#pragma once #include <type_traits> #include <stddef.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "../common/compat.hpp" #include "../if/if.hpp" #ifndef SPRAWL_CHR_MAX #define SPRAWL_CHR_MAX 64 #endif static_assert(SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 2 && (SPRAWL_CHR_MAX & (SPRAWL_CHR_MAX - 1)) == 0 && SPRAWL_CHR_MAX <= 32768, "SPRAWL_CHR_MAX must be a power of 2 between 2 and 32768"); #define SPRAWL_CHR(str, size, idx) (idx < size ? str[idx] : '\0') #define SPRAWL_CHR_2(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR(str, size, idx+1) #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 4 #define SPRAWL_CHR_4(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_2(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_2(str, size, idx+2) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 8 #define SPRAWL_CHR_8(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_4(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_4(str, size, idx+4) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 16 #define SPRAWL_CHR_16(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_8(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_8(str, size, idx+8) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 32 #define SPRAWL_CHR_32(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_16(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_16(str, size, idx+16) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 64 #define SPRAWL_CHR_64(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_32(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_32(str, size, idx+32) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 128 #define SPRAWL_CHR_128(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_64(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_64(str, size, idx+64) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 256 #define SPRAWL_CHR_256(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_128(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_128(str, size, idx+128) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 512 #define SPRAWL_CHR_512(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_256(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_256(str, size, idx+256) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 1024 #define SPRAWL_CHR_1024(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_512(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_512(str, size, idx+512) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 2048 #define SPRAWL_CHR_2048(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_1024(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_1024(str, size, idx+1024) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 4096 #define SPRAWL_CHR_4096(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_2048(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_2048(str, size, idx+2048) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 8192 #define SPRAWL_CHR_8192(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_4096(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_4096(str, size, idx+4096) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 16384 #define SPRAWL_CHR_16384(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_8192(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_8192(str, size, idx+8192) #endif #if SPRAWL_CHR_MAX >= 32768 #define SPRAWL_CHR_32768(str, size, idx) SPRAWL_CHR_16384(str, size, idx), SPRAWL_CHR_16384(str, size, idx+16384) #endif #define SPRAWL_CHR_MACRO_2(val) SPRAWL_CHR_ ## val #define SPRAWL_CHR_MACRO(val) SPRAWL_CHR_MACRO_2(val) #define SPRAWL_CHR_MAX_MACRO SPRAWL_CHR_MACRO(SPRAWL_CHR_MAX) #define SPRAWL_TAG(s) ::sprawl::detail::TagWrapper< ::sprawl::detail::SizeChecker<sizeof(s) - 1>::value, 1, ::sprawl::Tag<0>, ::sprawl::detail::IsPositive<sizeof(s) - 1>::value, true, SPRAWL_CHR_MAX_MACRO(s, sizeof(s), 0)>::type #include "detail/tag_detail.hpp" #include "type_list.hpp" namespace sprawl { //MSVC likes to complain about integer constant overflow here, but hash algorithms use that intentionally so this is being unilaterally disabled for this section. #if SPRAWL_COMPILER_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable: 4307) #endif #if SPRAWL_64_BIT template<size_t t_Seed> struct Murmur3 { template<char... t_Chars> struct Hash { static constexpr size_t outputHash1 = detail::murmur3::Murmur3<t_Seed, t_Chars...>::value; static constexpr size_t outputHash2 = outputHash1 ^ sizeof...(t_Chars); static constexpr size_t outputHash3 = outputHash2 ^ (outputHash2 >> 33); static constexpr size_t outputHash4 = outputHash3 * 0xff51afd7ed558ccdULL; static constexpr size_t outputHash5 = outputHash4 ^ (outputHash4 >> 33); static constexpr size_t outputHash6 = outputHash5 * 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53ULL; static constexpr size_t value = outputHash6 ^ (outputHash6 >> 33); }; }; #else template<size_t t_Seed> struct Murmur3 { template<char... t_Chars> struct Hash { static constexpr size_t outputHash1 = detail::murmur3::Murmur3<t_Seed, t_Chars...>::value; static constexpr size_t outputHash2 = outputHash1 ^ sizeof...(t_Chars); static constexpr size_t outputHash3 = outputHash2 ^ (outputHash2 >> 16); static constexpr size_t outputHash4 = outputHash3 * 0x85ebca6b; static constexpr size_t outputHash5 = outputHash4 ^ (outputHash4 >> 13); static constexpr size_t outputHash6 = outputHash5 * 0xc2b2ae35; static constexpr size_t value = outputHash6 ^ (outputHash6 >> 16); }; }; #endif #if SPRAWL_COMPILER_MSVC # pragma warning(pop) #endif template<char... t_Chars> struct CharIn { template<char t_CheckChar> using Check = detail::CharIn<t_CheckChar, t_Chars...