::----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Copyright (c) Perforce Software, Inc., 2007-2014. All rights reserved :: :: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without :: modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: :: :: 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright :: notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. :: :: 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright :: notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the :: documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. :: :: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS :: "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT :: LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS :: FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE :: SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, :: SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT :: LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, :: DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON :: ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR :: TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF :: THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH :: DAMAGE. ::----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off set current_script_dir=%~p0 call %current_script_dir%p4env.bat %1 if errorlevel 1 ( echo Daily Checkpoint aborted - invalid config file found. echo . exit /B 1 ) if x%SDP_INSTANCE% == x ( echo Daily Checkpoint aborted - no instance specified. echo . exit /B 1 ) set ORIG_DIR=%CD% set LOGFILE=checkpoint.log set LOG=%LOGS_DIR%\%LOGFILE% set JNL= set CKP= set OFF_JNL= cd /d "%LOGS_DIR%" :: Initialize the log file with a call to p4login. call %SCRIPTS_DIR%\p4login > %LOG% 2>&1 if not %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto ERROR date /t >> %LOG% time /t >> %LOG% if exist %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\ckp_running.txt ( echo "Last checkpoint process hasn't completed. Check the backup process." >> %LOG$ goto ERROR ) else ( echo "Checkpoint running." > %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\ckp_running.txt ) echo Determining current journal counter with 'p4 counter journal'.>> %LOG% for /F %%F in ('%SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4 counter journal') do (set JNL=%%F) if %JNL%x == x ( echo ERROR:>>%LOG% echo ERROR: Could not determine journal counter; JNL not set!>>%LOG% echo ERROR:>>%LOG% goto ERROR ) set /A CKP=JNL+1 if %CKP%x == x ( echo ERROR:>>%LOG% echo ERROR: Could not determine next checkpoint number; CKP not set!>>%LOG% echo ERROR:>>%LOG% goto ERROR ) echo Live checkpoint/journal numbers are %CKP%/%JNL%.>> %LOG% :: Find out the current journal counter for our offline database :: Dump just the db.counters table to stdout and parse for the counter for /F "tokens=5" %%F in ('"%SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jd - db.counters | findstr @journal@"') do (set OFF_JNL=%%F) if %OFF_JNL%x == x ( echo ERROR:>>%LOG% echo ERROR: Could not determine offline journal counter; OFF_JNL not set!>>%LOG% echo ERROR:>>%LOG% goto ERROR ) :: Turn "@123@" to "123" set OFF_JNL=%OFF_JNL:~1,-1% echo Offline journal number is %OFF_JNL%.>> %LOG% echo Start %SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME% Daily Checkpoint>> %LOG% echo .>> %LOG% echo Cutting off current journal>> %LOG% echo %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %P4ROOT% -jj %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%>> %LOG% %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %P4ROOT% -jj %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME% >> %LOG% 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto ERROR time /t >> %LOG% echo Applying journal files to offline_db>> %LOG% echo .>> %LOG% for /L %%J in (%OFF_JNL%,1,%JNL%) do ( echo %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jr %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.jnl.%%J>> %LOG% %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jr %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.jnl.%%J >> %LOG% 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto ERROR time /t >> %LOG% ) if NOT %LIMIT_ONE_DAILY_CHECKPOINT%==true goto CREATE_CHECKPOINT :: Ensure that checkpoints are taken only once per day. This script may :: be called multiple times on any given day to get the benefit of doing :: "p4d -jj" on the primary server instance, lowering RPO. However, there :: is little value in generating a full checkpoint more than once per day, :: and doing so might unduly tax performance on the Production server. :: Date format independent FOR /f %%a IN ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime ^| FIND "."') DO SET DTS=%%a set TodaysTimestamp=%DTS:~0,8% set MyTempFile=tmp.LastCheckpoint.%SDP_INSTANCE%.%RANDOM%.txt :: Set LAST_CHECKPOINT to the path of the latest checkpoint file, using DIR /OD :: to search by order of file modification timestamp. for /f %%F in ('DIR /S/B/OD %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\p4_%SDP_INSTANCE%.ckp.*.gz') DO (set LAST_CHECKPOINT=%%F) IF NOT EXIST %LAST_CHECKPOINT% ( echo LIMIT_ONE_DAILY_CHECKPOINT is set to true, but no checkpoint exists. >> %LOG% goto CREATE_CHECKPOINT ) :: Get last mod date most recent checkpoint - date format independent FOR /f %%a IN ('wmic datafile where name^="%LAST_CHECKPOINT:\=\\%" get lastmodified ^| FIND "."') DO SET DTS=%%a SET FileTimeStamp=%DTS:~0,8% echo Timestamp of last checkpoint file [%LAST_CHECKPOINT%] is %FileTimeStamp%. >> %LOG% echo Timestamp for today is %TodaysTimestamp%. >>%LOG% if %FileTimeStamp%==%TodaysTimestamp% ( echo A checkpoint was already created today, and LIMIT_ONE_DAILY_CHECKPOINT is set to true. >> %LOG% echo Skipping offline checkpoint dump. >> %LOG% goto SKIP_ERROR ) else ( echo LIMIT_ONE_DAILY_CHECKPOINT is set to true, but no checkpoint exists for today. >> %LOG% ) :CREATE_CHECKPOINT echo Creating offline checkpoint>> %LOG% echo .