#pragma once #include "Hash.hpp" #include "../iterator/MapIterator.hpp" #include "../accessor/Accessors.hpp" #include "../accessor/AccessorGroup_HashMap.hpp" #include "../../memory/PoolAllocator.hpp" #include "../../common/specialized.hpp" namespace sprawl { namespace collections { namespace detail { template< typename ValueType, typename mapped_type, size_t Idx, typename... AdditionalAccessors > class HashMap_Impl; template< typename ValueType, typename mapped_type, size_t Idx > class HashMap_Impl<ValueType, mapped_type, Idx> { public: typedef ValueType value_type; typedef MapIterator<ValueType, mapped_type> iterator; typedef MapIterator<ValueType, mapped_type> const const_iterator; typedef sprawl::memory::PoolAllocator<sizeof(mapped_type)> allocator; template<typename RequestedKeyType> inline void Get(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } template<typename RequestedKeyType> inline void GetOrInsert(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } template<typename RequestedKeyType> inline void find(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } template< typename RequestedKeyType> inline void find(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) const { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } template<typename RequestedKeyType> inline void cfind(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) const { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } template< typename RequestedKeyType> inline void Erase(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } inline iterator begin() { return iterator(m_first); } inline const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); } inline const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(m_first); } inline iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); } inline const_iterator end() const { return cend(); } inline const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(nullptr); } template<typename RequestedKeyType> inline void Has(RequestedKeyType const&, Specialized<Idx>) { RequestedKeyType::error_invalid_key_index_combination(); } inline size_t Size() { return m_size; } inline size_t BucketCount() const { return m_bucketCount; } inline size_t BucketSize(int, Specialized<Idx>) const { return ValueType::error_invalid_index(); } inline bool Empty() { return m_size == 0; } void Clear() { mapped_type* ptr_next = nullptr; for (mapped_type* ptr = m_first; ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr_next) { ptr_next = ptr->next; ptr->~mapped_type(); allocator::free(ptr); } m_first = nullptr; m_last = nullptr; m_size = 0; } void Rehash() { for (mapped_type* ptr = m_first; ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr->next) { reinsert_(ptr); } } virtual ~HashMap_Impl() { Clear(); } protected: inline bool checkAndInsert_(mapped_type* newItem) { insert_(newItem); return true; } inline void reinsert_(mapped_type*) { // } inline void reserve_(size_t newBucketCount) { m_bucketCount = newBucketCount; } inline void nullout_(mapped_type*) { // } inline void insert_(mapped_type* newItem) { newItem->prev = m_last; if (m_last != nullptr) { m_last->next = newItem; } if (m_first == nullptr) { m_first = newItem; } m_last = newItem; ++m_size; } void erase_(mapped_type* item) { if(item == m_first) { m_first = item->next; } if(item == m_last) { m_last = item->prev; } if(item->prev) { item->prev->next = item->next; } if(item->next) { item->next->prev = item->prev; } --m_size; allocator::free(item); } HashMap_Impl(size_t startingBucketCount) : m_first(nullptr) , m_last(nullptr) , m_size(0) , m_bucketCount(startingBucketCount) { // } HashMap_Impl(HashMap_Impl const& other) : m_first(nullptr) , m_last(nullptr) , m_size(other.m_size) , m_bucketCount(other.m_bucketCount) { // } HashMap_Impl(HashMap_Impl&& other) : m_first(other.m_first) , m_last(other.m_last) , m_size(other.m_size) , m_bucketCount(other.m_bucketCount) { other.m_first = nullptr; other.m_last = nullptr; other.m_size = 0; } mapped_type* m_first; mapped_type* m_last; size_t m_size; size_t m_bucketCount; }; template< typename ValueType, typename mapped_type, size_t Idx, typename Accessor, typename... AdditionalAccessors > class HashMap_Impl<ValueType, mapped_type, Idx, Accessor, AdditionalAccessors...> : public HashMap_Impl< ValueType, mapped_type, Idx + 1, AdditionalAccessors... > { public: typedef HashMap_Impl<ValueType, mapped_type, Idx + 1, AdditionalAccessors...