#! /usr/bin/env python3.3
from collections import deque, namedtuple
import copy
import logging
import p4gf_util
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_MAX = 10
# Does this cache help? Barely.
# Pusing android-libhardware's 768 commits:
# cache miss hit wallclock
# size count count duration
# ----- ----- ----- -----------
# 10000 1185 1018 84s 83s 82s avg=83.0s
# 100 1208 995 85s 85s 83s avg=84.3s
# 10 1358 845 81s 85s 82s avg=82.7s tiny 3% savings
# 0 2203 0 85s 86s 86s avg=85.7s
# The results are noisy enough that even that 3% savings is suspect.
# But avoiding 845 out of 2203 'p4 files' calls to the server? Yeah,
# measurable or not, that's worth at least a 10-deep cache.
class BranchFilesCache:
"""Generic cache of 'p4 files' in some branch at some changelist.
G2PMatrix runs enough duplicate 'p4 files //branch-client/...@nn' in close
temporal proximity that it could benefit from a small bounded cache.
def __init__(self):
self.cache = deque(maxlen=_MAX) # of CacheLine
self._hit_ct = 0
self._miss_ct = 0
def files_at(self, ctx, branch, change_num):
"""Fetch files in branch at change and return result list."""
result_list = self._find(branch, change_num)
if not result_list:
self._miss_ct += 1
LOG.debug2('{branch}@{change} miss {ct}'
.format( branch = p4gf_util.abbrev(branch.branch_id)
, change = change_num
, ct = self._miss_ct ))
result_list = self._fetch(ctx, branch, change_num)
self._insert(branch, change_num, result_list)
self._hit_ct += 1
LOG.debug2('{branch}@{change} hit {ct}'
.format( branch = p4gf_util.abbrev(branch.branch_id)
, change = change_num
, ct = self._hit_ct ))
# Return a list of COPIES of our dicts. Calling code
# was originally written to consume P4.run() results
# directly, assumed it owned the results. Cheaper and
# cleaner to copy here than to ask all callers to learn
# about copy.
# Can't use copy.copy(): too shallow, returns a copy of
# the list, pointing to our original dict elements.
# copy.deepcopy() might be overkill if our dict
# keys/elements are themselves collections, but I'll
# live with that until memory/profiling says otherwise.
return copy.deepcopy(result_list)
def _fetch(ctx, branch, change_num):
"""Run 'p4 files' and return results."""
with ctx.switched_to_branch(branch):
return ctx.p4run('files', ctx.client_view_path(change_num))
def _find(self, branch, change_num):
"""Find a CacheLine with matching path and return its result_list.
Or return None if not found.
# Never cache results for temp branch views that lack a permanent
# branch_id: a branch_id of None is used for multiple branch views.
if not branch.branch_id:
return None
for cl in self.cache:
if ( cl.branch == branch.branch_id
and cl.change_num == change_num):
return cl.result_list
return None
def _insert(self, branch, change_num, result_list):
"""Add a CacheLine for path + result_list.
Assumes we don't already have such a line.
self.cache.appendleft(CacheLine( branch = branch.branch_id
, change_num = change_num
, result_list = result_list ))
CacheLine = namedtuple('CacheLine', ['branch', 'change_num', 'result_list'])