#! /usr/bin/env python3.3
"""Remember which changelists we already integrated."""
from p4gf_l10n import NTR
class IntegratedUpTo:
"""After integrating across branches, remember the source changelist number so
that you can use it to accelerate future 'p4 integ' requests.
A little bookkeeping on our side can save the Perforce server from scanning
far back in history to look for unintegrated file actions.
def __init__(self):
self._key_to_change_num = {}
def set(self, from_branch, to_branch, change_num):
self._key_to_change_num[_key( from_branch = from_branch
, to_branch = to_branch )] = change_num
def get(self, from_branch, to_branch):
"""Tell me."""
r = self._key_to_change_num.get(_key( from_branch = from_branch
, to_branch = to_branch ), None)
return r
def _to_str(branch):
"""Convert a branch to a string, which we use internally as part of our dict key."""
if not (branch and branch.branch_id):
return None
return branch.branch_id
def _key(from_branch, to_branch):
"""Convert a pair of branches to a key for our dict."""
return NTR('{f} {t}').format(f=_to_str(from_branch), t=_to_str(to_branch))