#! /usr/bin/env python
Utility functions for P4GF that are Python 2.6 compatible, for use by
the OVA management scripts. All other users should import p4gf_util.
import os
import socket
import sys
import p4gf_const
Hostname = None
ServerID = None
# Localization/translation support.
# Don't let unwanted Python 3.3 code in p4gf_l10n prevent
# this script from running in 2.6.
from p4gf_l10n import _, NTR
except ImportError:
def NTR(x): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""No-TRanslate: Localization marker for string constants."""
return x
_ = NTR
def get_hostname():
"""Return the short name of the machine the Python interpreter is running on."""
global Hostname
if Hostname is None:
Hostname = socket.gethostname()
dot = Hostname.find('.')
if dot > 0:
Hostname = Hostname[:dot]
return Hostname
def server_id_file_path():
"""Return the path to P4GF_HOME/server-id."""
return os.path.join(p4gf_const.P4GF_HOME, p4gf_const.P4GF_ID_FILE)
def read_server_id_from_file():
"""If there is a P4GF_HOME/server_id file, return the ID from that.
If not, return None.
path = server_id_file_path()
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
words = f.read().split()
if words:
return words[0]
return None
def get_server_id():
"""If there is a P4GF_HOME/server-id file, return the ID from that file.
If not, return raise an exception.
global ServerID
if ServerID is None:
ServerID = read_server_id_from_file()
if not ServerID:
raise RuntimeError(_('server-id not set. Run configure-git-fusion.sh and try again.'))
return ServerID
def get_object_client_name():
"""Produce the name of the host-specific object client for the Git Fusion depot."""
return p4gf_const.P4GF_OBJECT_CLIENT.format(server_id=get_server_id())
def get_12_2_object_client_name():
"""Produce the name of the host-specific object client for the Git Fusion depot."""
return p4gf_const.P4GF_OBJECT_CLIENT_12_2.format(hostname=get_hostname())
def has_server_id_or_exit(log=None):
"""Check if the server-id file is present, exiting if not."""
if read_server_id_from_file() is None:
formed = _("Git Fusion is missing '{0}' file '{1}'.").format(
p4gf_const.P4GF_ID_FILE, server_id_file_path())
sys.stderr.write(formed + _(' Please contact your administrator.\n'))
if log is not None:
log.error(formed + _(' Please contact your administrator.\n'))