls Specify '-limited' when calling gen_sudoers.sh to install a new, limited sudoers file. This option is only available if running as root. This option is mutually exclusive with '-fs'. See 'gen_sudoers.sh -man' for more info. -L <log> Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to this file in the current directory: mkdirs.<instance>.<datestamp>.log NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee'. DEBUGGING OPTIONS: -test Specify '-test' to execute a simulated install to /tmp/p4 as the install root (rather than /p4), and with the mount point directories specified in the configuration file prefixed with /tmp/hxmounts, defaulting to: * /tmp/hxmounts/hxdepots * /tmp/hxmounts/hxlogs * /tmp/hxmounts/hxmetadata This option implies '-no_init'. -clean Specify '-clean' with '-test' to clean up from prior test installs, which will result in removal of files/folders installed under /tmp/hxmounts and /tmp/p4. Do not specify '-clean' if you want to test a series of installs. -n No-Op. In No-Op mode, no actions that affect data or structures are taken. Instead, commands that would be run are displayed. This is an alternative to -test. Unlike '-p' which stops after the preflight checks, with '-n' more processing logic can be exercised, with greater detail about what commands that would be executed without '-n'. -d Increase verbosity for debugging. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity, using bash '-x' mode. Also implies -d. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message FILES: The mkdirs.sh script uses a configuration file for many settings. A sample file, mkdirs.cfg, is included with the SDP. After determining your SDP instance name (e.g. '1' or 'abc'), create a configuration file for it named mkdirs.<N>.cfg, replacing 'N' with your instance. Running 'mkdirs.sh N' will load configuration settings from mkdirs.N.cfg. UPGRADING SDP: This script can be useful in testing and upgrading to new versions of the SDP, when the '-test' flag is used. EXAMPLES: Example 1: Setup of first instance Setup of the first instance on a machine using the default instance name, '1', executed after using sudo to become root: $ sudo su - $ cd /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup $ vi mkdirs.cfg Adjust settings as desired, e.g P4PORT, P4BROKERPORT, etc. $ ./mkdirs.sh 1 A log will be generated, mkdirs.1.<timestamp>.log Example 2: Setup of additional instance named 'abc'. Setup a second instance on the machine, which will be a separate Helix Core instance with its own P4ROOT, its own set of users and changelists, and its own license file (copied from the master instance). Note that while the first run of mkdirs.sh on a given machine should be done as root, but subsequent instance additions can be done as the 'perforce' user (or whatever operating system user accounts Perforce Helix services run as). $ sudo su - perforce $ cd /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup $ cp mkdirs.cfg mkdirs.abc.cfg $ chmod +w mkdirs.abc.cfg $ vi mkdirs.abc.cfg Adjust settings in mkdirs.abc.cfg as desired, e.g P4PORT, P4BROKERPORT, etc. $ ./mkdirs.sh abc A log will be generated, mkdirs.abc.<timestamp>.log Example 3: Setup of additional instance named 'alpha' to run a standalone p4p targeting commit.example.com:1666 and listening locally on port 1666. $ sudo su - $ cd /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup $ ./mkdirs.sh alpha -t p4proxy -tp commit.example.com:1666 -lp 1666 Example 4: Setup of instance named '1' to run a standalone p4broker targeting commit.example.com:1666 and listening locally on port 1666. $ sudo su - $ cd /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup $ ./mkdirs.sh 1 -t p4broker -tp commit.example.com:1666 -lp 1666 Example 5: Setup 2 instances A and B with limited sudoers on a fresh new machine: $ sudo su - $ cd /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup $ cp mkdirs.cfg mkdirs.A.cfg Adjust settings in mkdirs.A.cfg as desired, e.g P4PORT, P4BROKERPORT, etc. $ cp mkdirs.A.cfg mkdirs.B.cfg Adjust settings in mkdirs.B.cfg as desired, e.g P4PORT, P4BROKERPORT, etc. Ensure port numbers do not conflict. Then generate Instance A: $ ./mkdirs.sh A -ls A log will be generated, mkdirs.A.<timestamp>.log Next generate instnace B, updating the limited sudoers to reference both instances. $ ./mkdirs.sh B -ls SEE ALSO: See 'install_sdp.sh -man' for more info on installing on a new machine. See 'gen_sudoers.sh -man' for more info on generating/replacing sudoers. See template: * systemd service file templates: /p4/common/etc/systemd/system * firewalld templates: /p4/common/etc/firewalld * ufw firewall templates: /p4/common/etc/ufw * Init script templates: /p4/common/etc/init.d " fi exit 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM msg "\\n$ThisScript: EXITCODE: $ErrorCount\\n" [[ "$Log" != "off" ]] && msg "Log is: $Log" # With the trap removed, exit. exit "$ErrorCount" } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]] && RunningAsRoot=1 declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-c) ConfigFile="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-s) ServerID="$2"; ServerIDSet=1; shiftArgs=1;; (-S) TargetServerID="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-t) case "$2" in (p4d_master|p4d_replica|p4d_filtered_replica|p4d_edge|p4d_edge_replica) ServerType="$2" InstallP4D=1 InstallP4Broker=1 InstallP4Proxy=0 ;; (p4broker) ServerType="$2"; InstallP4D=0; InstallP4Broker=1; InstallP4Proxy=0;; (p4proxy) ServerType="$2"; InstallP4D=0; InstallP4Broker=0; InstallP4Proxy=1;; # Support aliases (p4b) ServerType="p4broker"; InstallP4D=0; InstallP4Broker=1; InstallP4Proxy=0;; (p4p) ServerType="p4proxy"; InstallP4D=0; InstallP4Broker=0; InstallP4Proxy=1;; (p4d) ServerType="p4d_master"; InstallP4D=1; InstallP4Broker=1; InstallP4Proxy=0;; (edge) ServerType="p4d_edge"; InstallP4D=1; InstallP4Broker=1; InstallP4Proxy=0;; (*) usage -h "Invalid server type specified: $2\\nValid values are: * p4d_master (or p4d) * p4d_replica * p4d_filtered_replica * p4d_edge (or edge) * p4d_edge_replica * p4proxy (or p4p) * p4broker (or p4b)\\n";; esac shiftArgs=1 ;; (-tp) TargetPort="$2"; TargetPortSet=1; shiftArgs=1;; (-lp) ListenPort="$2"; ListenPortSet=1; shiftArgs=1;; (-I) InitScripts="$2" shiftArgs=1 [[ "$InitScripts" == *"p4p"* ]] && InstallP4Proxy=1 [[ "$InitScripts" == *"dtg"* ]] && InstallP4DTG=1 ;; (-MDD) OverrideDD="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-MCD) OverrideCD="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-MLG) OverrideLG="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-MDB1) OverrideDB1="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-MDB2) OverrideDB2="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-f) FastMode=1;; (-p) PreflightOnly=1;; (-no_init) DoServiceInit=0; UseSystemd=0;; (-no_systemd) UseSystemd=0;; (-no_enable) EnableSystemdServices=0;; (-fs) UpdateSudoers=1; LimitedSudoers=0;; (-ls) UpdateSudoers=1; LimitedSudoers=1;; (-no_cron) LoadActiveCrontab=0;; (-no_firewall) DoFirewall=0;; (-test) TestMode=1; SDPInstallRoot="/tmp/p4"; SDPMountPointBase="/tmp/hxmounts"; DoServiceInit=0;; (-clean) TestCleanup=1;; (-R) # Syntax: -R <alt_root>[:<alt_mount_base>] TestMode=1 if [[ "$2" == *":"* ]]; then # alt_root is to the left of the colon, alt mount base is to the right. SDPInstallRoot="${2%%:*}" SDPMountPointBase="${2:##*:}" else SDPInstallRoot="$2" SDPMountPointBase= fi DoServiceInit=0 shiftArgs=1 ;; (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-n) NoOp=1;; (-L) Log="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-d) Debug=1;; (-D) Debug=1; set -x;; # Debug; use bash 'set -x' high verbosity debugging mode. (-*) usage -h "Unknown flag/option ($1).";; (*) if [[ "$SDPInstance" == "UnsetSDPInstance" ]]; then SDPInstance="$1" else usage -h "Instance $1 specified after already being specified as $SDPInstance. Only one instance can be specified." fi ;; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u if [[ "$SDPInstance" == "UnsetSDPInstance" ]]; then usage -h "No instance specified." fi if [[ "$TargetPortSet" -eq 1 || "$ListenPortSet" -eq 1 ]]; then [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]] && usage "The '-tp <TargetPort>' and '-lp <ListenPort>' can only be used when ServerType is p4proxy or p4broker." fi if [[ "$UpdateSudoers" -eq 1 && "$RunningAsRoot" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "$LimitedSudoers" -eq 1 ]]; then usage -h "The '-ls' (limited sudoers) option was specified, but can only be used when running as root." else usage -h "The '-fs' (full sudoers) option was specified, but can only be used when running as root." fi fi #============================================================================== # Main Program # Pre-Preflight checks occur before logging starts, to ensure essential utils # (including those needed for logging) are available in the PATH. for util in awk date id rsync sed tee touch; do if ! command -v $util > /dev/null; then errmsg "Cannot find this essential util in PATH: $util" fi done if [[ "$ErrorCount" -ne 0 ]]; then bail "Aborting due to essential tools not available in directories listed in the PATH." fi [[ -n "$Log" ]] ||\ Log="mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" if [[ "$Log" != off ]]; then touch "$Log" || bail "Couldn't touch log file [$Log]." fi trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # Redirect stdout and stderr to the log file. if [[ "$Log" != off ]]; then exec > >(tee "$Log") exec 2>&1 msg "Log is: $Log" fi ThisUser=$(whoami) msg "Started $ThisScript v$Version as $ThisUser@$ThisHost on $(date) with this command line:\\n$CmdLine" dbg "InstallP4D=$InstallP4D" dbg "InstallP4Broker=$InstallP4Broker" dbg "InstallP4Proxy=$InstallP4Proxy" # If /opt/perforce/helix-sdp exists, us it. if [[ -d "$SDPPackageBase" ]]; then msg "Using SDP Package structure because $SDPPackageBase exists." UsePackageDirs=1 fi TmpFile=$(mktemp) # Standard Preflight checks after logging has started. export SDP_INSTANCE="${SDPInstance}" # If the config file wasn't specified, find it. if [[ -z "$ConfigFile" ]]; then # Check for config file in same dir as this script, looking first for an # instance-specific variant. if [[ -n "$RunDir" ]]; then if [[ "$RunDir" == \. ]]; then GenSudoersScript="$PWD/gen_sudoers.sh" else GenSudoersScript="$RunDir/gen_sudoers.sh" fi else RunDir=. GenSudoersScript="$PWD/gen_sudoers.sh" fi if [[ -r "$RunDir/mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.cfg" ]]; then ConfigFile="$RunDir/mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.cfg" elif [[ -r "$SDPInstallRoot/common/site/config/mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.cfg" ]]; then ConfigFile="$SDPInstallRoot/common/site/config/mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.cfg" elif [[ -r "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.cfg" ]]; then ConfigFile="$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/mkdirs.