{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div id=psla class=prompt>
<h1>Perforce Server Log Analyzer - local Docker version</h1>
<h2>Diagnosis of Server Performance Issues</h2>
Upload/specify a log file to the Perforce Server Log Analyzer (PSLA), and it
will describe in detail those commands that may have affected your server
performance. Your log data is stored in a local Sqllite3 database.
<div class="hr-dotted"></div>
The PSLA is a Web interface that wraps around our popular
<a href="/log2sqlp.py">log2sql.py</a> tool. log2sql.py permits
custom reports, but it requires local Python and package installations,
or a docker installation and can require knowledge
of SQL. The PSLA is easier to use: just upload your log file and start
analyzing the results.
<div class="hr-dotted"></div>
<div class=buttons>
<a class=bigButton href='{{ url_for("analyzeLog") }}'>
<span>Access an Existing Log</span></a>
<a class='bigButton defaultButton' href='{{ url_for("uploadLog") }}'>
<span>Upload a New Log</span></a>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
{% endblock %}