>; }; struct IsWhitespace { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = detail::CharIn<t_CheckChar, ' ', '\n', '\t', '\v', '\f', '\r'>::value; }; }; struct IsLineEnding { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = detail::CharIn<t_CheckChar, '\n', '\r'>::value; }; }; struct IsDigit { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = detail::CharIn<t_CheckChar, '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'>::value; }; }; struct IsUpper { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = ('A' <= t_CheckChar && t_CheckChar <= 'Z'); }; }; struct IsLower { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = ('a' <= t_CheckChar && t_CheckChar <= 'z'); }; }; struct IsAlpha { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = IsUpper::Check<t_CheckChar>::value || IsLower::Check<t_CheckChar>::value; }; }; struct IsAlnum { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = IsAlpha::Check<t_CheckChar>::value || IsDigit::Check<t_CheckChar>::value; }; }; struct IsPrintable { template<char t_CheckChar> struct Check { static constexpr bool value = (32 <= t_CheckChar && t_CheckChar <= 127) || t_CheckChar < 0; }; }; struct IsTitle { template<char t_PreviousChar, char t_CheckChar> struct ComplexCheck { static constexpr bool value = IsUpper::Check<t_CheckChar>::value ? (IsWhitespace::Check<t_PreviousChar>::value || t_PreviousChar == -1) : !(IsWhitespace::Check<t_PreviousChar>::value || t_PreviousChar == -1); }; }; template<char t_PreviousChar, char t_CurrentChar> struct Upper { static constexpr char value = (('a' <= t_CurrentChar && t_CurrentChar <= 'z') ? ((t_CurrentChar - 'a') + 'A') : t_CurrentChar); }; template<char t_PreviousChar, char t_CurrentChar> struct Lower { static constexpr char value = (('A' <= t_CurrentChar && t_CurrentChar <= 'Z') ? ((t_CurrentChar - 'A') + 'a') : t_CurrentChar); }; template<char t_PreviousChar, char t_CurrentChar> struct SwapCase { static constexpr char value = (('A' <= t_CurrentChar && t_CurrentChar <= 'Z') ? ((t_CurrentChar - 'A') + 'a') : ('a' <= t_CurrentChar && t_CurrentChar <= 'z') ? ((t_CurrentChar - 'a') + 'A') : t_CurrentChar); }; template<char t_PreviousChar, char t_CurrentChar> struct Title { static constexpr char value = t_PreviousChar == -1 || IsWhitespace::Check<t_PreviousChar>::value ? Upper<t_PreviousChar, t_CurrentChar>::value : Lower<t_PreviousChar, t_CurrentChar>::value; }; template<char t_PreviousChar, char t_CurrentChar> struct Capitalize { static constexpr char value = t_PreviousChar == -1 ? Upper<t_PreviousChar, t_CurrentChar>::value : Lower<t_PreviousChar, t_CurrentChar>::value; }; template<ssize_t t_Len, char... t_Chars> struct Tag { public: static constexpr ssize_t length = t_Len; static CONSTEXPR_ARRAY char name[t_Len + 1] SPRAWL_CONSTEXPR_INCLASS_INIT({ t_Chars..., '\0' }); typedef ssize_t length_type; typedef char char_type; constexpr Tag(){} template<ssize_t t_Idx, ssize_t t_Length = t_Len - t_Idx> using Substring = typename detail::TagWrapper<(t_Idx < 0 ? 0 : (t_Length >(t_Len - t_Idx)) ? (t_Len - t_Idx) : t_Length), t_Idx < 0 ? 0 : (1 - t_Idx), Tag<0>, detail::IsPositive<t_Idx < 0 ? 0 : ((t_Length >(t_Len - t_Idx)) ? (t_Len - t_Idx) : t_Length)>::value, detail::IsPositive<t_Idx < 0 ? 0 : (1 - t_Idx)>::value, t_Chars...>::type; template<typename t_OtherTagType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t Find() { return detail::FindTag<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_OtherTagType, 0>::result != -1 ? detail::FindTag<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_OtherTagType, 0>::result + t_Start : -1; } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t Find(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return t_Length - 1 <= Tag::length && t_Length - 1 <= (end - start) ? find_(0, start, end, str, t_Chars...) : -1; } template<typename t_OtherTagType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t RFind() { return detail::RFindTag<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_OtherTagType, 0>::result != -1 ? detail::RFindTag<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_OtherTagType, 0>::result + t_Start : -1; } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t RFind(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return t_Length - 1 <= Tag::length && t_Length - 1 <= (end - start) ? rfind_(0, start, end, str, t_Chars...) : -1; } template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t FindFirstOf() { return detail::FindPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result != -1 ? detail::FindPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result + t_Start : -1; } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t FindFirstOf(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return findFirstOf_(0, start, end, str, t_Chars...); } template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t FindLastOf() { return detail::RFindPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result != -1 ? detail::RFindPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result + t_Start : -1; } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t FindLastOf(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return findLastOf_(0, start, end, str, t_Chars...); } template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t FindFirstNotOf() { return detail::FindNotPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result != -1 ? detail::FindNotPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result + t_Start : -1; } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t FindFirstNotOf(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return findFirstNotOf_(0, start, end, str, t_Chars...); } template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t FindLastNotOf() { return detail::RFindNotPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result != -1 ? detail::RFindNotPred<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_PredType, 0>::result + t_Start : -1; } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t FindLastNotOf(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return findLastNotOf_(0, start, end, str, t_Chars...); } template<template <char t_PreviousChar, char t_CurrentChar> class t_TransformType> using Transform = typename detail::TransformTag<t_TransformType, Tag<0>, -1, t_Chars...