${SDPInstance}.cfg" else ConfigFile="$RunDir/mkdirs.cfg" fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load settings from the mkdirs config file. if [[ -r "$ConfigFile" ]]; then msg "Loading mkdirs config file: $ConfigFile" # Note that CD must come after DD in this list below, because CD uses the value of DD as a default of CD is not defined. for c in DB1 DB2 DD CD LG SHAREDDATA MASTERINSTANCE OSUSER OSGROUP CASE_SENSITIVE ADMINUSER P4ADMINPASS DEFAULT_DOMAIN MAILFROM MAILTO MAILHOST SSL_PREFIX P4_PORT P4BROKER_PORT P4WEB_PORT P4FTP_PORT P4P_TARGET_PORT P4MASTERHOST P4SERVICEPASS PERMS MASTER_ID SERVER_TYPE REPLICA_ID COMPLAINFROM_DOMAIN COMPLAINFROM; do value=$(grep ^$c= "$ConfigFile") if [[ -n "$value" ]]; then value="${value#*=}" eval export $c="$value" # Perform value sanity check verifications. For SERVER_TYPE, also do implicit conversion from types # specified in mkrep.sh. case "$c" in (SERVER_TYPE) # Convert all unfiltered replica types to p4d_replica. [[ "$value" =~ ^(p4d_ha|p4d_ham|p4d_ro|p4d_rom|p4d_fr|p4d_frm|p4d_fs|p4d_fsm)$ ]] && \ value="p4d_replica" # Convert all filtered replica types to p4d_filtered_replica. [[ "$value" =~ ^(p4d_ffr)$ ]] && \ value="p4d_filtered_replica" [[ "$value" =~ ^(p4d_master|p4d_replica|p4d_filtered_replica|p4d_edge|p4d_edge_replica|p4broker|p4proxy)$ ]] || \ errmsg "SERVER_TYPE value of [$value] is invalid. Set to one of: p4d_master,p4d_replica,p4d_filtered_replica,p4d_edge,p4d_edge_replica,p4broker,p4proxy." ;; (PERMS) [[ "$value" =~ ^(Owner|Group|Other)$ ]] || \ errmsg "PERMS value of [$value] is invalid. Set to one of: Owner, Group, or Other." ;; esac else # Silently ignore if optional settings aren't set; give an error if required settings are missing. [[ "$c" =~ (COMPLAINFROM|COMPLAINFROM_DOMAIN|MAILHOST|P4FTP_PORT|P4P_TARGET_PORT|P4WEB_PORT|PERMS) ]] && \ continue if [[ "$c" == "REPLICA_ID" && "$SERVER_TYPE" =~ ^(p4d_replica|p4d_filtered_replica|p4d_edge|p4d_edge_replica)$ ]]; then errmsg "Missing REPLICA_ID (required as SERVER_TYPE is $SERVER_TYPE) in mkdirs config file: $ConfigFile" # The 'CD' setting is optional. If it is not defined, set it to the same value as DD which is already defined at this point. elif [[ "$c" == "CD" ]]; then dbg "CD was not defined, so it was set to the default value of DD [$DD]." export CD="$DD" else errmsg "Missing required setting [$c] in mkdirs config file: $ConfigFile" fi fi done else errmsg "Missing mkdirs config file: $ConfigFile" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle command line overrides of certain settings in the config file. # If '-s <ServerID>' was specified on the command line, override REPLICA_ID. if [[ -n "$ServerID" ]]; then msg "\\nUsing ServerID [$ServerID] due to '-s $ServerID'. Ignoring REPLICA_ID value from config file [$REPLICA_ID]." else ServerID="$REPLICA_ID" msg "Using ServerID value from REPLICA_ID setting in config file [$ServerID]." fi # If '-t <ServerType>' was specified on the command line, override SERVER_TYPE. if [[ -n "$ServerType" ]]; then msg "\\nUsing Server Type [$ServerType] due to '-t $ServerType'. Ignoring SERVER_TYPE value from config file [$SERVER_TYPE]." else ServerType="$SERVER_TYPE" msg "Using ServerType value from SERVER_TYPE setting in config file [$ServerType]." fi [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge_replica" && -z "$TargetServerID" ]] && \ errmsg "ServerType is p4d_edge_replica but '-S <TargetServerID>' is not set." [[ ("$ServerType" =~ ^(p4d_replica|p4d_filtered_replica|p4d_edge|p4d_edge_replica)$) && ("$REPLICA_ID" == "$MASTER_ID") ]] && \ errmsg "ServerType is $ServerType but the REPLICA_ID value is the same as the MASTER_ID." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Determine SDP "TarRoot". For greenfield installations, this is where the # SDP tarball was extracted (usually /hxdepots/sdp) or for package installs, # the /opt/perforce/helix-sdp/sdp directory -- in either case the clean, # unmodified SDP structure, without generated files or symlinks. For # reliability in non-package installs, this directory is calculated as # 3 levels above the current directory where mkdirs.sh is run from. # # This mkdirs.sh script is run from <Base>/Server/Unix/setup, where <Base> is # usually /hxdepots/sdp or /opt/perforce/helix-sdp/sdp for package # installations. Set TarRoot and several values derived from it. if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then TarRoot="$ImmutableSDPDir" else TarRoot="$(pwd -P)" TarRoot="${TarRoot%/*}" TarRoot="${TarRoot%/*}" TarRoot="${TarRoot%/*}" fi TarRootCommon="$TarRoot/Server/Unix/p4/common" TarRootConfig="$TarRoot/Server/Unix/p4/common/config" TarRootCron="$TarRoot/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/cron.d" TarRootInit="$TarRoot/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/init.d" TarRootSSL="$TarRoot/Server/Unix/p4/ssl" TarRootUnsupported="$TarRoot/Unsupported" # The helix_binaries dir is parallel to, not under, the package root dir. if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then TarRootBinDir="${TarRoot%/*}/helix_binaries" else TarRootBinDir="$TarRoot/helix_binaries" fi ExtendPermsTo="${PERMS:-Owner}" case "${ExtendPermsTo}" in (Owner) ExecPerms=700; ReadPerms=600;; (Group) ExecPerms=750; ReadPerms=640;; (Other) ExecPerms=755; ReadPerms=644;; esac #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Do preflight checks, starting with the SDP version check. SDPVersionFile="$TarRoot/Version" if [[ -r "$SDPVersionFile" ]]; then SDPVersionString="$(cat "$SDPVersionFile")" SDPVersion="$(get_sdp_version_from_string "$SDPVersionString")" msg "SDP Version from $SDPVersionFile is: $SDPVersion" else errmsg "Preflight check failed: Missing SDP Version file: $SDPVersionFile" fi [[ -n "$OverrideDD" ]] && DD="$OverrideDD" [[ -n "$OverrideCD" ]] && CD="$OverrideCD" [[ -n "$OverrideLG" ]] && LG="$OverrideLG" [[ -n "$OverrideDB1" ]] && DB1="$OverrideDB1" [[ -n "$OverrideDB2" ]] && DB2="$OverrideDB2" # If -MDB1 is specified, and -MDB2 is not, use the value DB1 value for DB2. [[ -n "$OverrideDB1" && -z "$OverrideDB2" ]] && DB2="$OverrideDB1" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Normalizations: Trim the leading '/' from DB1, DB2, LG, DD and CD values. These # normalizations allow the values as specified in the configuration file to be # more flexible. That is, absolute paths with the leading '/' can be # specified, which tend to be more readable and familiar to humans reading the # config file, since the values match the actual mount point names. The older # format, with the leading slash removed, is still accepted for backward # compatibility. DD="${DD#/}" CD="${CD#/}" LG="${LG#/}" DB1="${DB1#/}" DB2="${DB2#/}" P4SERVER="p4_$SDPInstance" export MAIL=mail if [[ "$RunningAsRoot" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Verified: Running as root." elif [[ $(id -u -n) == "$OSUSER" ]]; then warnmsg "Not running as root. The chown commands will be skipped and basic directories must exist.\\n" DoChownCommands=0 DoNFSChownCommands=0 else errmsg "$0 must be run as root or $OSUSER.\\n" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle -test mode. if [[ "$TestMode" -eq 1 ]]; then DB1="${SDPMountPointBase#/}/$DB1" DB2="${SDPMountPointBase#/}/$DB2" DD="${SDPMountPointBase#/}/$DD" CD="${SDPMountPointBase#/}/$CD" LG="${SDPMountPointBase#/}/$LG" msg "\\n********* -test specified *********\\n" msg "SDP Dir: $TarRoot" msg "Override for SDP Root: $SDPInstallRoot" msg "Override for SDP Mount Point Base: $SDPMountPointBase\\n" msg "DD=$DD\\nCD=$CD\\nLG=$LG\\nDB1=$DB1\\nDB2=$DB2\\n" if [[ "$TestCleanup" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Test Cleanup specified with -clean." DirList="$SDPInstallRoot $SDPMountPointBase" for d in $DirList; do if [[ -d "$d" ]]; then run "rm -rf $d" "Cleanup: Removing test dir from prior test: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to remove test dir from prior test: $d" fi done fi fi # If we aren't running as root, extend the preflight checks to verify basic dirs # exist. if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then DirList="$SDPInstallRoot" DirList+=" /$DD /$LG" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then DirList+=" /$DB1" [[ "$DB1" == "$DB2" ]] || DirList+=" /$DB2" [[ "$DD" == "$CD" ]] || DirList+=" /$CD" fi for d in $DirList; do if [[ -d "$d" ]]; then dirOwner=$(stat -c "%U" "$d") dirGroup=$(stat -c "%G" "$d") [[ "$dirOwner" == "$OSUSER" ]] ||\ errmsg "Dir [$d] exists but with wrong owner, $dirOwner instead of $OSUSER." [[ "$dirGroup" == "$OSGROUP" ]] ||\ warnmsg "Dir [$d] exists but with wrong group, $dirGroup instead of $OSGROUP." else errmsg "Dir must exist if not running as root: $d" fi done fi if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then dirOwner=$(stat -c "%U" "$ImmutableSDPDir") dirGroup=$(stat -c "%G" "$ImmutableSDPDir") dirPerms=$(stat -c "%a" "$ImmutableSDPDir") if [[ "$dirOwner" == root && "$dirGroup" == root && "$dirPerms" == 755 ]]; then msg "Verified: ownership and perms for dir $ImmutableSDPDir are correct, root:root, 755." else errmsg "Ownership and perms for dir $ImmutableSDPDir should be root:root, 755 but are $dirOwner:$dirGroup, $dirPerms." fi dirOwner=$(stat -c "%U" "$SDPPackageBase") dirGroup=$(stat -c "%G" "$SDPPackageBase") dirPerms=$(stat -c "%a" "$SDPPackageBase") if [[ "$dirOwner" == root && "$dirGroup" == "$OSGROUP" && "$dirPerms" == 775 ]]; then msg "Verified: ownership and perms for dir $SDPPackageBase are correct, root:$OSGROUP, 775." else errmsg "Ownership and perms for dir $SDPPackageBase should be root:$OSGROUP, 775 but are $dirOwner:$dirGroup, $dirPerms." fi fi if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Verified: Preflight checks passed ($WarningCount warnings)." else bail "Aborting due to failed preflight checks." fi if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 0 ]]; then # Check for required and optional binaries. [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4" ]] || errmsg "No p4 in $TarRootBinDir/" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4d" ]] || errmsg "No p4d in $TarRootBinDir/" else [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4d" ]] || warnmsg "No p4d in $TarRootBinDir/" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4proxy" ]]; then [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4p" ]] || errmsg "No p4p in $TarRootBinDir/" else [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4p" ]] || warnmsg "No p4p in $TarRootBinDir/" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4broker" ]]; then [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4broker" ]] || errmsg "No p4broker in $TarRootBinDir/" else [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4broker" ]] || warnmsg "No p4broker in $TarRootBinDir/" fi fi if [[ "$PreflightOnly" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Exiting early after successful preflight checks due to '-p'." exit 0 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Preflight checks completed. Continue on! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Acquire helix_binaries as needed. msg "\\nAcquiring Helix Binaries from FTP server if needed." if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ! -d "$SDPPackageBins" ]]; then run "rsync -a $ImmutableSDPDir/helix_binaries/ $SDPPackageBins" \ "Copying to $SDPPackageBins" ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy to $SDPPackageBins." else dbg "Using existing directory: $SDPPackageBins" fi for binary in p4 p4d p4broker p4p; do if [[ -r "$SDPPackageBins/$binary" ]]; then msg "Using existing binary: $SDPPackageBins/$binary" else run "$SDPPackageBins/get_helix_binaries.sh -sbd $SDPPackageBins -b $binary" \ "Acquiring binary $SDPPackageBins/$binary" ||\ errmsg "Failed to acquire binary $SDPPackageBins/$binary" fi done fi run "chmod 755 $TarRootBinDir/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chmod p4 binary." # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4d" ]] && run "chmod $ExecPerms $TarRootBinDir/p4d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chmod p4d binary." # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4broker" ]] && run "chmod $ExecPerms $TarRootBinDir/p4broker" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chmod p4broker binary." # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4p" ]] && run "chmod $ExecPerms $TarRootBinDir/p4p" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chmod p4p binary." