#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # sdp_health_check.sh # #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment # Prefix global vars with HC_ to avoid name collisions. declare ThisScript="${0##*/}" declare Version=1.7.0 declare ThisUser= declare Log= declare DirList= declare HC_SDP_P4CBIN="/p4/common/bin" declare HC_SDP_P4CCFG="/p4/common/config" declare HC_SDP_ENV="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/p4_vars" declare HC_SDP_MRUN="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/p4master_run" declare HC_SDP_VSDP="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/verify_sdp.sh" declare HC_SDP_P4LOGIN="${HC_SDP_P4CBIN}/p4login" declare SDPInstanceList= declare SDP_341_URL="https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/jobs/SDP-341" declare SDPOwner= declare -i ErrorCount=0 declare -i WarningCount=0 declare -a KeyFiles declare -i KeyFileCount=0 declare -a SmallLogFiles declare -i SmallLogCount=0 KeyFiles[$KeyFileCount]="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/p4_vars" KeyFileCount+=1 KeyFiles[$KeyFileCount]="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/backup_functions.sh" KeyFileCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[$SmallLogCount]="checkpoint.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[$SmallLogCount]="sync_replica.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[$SmallLogCount]="replica_cleanup.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[$SmallLogCount]="replica_status.log" SmallLogCount+=1 declare H1="==============================================================================" declare H2="------------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [[ -n "$(command -v date)" ]]; then Log=/tmp/sdp_health_check.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%s').log else Log=/tmp/sdp_health_check.log fi #============================================================================== # Local Functions # Note: This script does not use SDP library files, as its purpose is to # verify the integrity of an SDP installation. Thus, it has its own # self-contained versions of some functions that would normally be # sourced in from files like /p4/common/lib/libcore.sh. # Micro-functions, one-liners used to avoid external dependencies. # Display text with formatting. function msg () { echo -e "$*" ; } # Calls to errmsg() increment the ErrorCount. function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; ErrorCount+=1; } # Calls to warnmsg() increment the WarningCount. function warnmsg () { msg "\\nWarning: ${1:-Unknown Warning}\\n"; WarningCount+=1; } # The bail is only used for critical errors that prevent this script from # gathering output. This should only be called early in processing. function bail () { errmsg "${1:-Unknown Error}"; exit "${2:-1}"; } function run () { local cmd="${1:-echo}" local desc="${2:-}" local -i showOutput="${3:-1}" local tmpLog= local -i exitCode= tmpLog=$(mktemp) [[ -n "$desc" ]] && msg "$desc" msg "Executing: $cmd" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 eval $cmd > "$tmpLog" 2>&1 exitCode="$?" if [[ "$showOutput" -eq 1 ]]; then echo "EXIT_CODE: $exitCode" >> "$tmpLog" cat "$tmpLog" fi /bin/rm -f "$tmpLog" return $exitCode } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # error, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obscure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." # # This last example generates a usage error message followed by the short # '-h' usage summary. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} declare errorMessage=${2:-Unset} if [[ $errorMessage != Unset ]]; then msg "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$errorMessage\\n\\n" >&2 fi msg "USAGE for sdp_health_check.sh v$Version: sdp_health_check.sh or sdp_health_check.sh -h|-man " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then echo -e "DESCRIPTION: This script does a health check of the SDP, and generates a short report log, which should be emailed to support@perforce.com unless it indicates an exit code of 0. It identifies SDP instances and reports on whether the installation is at risk due to a bug, SDP-341. For details, see: $SDP_341_URL It must be run as the OS user who owns the $HC_SDP_P4CBIN directory. This should be the user account which runs the p4d process. Characteristics of this script: * It is always safe to run. It does only analysis and reporting. * It does only fast checks, and has no interactive prompts. Some log files are captured such as checkpoint.log, but not potentially larges ones such as the p4d server log. * It does only checks that can be done regardless of whether p4d is running. * It requires no command line arguments. * It works for any and all UNIX/Linux SDP version since 2007. * Exit codes are as follows: 0 - indicates no issues or risks are detected. 