>::type; //Using as a namespace so following namespace naming conventions despite being a struct. struct tag_detail { template<typename t_OtherTagType> struct AppendTagHelper { }; template<ssize_t t_OtherLength, char... t_OtherChars> struct AppendTagHelper<Tag<t_OtherLength, t_OtherChars...>> { typedef Tag<t_Len + t_OtherLength, t_Chars..., t_OtherChars...> type; }; #if SPRAWL_COMPILER_MSVC template<ssize_t t_TargetIdx, bool t_CharWithinBounds, char... t_AdditionalChars> struct CharAt; template<ssize_t t_TargetIdx, bool t_CharWithinBounds, char t_FirstChar, char... t_AdditionalChars> struct CharAt<t_TargetIdx, t_CharWithinBounds, t_FirstChar, t_AdditionalChars...> { static constexpr char value = t_TargetIdx < 0 ? -1 : t_TargetIdx == 0 ? t_FirstChar : CharAt<t_TargetIdx - 1, t_CharWithinBounds, t_AdditionalChars...>::value; }; template<ssize_t t_TargetIdx, bool t_CharWithinBounds, char t_FirstChar> struct CharAt<t_TargetIdx, t_CharWithinBounds, t_FirstChar> { static constexpr char value = t_TargetIdx < 0 ? -1 : t_TargetIdx == 0 ? t_FirstChar : -1; }; template<ssize_t t_TargetIdx, bool t_CharWithinBounds> struct CharAt<t_TargetIdx, t_CharWithinBounds> { static constexpr char value = -1; }; template<char t_NextChar, bool t_CharWithinBounds> struct CharAt<-1, t_CharWithinBounds, t_NextChar> { static constexpr char value = -1; }; #else template<ssize_t t_TargetIdx, bool t_CharWithinBounds, char... t_Ignored> struct CharAt { static constexpr char value = name[t_TargetIdx]; }; template<ssize_t t_TargetIdx, char... t_Ignored> struct CharAt<t_TargetIdx, false, t_Ignored...> { static constexpr char value = -1; }; #endif template<typename t_PredicateType, ssize_t t_Idx = 0, bool t_ShouldStrip = t_PredicateType::template Check<CharAt<t_Idx, t_Idx >= 0 && t_Idx <= t_Len, t_Chars...>::value>::value> struct LStripHelper { typedef typename LStripHelper<t_PredicateType, t_Idx + 1>::type type; }; template<typename t_PredicateType, ssize_t t_Idx> struct LStripHelper<t_PredicateType, t_Idx, false> { typedef Substring<t_Idx> type; }; template<typename t_PredicateType, ssize_t t_Idx = 0, bool t_ShouldStrip = t_PredicateType::template Check<CharAt<t_Len - t_Idx - 1, (t_Len - t_Idx - 1) >= 0 && (t_Len - t_Idx - 1) <= t_Len, t_Chars...>::value>::value> struct RStripHelper { typedef typename RStripHelper<t_PredicateType, t_Idx + 1>::type type; }; template<typename t_PredicateType, ssize_t t_Idx> struct RStripHelper<t_PredicateType, t_Idx, false> { typedef Substring<0, t_Len - t_Idx> type; }; template<typename t_SearchStringType, ssize_t t_SplitLocation> struct PartitionHelper { typedef TypeList<Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>, t_SearchStringType, Substring<t_SplitLocation + t_SearchStringType::length>> type; }; template<typename t_SearchStringType> struct PartitionHelper<t_SearchStringType, -1> { typedef TypeList<Tag, SPRAWL_TAG(""), SPRAWL_TAG("")> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelper { typedef typename SplitHelper< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + t_SearchStringType::length>, t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation> >, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + t_SearchStringType::length>::template Find<t_SearchStringType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_SearchStringType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_SearchStringType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_SearchStringType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperInList { typedef typename SplitHelperInList< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring< t_SplitLocation + detail::MatchLength< t_TagToSearchType, t_SplitLocation, t_AccessibleByGetType, 0, detail::HasGet<t_AccessibleByGetType, 1> >::value >, t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation> >, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring< t_SplitLocation + detail::MatchLength< t_TagToSearchType, t_SplitLocation, t_AccessibleByGetType, 0, detail::HasGet<t_AccessibleByGetType, 1> >::value >::template FindFirstInList<t_AccessibleByGetType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperInList<t_TagToSearchType, t_AccessibleByGetType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperInList<t_TagToSearchType, t_AccessibleByGetType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperInList<t_TagToSearchType, t_AccessibleByGetType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyOf { typedef typename SplitHelperAnyOf< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + 1>, t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation> >, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + 1>::template FindFirstOf<t_PredType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyNotOf { typedef typename SplitHelperAnyNotOf< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + 1>, t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation> >, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + 1>::template FindFirstNotOf<t_PredType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyNotOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyNotOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct SplitHelperAnyNotOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelper { typedef typename