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculate binary versions. P4RELNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $3}') P4BLDNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $4}' | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then P4DRELNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4d" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $3}') P4DBLDNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4d" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $4}' | awk '{print $1}') fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Start installation. msg "\\nCreating/verifying SDP directories." if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then DirList="$SDPInstallRoot /$DD/p4 /$LG/p4 $WritableP4Dir/common/bin $WritableP4Dir/common/config" else DirList="$SDPInstallRoot /$DD/p4 /$LG/p4 /$DD/p4/common/bin /$DD/p4/common/config" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then DirList+=" /$DB1/p4" [[ "$DB1" == "$DB2" ]] || DirList+=" /$DB2/p4" [[ "$DD" == "$CD" ]] || DirList+=" /$CD/p4" fi for d in $DirList; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then run "mkdir -p $d" "Creating initial install dir: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create initial install dir: $d" fi done DirList="$SDPInstallRoot/ssl /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance/tmp" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then DirList+=" /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/depots /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge" || "$ServerType" == "p4d_filtered_replica" || "$SHAREDDATA" == "TRUE" ]]; then DirList="$DirList /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" elif [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge_replica" ]]; then DirList="$DirList /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" fi elif [[ "$ServerType" == "p4proxy" ]]; then DirList+=" /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/cache" fi for d in $DirList; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then run "mkdir -p $d" "Creating install subdir: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create install subdir: $d" fi done if [[ ! -d "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" ]]; then run "mkdir $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" "Creating dir for instance: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create dir for instance $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ServerID handling. if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge" || "$ServerType" == "p4d_filtered_replica" ]]; then if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" \ "Adjusting ownership of checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}." fi run "ln -f -s /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_} $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" \ "Creating symlink for $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create symlink." if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" \ "Adjusting ownership of symlink to checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}." fi elif [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge_replica" ]]; then if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" \ "Adjusting ownership of checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}." fi run "ln -f -s /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_} $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" \ "Creating symlink for $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create symlink." if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" \ "Adjusting ownership of symlink to checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}." fi fi if [[ -f "$TarRootSSL/config.txt" && ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/ssl/config.txt" ]]; then if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "cp $ImmutableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/ssl/config.txt $SDPInstallRoot/ssl/." \ "Copying SSL cert generation file config.txt to $SDPInstallRoot/ssl." ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy $TarRootSSL/config.txt to $SDPInstallRoot/ssl/config.txt." else run "cp $TarRootSSL/config.txt $SDPInstallRoot/ssl/." \ "Copying SSL cert generation file config.txt to $SDPInstallRoot/ssl." ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy $TarRootSSL/config.txt to $SDPInstallRoot/ssl/config.txt." fi else msg "Using existing $SDPInstallRoot/ssl directory." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add/verify /p4/sdp symlink. msg "\\nAdding/Verifying SDP symlink: $SDPInstallRoot/sdp" if [[ -L "$SDPInstallRoot/sdp" ]]; then SymlinkTarget=$(readlink "$SDPInstallRoot/sdp") if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "$WritableSDPDir" ]]; then msg "Verified: $SDPInstallRoot/sdp is a symlink to $WritableSDPDir." else warnmsg "Symlink $SDPInstallRoot/sdp should be to $WritableSDPDir, but instead points to [$SymlinkTarget]." fi else if [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "$TarRoot" ]]; then msg "Verified: $SDPInstallRoot/sdp is a symlink to $TarRoot." else warnmsg "Symlink $SDPInstallRoot/sdp should be to $TarRoot, but instead points to [$SymlinkTarget]." fi fi elif [[ -e "$SDPInstallRoot/sdp" ]]; then errmsg "This path is expected to be a symlink but is not: $SDPInstallRoot/sdp" else if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "ln -s $WritableSDPDir $SDPInstallRoot/sdp" "Creating symlink to SDP package install area." ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for sdp." else run "ln -s $TarRoot $SDPInstallRoot/sdp" "Creating symlink to SDP package install area." ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for sdp." fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add/verify /p4/common symlink. if [[ -L "$SDPInstallRoot/common" ]]; then SymlinkTarget=$(readlink "$SDPInstallRoot/common") if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "$WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common" ]]; then msg "Verified: The $SDPInstallRoot/common symlink references $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common, as expected (because $ImmutableSDPDir exists)." elif [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "/$DD/p4/common" ]]; then warnmsg "The $SDPInstallRoot/common symlink references the non-package path /$DD/p4/common; it is expected to reference $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common (because $ImmutableSDPDir exists)." elif [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "/$DD/p4/common" ]]; then warnmsg "The $SDPInstallRoot/common symlink references an unexpected target path [$SymlinkTarget]." fi else if [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "/$DD/p4/common" ]]; then msg "Verified: The $SDPInstallRoot/common symlink references /$DD/p4/common, as expected (because $ImmutableSDPDir does not exist)." elif [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "ImmutableSDPDir/common" ]]; then warnmsg "The $SDPInstallRoot/common symlink references $ImmutableSDPDir/common; it is expected to reference /$DD/p4/common (because $ImmutableSDPDir does not exist)." elif [[ "$SymlinkTarget" == "/$DD/p4/common" ]]; then warnmsg "The $SDPInstallRoot/common symlink references an unexpected target path [$SymlinkTarget]." fi fi elif [[ -e "$SDPInstallRoot/common" ]]; then errmsg "This path is expected to be a symlink but is not: $SDPInstallRoot/common" else if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "ln -s $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common $SDPInstallRoot/common" \ "Creating symlink for common dir." ||\ errmsg "Failed to create symlink for common dir." else run "ln -s /$DD/p4/common $SDPInstallRoot/common" \ "Creating symlink for common dir." ||\ errmsg "Failed to create symlink for common dir." fi if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/common" \ "Adjusting ownership of symlink to $SDPInstallRoot/common" ||\ errmsg "Failed to adjust ownership of symlink to $SDPInstallRoot/common" fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add /hxlogs directories. DirList="/$LG/p4/$SDPInstance/logs /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance/tmp" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then DirList+=" /$DB1/p4/$SDPInstance/db1/save /$DB2/p4/$SDPInstance/db2/save" fi for d in $DirList; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then run "mkdir -p $d" "Creating dir: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create dir: $d" fi done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Working in /p4/N, add bin dir and symlinks as needed. # Test a cd to /$DD/p4/<instance>, unless on a broker only host. if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 && "$ServerType" != "p4broker" ]]; then cd "/$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Could not do: cd /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" fi # Test cd to /p4 if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot" || errmsg "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot" fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstance" || bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstance (from directory: $SDPInstallRoot)" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" fi if [[ ! -d bin ]]; then run "mkdir bin" || errmsg "Failed to do: mkdir bin" fi if [[ "$InstallP4D" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ! -L root ]]; then run "ln -s /$DB1/p4/$SDPInstance/db1 root" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for P4ROOT." fi if [[ ! -L offline_db ]]; then run "ln -s /$DB2/p4/$SDPInstance/db2 offline_db" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for offline_db." fi if [[ ! -L depots ]]; then run "ln -s /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/depots" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for depots." fi if [[ ! -L checkpoints ]]; then run "ln -s /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for checkpoints." fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge" || "$ServerType" == "p4d_filtered_replica" ]]; then if [[ ! -L "checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" ]]; then run "ln -s /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for checkpoints.${ServerID#p4d_}." fi elif [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d_edge_replica" ]]; then if [[ ! -L "checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" ]]; then run "ln -s /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for checkpoints.${TargetServerID#p4d_}." fi fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add /p4/N/logs and /p4/N/tmp symlinks on /hxlogs for all server types. for d in logs tmp; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then if [[ ! -L "$d" ]]; then run "ln -s /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance/$d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to make symlink for /p4/$SDPInstance/$d." fi fi done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set ServerID for all server types. # For all p4d* type servers, add $P4ROOT/server.id, with commit server using # COMMIT_ID or SERVER_ID. case "$ServerType" in (p4d_master) # If the ServerID was not set by the user with '-s', then set a # default value for a master. if [[ "$ServerIDSet" -eq 0 ]]; then ServerID="${COMMIT_ID:-${MASTER_ID:-UNSET_SERVERID}}" fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$ServerID" > "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/server.id" else msg "NO_OP: Would write $ServerID into $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/server.id" fi ;; (p4d_*) if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$ServerID" > "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/server.id" else msg "NO_OP: Would write $ServerID into $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/server.id" fi ;; (*) # If the ServerID was not set by the user with '-s', then use ServerType # as default value for the ServerID of a broker/proxy. if [[ "$ServerIDSet" -eq 0 ]]; then ServerID="$ServerType" fi ;; esac #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initialize directories. # # For package installations, the /opt/perforce/helix-sdp/sdp structure is # root-owned and immutable except by package upgrades. # This block creates locally modifiable subdirs common, downloads, # helix_binaries, and p4/sdp folders under /opt/perforce/helix-sdp, copying # from the immutable area. # # When used with the install_sdp.sh script, some of this work will already # be done. This mkdirs.sh script only creates/populates directories that do # not already exist. if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then DirList="downloads helix_binaries p4/sdp/Server/Unix/p4/common" for d in $DirList; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then run "mkdir -p $SDPPackageBase/$d" \ "Creating locally modifiable dir $SDPPackageBase/$d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to create dir $SDPPackageBase/$d" else dbg "No need to create existing directory: $SDPPackageBase/$d" fi done if [[ ! -d "$WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common" ]]; then run "rsync -a $ImmutableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common/ $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common" \ "Copying to $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common" ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy to $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common" else dbg "Using existing directory: $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common" fi if [[ ! -f "$WritableP4Dir/Version" ]]; then run "rsync $ImmutableSDPDir/Version $WritableP4Dir/Version" \ "Copying to $WritableP4Dir/Version" ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy to $WritableP4Dir/Version" else dbg "Using existing file: $WritableP4Dir/Version" fi else # The legacy, non-package logic is preserved for non-package installations. # It does not use rsync, and only executes if # /p4/common/bin/p4_vars does # not yet exist. if [[ ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4_vars" ]]; then run "cp -R $TarRootCommon/bin/* $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" "Copying $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy to $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" # Copy certain subdirs of /p4/common if don't already exist. for d in cloud etc lib site; do if [[ ! -d "$SDPInstallRoot/common/$d" ]]; then run "cp -pr $TarRootCommon/$d $SDPInstallRoot/common/." "Copying $SDPInstallRoot/common/$d." ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy $d to $SDPInstallRoot/common/" fi done fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Operate in /p4/common/bin if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" ||\ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Processing for new installations that don't yet have /p4/common/bin/p4_vars. if [[ ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4_vars" ]]; then if [[ ! -L "p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin" ]]; then run "ln -s p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin" "Linking p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin." ||\ errmsg "Failed to symlink p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then if [[ ! -L "p4d_${P4DRELNUM}_bin" ]]; then run "ln -s p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM p4d_${P4DRELNUM}_bin" "Linking p4d_${P4DRELNUM}_bin." ||\ errmsg "Failed to symlink p4_${P4DRELNUM}_bin" fi fi if [[ ! -L "p4_bin" ]]; then run "ln -s p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin p4_bin" "Linking p4_bin." ||\ errmsg "Failed to symlink p4_bin" fi if [[ ! -f p4_vars ]]; then msg "Generating Common Environment File: $PWD/p4_vars" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed -e "s|REPL_SDPVERSION|${SDPVersionString}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_OSUSER|${OSUSER}|g" \ "$TarRootConfig/p4_vars.template" > p4_vars fi fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copy version-tagged binaries to /p4/common/bin. if [[ ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM" ]]; then if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "cp $SDPPackageBins/p4 $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM" ||\ bail "Failed to copy p4 binary." else run "cp $TarRootBinDir/p4 $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM" ||\ bail "Failed to copy p4 binary." fi fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM" ]]; then if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "cp $SDPPackageBins/p4d $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM" ||\ bail "Failed to copy p4d binary" else run "cp $TarRootBinDir/p4d $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM" ||\ bail "Failed to copy p4d binary" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2072 if [[ "$P4DRELNUM" > "2023.0" ]]; then [[ -f /.dockerenv ]] ||\ SetcapCmd="setcap CAP_SYS_RESOURCE=+ep $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM" fi fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Working in /p4/common/bin, create p4d sylinks if needed. if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" || bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then if [[ ! -L "p4d_${SDPInstance}_bin" ]]; then run "ln -s p4d_${P4DRELNUM}_bin p4d_${SDPInstance}_bin" ||\ errmsg "Failed to symlink p4d_${SDPInstance}_bin" fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copy p4broker binary to version-tagged file and create p4broker links if # p4broker binary exists. if [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4broker" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016 P4BRELNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4broker" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $3}') # shellcheck disable=SC2016 P4BBLDNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4broker" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $4}' | awk '{print $1}') if [[ ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM" ]]; then if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "cp $SDPPackageBins/p4broker $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM" ||\ errmsg "Could not copy p4broker binary." else run "cp $TarRootBinDir/p4broker $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM" ||\ errmsg "Could not copy p4broker binary." fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Working in /p4/common/bin, create p4broker* sylinks if needed. if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" || bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" fi if [[ -L "p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin" ]]; then run "unlink p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin" ||\ errmsg "Could not unlink: p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin" fi run "ln -s p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin" "Creating broker symlink." ||\ errmsg "Could not create broker symlink." if [[ -L "p4broker_${SDPInstance}_bin" ]]; then run "unlink p4broker_${SDPInstance}_bin" ||\ errmsg "Could not unlink: p4broker_${SDPInstance}_bin" fi run "ln -s p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin p4broker_${SDPInstance}_bin" "Creating broker instance symlink." ||\ errmsg "Could not create broker instance symlink." fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4broker" || "$InstallP4Broker" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" || \ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" fi if [[ ! -L "p4broker_${SDPInstance}" ]]; then run "ln -s $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4broker_${SDPInstance}_bin p4broker_${SDPInstance}" ||\ errmsg "Could not create symlink." fi msg "Generating Helix Broker init script: p4broker_${SDPInstance}_init" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed "s|REPL_SDP_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" "$TarRootInit/p4broker_instance_init.template" > "p4broker_${SDPInstance}_init" else msg "NO_OP: Would have generated p4broker_${SDPInstance}_init" fi run "chmod +x p4broker_${SDPInstance}_init" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copy p4p binary to version-tagged binary and create p4p symlinks if p4p # binary exists. if [[ -f "$TarRootBinDir/p4p" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016 P4PRELNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4p" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $3}') # shellcheck disable=SC2016 P4PBLDNUM=$("$TarRootBinDir/p4p" -V | grep -i Rev. | awk -F / '{print $4}' | awk '{print $1}') if [[ ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM" ]]; then if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then run "cp $SDPPackageBins/p4p $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM" ||\ errmsg "Could not copy p4p binary." else run "cp $TarRootBinDir/p4p $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM" ||\ errmsg "Could not copy p4p binary." fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Working in /p4/common/bin, create p4p* sylinks if needed. if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" || bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin" fi if [[ -L "p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin" ]]; then run "unlink p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin" || errmsg "Could not unlink: p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin" fi run "ln -s p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin" ||\ errmsg "Could not symlink to p4p." if [[ -L "p4p_${SDPInstance}_bin" ]]; then run "unlink p4p_${SDPInstance}_bin" || errmsg "Could not unlink: p4p_${SDPInstance}_bin" fi run "ln -s p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin p4p_${SDPInstance}_bin" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4proxy" || "$InstallP4Proxy" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" || \ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" fi if [[ ! -L "p4p_${SDPInstance}" ]]; then run "ln -s $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4p_${SDPInstance}_bin p4p_${SDPInstance}" ||\ errmsg "Could not symlink for p4p_${SDPInstance}." fi msg "Generating Helix Proxy init script: p4p_${SDPInstance}_init" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed -e "s|REPL_SDP_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" \ "$TarRootInit/p4p_instance_init.template" > "p4p_${SDPInstance}_init" else msg "NO_OP: Would have generated p4p_${SDPInstance}_init" fi run "chmod +x p4p_${SDPInstance}_init" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" || \ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" fi run "ln -s /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/cache" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate SDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE file. if [[ ! -e "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.admin" ]]; then if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$P4ADMINPASS" > "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.admin" else msg "NO_OP: Would write admin password into $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.admin" fi else warnmsg "Skipping update of existing admin password file $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.admin" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate service user password file (to be deprecated later). if [[ ! -e "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.service" ]]; then if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$P4SERVICEPASS" > "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.service" else msg "NO_OP: Would write service password into $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.service" fi else warnmsg "Skipping update of existing service password file $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.service" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Operating in the Instance Bin dir, /p4/N/bin if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" ||\ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" fi if [[ ! -L "p4_${SDPInstance}" ]]; then run "ln -s $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4_bin p4_${SDPInstance}" ||\ errmsg "Could not create symlink for: p4_${SDPInstance}" fi if [[ "$InstallP4D" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Generating Helix Core Server init script: p4d_${SDPInstance}_init" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed "s|REPL_SDP_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" \ "$TarRootInit/p4d_instance_init.template" > "p4d_${SDPInstance}_init" ||\ errmsg "Failed to generate init script." run "chmod +x p4d_${SDPInstance}_init" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chmod init script." fi fi if [[ "$InstallP4DTG" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Generating P4DTG init script: p4dtg_${SDPInstance}_init" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed "s|REPL_SDP_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" \ "$TarRootInit/p4dtg_instance_init.template" > "p4dtg_${SDPInstance}_init" ||\ errmsg "Failed to generate init script." run "chmod +x p4dtg_${SDPInstance}_init" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chmod init script." fi warnmsg "The p4dtg_${SDPInstance}_init script has been generated. Additional steps are\\nrequired to complete installation." fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" || bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" fi if [[ "$InstallP4D" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ $CASE_SENSITIVE -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ! -L "p4d_$SDPInstance" ]]; then msg "Generating P4D symlink for case-sensitive instance: p4d_${SDPInstance}." run "ln -s $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4d_${SDPInstance}_bin p4d_$SDPInstance" ||\ errmsg "Failed to symlink p4d_$SDPInstance" fi else msg "Generating P4D wrapper for case-insensitive instance: p4d_${SDPInstance}." if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 && ! -e "p4d_${SDPInstance}" ]]; then echo '#!