> Base; typedef ValueType value_type; typedef MapIterator<ValueType, mapped_type> iterator; typedef MapIterator<ValueType, mapped_type> const const_iterator; typedef sprawl::memory::PoolAllocator<sizeof(mapped_type)> allocator; using Base::Get; inline ValueType& Get(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { return get_(key)->Value(); } inline ValueType const& Get(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) const { return get_(key)->Value(); } using Base::GetOrInsert; inline ValueType& GetOrInsert(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, ValueType const& defaultValue, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { auto it = find(key, spec); if(it.Valid()) { return it.Value(); } return this->Insert(key, defaultValue).Value(); } inline ValueType& GetOrInsert(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, ValueType&& defaultValue, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { auto it = find(key, spec); if(it.Valid()) { return it.Value(); } return this->Insert(key, std::move(defaultValue)).Value(); } inline ValueType& GetOrInsert(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { auto it = find(key, spec); if(it.Valid()) { return it.Value(); } return this->Insert(key, ValueType()).Value(); } inline ValueType const& GetOrInsert(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, ValueType const& defaultValue, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) const { return const_cast<HashMap_Impl*>(this)->GetOrInsert(key, defaultValue, spec); } inline ValueType const& GetOrInsert(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, ValueType&& defaultValue, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) const { return const_cast<HashMap_Impl*>(this)->GetOrInsert(key, std::move(defaultValue), spec); } inline ValueType const& GetOrInsert(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) const { return const_cast<HashMap_Impl*>(this)->GetOrInsert(key, spec); } using Base::find; using Base::cfind; inline iterator find(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { mapped_type* ret = get_(key); return iterator(ret); } inline const_iterator find(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) const { return cfind(key); } inline const_iterator cfind(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) const { mapped_type* ret = const_cast<mapped_type*>(get_(key)); return const_iterator(ret); } using Base::Has; inline bool Has(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { return get_(key) != nullptr; } template<int index> inline int BucketSize(int i, Specialized<Idx> spec = Specialized<Idx>()) const { int ret = 0; mapped_type *item = m_thisKeyTable[i]; while(item) { ++ret; item = item->Next(spec); } return ret; } inline void Clear() { for (size_t i = 0; i < this->m_bucketCount; ++i) { m_thisKeyTable[i] = nullptr; } Base::Clear(); } template<typename... Params> inline iterator Insert(Params&&... keysAndValue) { mapped_type* newItem = (mapped_type*)allocator::alloc(); ::new((void*)newItem) mapped_type(std::forward<Params>(keysAndValue)...); if(this->m_size > (this->m_bucketCount*0.5)) { Reserve(this->m_bucketCount * 2 + 1); } if(!checkAndInsert_(newItem)) { newItem->~mapped_type(); allocator::free(newItem); return iterator(nullptr); } return iterator(newItem); } inline void Reserve(size_t newBucketCount) { reserve_(newBucketCount); for (mapped_type* ptr = this->m_first; ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr->next) { nullout_(ptr); reinsert_(ptr); } } inline void Rehash() { rehash_(); Base::Rehash(); } using Base::Erase; inline void Erase(typename Accessor::key_type const& key, Specialized<Idx> = Specialized<Idx>()) { erase_(get_(key)); } virtual ~HashMap_Impl() { if(m_thisKeyTable) { allocator::free(m_thisKeyTable); } } protected: HashMap_Impl(size_t startingBucketCount) : Base(startingBucketCount) , m_thisKeyTable(nullptr) { // } HashMap_Impl(HashMap_Impl const& other) : Base(other) , m_thisKeyTable(nullptr) { // } HashMap_Impl(HashMap_Impl&& other) : Base(std::move(other)) , m_thisKeyTable(other.m_thisKeyTable) { other.m_thisKeyTable = nullptr; } void reserve_(size_t newBucketCount) { if(m_thisKeyTable) { allocator::free(m_thisKeyTable); } m_thisKeyTable = (mapped_type**)allocator::alloc(newBucketCount); for (size_t i = 0; i < newBucketCount; ++i) { m_thisKeyTable[i] = nullptr; } Base::reserve_(newBucketCount); } inline void nullout_(mapped_type* item) { item->SetNext(spec, nullptr); item->SetPrev(spec, nullptr); Base::nullout_(item); } inline void reinsert_(mapped_type* newItem) { insertHere_(newItem); Base::reinsert_(newItem); } inline void insert_(mapped_type* newItem) { insertHere_(newItem); Base::insert_(newItem); } bool checkAndInsert_(mapped_type* newItem) { typename Accessor::key_type const& key = newItem->Accessor(spec).Key(); size_t hash = hash_(key); newItem->SetHash(spec, hash); size_t index = hash % this->m_bucketCount; mapped_type* hashMatch = m_thisKeyTable[index]; while (hashMatch) { if(hashMatch->Accessor(spec).Key() == key) return hashMatch; hashMatch = hashMatch->Next(spec); } if(hashMatch) { return false; } if(!Base::checkAndInsert_(newItem)) { return false; } insertHere_(newItem, index); return true; } void erase_(mapped_type* item) { mapped_type* prev = item->Prev(spec); mapped_type* next = item->Next(spec); if(prev) { prev->SetNext(spec, next); } else { m_thisKeyTable[item->Idx(spec)] = next; } if (next) { next->SetPrev(spec, prev); } Base::erase_(item); } private: inline void insertHere_(mapped_type* newItem) { size_t idx = newItem->GetHash(spec) % this->m_bucketCount; insertHere_(newItem, idx); } inline void insertHere_(mapped_type* newItem, size_t idx) { mapped_type* next = m_thisKeyTable[idx]; newItem->SetNext(spec, next); if(next != nullptr) { next->SetPrev(spec, newItem); } m_thisKeyTable[idx] = newItem; newItem->SetIndex(spec, idx); } inline mapped_type* get_(typename Accessor::key_type const& key) { size_t hash = hash_(key); size_t idx = hash % this->m_bucketCount; mapped_type* hashMatch = m_thisKeyTable[idx]; while(hashMatch) { if(hashMatch->GetHash(spec) == hash && hashMatch->Accessor(spec).Key() == key) return hashMatch; hashMatch = hashMatch->Next(spec); } return nullptr; } inline mapped_type const* get_(typename Accessor::key_type const& key) const { size_t hash = hash_(key); size_t idx = hash % this->m_bucketCount; mapped_type* hashMatch = m_thisKeyTable[idx]; while(hashMatch) { if(hashMatch->GetHash(spec) == hash && hashMatch->Accessor(spec).Key() == key) return hashMatch; hashMatch = hashMatch->Next(spec); } return nullptr; } inline size_t hash_(typename Accessor::key_type const& val) const { return sprawl::Hash<typename Accessor::key_type>::Compute(val); } void rehash_() { for (size_t i = 0; i < this->m_bucketCount; ++i) { mapped_type* item = m_thisKeyTable[i]; while (item) { mapped_type* item_next = item->Next(spec); item->SetNext(spec, nullptr); item->SetPrev(spec, nullptr); item = item_next; } m_thisKeyTable[i] = nullptr; } } mapped_type** m_thisKeyTable; static Specialized<Idx> spec; }; template< typename ValueType, typename mapped_type, size_t Idx, typename Accessor, typename... AdditionalAccessors > /*static*/ Specialized<Idx> HashMap_Impl<ValueType, mapped_type, Idx, Accessor, AdditionalAccessors...>::spec; } template< typename ValueType, typename... Accessors > class HashMap : public detail::HashMap_Impl<ValueType, detail::MapAccessorGroup<ValueType, Accessors...>, 0, Accessors...> { public: typedef detail::HashMap_Impl<ValueType, detail::MapAccessorGroup<ValueType, Accessors...>, 0, Accessors...> Base; typedef detail::MapAccessorGroup<ValueType, Accessors...> mapped_type; using Base::Get; template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType& Get(T2 const& key) { return Get(key, Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType const& Get(T2 const& key) const { return Get(key, Specialized<i>()); } using Base::GetOrInsert; template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType& GetOrInsert(T2 const& key, ValueType const& defaultValue) { return GetOrInsert(key, defaultValue, Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType const& GetOrInsert(T2 const& key, ValueType const& defaultValue) const { return GetOrInsert(key, defaultValue, Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType& GetOrInsert(T2 const& key, ValueType&& defaultValue) { return GetOrInsert(key, std::move(defaultValue), Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType const& GetOrInsert(T2 const& key, ValueType&& defaultValue) const { return GetOrInsert(key, std::move(defaultValue), Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType& GetOrInsert(T2 