RSplitHelper< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>, t_SearchStringType, typename TypeList<typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + t_SearchStringType::length>>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar>, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>::template RFind<t_SearchStringType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_SearchStringType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_SearchStringType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_SearchStringType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_SearchStringType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperInList { typedef typename RSplitHelperInList< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>, t_AccessibleByGetType, typename TypeList<typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + detail::MatchLength<t_TagToSearchType, t_SplitLocation, t_AccessibleByGetType, 0, detail::HasGet<t_AccessibleByGetType, 1>>::value>>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar>, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>::template FindLastInList<t_AccessibleByGetType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperInList<t_TagToSearchType, t_AccessibleByGetType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperInList<t_TagToSearchType, t_AccessibleByGetType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_AccessibleByGetType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperInList<t_TagToSearchType, t_AccessibleByGetType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyOf { typedef typename RSplitHelperAnyOf< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>, t_PredType, typename TypeList<typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + 1>>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar>, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>::template FindLastOf<t_PredType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyNotOf { typedef typename RSplitHelperAnyNotOf< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>, t_PredType, typename TypeList<typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_SplitLocation + 1>>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar>, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_SplitLocation>::template FindLastNotOf<t_PredType>(), t_CurrentSplit + 1, t_MaxSplit >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_CurrentSplit, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyNotOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_CurrentSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyNotOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_PredType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_MaxSplit> struct RSplitHelperAnyNotOf<t_TagToSearchType, t_PredType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, t_MaxSplit, t_MaxSplit> { typedef typename TypeList<t_TagToSearchType>::template Extend<t_TypeSoFar> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, ssize_t t_EndOfSplit, bool t_KeepEnds> struct SplitLinesHelper { typedef typename SplitLinesHelper< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_EndOfSplit + 1>, typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append< typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_KeepEnds ? t_EndOfSplit + 1 : t_SplitLocation> >, t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_EndOfSplit + 1>::template FindFirstOf<sprawl::IsLineEnding>(), t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_EndOfSplit + 1> ::template Substring<t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<t_EndOfSplit + 1>::template FindFirstOf<sprawl::IsLineEnding>()> ::template FindFirstNotOf<sprawl::IsLineEnding>(), t_KeepEnds >::type type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_TypeSoFar, ssize_t t_SplitLocation, bool t_KeepEnds> struct SplitLinesHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_TypeSoFar, t_SplitLocation, -1, t_KeepEnds> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<typename t_TagToSearchType::template Substring<0, t_KeepEnds ? t_TagToSearchType::length : t_SplitLocation>> type; }; template<typename t_TagToSearchType, typename t_TypeSoFar, bool t_KeepEnds> struct SplitLinesHelper<t_TagToSearchType, t_TypeSoFar, -1, -1, t_KeepEnds> { typedef typename t_TypeSoFar::template Append<t_TagToSearchType> type; }; template<typename t_Type, bool integer, bool floating, bool boolean> struct As; template<typename t_Type> struct As<t_Type, true, false, false> { static constexpr t_Type value = t_Type(detail::TagToInt<t_Chars...>::value); }; template<typename t_Type> struct As<t_Type, true, false, true> { static constexpr bool value = detail::TagToBool<Tag::Transform<sprawl::Lower>>::value; }; template<typename t_Type> struct As<t_Type, false, true, false> { static constexpr t_Type value = t_Type(detail::TagToDouble<t_Chars...