/bin/bash' > "p4d_${SDPInstance}" || errmsg "Failed to generate script." echo "P4D=/p4/common/bin/p4d_${SDPInstance}_bin" >> "p4d_$SDPInstance" ||\ errmsg "Failed to generate script." # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'exec $P4D -C1 "$@"' >> "p4d_$SDPInstance" ||\ errmsg "Failed to generate script." run "chmod +x p4d_$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chmod wrapper script." fi fi fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config" ||\ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/common/config" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/common/config" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4proxy" ]]; then P4P_TARGET_PORT="${SSL_PREFIX}${P4MASTERHOST}:${P4_PORT}" [[ "$TargetPortSet" -eq 1 ]] && P4P_TARGET_PORT="$TargetPort" [[ "$ListenPortSet" -eq 1 ]] && P4_PORT="$ListenPort" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4broker" ]]; then P4_PORT="${SSL_PREFIX}${P4MASTERHOST}:${P4_PORT}" [[ "$TargetPortSet" -eq 1 ]] && P4_PORT="$TargetPort" [[ "$ListenPortSet" -eq 1 ]] && P4BROKER_PORT="$ListenPort" fi msg "Generating Instance Vars file: p4_${SDPInstance}.vars" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed -e "s|REPL_MAILTO|${MAILTO}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MAILFROM|${MAILFROM}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_ADMINUSER|${ADMINUSER}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MASTER_ID|${MASTER_ID}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_SSLPREFIX|${SSL_PREFIX}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4PORT|${P4_PORT}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4BROKERPORT|${P4BROKER_PORT}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4WEBPORT|${P4WEB_PORT}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4FTPPORT|${P4FTP_PORT}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4MASTERHOST|${P4MASTERHOST}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4P_TARGET_PORT|${P4P_TARGET_PORT}|g" \ "$TarRootCommon/config/instance_vars.template" > "p4_${SDPInstance}.vars" ||\ errmsg "Failed to generate p4_${SDPInstance}.vars" fi if [[ "$ServerType" == p4_master ]]; then msg "Generating config file for P4Review: p4_${SDPInstance}.p4review.cfg" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed -e "s|REPL_ADMINISTRATOR|${MAILTO}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_COMPLAINFROM|${COMPLAINFROM}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MAILHOST|${MAILHOST}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_P4MASTERHOST|${P4MASTERHOST}|g" \ "$TarRootCommon/config/p4review.cfg.template" > "p4_${SDPInstance}.p4review.cfg" ||\ errmsg "Failed to generate p4_${SDPInstance}.p4review.cfg" fi fi # If the site has neither an actual or sample SiteTags.cfg file, install the sample. if [[ -e "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg" ]]; then msg "Verified: SiteTags.cfg exists as $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg." elif [[ -e "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg.sample" ]]; then msg "Verified: SiteTags.cfg.sample exists as $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg.sample" else msg "Copying SiteTags.cfg.sample to $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg.sample." if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cp -p "$TarRootConfig/SiteTags.cfg.sample" "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg.sample" ||\ errmsg "Could not do: cp -p \"$TarRootConfig/SiteTags.cfg.sample\" \"$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg.sample\"" else msg "NO_OP: Would have done: cp -p \"$TarRootConfig/SiteTags.cfg.sample\" \"$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/SiteTags.cfg.sample\"" fi fi if [[ -e "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/configurables.cfg" ]]; then msg "Verified: configurables.cfg exists as $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/configurables.cfg." else msg "Copying configurables.cfg to $SDPInstallRoot/common/config/configurables.cfg" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cp -p "$TarRootConfig/configurables.cfg" "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/configurables.cfg" ||\ errmsg "Could not do: cp -p \"$TarRootConfig/configurables.cfg\" \"$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/configurables.cfg\"" else msg "NO_OP: Would have done: cp -p \"$TarRootConfig/configurables.cfg\" \"$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/configurables.cfg\"" fi fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot" || bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot" fi # Generate crontab for p4d servers, standalone proxies, and standalone brokers. SDPCrontabDir="$SDPInstallRoot/common/etc/cron.d" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* || "$ServerType" == "p4proxy" || "$ServerType" == "p4broker" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "${SDPInstallRoot}/p4.crontab.${SDPInstance}" ]]; then CrontabFileInP4="p4.crontab.${SDPInstance}" else CrontabFileInP4="p4.crontab.$SDPInstance.new" run "rm -f ${SDPInstallRoot}/$CrontabFileInP4" msg "Existing crontab file found; writing new crontab to ${SDPInstallRoot}/${CrontabFileInP4}" fi CrontabFile="$SDPCrontabDir/crontab.$OSUSER.$ThisHost.${SDPInstance}" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then msg "Generating p4d server crontab: $CrontabFileInP4" if sed -e "s|REPL_MAILTO|${MAILTO}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MAILFROM|${MAILFROM}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" \ "$TarRootCron/template.crontab.combined" > "$TmpFile"; then CrontabFileGenerated=1 else errmsg "Failed to generate crontab file from: $TarRootCron/template.crontab.combined" fi elif [[ "$ServerType" == "p4proxy" ]]; then msg "Generating p4p server crontab: $CrontabFileInP4" if sed -e "s|REPL_MAILTO|${MAILTO}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MAILFROM|${MAILFROM}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" \ "$TarRootCron/template.crontab.proxy" > "$TmpFile"; then CrontabFileGenerated=1 else errmsg "Failed to generate crontab file from $TarRootCron/template.crontab.proxy" fi elif [[ "$ServerType" == "p4broker" ]]; then msg "Generating p4broker server crontab: $CrontabFileInP4" if sed -e "s|REPL_MAILTO|${MAILTO}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MAILFROM|${MAILFROM}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_INSTANCE|${SDPInstance}|g" \ "$TarRootCron/template.crontab.broker" > "$TmpFile"; then CrontabFileGenerated=1 else errmsg "Failed to generate crontab file from $TarRootCron/template.crontab.broker" fi fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Deploying generated crontab file: $CrontabFileInP4" mv -f "$TmpFile" "$CrontabFileInP4" ||\ errmsg "Failed to do: mv -f $TmpFile $CrontabFileInP4" cp -f "$CrontabFileInP4" "$CrontabFile" ||\ errmsg "Failed to do: cp -f $CrontabFileInP4 $CrontabFile" else msg "NO_OP: Would have generated crontab $CrontabFileInP4 with contents:" cat "$TmpFile" rm -f "$TmpFile" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load crontab (unless '-no_cron' was specified). if [[ "$LoadActiveCrontab" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$CrontabFileGenerated" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -r "$CrontabFile" ]]; then if [[ "$RunningAsRoot" -eq 1 ]]; then run "crontab -u $OSUSER $CrontabFile" "As root, loading crontab for $OSUSER." ||\ errmsg "As root, failed to load crontab for user $OSUSER." else run "crontab $CrontabFile" "As $OSUSER, loading crontab." ||\ errmsg "As $OSUSER, failed to load crontab." fi else errmsg "Not loading crontab for user $OSUSER; did not find expected crontab file: $CrontabFile" fi else warnmsg "Not loading crontab for user $OSUSER because crontab was not generated." fi else msg "Not loading crontab due to '-no_cron'." fi if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 && -e "$CrontabFileInP4" ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $CrontabFileInP4 $CrontabFile" || \ errmsg "Failed to chown $CrontabFileInP4 $CrontabFile" fi fi if [[ -r "$TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/template.maintenance.cfg" && "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then msg "Appending configuration section [$SDPInstance] to $TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" if [[ -r "$TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" ]]; then run "chmod +w $TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "[$SDPInstance]" >> "$TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" msg "Appending to: $TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" sed -e "s|REPL_INSTANCE|$SDPInstance|g" \ -e "s|REPL_ADMINISTRATOR|${MAILTO}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_COMPLAINFROM|${COMPLAINFROM}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_MAILHOST|${MAILHOST}|g" \ -e "s|REPL_DOMAIN|${COMPLAINFROM_DOMAIN}|g" \ "$TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/template.maintenance.cfg" >> "$TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" ||\ errmsg "Could not append to: $TarRootUnsupported/Maintenance/maintenance.cfg" fi fi if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cd "$SDPInstallRoot/${SDPInstance}/bin" || \ bail "Could not do: cd $SDPInstallRoot/${SDPInstance}/bin" msg "Operating in: $PWD" else msg "NO_OP: Would be operating in: $SDPInstallRoot/${SDPInstance}/bin" fi if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "TRUE" ]]; then if [[ "$ServerType" == p4d_replica || "$ServerType" == p4d_standby ]]; then msg "Configuring Replica sharing depot data with master. Skipping chown of /$DD and /$DD/p4" DoNFSChownCommands=0 fi fi if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$TestMode" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "$DoNFSChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DD" fi run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$LG" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$LG" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DB1" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DB1" if [[ "$DB1" != "$DB2" ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DB2" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DB2" fi fi fi if [[ "$DoNFSChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DD/p4" if [[ "$CD" != "$DD" ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$CD/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$CD/p4" fi fi run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$LG/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$LG/p4" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DB1/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DB1/p4" if [[ "$DB1" != "$DB2" ]]; then run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DB2/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DB2/p4" fi fi run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot" || errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot" run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstance" run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/common" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot/common" for