1 - indicates at least one errors is detected. Maybe also warnings. 2 - indicates warnings are detected, but no errors. Assumptions: * The SDP has always used $HC_SDP_ENV as the shell environment file. This is consistent across all SDP versions. OPTIONS: -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message EXAMPLES: This script is typically called with no arguments. LOGGING: This script generates a log file and also displays it to stdout at the end of processing. By default, the log is: /tmp/sdp_health_check.<datestamp>.log or /tmp/sdp_health_check.log The exception is usage errors, which result an error being sent to stderr followed usage info on stdout, followed by an immediate exit. EXIT CODES: An exit code of 0 indicates no errors or warnings were encountered. " fi exit 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: do_341_check () function do_341_check () { declare -i returnCode=0 declare atRiskScripts= msg "$H2\\nChecking for susceptibility to SDP-341.\\n" Lib1="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/backup_functions.sh" Lib2="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/sdp_functions.sh" Script1="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/recreate_db_checkpoint.sh" Script2="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/recreate_db_sync_replica.sh" if [[ -r "$Script1" ]]; then if grep -q 'SAVEDIR since we know' $Script1; then msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Script1" elif grep -q 'save directory since we know' $Script1; then errmsg "At risk due to existing known-broken version of script $Script1\\nSuggested actions and background information are provided here: $SDP_341_URL" returnCode=1 else warnmsg "Unknown version of this script exists: $Script1" fi else msg "Verified: This does not exist: $Script1" fi if [[ -r "$Script2" ]]; then if grep -q 'rm -f rdb.lbr' $Script2; then msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Script2" elif grep -q 'RsyncCmd=' $Script2; then errmsg "At risk due to existing known-broken version of script $Script2\\nSuggested actions and background information are provided here: $SDP_341_URL" returnCode=1 else warnmsg "Unknown version of this script exists: $Script2" fi else msg "Verified: This does not exist: $Script2" fi if [[ -r "$Lib1" ]]; then if grep -q 'OLDBLNK' $Lib1; then atRiskScripts="$(grep -l switch_db_files ./* 2>/dev/null|grep -v backup_functions.sh)" if [[ -n "$atRiskScripts" ]]; then errmsg "A library file contains a known-broken version of switch_db_files(), that may be called by other scripts.\\nLibrary file is: $Lib1\\nCalling scripts are:\\n$(echo "$atRiskScripts"|tr ' ' '\n')\\n" returnCode=1 else warnmsg "A library file contains a known-broken function, switch_db_files(). However, that function is not called by any scripts in $HC_SDP_P4CBIN, and thus is not an issue. An upgrade of the SDP will replace the library entirely, but it should not be removed now.\\n" fi else msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Lib1" fi elif [[ -r "$Lib2" ]]; then msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Lib2" else errmsg "Missing files. One of these two files should exist:\\n\\t$Lib1\\nor\\n\\t$Lib2\\n\\nSuggested action: Contact Perforce Support <support@perforce.com> and request an SDP health check.\\n" fi if [[ "$returnCode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Verified: There is no susceptibility to SDP-341." else errmsg "Known-broken version of one or more key scripts detected." fi return $returnCode } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: do_preflight_checks () function do_preflight_checks () { local exitCode=0 declare ToolsList="date grep id ls" msg "$H2\\nDoing preflight sanity checks." msg "Preflight Check 1: Ensuring basic tools are in the PATH." for tool in $ToolsList; do if [[ -z "$(command -v "$tool")" ]]; then errmsg "Required tool '$tool' not found in PATH." exitCode=1 fi done [[ $exitCode -ne 0 ]] && return 1 msg "Verified: Essential tools are in the PATH." msg "Preflight Check 2: cd $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" if ! cd "$HC_SDP_P4CBIN"; then errmsg "Could not cd to: $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" return 1 fi msg "Verified: cd works to: $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" msg "Preflight Check 3: Checking current user owns $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" # shellcheck disable=SC2012 SDPOwner=$(ls -ld . | awk '{print $3}') if [[ "$ThisUser" == "$SDPOwner" ]]; then msg "Verified: Current user [$ThisUser] owns $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" else errmsg "Current user [$ThisUser] does