>::value); }; }; template<typename t_PredicateType = IsWhitespace> using LStrip = typename tag_detail::template LStripHelper<t_PredicateType>::type; template<typename t_PredicateType = IsWhitespace> using RStrip = typename tag_detail::template RStripHelper<t_PredicateType>::type; template<typename t_PredicateType = IsWhitespace> using Strip = typename LStrip<t_PredicateType>::template RStrip<t_PredicateType>; template<char t_CharToAdd> using AppendChar = Tag<t_Len + 1, t_Chars..., t_CharToAdd>; template<typename t_OtherTagType> using Append = typename tag_detail::template AppendTagHelper<t_OtherTagType>::type; template<ssize_t t_Start, ssize_t t_Length = t_Len - t_Start> using Erase = typename Substring<0, t_Start>::template Append<Substring<t_Start + t_Length, t_Len - (t_Start + t_Length)>>; template<typename t_AccessibleByGetType> using Join = typename detail::JoinTags<Tag, t_AccessibleByGetType, 0, detail::HasGet<t_AccessibleByGetType, 1>>::type; template<typename t_AccessibleByGetType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t FindFirstInList() { return detail::FindTagInList<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_AccessibleByGetType, 0, detail::HasGet<t_AccessibleByGetType, 1>>::value; } template<typename t_AccessibleByGetType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t FindLastInList() { return detail::RFindTagInList<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>, t_AccessibleByGetType, 0, detail::HasGet<t_AccessibleByGetType, 1>>::value; } static constexpr bool IsAlnum() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsAlnum, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsAlpha() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsAlpha, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsDigit() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsDigit, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsLower() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsLower, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsSpace() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsWhitespace, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsUpper() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsUpper, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsPrintable() { return detail::MeetsCondition<sprawl::IsPrintable, t_Chars...>::value; } static constexpr bool IsTitle() { return detail::MeetsComplexCondition<sprawl::IsTitle, -1, t_Chars...>::value; } template<typename t_OtherTagType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr bool StartsWith() { return t_OtherTagType::length <= length && t_OtherTagType::length <= (t_End - t_Start) && Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>::template Substring<0, t_OtherTagType::length>::template EqualTo<t_OtherTagType>(); } template<typename t_OtherTagType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr bool EndsWith() { return t_OtherTagType::length <= length && t_OtherTagType::length <= (t_End - t_Start) && Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>::template Substring<Substring<t_Start, t_End - t_Start>::length - t_OtherTagType::length, t_OtherTagType::length>::template EqualTo<t_OtherTagType>(); } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr bool StartsWith(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { #if SPRAWL_COMPILER_MSVC (void)(str); (void)(start); (void)(end); #endif return t_Length - 1 <= Tag::length && t_Length - 1 <= (end - start) && equalTo_(0, t_Length - 1, start, str, t_Chars...); } template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr bool EndsWith(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { #if SPRAWL_COMPILER_MSVC (void)(str); (void)(start); (void)(end); #endif return t_Length - 1 <= Tag::length && t_Length - 1 <= (end - start) && equalTo_(0, t_Length - 1, end - (t_Length - 1), str, t_Chars...); } template<typename t_OtherTagType> static constexpr bool Contains() { return detail::FindTag<Tag, t_OtherTagType, 0>::result != -1; } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr bool Contains(char const (&str)[t_Length]) { return Find(str) != -1; } template<typename t_OtherTagType, ssize_t t_Start = 0, ssize_t t_End = t_Len> static constexpr ssize_t Count() { return detail::CountTag<Tag, t_OtherTagType, t_Start, t_End>::value; } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t Count(char const (&str)[t_Length], ssize_t start = 0, ssize_t end = t_Len) { return Find(str, start, end) != -1 ? 1 + Count(str, Find(str, start, end) + 1, end) : 0; } template<ssize_t t_Idx> static constexpr char CharAt() { return tag_detail::template CharAt<t_Idx, t_Idx >= 0 && t_Idx <= t_Len, t_Chars...>::value; } template<typename t_Type> static constexpr t_Type As() { return tag_detail::template As<t_Type, std::is_integral<t_Type>::value, std::is_floating_point<t_Type>::value, std::is_same<t_Type, bool>::value>::value; } template<typename t_FindTagType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using Replace = typename detail::ReplaceTags<Tag, t_FindTagType, t_ReplaceWithType, count>::type; template<typename t_FindTagType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using RReplace = typename detail::RReplaceTags<Tag, t_FindTagType, t_ReplaceWithType, count>::type; template<typename t_TagListType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using ReplaceAnyInList = typename detail::ReplaceTagsInList<Tag, t_TagListType, t_ReplaceWithType, count>::type; template<typename t_TagListType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using RReplaceAnyInList = typename detail::RReplaceTagsInList<Tag, t_TagListType, t_ReplaceWithType, count>::type; template<typename t_PredType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using ReplaceAnyOf = typename detail::ReplaceTagsAnyOf<Tag, t_PredType, t_ReplaceWithType, count, FindFirstOf<t_PredType>()>::type; template<typename t_PredType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using ReplaceAnyNotOf = typename detail::ReplaceTagsAnyNotOf<Tag, t_PredType, t_ReplaceWithType, count, FindFirstNotOf<t_PredType>()>::type; template<typename t_PredType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using RReplaceAnyOf = typename detail::RReplaceTagsAnyOf<Tag, t_PredType, t_ReplaceWithType, count, FindLastOf<t_PredType>()>::type; template<typename t_PredType, typename t_ReplaceWithType, ssize_t count = -1> using RReplaceAnyNotOf = typename detail::RReplaceTagsAnyNotOf<Tag, t_PredType, t_ReplaceWithType, count, FindLastNotOf<t_PredType>()>::type; template<ssize_t t_Start, ssize_t t_Length, typename t_OtherTagType> using ReplaceAt = typename