path in "$SDPInstallRoot/sdp" "$SDPInstallRoot"/* "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance"/*; do run "chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $path" || errmsg "Failed to chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $path" done run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/common/" || errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot/common/" if [[ $TestMode -eq 0 ]]; then run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/sdp/" || errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot/sdp/" fi run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/common" || errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot/common" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DB1/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DB1/p4/$SDPInstance" if [[ "$DB1" != "$DB2" ]]; then run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DB2/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$DB2/p4/$SDPInstance" fi fi run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chown /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance" run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" || errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin" else msg "Skipped chown/chmod commands for large directory trees." fi if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then run "chmod $ExecPerms /$DB1/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$DB1/p4" if [[ "$DB1" != "$DB2" ]]; then run "chmod $ExecPerms /$DB2/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$DB2/p4" fi fi run "chmod $ExecPerms /$DD/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$DD/p4" if [[ "$CD" != "$DD" ]]; then run "chmod $ExecPerms /$CD/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$CD/p4" fi run "chmod $ExecPerms /$LG/p4" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$LG/p4" if [[ "$ServerType" == "p4d"* ]]; then run "chmod -R $ExecPerms /$DB1/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$DB1/p4/$SDPInstance" if [[ "$DB1" != "$DB2" ]]; then run "chmod -R $ExecPerms /$DB2/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$DB2/p4/$SDPInstance" fi fi run "chmod -R $ExecPerms $SDPInstallRoot/common" || errmsg "Failed to chmod $SDPInstallRoot/common" run "chmod -R $ExecPerms /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chmod /$LG/p4/$SDPInstance" if [[ "$InstallP4D" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$SDPInstance" != "$MASTERINSTANCE" ]]; then if [[ -f "$SDPInstallRoot/$MASTERINSTANCE/root/license" && ! -f "$SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/license" ]]; then run "ln -s $SDPInstallRoot/$MASTERINSTANCE/root/license $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/license" ||\ errmsg "Failed to copy license from master instance $MASTERINSTANCE to $SDPInstance." run "chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/license" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chown $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/root/license" fi fi fi for f in "$SDPInstallRoot/${SDPInstance}"/bin/*_init; do run "chmod 755 $f" || errmsg "Failed to chmod $f to 755." done run "chmod $ExecPerms $SDPInstallRoot/ssl" || errmsg "Failed to chmod $ExecPerms $SDPInstallRoot/ssl" for f in "$SDPInstallRoot/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}."* "$SDPInstallRoot"/ssl/*; do run "chmod $ReadPerms $f" || errmsg "Failed to chmod $f to $ReadPerms." done if [[ "$DoChownCommands" -eq 1 ]]; then run "chown -R $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPInstallRoot/ssl" ||\ errmsg "Failed to do chown for ssl dir." if [[ "$UsePackageDirs" -eq 1 ]]; then DirList="downloads helix_binaries p4" for d in $DirList; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then run "chown -R $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $SDPPackageBase/$d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to chown dir $SDPPackageBase/$d" fi done fi fi if [[ "$TestMode" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "\\nThis was done in test mode. Production install directories were not affected, and systemd/SELinux config were not attempted.\\n" if [[ -d "/p4/common" ]]; then msg "If you are upgrading an existing SDP installation, compare these current folders and files: diff -qr /p4/$SDPInstance/bin $SDPInstallRoot/$SDPInstance/bin diff -qr /p4/common $SDPInstallRoot/common Be careful to ensure generated files are correct, including files in /p4/common/config and /p4/common/bin/p4_vars are appropriate.\\n" fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Enable the OOM Killder defense feature. if [[ -n "$SetcapCmd" ]]; then if [[ "$RunningAsRoot" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Enabling OOM killer protection for p4d.\\nRunning: $SetcapCmd" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if eval $SetcapCmd; then run "getcap $SDPInstallRoot/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM" else errmsg "Failed to do: $SetcapCmd" fi else warnmsg "Additional Processing is advised to activate OOM killer protection for p4d:\\n" msg "As root, execute this command:\\n\\t$SetcapCmd\\n" msg "And then restart the p4d_${SDPInstance} service." fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Determine Init Mechanism if [[ "$UseSystemd" -eq 1 && -d "/etc/systemd/system" ]]; then InitMechanism="Systemd" if [[ -z "$(command -v systemctl)" ]]; then warnmsg "systemctl isn't in PATH, but /etc/systemd/system exists. Acting as if '-no_systemd' was specified." UseSystemd=0 fi elif [[ -x "/sbin/launchd" ]]; then InitMechanism="Launchd" UseSystemd=0 elif [[ -d "/etc/init.d" ]]; then InitMechanism="SysV" UseSystemd=0 else bail "Could not determine init mechanism. Systemd, SysV, and Launchd aren't available. Aborting." fi SystemdTemplatesDir="$SDPInstallRoot/common/etc/systemd/system" if [[ "$RunningAsRoot" -eq 1 && "$DoServiceInit" -eq 1 ]]; then # Determine list of binaries to install. [[ "$InstallP4D" -eq 1 ]] && BinList+=" p4d" [[ "$InstallP4Broker" -eq 1 ]] && BinList+=" p4broker" [[ "$InstallP4Proxy" -eq 1 ]] && BinList+=" p4p" if [[ "$InitMechanism" == "SysV" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v chkconfig)" ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $InitMechanism services.\\n" cd /etc/init.d || bail "Could not cd to [/etc/init.d]." for svc in $BinList; do initScript=${svc}_${SDPInstance}_init if [[ -x /p4/${SDPInstance}/bin/$initScript ]]; then run "ln -s /p4/${SDPInstance}/bin/$initScript" run "chkconfig --add $initScript" run "chkconfig $initScript on" fi done else msg "Skipping SysV service initiailzation; no 'chkconfig' in PATH." fi elif [[ "$InitMechanism" == "Systemd" && "$UseSystemd" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $InitMechanism services.\\n" cd /etc/systemd/system || bail "Could not cd to /etc/systemd/system." for binary in $BinList; do svcName="${binary}_${SDPInstance}" svcFile="${svcName}.service" # If the version of SDP deployed is 2020.1+, it will have templates # for systemd unit files. Use those if found, otherwise use the # baseline templates that come with the Helix Installer. svcTemplate="$SystemdTemplatesDir/${binary}_N.service.t" sed -e "s|__INSTANCE__|${SDPInstance}|g" \ -e "s|__OSUSER__|$OSUSER|g" \ "$svcTemplate" > "$svcFile" ||\ bail "Failed to generate $PWD/$svcFile from template $svcTemplate." if [[ "$EnableSystemdServices" -eq 1 ]]; then run "systemctl enable $svcName" "Enabling $svcName to start on boot." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to enable $svcName with $InitMechanism." else msg "Not enabling service $svcName due to '-no_enable'." fi SELinuxMode="$(getenforce 2>/dev/null || sestatus 2>/dev/null | grep -i 'Current mode' | awk '{print $NF}')" if [[ "$SELinuxMode" =~ ^[Enforcing|Permissive]$ ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v semanage)" ]]; then if run "semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t /p4/${SDPInstance}/bin/${binary}_${SDPInstance}_init" \ "Configuring SELinux for init script /p4/${SDPInstance}/bin/${binary}_${SDPInstance}_init." > "$TmpFile" 2>&1; then cat "$TmpFile" # The temp file should have no output because semanage is silent on success, but display it anyway. msg "SELinux configured OK." else # If we get an error indicating semanage is already defined, suppress that. if grep -q -E "ValueError: File context for .* already defined" "$TmpFile"; then msg "SELinux configured OK (it was already defined)." else cat "$TmpFile" errmsg "Failed SELinux addition of init script for /p4/${SDPInstance}/bin/${binary}_${SDPInstance}_init." fi fi rm -f "$TmpFile" else warnmsg "SELinux is available but semanage not in PATH. Skipping semanage setup" fi if [[ -n "$(command -v restorecon)" ]]; then run "restorecon -vF /p4/${SDPInstance}/bin/${binary}_${SDPInstance}_init" ||\ errmsg "Failed SELinux restorecon of init script for ${binary}_${SDPInstance}." else warnmsg "SELinux is available but restorecon not in PATH. Skipping restorecon setup." fi else msg "SELinux is not available. Skipping Skipping semanage and restorecon setup." fi done run "systemctl daemon-reload" "Reloading systemd after generating Systemd unit files." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to reload systemd daemon." fi else if [[ "$DoServiceInit" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Skipping $InitMechanism and SELinux configuration due to '-no_init'." else msg "Skipping $InitMechanism and SELinux configuration; not running as root." fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configure Firewall. if [[ "$RunningAsRoot" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$DoFirewall" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -r "/etc/firewalld/services" ]]; then FirewallType="Firewalld" FirewallDir="/etc/firewalld/services" elif [[ -r "/etc/ufw/applications.d" ]]; then FirewallType="ufw" FirewallDir="/etc/ufw/applications.d" elif [[ -r "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" ]]; then FirewallType="IPTables" FirewallDir="/etc/sysconfig" else FirewallType="uknown firewall type or no firewall detected" fi # Verify firewall is available. if [[ "$FirewallType" == "Firewalld" ]]; then # FirewallOnline indicates that the firewall-cmd utility is available and the firewalld is online. if firewall-cmd --state > /dev/null 2>&1; then msg "Verified: firewalld is available and running." FirewallOnline=1 else warnmsg "Skipping firewalld configuration because firwalld is not running." fi elif [[ "$FirewallType" == "ufw" ]]; then # FirewallOnline indicates that the ufw utility is available and the ufw firewall is online. if [[ "$(ufw status 2>/dev/null)" =~ ' active' ]]; then msg "Verified: ufw firewall is available and running." FirewallOnline=1 else warnmsg "Skipping ufw firewall configuration because ufw is not running." fi else warnmsg "Skipping firewall configuration because firewall type is not handled: $FirewallType." fi else msg "Skipping firewall configuration due to '-no_firewall'." fi else dbg "Skipping firewall configuration (not running as root)." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add Firewall rules. if [[ "$FirewallOnline" -eq 1 ]]; then # Add Firewall rules for Firewalld, popular on the RHEL/Rocky Linux family. if [[ "$FirewallType" == "Firewalld" ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $FirewallType services.