const& key) { return GetOrInsert(key, Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline ValueType const& GetOrInsert(T2 const& key) const { return GetOrInsert(key, Specialized<i>()); } template<typename T2> inline ValueType& operator[](T2 const& key) { return GetOrInsert(key); } template<typename T2> inline ValueType const& operator[](T2 const& key) const { return GetOrInsert(key); } using Base::find; template<int i, typename T2> inline typename Base::iterator find(T2 const& val) { return find(val, Specialized<i>()); } template<int i, typename T2> inline typename Base::iterator find(T2 const& val) const { return find(val, Specialized<i>()); } using Base::cfind; template<int i, typename T2> inline typename Base::iterator cfind(T2 const& val) const { return cfind(val, Specialized<i>()); } using Base::Has; template<int i, typename T2> inline bool Has(T2 const& val) { return Has(val, Specialized<i>()); } using Base::Erase; template<int i, typename T2> inline void Erase(T2 const& val) { return Erase(val, Specialized<i>()); } HashMap(size_t startingBucketCount = 256) : Base(startingBucketCount) { Base::Reserve(startingBucketCount); } HashMap(HashMap const& other) : Base(other) { Base::Reserve(this->m_bucketCount); for (mapped_type* ptr = other.m_first; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { mapped_type* newPtr = (mapped_type*)Base::allocator::alloc(); ::new((void*)newPtr) mapped_type(*ptr); Base::insert_(newPtr); } } HashMap(HashMap&& other) : Base(std::move(other)) { other.Reserve(other.m_bucketCount); } HashMap& operator=(HashMap const& other) { Base::Clear(); this->m_bucketCount = other.m_bucketCount; this->m_size = other.m_size; Base::Reserve(this->m_bucketCount); for (mapped_type* ptr = other.m_first; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { mapped_type* newPtr = (mapped_type*)Base::allocator::alloc(); ::new((void*)newPtr) mapped_type(*ptr); Base::insert_(newPtr); } return *this; } }; } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 23398 | ququlala | "Forking branch Mainline of shadauxcat-libsprawl to ququlala-libsprawl." | ||
//guest/ShadauxCat/Sprawl/Mainline/collections/hashmap/HashMap_Variadic.hpp | |||||
#9 | 16052 | ShadauxCat |
- Changed default block size for concurrent queue to a more reasonable value - Changed some memory orders to memory_order_seq_cst when they don't actually need to be that to get around a bug in visual studio 2013 - debug builds assert when memory_order_acq_rel is used for a compare_exchange_strong (this is a standard library bug and is fixed in VS2015) - Added Event API - events are an alternative to condition variables that do not require a mutex and are guaranteed not to miss any signals, even if the signal comes while the thread is not listening for it. Unlike condition variables, however, they do not support broadcasting (and in fact, in general, are not safe to use with multiple threads listening for the same event simultaneously - though notifying on the same event is fine) - Rewrote ThreadManager around ConcurrentQueue and Event API so it is now lock-free. Also improved some behaviors of the staged thread manager operation so it now supports tasks that can be run on multiple stages via a bitmask. - Fixed an issue where the Coroutine copy constructor was calling the std::function constructor instead and another where initializing with a stack might try to call the wrong constructor and vice-versa - Fixed Coroutine never calling munmap() on its stack in linux and causing a memory leak - Added default arguments to time functions - Attempted to fix some issues with BinaryTree. Fixed some but not all. It's currently not suitable for use, sadly. - Logging Improvements: - - Added thread ID to logging - - Fixed some issues with category handlers - - Added backtraces - - Added the following additional log macros: - - - LOG_IF - - - LOG_EVERY_N - - - LOG_FIRST_N - - - LOG_IF_EVERY_N - - - LOG_IF_FIRST_N - - - LOG_ASSERT - - Added the ability to set extra info callbacks to get data such as script backtraces - - Removed the thread-related handlers and replaced them with RunHandler_Threaded and RunHandler_ThreadManager, which will enable any passed-in handler to be run in a threaded fashion - Removed StaticPoolAllocator and renamed DynamicPoolAllocator to PoolAllocator; adjusted unit tests accordingly - PoolAllocator