>> %LOG% echo %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jd -z %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.ckp.%CKP%.gz>> %LOG% %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jd -z %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.ckp.%CKP%.gz >> %LOG% 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto ERROR date /t >> %LOG% time /t >> %LOG% echo Recovering offline_db from checkpoint %SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.ckp.%CKP%.gz>> %LOG% echo del /f /q %OFFLINE_DB_DIR%\db.* >> %LOG% del /f /q %OFFLINE_DB_DIR%\db.* >> %LOG% 2>&1 del /f /q %OFFLINE_DB_DIR%\offline_db_usable.txt echo %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jr -z %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.ckp.%CKP%.gz>> %LOG% %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4d -r %OFFLINE_DB_DIR% -jr -z %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\%SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME%.ckp.%CKP%.gz >> %LOG% 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto ERROR echo Offline db files are properly restored from checkpoint. > %OFFLINE_DB_DIR%\offline_db_usable.txt set ERRORTEXT= goto SKIP_ERROR :ERROR echo ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR >> %LOG% 2>&1 echo Daily Checkpoint Failed >> %LOG% 2>&1 echo Daily Checkpoint Failed - please see %LOG% echo . echo ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR >> %LOG% 2>&1 set ERRORTEXT=Daily Checkpoint Failed! :SKIP_ERROR date /t >> %LOG% time /t >> %LOG% echo End %SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME% Daily Checkpoint>> %LOG% echo Checking Disk Space>> %LOG% %SDP_INSTANCE_BIN_DIR%\p4 diskspace >> %LOG% 2>&1 cd /d "%SCRIPTS_DIR%" if "%ERRORTEXT%x" == "x" ( echo Calling %SCRIPTS_DIR%\remove_old_logs.bat %CKP% %JNL% %KEEPCKPS% %KEEPLOGS%>> %LOG% call %SCRIPTS_DIR%\remove_old_logs.bat %CKP% %JNL% %KEEPCKPS% %KEEPLOGS% >> %LOG% 2>&1 echo Calling %SCRIPTS_DIR%\remove_old_checkpoints.bat %CKP% %KEEPCKPS%>> %LOG% call %SCRIPTS_DIR%\remove_old_checkpoints.bat %CKP% %KEEPCKPS% >> %LOG% 2>&1 ) else ( echo Skipping removal of old checkpoints, checkpoint and server logs due to error.>>%LOG% ) cd /d "%LOGS_DIR%" if exist %LOGFILE%.%CKP% ( if exist %LOGFILE%.%CKP%.old (del /f /q %LOGFILE%.%CKP%.old >> %LOG% 2>&1) move /y %LOGFILE%.%CKP% %LOGFILE%.%CKP%.old >> %LOG% 2>&1 ) echo Copying %LOG% to %LOGFILE%.%CKP% >> %LOG% copy /y %LOG% %LOGFILE%.%CKP% > NUL TIME /t >> %LOG% echo Operation complete. Sending email. >> %LOG% %SCRIPTS_DIR%\blat.exe -install %mailhost% %mailfrom% %SCRIPTS_DIR%\blat.exe %LOG%.%CKP% -to %maillist% -subject "%ERRORTEXT% %COMPUTERNAME% %SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME% Daily Checkpoint log" if "%ERRORTEXT%x" == "x" ( echo . echo Daily backup completed successfully! See %LOG% ) del %CHECKPOINTS_DIR%\ckp_running.txt :END CD /D "%ORIG_DIR%"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#8 | 22931 | Robert Cowham |
Updated docs for Windows. New rotate-log-files script. Working upgrade.ps1 |
#7 | 20767 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.20755 (2016/09/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#6 | 15856 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Replaced the big license comment block with a shortened form referencing the LICENSE file included with the SDP package, and also by the URL for the license file in The Workshop. |
#5 | 15637 | Robert Cowham |
Put in a better check for offline_db being OK. Previous one had nested if which didn't always work. Make daily/weekly look more similar (refactor) for ease of update. |
#4 | 15194 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Added usability check into daily backup process. | ||
#3 | 15193 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added semaphore file to indicate state of the offline database and added check into the backup process to fail if the state of the offline db is not good. |
#2 | 15191 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Added semaphote to check for already running backup process. | ||
#1 | 10872 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added Windows SDP into The Workshop: * Combined (back) into Unix SDP structure. * Avoided adding duplicate files p4verify.pl, p4review.(py,cfg). * Upgraded 'dist.sh' utility to produce both Unix and Windows packages (*.tgz and *.zip), adjusting line endings on text files to be appropriate for Windows prior to packaging. To Do: * Resolve duplication of [template_]configure_new_server.bat. * Merge test suites for Windows and Unix into a cohesive set. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Windows/p4/common/bin/daily_backup.bat | |||||
#6 | 22924 | Robert Cowham | Ensure recovery from offline created checkpoint | ||
#5 | 20536 | Robert Cowham | Remove .bat files now replaced by .ps1 equivalents | ||
#4 | 16029 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#3 | 15701 | C. Thomas Tyler | Routine merge down using 'p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. | ||
#2 | 15375 | adrian_waters | Routine merge-down from main->dev | ||
#1 | 10961 | C. Thomas Tyler | Merge down from main. | ||
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 10872 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added Windows SDP into The Workshop: * Combined (back) into Unix SDP structure. * Avoided adding duplicate files p4verify.pl, p4review.(py,cfg). * Upgraded 'dist.sh' utility to produce both Unix and Windows packages (*.tgz and *.zip), adjusting line endings on text files to be appropriate for Windows prior to packaging. To Do: * Resolve duplication of [template_]configure_new_server.bat. * Merge test suites for Windows and Unix into a cohesive set. |