\\n" TmpFile=$(mktemp) for binary in $BinList; do svcName="${binary}_${SDPInstance}" svcFile="${svcName}.xml" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed -e "s|__INSTANCE__|$SDPInstance|g" \ -e "s|__P4PORT__|${P4_PORT##*:}|g" \ -e "s|__P4BROKER_PORT__|${P4BROKER_PORT##*:}|g" \ "$WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/firewalld/${binary}_N.xml.t" > "$TmpFile" ||\ bail "Failed to generate firewalld service file." else msg "NO_OP: Would have generated firewalld entry using template: $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/firewalld/${binary}_N.xml.t" fi run "cp -f $TmpFile $FirewallDir/$svcFile" \ "Installing generated firewalld service file to $FirewallDir/$svcFile." ||\ bail "Failed to install $FirewallDir/$svcFile." run "firewall-cmd --add-service=$svcName" \ "Adding firewall entry for $svcName." ||\ warnmsg "Adding firewall entry for $svcName failed." done rm -f "$TmpFile" run "firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent" \ "Permanently adding firewall entries" ||\ warnmsg "Adding permanent firewall entries failed." run "firewall-cmd --reload" "Reloading firewalld." ||\ warnmsg "Firewalld reload failed." if [[ -n "$(command -v iptables-save)" ]]; then run "iptables-save" "Showing firewall rules." ||\ warnmsg "Showing firewall failed." fi # Add Firewall rules for ufw, popular on the Ubuntu family. elif [[ "$FirewallType" == "ufw" ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $FirewallType services.\\n" TmpFile=$(mktemp) for binary in $BinList; do svcName="${binary}_${SDPInstance}" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then sed -e "s|__INSTANCE__|$SDPInstance|g" \ -e "s|__P4PORT__|${P4_PORT##*:}|g" \ -e "s|__P4BROKER_PORT__|${P4BROKER_PORT##*:}|g" \ "$WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/ufw/${binary}_N.t" > "$TmpFile" ||\ bail "Failed to generate ufw firewall application file." else msg "NO_OP: Would have generated ufw firewall rule using template: $WritableSDPDir/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/ufw/${binary}_N.t" fi run "cp -f $TmpFile $FirewallDir/$svcName" \ "Installing generated ufw firewall application file to $FirewallDir/$svcName." ||\ bail "Failed to install $FirewallDir/$svcName." run "ufw app update $svcName" \ "Updating ufw firewall application $svcName." ||\ bail "Failed to update ufw firewall application $svcName." run "ufw allow $svcName" \ "Adding ufw firewall rules for application $svcName." ||\ bail "Failed to allow ufw firewall rules for application $svcName." done rm -f "$TmpFile" run "ufw reload " "Reloading ufw firewall." ||\ warnmsg "ufw firewall reload failed." if [[ -n "$(command -v iptables-save)" ]]; then run "iptables-save" "Showing firewall rules." ||\ warnmsg "Showing firewall failed." fi fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Do the big, long-running things at the end. msg "\\nAll structural processing is complete. Wrapping up with potentially long-running chown/chmod tasks." if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "FALSE" && -d "/$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" ]]; then if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Setting permissions on depot files - this may take some time ..." run "chmod -R $ExecPerms /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chmod: /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" else msg "Skipped chmod -R of /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance due to '-f'." fi fi if [[ "$CD" != "$DD" ]]; then if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "FALSE" && -d "/$CD/p4/$SDPInstance" ]]; then if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Setting permissions on depot files - this may take some time ..." run "chmod -R $ExecPerms /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chmod: /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance" else msg "Skipped chmod -R of /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance due to '-f'." fi fi fi if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "FALSE" && -d "/$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" ]]; then if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Setting ownership on depot files - this may take some time ..." run "chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" || errmsg "Failed to chown: /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" else msg "Due to '-f' (fast), skipped chown -Rh of /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance; doing targeted chowns instead." Cmd="chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance" [[ -d "/$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/depots" ]] && Cmd+=" /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/depots" [[ -d "/$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/cache" ]] && Cmd+=" /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/cache" run "$Cmd" "Doing targeted chown commands in /$DD:" || \ errmsg "Failed to do: $Cmd" fi fi if [[ "$CD" != "$DD" ]]; then if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "FALSE" && -d "/$CD/p4/$SDPInstance" ]]; then if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 0 ]]; then Cmd="chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance" run "$Cmd" "Setting ownership on checkpoint files - this may take some time ..." ||\ errmsg "Failed to do: $Cmd" else msg "Due to '-f' (fast), skipped chown -Rh of /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance; doing targeted chowns instead." if [[ -d "/$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints" ]]; then Cmd="chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$CD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints*" run "$Cmd" "Doing targeted chown commands in /$CD:" || \ errmsg "Failed to do: $Cmd" fi fi fi else if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -d "/$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints" ]]; then msg "Due to '-f' (fast), doing targeted chowns for checkpoint dirs." Cmd="chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints*" run "$Cmd" "Doing targeted chown commands for checkpoints in /$DD/p4/$SDPInstance/checkpoints:" || \ errmsg "Failed to do: $Cmd" fi fi fi if [[ "$UpdateSudoers" -eq 1 ]]; then Cmd="$GenSudoersScript" if [[ "$LimitedSudoers" -eq 1 ]]; then Cmd+=" -limited" else Cmd+=" -full" fi if [[ "$TestMode" -eq 0 ]]; then Cmd+=" -y -f" fi if [[ -x "$GenSudoersScript" ]]; then if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd || errmsg "Error from script to update sudoers, $GenSudoersScript." else msg "NO_OP: Would run: $Cmd" fi else errmsg "Skipping sudoers update because this is not executable: $GenSudoersScript" fi fi exit "$ErrorCount"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#95 | 31204 | Will Kreitzmann |
Released SDP 2024.2.31193 (2025/01/17). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#94 | 31077 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.2.31075 (2024/12/20). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#93 | 30915 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30913 (2024/11/20). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#92 | 30388 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30385 (2024/06/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#91 | 30043 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30041 (2023/12/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#90 | 29891 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29699 (2023/07/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#89 | 29701 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29699 (2023/07/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#88 | 29623 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29621 (2023/05/25). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#87 | 29401 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.2.29399 (2023/02/06). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#86 | 29205 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.1.29203 (2022/11/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#85 | 28412 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2021.2.28410 (2021/11/24). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#84 | 28240 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2021.1.28238 (2021/11/12). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#83 | 27901 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27899 (2021/07/13). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#82 | 27822 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27820 (2021/06/19). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#81 | 27761 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27759 (2021/05/07). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#80 | 27400 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27398 (2021/02/06). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#79 | 27331 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27325 (2021/01/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#78 | 26246 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.3.26239 (2020/01/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#77 | 26161 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.3.26159 (2019/11/06). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#76 | 25933 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.2.25923 (2019/08/05). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#75 | 25596 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.2.25594 (2019/05/02). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#74 | 25483 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.1.25480 (2019/04/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#73 | 25389 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.1.25386 (2019/03/21). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#72 | 25380 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.1.25374 (2019/03/21). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#71 | 25317 | Robert Cowham | Copy up logic fix to mkdirs.sh to fix breaking test | ||
#70 | 25311 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.1.25309 (2019/03/07). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#69 | 25245 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.1.25238 (2019/03/02). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#68 | 23595 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2018.1.23583 (2018/02/08). Patch release to fix bug in mkdirs.sh (SDP-287). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev', with selective removal of work-in-progress files. |
#67 | 23510 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2018.1.23504 (2018/01/19). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev', with selective removal of work-in-progress files. |
#66 | 23357 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2017.4.23354 (2017/12/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#65 | 23331 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2017.4.23329 (2017/12/05). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#64 | 23006 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2017.3.23003 (2017/10/19). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#63 | 22950 | akwan | Provide an override for difference between proxy listening port and target port | ||
#62 | 22685 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Update main with current changes from dev. | ||
#61 | 22207 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2017.2.22201 (2017/05/18). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#60 | 22185 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2017.2.22177 (2017/05/17). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#59 | 21483 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.21480 (2017/01/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#58 | 21338 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.21328 (2016/12/16). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#57 | 21193 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Update main from dev. | ||
#56 | 21128 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.21123 (2016/11/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#55 | 21105 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.21103 (2016/11/21). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#54 | 20997 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.20995 (2016/11/07). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#53 | 20974 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.20972 (2016/11/01). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#52 | 20792 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.20790 (2016/09/30). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#51 | 20767 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.20755 (2016/09/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#50 | 20481 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.1.20460. Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev', with selective removal of changes related to work-in-progress files. |