now allocates its pool with mmap and VirtualAlloc, rather than with malloc - Fixed a bug with Vector copy assignment operator - Improved performance of StringBuilder considerably for cases where there are no modifier strings - Removed Copy-On-Write behavior of JSONToken as it was broken; copies are now performed with explicit DeepCopy() and ShallowCopy() functions - Fixed some parser bugs with JSONToken - Added iteration to JSONToken to iterate its children - Fixed crash when reading a negative number of bytes from a file - Changed StringBuilder to favor speed instead of memory by default - Added some performance unit tests for JSON token #review-16053 |
#8 | 14222 | ShadauxCat |
Fixed debug compile error on Windows. Linux, Mac, and release Windows were all optimizing out the "spec" static value in BinaryTree, so they didn't mind the missing definition; debug Windows needed the definition there, so it's now been provided. Also made the HashMap spec value static as well. #review-14223 |
#7 | 14220 | ShadauxCat |
-Added binary tree implementation (red/black tree) with same multi-key interface as hashmap -Renamed AccessorGroup to MapAccessorGroup to make room for TreeAccessorGroup, which is a lot of duplicated code but had to meet some specific requirements that couldn't be easily fit into the existing AccessorGroup -Fixed HashMap::Clear() not resetting size to 0 -Fixed HashMap::Erase() neither decrementing size nor freeing memory -Changed HashMap to grow before insert instead of after (delaying needed growth until the next insert instead of growing when it detects the next insert will need it) -Fixed a style issue for private function HashMap_Impl::insertHere_() -Fully removed support for Visual Studio 2012 as I have neither the need nor the desire to continue supporting it. The doubled maintenance cost is too high. -Included array unit test that got missed before #review-14221 |
#6 | 14163 | ShadauxCat |
-Renamed HashMap functions to follow coding style. Only begin, end, find, and variants are left lowercase, in keeping with C++ algorithm and range-based for support. -Fixed some accounting issues with list and forwardlist; size wasn't properly being maintained. -Made a small pedantic change to ThreadManager to ensure that m_numThreadsSynced got reset to 0 before the NotifyAll() to eliminate the miniscule potential for deadlock it would cause if it happened after another thread had already woken up. #review-14164 |
#5 | 14161 | ShadauxCat |
-Added staged option for ThreadManager and corresponding unit test -Added operator[] and getOrInsert() in HashMap. getOrInsert() doesn't follow standard but it's consistent with the rest of the HashMap interface; I'll change them when I go back and redo that interface to fit the style. #review-14162 |
#4 | 14081 | ShadauxCat |
-Switching order of keys and values in HashMap::insert(). Keys now come first - a number of parameters equal to the number of keys. (Simple case is simply insert(key, value)) -Added move constructors to AccessorGroup so things can be inserted into the map via rvalue references -Fixed ForwardList's copy constructor copying things in reverse and added a unit test to make sure it doesn't happen again. #review-14079 |
#3 | 14066 | ShadauxCat |
-Improved iterating in hashmap - range-based for now gives the ability to access both key and value instead of just value -Slightly improved some of the template aliases -Mega-deprecated VC11 support. Probably doesn't compile anymore. Maintaining it is too much of a headache. #review-14067 |
#2 | 12508 | ShadauxCat |
-Added threading library. Currently only functional for Linux; Windows will fail to link. (I will fix this soon.) -Fixed missing move and copy constructors in List and ForwardList -Fixed broken move constructor in HashMap -Fixed missing const get() in HashMap -Fixed broken operator-> in ListIterator -Added sprawl::noncopyable -Added sketch headers for filesystem library -Made StringLiteral hashable, added special hashes for pointers and integers in murmur3 -Fixed compiler warning in async_network -Updated memory allocators to use new threading library for mutexes -Added accessibility to sprawl::StringLiteral to be able toa ccess its pointer and length and perform pointer comparisons #review-12504 |
#1 | 11496 | ShadauxCat | Initial checkin: Current states for csbuild and libSprawl |