not own $HC_SDP_P4CBIN." return 1 fi return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: get_sdp_instances () # # Get the list of SDP instances after doing some preliminary sanity # checks. function get_sdp_instances () { SDPInstanceList= cd /p4 || bail "Could not cd to /p4." for e in *; do if [[ -r "/p4/$e/root/db.counters" ]]; then SDPInstanceList+=" $e" fi done # Trim leading space. # shellcheck disable=SC2116 SDPInstanceList=$(echo "$SDPInstanceList") } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: check_sdp_instance () # This checks various things about a given SDP instance. function check_sdp_instance () { local instance="${1:-UnsetSDPInstance}" local -i startErrorCount="$ErrorCount" if [[ "$instance" == "UnsetSDPInstance" ]]; then errmsg "Invalid call to check_sdp_instance(), no instance parameter. Skipping further checks for this instance." return 1 fi if [[ -x "${HC_SDP_P4LOGIN}" ]]; then run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance $HC_SDP_P4LOGIN -v" \ "$H2\\nDoing 'p4login' for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "p4 login reported an error." else warnmsg "No '/p4/common/bin/p4login' script found." fi if [[ -n "$(command -v systemctl)" ]]; then svcName="p4d_${instance}" run "systemctl cat $svcName" "Showing systemd service file." ||\ warnmsg "Could not cat Systemd unit file for service: $svcName." else run "ls -lrt /etc/init.d/p4*" "Listing SysV p4 init files." ||\ errmsg "Could not list SysV init files." fi run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 -ztag info" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 -ztag info for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "p4 info did not respond." run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 configure show allservers" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 configure show allservers." ||\ errmsg "p4 configure show allservers reported an error." run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 servers -J" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 servers -J" ||\ errmsg "p4 servers -J reported an error." if [[ -e "/p4/$instance/root/server.id" ]]; then run "cat /p4/$instance/root/server.id" \ "Contents of /p4/$instance/root/server.id:" ||\ errmsg "Could not display contents of server.id file." else errmsg "Expected ServerID file is missing: /p4/$instance/root/server.id" fi for server in $("$HC_SDP_MRUN" "$instance" p4 -ztag -F %ServerID% servers); do run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 server -o $server" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 server spec for server $server" ||\ errmsg "p4 server -o $server reported an error." done run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance env" \ "$H2\\nChecking shell environment for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "Shell environment did not load for instance $instance" run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 counters | grep '^SDP_'" \ "$H2\\nChecking SDP version counters for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "Error checking SDP version counters for instance $instance." # In the directory values, always include the trailing '/', or the 'ls' # may not give desired results. msg "${H1}\\nListing key directories." DirList="/p4/ /p4/$instance/ /p4/$instance/root/ /p4/$instance/offline_db/ /p4/$instance/logs/ /p4/$instance/checkpoints/" # For edges and some replicas, a checkpoints.* directory may exist; if so # add it to the list of directories checked. # shellcheck disable=SC2045 for d in $(ls -d /p4/"$instance"/checkpoints.* 2>/dev/null); do DirList+=" $d/" done for d in $DirList; do run "ls -lart $d" "Listing: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to list dir: $d" done msg "${H1}\\nListing small log files." for log in ${SmallLogFiles[*]}; do logPath="/p4/$instance/logs/$log" if [[ -e "$logPath" ]]; then if run "cat $logPath" "$H2\\nCapturing contents of log file $logPath:"; then msg "\\n=== END contents of log $logPath ===\\n" # After catting small log files, check to see if they have error # messages in known formats. The die() function in the SDP # backup_functions.sh library used in several SDP scripts # write critical errors with ': ERROR!!!'. Other scripts report # report '^Error:'. This regex avoids false-positives with scripts # that have the word error, e.g. "NO ERRORS". if grep -q -E '(^Error:|: ERROR\!\!