#49 | 20398 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.1.20395. Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev', with selective removal of changes related to work-in-progress files. |
#48 | 20390 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.1.20387. Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev', with selective removal of changes related to work-in-progress files. |
#47 | 20353 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.1.20348. Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev', with selective removal of changes related to work-in-progress changes. |
#46 | 20050 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released: 2016.1.20028 (2016/08/03). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#45 | 19414 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released SDP/MultiArch/2016.1/19410 (2016/05/17). | ||
#44 | 18961 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released: SDP/MultiArch/2016.1/18958 (2016/04/08). | ||
#43 | 18619 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Updating main with current changes. | ||
#42 | 18530 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Update main from dev. | ||
#41 | 16554 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Changed storage for /p4/<n>/tmp dir to the /logs volume. The /logs volume is typically local, and is not backed up. Both of these characteristics are desirable for TMP/P4TMP. We don't want to pay the typically high latency tax of shared storage solutions used for the /depotdata for TMP/P4TMP. And we don't want to needlessly backup up a folder whose name implies it's not backed up. To Do: * Make the corresponding change in the Windows SDP. * Adjust docs as needed. #review-16527 @russell_jackson |
#40 | 16370 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Changed 'p4admin' to 'perforce' as the default SDP P4USER, now that LDAP integration is the prevailing norm. #review-15815 |
#39 | 16348 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added check for exiting binaries in /p4/common/bin since those will be the most up to date versions in an existing installation. The check helps when going back and adding another instance at a later date and you forgot to update the binaries in the SDP folder. Guess how I found that out... |
#38 | 16265 | Robert Cowham | Fix tests broken by previous few changes. | ||
#37 | 16259 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Created P4MASTERPORT in instance_vars to simplify logins to the master server in the other scripts. Changed other scripts to use P4MASTERPORT Added clean up of statejcopy and checkpoints.rep directory to weekly_sync_replica so that it properly resets a replica that is using journalcopy. Moved umask to instance_vars since it wasn't being picked up when running things via crontab Removed P4REPLICANAME from instance_vars since it wasn't being used anymore. Added HOSTIP to mkdirs and to the P4PORT setting in instance vars so the server starts on a specific IP address rather than all on the server. This avoids a bug where rpl.forward.login doesn't work when logging in via localhost. |
#36 | 15856 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Replaced the big license comment block with a shortened form referencing the LICENSE file included with the SDP package, and also by the URL for the license file in The Workshop. |
#35 | 15691 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Changed to always create a checkpoints.rep directory on the logs volume so that moving the pre-rotated journal back to be the live journal will be a move operation when doing a failover. Added a SHAREDDATA setting to p4_vars so that I could check for that in sync_replica and weekly_sync replica. That allowed me to delete weekly_sync_shared_replica and sync_shared_replica. Added cleanup of checkpoints.rep to sync_replica and weekly_sync_replica since that is where the replica journals should always be located now. Removed cleanup of checkpoints.rep from daily and weekly backup scripts since those should not be handling replica file clean up. The SDP is now designed to be used with the journalcopy and p4 pull -L commands rather than the old style replication using just pull. Failover requires that you move the pre-rotated journal that is in the checkpoints.rep directory back to /p4/${SDP_INSTANCE}/logs/journal now along with updating the server.id file. |
#34 | 14073 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Backed out changes that moved variables to p4_vars. The variables are intended to be in instance vars to keep everything about a particular instance in one location. It was confusing for people to see a setting in p4_vars and not understand that setting was being overridden in the instance vars. There shouldn't be any overlap between p4_vars and instance vars anymore. Also, server.id is not optional. It must exist. It is how you control whether the instance is a master or a replica. It is not set by the scripts anymore because that was also confusing people. They would try to change the role of a server by changing server.id and we previously would just overwrite their changes. Now, the SDP just reads the server.id so that the user has control over it. That doesn't confuse them since that is how our docs tells them to change a server's role. |
#33 | 14045 | Robert Cowham |
Move some stuff from instance_vars to p4_vars (or at least for defaults). Clarify user messages. |
#32 | 13991 | Robert Cowham |
Clarify comments re SSL Prefix. Also test mode informational messages. |
#31 | 13908 | C. Thomas Tyler | Pushing SDP 2015.1.13906. | ||
#30 | 12964 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Updated p4review complain from address. | ||
#29 | 12387 | Robert Cowham |
Change warning re not running as root. Also clarify test output. |
#28 | 12329 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added check so script doesn't try to link logs when the logs directory is on the depotdata volume. |
#27 | 12150 | Robert Cowham | Fix test breakage - check for existence of ssl files before chmod'ing them | ||
#26 | 12113 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Moved ssl dir to /p4. There is no need for an ssl directory under each instance. There are also some signs of possible issues with the certificates residing on an NFS mounted volume in one environment so far. |
#25 | 12067 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Changed mkdirs.sh to default to 1666 and added comment to replace the broker with command triggers. Added simple command trigger to block commands in the server. |
#24 | 12008 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Added comment about the init directory. | ||
#23 | 11975 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Skip chown on /tmp | ||
#22 | 11919 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added a SERVERID variable to p4_vars and updated backup_functions to use it. Changed the location and the names of the config files so that they could live in /p4/common/config (You're welcome Tom). The files names are: p4_$INSTANCE.vars p4_$INSTANCE.p4review.cfg p4_$INSTANCE.vars will now set P4REPLICA to FALSE if SERVERID matches MASTERNAME, otherwise it is TRUE. This change means that a user must change server.id now in order to change the role of the server rather than changing the instance vars file. This makes more sense to a user that is reading the admin guide about server.id rather than overwriting the file based on a setting that isn't in the admin guide. Change mkdirs to reflect all of the above changes. |
#21 | 11913 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Added _ between instance and port in complain from. | ||
#20 | 11912 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Corrected the location of a $ in the commented variables. | ||
#19 | 11909 | adrian_waters | Change commented out entry P4PORT->P4_PORT so if uncomment the block of env settings if want auto-generated port numbers it doesn't fail unbound test (later code now used P4_PORT) | ||
#18 | 11906 | adrian_waters | fix @11903 - to ensure comparing /p4 against /tmp/p4 when in test mode | ||
#17 | 11903 | adrian_waters | Fix issue introduced in @11877 - the echo'd diff statements at end should compare /p4 against $P4DIR when in test mode | ||
#16 | 11885 | adrian_waters | Add setting to trap unbounded variables; caught/fixed one instance of error around test mode, so enhanced 'usage' check & test mode processing; excluded setting ownership/perms on /tmp/p4/sdp in test mode | ||
#15 | 11884 | adrian_waters | fix comparison to support non-numeric instance | ||
#14 | 11883 | adrian_waters | fix unbounded use of P4BROKER_PORT_END (variable removed in #2) | ||
#13 | 11878 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Corrected crontab name to p4.crontab in output when crontab's exist. Corrected test to remove p4.crontab and p4.crontab.replica - All Reb's fault. |
#12 | 11877 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Changed all occurences of /p4 to $P4DIR Fixed a couple of places that were missed to use SDP_COMMON. |
#11 | 11876 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Changed to stop copying test and etc to the /p4/common folder since they are not needed there. All etc files are generated during the mkdirs.sh run from the sdp area. Cleaned up path names using a SDP_COMMON and got rid of ETC_DIR. Changed crontab and crontab.replica to p4.crontab and p4.crontab.replica |
#10 | 11857 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added a setting to control if checkpoints.rep gets created or not, and then a check to see if that directory exists. If it does, we reset CHECKPOINTS and run it a second time in the daily and weekly in order to keep the checkpoints.rep directory cleaned up when using a shared depotdata volume. |
#9 | 11796 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Changed the chmod 750 so that it doesn't run over all the existing instances. That would make it horribly slow to create additional instances in an existing installation with a lot of files. Added variable to define the master instance, and then used that for making links to the license file and ssl dir in the master instance. This fixed a bug where we were checking for instance 1 for linking the license file. We cannot make that assumption when supporting named instances. |
#8 | 11729 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added check to only create crontab files if they don't exist. Otherwise tell the user to copy the section and update the instance. Also moved the times in the replica out to allow more time for the checkpoint to complete. |
#7 | 11724 | adrian_waters | SDP/mkdirs.sh - fix bug that prevents MAILTO being subsituted in the crontab / crontab.replica files | ||
#6 | 11723 | adrian_waters | SDP/mkdirs.sh - fix bug that stopped REPL_MAILTO being substituted in p4_vars | ||
#5 | 11720 | adrian_waters | Put extra trap to catch accidental missing of the instance param when running in test mode - otherwise get '-test' directories created! | ||
#4 | 11679 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Added section you can uncomment to use 666 for port if desired. | ||
#3 | 11570 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Brought in changes from Mark Foundry to add -S $MAILFROM to mail commands. Changed sync_replica.sh and weekly_sync_replica.sh to use $LOGFILE for consistency. Added mail command to both files as well. |
#2 | 11524 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Released updated version of the SDP from Dev. | ||
#1 | 10148 | C. Thomas Tyler | Promoted the Perforce Server Deployment Package to The Workshop. |