Substring<0, t_Start>::template Append<t_OtherTagType>::template Append<Substring<t_Start + t_Length>>; template<typename t_TagToSplitOnType> using Partition = typename tag_detail::template PartitionHelper<t_TagToSplitOnType, Find<t_TagToSplitOnType>()>::type; template<typename t_TagToSplitOnType> using RPartition = typename tag_detail::template PartitionHelper<t_TagToSplitOnType, RFind<t_TagToSplitOnType>()>::type; template<typename t_TagToSplitOnType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using Split = typename tag_detail::template SplitHelper<Tag, t_TagToSplitOnType, TypeList<>, Find<t_TagToSplitOnType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_AccessibleByGetType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using SplitAnyInList = typename tag_detail::template SplitHelperInList<Tag, t_AccessibleByGetType, TypeList<>, FindFirstInList<t_AccessibleByGetType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using SplitAnyOf = typename tag_detail::template SplitHelperAnyOf<Tag, t_PredType, TypeList<>, FindFirstOf<t_PredType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using SplitAnyNotOf = typename tag_detail::template SplitHelperAnyNotOf<Tag, t_PredType, TypeList<>, FindFirstNotOf<t_PredType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_TagToSplitOnType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using RSplit = typename tag_detail::template RSplitHelper<Tag, t_TagToSplitOnType, TypeList<>, RFind<t_TagToSplitOnType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_AccessibleByGetType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using RSplitAnyInList = typename tag_detail::template RSplitHelperInList<Tag, t_AccessibleByGetType, TypeList<>, FindLastInList<t_AccessibleByGetType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using RSplitAnyOf = typename tag_detail::template RSplitHelperAnyOf<Tag, t_PredType, TypeList<>, FindLastOf<t_PredType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<typename t_PredType, ssize_t t_MaxSplit = -1> using RSplitAnyNotOf = typename tag_detail::template RSplitHelperAnyNotOf<Tag, t_PredType, TypeList<>, FindLastNotOf<t_PredType>(), 0, t_MaxSplit>::type; template<bool t_KeepEnds = false> using SplitLines = typename tag_detail::template SplitLinesHelper<Tag, TypeList<>, FindFirstOf<sprawl::IsLineEnding>(), Substring<FindFirstOf<sprawl::IsLineEnding>()>::template FindFirstNotOf<sprawl::IsLineEnding>(), t_KeepEnds>::type; template<ssize_t t_Idx, typename t_OtherTagType> using Insert = typename Substring<0, t_Idx>::template Append<t_OtherTagType>::template Append<Substring<t_Idx>>; template<ssize_t t_Length> static constexpr bool EqualTo(char const (&str)[t_Length]) { return t_Length - 1 == Tag::length ? equalTo_(0, length, 0, str, t_Chars...) : false; } template<typename t_OtherTagType> static constexpr bool EqualTo() { return std::is_same<Tag, t_OtherTagType>::value; } template<typename t_HashType = Murmur3<0>> static constexpr auto Hash() -> decltype(t_HashType::template Hash<t_Chars...>::value) { return t_HashType::template Hash<t_Chars...>::value; } template<ssize_t t_Start, ssize_t t_End = t_Len, ssize_t t_Interval = 1> using Slice = typename detail::SliceTag< Tag, Tag<0>, (t_Start >= t_Len ? t_Len - 1 : t_Start < 0 ? 0 : t_Start), (t_End > t_Len ? t_Len : t_End < -1 ? -1 : t_End), t_Interval, (t_Start >= t_Len ? t_Len - 1 : t_Start < 0 ? 0 : t_Start), ((t_Start < t_End ? t_Start < t_End : t_Start > t_End) && ((t_End - t_Start)/t_Interval) > 0) >::type; private: template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr bool equalTo_(ssize_t /*idx*/, ssize_t /*length_*/, ssize_t /*offset*/, char const (&/*str*/)[t_Length]) { return t_Length == 1 && Tag::length == 0; } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr bool equalTo_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t length_, ssize_t offset, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return offset > 0 ? false : idx >= length_ ? true : str[idx] == compareChar; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MorCharTypes> static constexpr bool equalTo_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t length_, ssize_t offset, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MorCharTypes... moreChars) { return offset > 0 ? equalTo_(idx, length_, offset - 1, str, moreChars...) : idx >= length_ ? true : str[idx] == compareChar ? equalTo_(idx + 1, length_, offset, str, moreChars...) : false; } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t find_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, size_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return idx + t_Length - 1 > end ? -1 : idx >= start ? equalTo_(0, t_Length - 1, 0, str, compareChar) ? idx : -1 : -1; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MorCharTypes> static constexpr ssize_t find_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, size_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MorCharTypes... moreChars) { return idx + t_Length - 1 > end ? -1 : idx >= start ? equalTo_(0, t_Length - 1, 0, str, compareChar, moreChars...) ? idx : find_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) : find_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...); } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t rfind_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, size_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return idx + t_Length - 1 > end ? -1 : idx >= start ? equalTo_(0, t_Length - 1, 0, str, compareChar) ? idx : -1 : -1; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MoreCharTypes> static constexpr ssize_t rfind_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, size_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MoreCharTypes... moreChars) { return