\!)' "$logPath"; then errmsg "Found one or more errors in: $logPath" fi else errmsg "Error showing contents of log: $logPath" fi else msg "Log $log does not exist here." fi done msg "$H2\\nChecking structure." if [[ -L "/p4/$instance" ]]; then errmsg "Instance $instance uses old-style symlink structure and should be upgraded." fi if [[ -x "$HC_SDP_VSDP" ]]; then run "$HC_SDP_VSDP $instance -L off" "${H1}\\nRunning verify_sdp.sh" ||\ errmsg "SDP Verify failed for instance $instance." else msg "Note: $HC_SDP_VSDP is not available to execute." fi if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq "$startErrorCount" ]]; then msg "SDP instance $instance seems OK." else errmsg "SDP instance $instance has issues - see above." fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM declare -i overallExitCode=0 msg "$H1\\nErrors detected: $ErrorCount" msg "Warnings detected: $WarningCount" # Set $overallExitCode: # 0 - all clean # 1 - errors and maybe warnings # 2 - warnings, but no errors. if [[ "$WarningCount" -ne 0 && "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then overallExitCode=2 elif [[ "$ErrorCount" -ne 0 ]]; then overallExitCode=1 fi msg "$ThisScript: EXITCODE: $overallExitCode" msg "$H2\\nLog file: $Log" exit "$overallExitCode" } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (-*) usage -h "Unknown command line flag ($1).";; (*) usage -h "Unknown command line fragment ($1).";; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # Start Logging. exec > >(tee "${Log}") exec 2>&1 if [[ -n "$(command -v id)" ]]; then ThisUser="$(id -n -u)" else ThisUser="$USER" fi msg "$ThisScript v$Version as $ThisUser@${HOSTNAME%%.*}\\nStarting verification at $(date +'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')." msg "This log file is: $Log" do_preflight_checks || bail "Preflight checks failed. Aborting." do_341_check || errmsg "Failed check for SDP-341." get_sdp_instances if [[ -n "$SDPInstanceList" ]]; then msg "$H2\\nList of SDP Instances to verify: $SDPInstanceList" else errmsg "No SDP instances detected." fi msg "$H1\\nChecking each SDP instance." for i in $SDPInstanceList; do check_sdp_instance "$i" KeyFiles[$KeyFileCount]="$HC_SDP_P4CCFG/p4_${i}.vars" KeyFileCount+=1 done msg "$H1\\nGeneral Checks." run "crontab -l" "$H2\\nCrontab for $USER:" ||\ errmsg "Failed to gather crontab for $USER." run "ps -ef | grep p4" "$H2\\nChecking currently running p4 processes:" ||\ errmsg "Error checking processes." run "ls -lrt $HC_SDP_P4CBIN/" "$H2\\nListing files in $HC_SDP_P4CBIN:" ||\ "Error listing files in: $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" run "p4 journals -m 100" "$H2\\nChecking journal data:" run "df -h" "$H2\\nChecking volumes and storage available." msg "$H1\\nKey File Checks." for file in ${KeyFiles[*]}; do if [[ -r "$file" ]]; then if run "cat $file" "$H2\\nCapturing contents of file $file:"; then msg "\\n=== END contents of $file ===\\n" else errmsg "Error showing contents of file: $file" fi else errmsg "Expected file is missing: $file" fi done msg "$H1\\nSDP Version Checks." # The /p4/sdp/Version may exist, depending on how the SDP was # installed on a given machine. It is usually on the first # master machine, but always correctly copied to replicas. if [[ -r /p4/sdp/Version ]]; then run "cat /p4/sdp/Version" "Version from /p4/sdp/Version:" ||\ errmsg "Could not cat /p4/sdp/Version file." else msg "File /p4/sdp/Version did not exist." fi # The SDP_VERSION setting in p4_vars should be there; if not that is # considered an error. if grep -q 'SDP_VERSION=' $HC_SDP_ENV; then run "grep 'SDP_VERSION=' $HC_SDP_ENV" "Version from $HC_SDP_ENV:" ||\ errmsg "Failed to run: grep 'SDP_VERSION=' $HC_SDP_ENV" else errmsg "No SDP_VERSION defined in $HC_SDP_ENV." fi msg "$H1\\nSummary:" if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 && "$WarningCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "No errors or warnings detected." elif [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Encountered no errors and $WarningCount warnings." else msg "Encountered $ErrorCount errors and $WarningCount warnings." fi msg "\\nIf you have any questions about the output from this script, contact support@perforce.com" # See the 'terminate()' function where this script actually exits. exit 0
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#29 | 30827 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added check for LastSDPCheckpoint* counters | ||
#28 | 30825 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to 1.12.0 from SDP package. | ||
#27 | 30290 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to match SDP dev branch version. | ||
#26 | 29982 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added support for SDP installations that define P4SUPER. Some SDP environments define the P4SUPER variable that, if set, is distinct from the P4USER (the default super user). If P4SUPER is defined, use it instead of P4USER to run commands that require super access, such as 'p4 configure' or 'p4 journals'. #review-29983 |
#25 | 29546 | C. Thomas Tyler | Just bumped Version for last change. | ||
