#! /usr/bin/env python3.3
"""Cache of results fetched from Perforce."""
# Run 'p4 info' un-tagged to get human-friendly server info labels.
# But un-tagged doesn't return 'unicode' so run tagged to get that.
InfoResults = None
InfoResultsTagged = None
def fetch_info(p4, tagged=True):
"""Fetch the 'info' from the Perforce server.
For tagged output result is a dict.
For un-tagged output result is a list of str.
global InfoResults, InfoResultsTagged
if tagged:
if InfoResultsTagged is None:
with p4.while_tagged(True):
InfoResultsTagged = _first_dict(p4.run('info', '-s'))
return InfoResultsTagged
if InfoResults is None:
with p4.while_tagged(False):
InfoResults = p4.run('info', '-s')
return InfoResults
# Copied from p4gf_util to avoid a cyclic import.
def _first_dict(result_list):
"""Return the first dict result in a p4 result list."""
for e in result_list:
if isinstance(e, dict):
return e
return None