idx + t_Length - 1 > end ? -1 : idx >= start ? rfind_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) != -1 ? rfind_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) : equalTo_(0, t_Length - 1, 0, str, compareChar, moreChars...) ? idx : -1 : rfind_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...); } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr bool isOneOf_(char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar, size_t idx) { return idx == t_Length ? false : compareChar == str[idx] ? true : isOneOf_(str, compareChar, idx + 1); } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t findFirstOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0) ? idx : -1 : -1; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MorCharTypes> static constexpr ssize_t findFirstOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MorCharTypes... moreChars) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0) ? idx : findFirstOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) : findFirstOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...); } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t findLastOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0) ? idx : -1 : -1; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MoreCharTypes> static constexpr ssize_t findLastOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MoreCharTypes... moreChars) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? findLastOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) != -1 ? findLastOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) : isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0) ? idx : -1 : findLastOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...); } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t findFirstNotOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? (!isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0)) ? idx : -1 : -1; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MorCharTypes> static constexpr ssize_t findFirstNotOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MorCharTypes... moreChars) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? (!isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0)) ? idx : findFirstNotOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) : findFirstNotOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...); } template<size_t t_Length> static constexpr ssize_t findLastNotOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], char compareChar) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? (!isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0)) ? idx : -1 : -1; } template<size_t t_Length, typename t_FirstCharType, typename... t_MoreCharTypes> static constexpr ssize_t findLastNotOf_(ssize_t idx, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char const (&str)[t_Length], t_FirstCharType compareChar, t_MoreCharTypes... moreChars) { return idx >= end ? -1 : idx >= start ? findLastNotOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) != -1 ? findLastNotOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...) : (!isOneOf_(str, compareChar, 0)) ? idx : -1 : findLastNotOf_(idx + 1, start, end, str, moreChars...); } }; template<ssize_t t_Len, char... t_Chars> CONSTEXPR_ARRAY char Tag<t_Len, t_Chars...>::name[t_Len + 1] SPRAWL_CONSTEXPR_OUT_OF_CLASS_INIT({ t_Chars..., '\0' }); namespace detail { template<typename t_Type> struct TypeToString { private: struct NameSize { char const* name; size_t size; constexpr NameSize(char const* name_, size_t size_) : name(name_), size(size_) {} }; #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) static constexpr size_t prefix_size = sizeof("sprawl::detail::TypeToString<") - 1; static constexpr size_t postfix_size = sizeof(">::f") - 1; #else static constexpr size_t prefix_size = sizeof("static sprawl::detail::TypeToString::NameSize sprawl::detail::TypeToString<") - 1; static constexpr size_t postfix_size = sizeof(">::f() [t_Type = ]") - 1; #endif static constexpr NameSize f() { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) return{ __FUNCTION__ + prefix_size, sizeof(__FUNCTION__) - prefix_size - postfix_size }; #else return{ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + prefix_size, sizeof(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) - prefix_size - postfix_size - ((sizeof(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) - prefix_size - postfix_size) / 2) }; #endif } static constexpr NameSize nameSize = f(); public: //Gotta do this the hard way since we can't sizeof()... typedef typename ::sprawl::detail::TagWrapper< ::sprawl::detail::SizeChecker<nameSize.size - 1>::value, 1, ::sprawl::Tag<0>, ::sprawl::detail::IsPositive<nameSize.size - 1>::value, true, SPRAWL_CHR_MAX_MACRO(nameSize.name, nameSize.size, 0) >::type nakedType; #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) // Consistency - msvc adds 'struct' or 'class' to the typename, clang/gcc do not. // Also, msvc doesn't include spaces after commas, clang/gcc do. // Also, msvc will add a space after every >, while clang/gcc will only put it between them - for simplicity, we're removing all spaces that follow > typedef typename If<nakedType::StartsWith("struct "), typename nakedType::template ReplaceAt<0, 7, SPRAWL_TAG("")>> ::template ElseIf<nakedType::StartsWith("class "), typename nakedType::template ReplaceAt<0, 6, SPRAWL_TAG("")>> ::template Else<nakedType> ::template type<::sprawl::UnmatchedIfSequence> ::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG(","), SPRAWL_TAG(", ")> ::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG("> "), SPRAWL_TAG(">")> ::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG(" class "), SPRAWL_TAG(" ")> ::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG(" struct "), SPRAWL_TAG(" ")> ::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG("<class "), SPRAWL_TAG("<")> ::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG("<struct "), SPRAWL_TAG("<")> type; #else typedef typename nakedType::template Replace<SPRAWL_TAG("> "), SPRAWL_TAG(">")> type; #endif }; constexpr char intBaseValues[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' }; constexpr char intBaseValuesUpper[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; template<typename t_Type, t_Type t_Value, size_t t_Base, bool t_Capitalize, bool t_IsSingleDigit = (t_Value >= 0 && t_Value < t_Base), bool t_IsNegative = (t_Value < 0)> struct TagFromInt { typedef typename TagFromInt<t_Type, t_Value / t_Base, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type::template Append<Tag<1, t_Capitalize ? intBaseValuesUpper[t_Value % t_Base] : intBaseValues[t_Value % t_Base]>> type; }; template<typename t_Type, t_Type t_Value, size_t t_Base, bool t_Capitalize> struct TagFromInt<t_Type, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize, true, false> { typedef Tag<1, t_Capitalize ? intBaseValuesUpper[t_Value] : intBaseValues[t_Value]> type; }; template<typename t_Type, t_Type t_Value, size_t t_Base, bool t_Capitalize> struct TagFromInt<t_Type, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize, false, true> { typedef typename Tag<1, '-'>::Append<typename TagFromInt<t_Type, 0 - t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type> type; }; template<typename t_Type, t_Type t_Value, size_t t_Base, bool t_Capitalize, bool t_IsSingleDigit = (t_Value >= 0 && t_Value < t_Base)> struct TagFromUInt { typedef typename TagFromUInt<t_Type, t_Value / t_Base, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type::template Append<Tag<1, t_Capitalize ? intBaseValuesUpper[t_Value % t_Base] : intBaseValues[t_Value % t_Base]>> type; }; template<typename t_Type, t_Type t_Value, size_t t_Base, bool t_Capitalize> struct TagFromUInt<t_Type, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize, true> { typedef Tag<1, t_Capitalize ? intBaseValuesUpper[t_Value] : intBaseValues[t_Value]> type; }; template<bool t_Value> struct TagFromBool { typedef Tag<4, 't', 'r', 'u', 'e'> type; }; template<> struct TagFromBool<false> { typedef Tag<5, 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'> type; }; } template<typename t_Type> using TypeName = typename detail::TypeToString<t_Type>::type; template<typename t_Type> struct TagFrom; template<> struct TagFrom<char> { template<char t_Char> using FromValue = Tag<1, t_Char>; }; template<> struct TagFrom<signed char> { template<signed char t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true> using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromInt<signed char, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<short > { template<short t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromInt<short, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<int > { template<int t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromInt<int, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<long > { template<long t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromInt<long, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<long long > { template<long long t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromInt<long long, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<unsigned char > { template<unsigned char t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromUInt<unsigned char, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<unsigned short > { template<unsigned short t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromUInt<unsigned short, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<unsigned int > { template<unsigned int t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromUInt<unsigned int, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<unsigned long > { template<unsigned long t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true > using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromUInt<unsigned long, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<unsigned long long> { template<unsigned long long t_Value, size_t t_Base = 10, bool t_Capitalize = true> using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromUInt<unsigned long long, t_Value, t_Base, t_Capitalize>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<bool> { template<bool t_Value> using FromValue = typename detail::TagFromBool<t_Value>::type; }; template<> struct TagFrom<std::nullptr_t> { template<std::nullptr_t value> using FromValue = Tag<6, '(', 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l', ')'>; }; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 23398 | ququlala | "Forking branch Mainline of shadauxcat-libsprawl to ququlala-libsprawl." | ||
//guest/ShadauxCat/Sprawl/Mainline/tag/tag.hpp | |||||
#3 | 20951 | ShadauxCat |
- Reworked ConcurrentQueue::Dequeue to be a lot faster and wait-free - Added constexpr constructor for sprawl tag - Added support for specifying base for int-to-tag conversion - Added ability to force poolallocator to pass through to malloc - Added a helper class that will eventually be used in StringBuilder for faster int-to-string conversion #review-20952 post-commit |
#2 | 19912 | ShadauxCat |
Fix various linux warnings and errors under clang 3.6 #review-19913 |
#1 | 19906 | ShadauxCat |
- Added tag, compile time string type - Since tag requires visual studio 2015, removed compatibility code for earlier versions of visual studio - Improved compiler detection - Added endianness detection - Added template if/else helper - Fixed bug with murmur3 64 bit - Added seed argument for murmur3 #review-19907 |