#24 | 29545 | Robert Cowham | Check for -cshow output in case user can't login | ||
#23 | 29490 | Robert Cowham |
List linux distribution List contents of /p4/$instance/bin/ List root files in reverse size order |
#22 | 28616 | C. Thomas Tyler | Corrected issue with a call to older versions of the 'p4login' script. | ||
#21 | 27841 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Cosmetic/grammar and content corrections to sdp_health_check.sh docs. Non-functional change. |
#20 | 27839 | C. Thomas Tyler |
sdp_health_check.sh v1.7.1: * Moved 'p4 journals -m 100' call to be per-instance, fixing an error for environments where the SDP shell environment is not set and 'p4' cannot be found. This also makes it so the command is called for each instance in multi-instance environments. |
#19 | 27798 | C. Thomas Tyler |
sdp_health_check.sh v1.7.0: Scan the small log files that are captured, such as checkpoint.log, and detect if they report errors. Any such errors are now included in the Summary displayed at the end of processing. This will prevent the summary from reporting that no errors were detected when errors appear in the scanned SDP log files. Note that calling 'verify_sdp.sh -online' directly by this sdp_health_check.sh script is not required, as that is done by the daily_checkpoint.sh (or live_checkpoint.sh) and captured in checkpoint.log. With this change, that output (which was already being captured) is now scanned, with errors now referred to in the summary. #review-27799 @clouie rwillyoung |
#18 | 27778 | C. Thomas Tyler |
sdp_health_check.sh v1.6.0: * Added listing of checkpoints* directories. * Added clarity to error message re: switch_db_files(). * Fixed shellcheck compliance issues. * Removed bogus check for /p4/Version (that was never actually used). |
#17 | 27722 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Refinements to @27712: * Resolved one out-of-date file (verify_sdp.sh). * Added missing adoc file for which HTML file had a change (WorkflowEnforcementTriggers.adoc). * Updated revdate/revnumber in *.adoc files. * Additional content updates in Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/cron.d/ReadMe.md. * Bumped version numbers on scripts with Version= def'n. * Generated HTML, PDF, and doc/gen files: - Most HTML and all PDF are generated using Makefiles that call an AsciiDoc utility. - HTML for Perl scripts is generated with pod2html. - doc/gen/*.man.txt files are generated with .../tools/gen_script_man_pages.sh. #review-27712 |
#16 | 27182 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed typo in output message. No functional impact. |
#15 | 27180 | C. Thomas Tyler | Captured basic systemd or SysV init info. | ||
#14 | 27069 | C. Thomas Tyler | Removed 'aws' as a required command line utility. | ||
#13 | 27047 | C. Thomas Tyler |
sdp_health_check.sh v1.4.4: * Adds capture of certain small log files, e.g. checkpoint.log. * Fixed error in error message about missing file. * General enhancements to output format. |
#12 | 27046 | C. Thomas Tyler | sdp_health_check.sh v1.4.3: Added ServerID (server.id) file check. | ||
#11 | 27045 | C. Thomas Tyler |
sdp_health_check.sh v1.4.2: * Minor doc refinements. * Added 'p4login' for each instance. * Updated location of "Version" file for coming-soon SDP r20.1. * Fixed "carry over" error where one instance reporting bad would make all instances checked after report as bad. |
#10 | 26813 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added a few more checks per coordination with Support. | ||
#9 | 26812 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added a few more bits to capture. | ||
#8 | 26804 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added 'crontab -l' and 'df -h' capture. | ||
#7 | 26802 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Major upgrades to sdp_health_check.sh: * SDP version checks incorporated. * Various bits of info that might be useful for Support to have are gathered, including contents of key SDP files. * If verify_sdp.sh exists, it is called. #review-26803 @robert_cowham @clouie @amo @amoriss @vkanczes @josh |
#6 | 25373 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added check for broken version of backup_functions.sh, with additional info to check. |
#5 | 24526 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Incorporated review comments. Thanks, Robert! To Do: Add test script. Submitting so I can send the next batch of updates. |
#4 | 24516 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed doc typo. | ||
#3 | 24514 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced health check. | ||
#2 | 24513 | C. Thomas Tyler | Removed excess code cruft. | ||
#1 | 24512 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added sdp_health_check.sh script. |