- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- # -*-Fundamental-*-
- # Note: ***** This version supports Unix Perforce servers only!
- # ***** (And may need tweaking for your host OS: see under
- # ***** "CUSTOMIZING", below...
- #
- use Carp;
- use strict;
- $| = 1;
- my $Myname;
- ($Myname = $0) =~ s%^.*/%%;
- my $Usage = <<LIT;
- $Myname: usage:
- $Myname [ -p4d_i <regexp> ] [ -p4d_pid <pid> ] [-p4d_log <logpath> ] [ -tailn <tailsize> ]
- [ -p4d_iv <regexp> ]
- sub usage
- {
- print STDERR $Usage;
- exit 1;
- }
- sub help
- {
- print STDERR <<LIT;
- $Usage
- $Myname combines information from a Perforce server host's process
- list and the perforce server log file, and prints a list of current
- perforce processes. Here's an example:
- | rmg $ ./p4wd -p4d_log /u/p4/logs.p4netapp/p4d -p4d_pid 24099 -tailn 200000
- | 97 2001/10/23 12:23:08 doucette doucette:raiders:50376 'user-flush \@135496'
- | 5284 2001/10/23 11:16:09 ericcxu yadav:main 'user-diff prod/netcache/server/admin
- | 6535 2001/10/23 12:18:47 rtpbuild rtpbuild:main:135505 'user-flush \@135501'
- | 6881 2001/10/23 12:23:28 renglish daemon:main 'user-sync -n'
- | 15211 15211 24099 p4d Mon Oct 22 16:16:23 2001 368K 0:00.01 /u/p
- | 18120 2001/10/23 12:23:32 grier grier:test 'user-sync'
- | 18385 2001/10/23 12:23:29 doucette doucette:raiders:56741 'user-flush //doucette:raiders:56741/.
- | 20971 2001/10/23 12:23:31 kiyoshi kiyoshi:ontap:ncsr 'user-sync'
- | 24099*24099 1 p4d Thu Oct 11 16:23:00 2001 272K 17:44.77 /u/p
- (^ indicates that this is the parent p4d process)
- | 26385 2001/10/23 00:28:59 sunitha sunitha:parityflip_main 'user-submit'
- | 26763 2001/10/23 12:19:55 jscott jscott:main:bug57014 'user-flush \@135485'
- This requires that Perforce server logging has been enabled, with
- -L <logfile> -v server=1 (or server=2)
- ...which causes the server to log, for each client command, a message
- of the form:
- Perforce server info:
- 2001/10/23 12:00:36 pid 55459 super\@ct 'user-jobs -e callnumbers=103238'
- Note that this includes the process id of the child p4d that was
- forked to service the user operation, the Perforce user that requested
- the operation, the originating client host name and IP, and some
- information about operation was requested.
- The options are:
- -p4d_i <regexp> For servers that run p4d from inetd (i.e., where there
- is no resident parent p4d), the <regexp> gives a pattern
- that is matched against the output of "ps", to select
- the "p4d" processes associated with the depot to be monitored.
- -p4d_iv <regexp> Like "-p4d_i", except that the <regexp> selects "ps" output lines
- to be explicitily _excluded_ from consideration.
- -p4d_pid The process id of the master (parent) p4d process.
- -p4d_log <logpath> Pathname to the p4d log file
- -tailn <tailsize> The number of lines from the tail of the logfile to look at
- in order to build a list of recent p4d processes to be matched
- to the current "ps" output. Setting this larger will make the
- command take more time, but be better able to provide Perforce
- log information for p4d processes that have been in execution
- for a long time. (i.e., commands that were started earlier than
- the oldest Perforce log entries examined will show up as raw
- "ps" output). [1500]
- You must supply the "-p4d_log" and either a "-p4d_i" or "-p4d_pid"
- option.
- exit 1;
- }
- my %p4d;
- my %log;
- my $ps_head;
- sub process_ent
- {
- my ($line) = @_;
- my @l = split(/\s+/, $line);
- if ($l[4] =~ /:/) { return; }
- if (defined($p4d{$l[4]}))
- {
- if ($l[5] eq "completed")
- { delete ($log{$l[4]}); }
- else
- { $log{$l[4]} = $line; }
- }
- }
- # option switch variables get defaults here...
- my $P4d_pid;
- my $P4d_log;
- my $Ntailn = "1500";
- my $P4d_i;
- my $P4d_iv;
- my @Args;
- my $Args;
- while ($#ARGV >= 0)
- {
- if ($ARGV[0] eq "-p4d_i")
- { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $P4d_i = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-p4d_iv")
- { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $P4d_iv = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-p4d_pid")
- { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $P4d_pid = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-p4d_log")
- { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $P4d_log = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-tailn")
- { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $Ntailn = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-help")
- { &help; }
- if ($Args ne "") { $Args .= " "; }
- push(@Args, $ARGV[0]);
- shift;
- }
- if ($#Args >= 0)
- {
- $Ntailn = shift @Args;
- $Ntailn =~ s/^-//; # backwards compatability
- }
- # We want, for each supported platform, a ps command that will, for
- # at _least_ the target p4d and all of it's children, produce output
- # where the first line is a header, and subseqent lines are process
- # info, with the first two columns being whitespace-split-able pid
- # and ppid. This will yield output parseable by the generic parsing
- # code. For systems where this can't be achieved, you'll need to add
- # special-case parsing code for your system.
- #
- # Feel free to customize for whatever ps output fields might be
- # useful, after the pid and ppid.
- #
- # You'll also need to set "$Ntail" to be the right form for the
- # argument to tell your "tail" command how many lines to grab.
- #
- my $Ps_cmd;
- my $Ntail;
- my $uname = `uname -a`;
- chomp $uname;
- my (@U) = split(/\s+/, $uname);
- if ($U[0] eq "OSF1")
- {
- $Ps_cmd = "/bin/ps -A -o pid -o ppid -o comm -o lstart -o rssize -o time -o args";
- $Ntail = "-$Ntailn";
- }
- elsif ($U[0] eq "Linux" && $U[2] eq "2.4.2-2")
- {
- $Ps_cmd = "/bin/ps -eo pid,ppid,comm,lstart,rssize,time,args";
- $Ntail = "--lines=$Ntailn";
- }
- elsif ($U[0] eq "FreeBSD" && $U[2] eq "4.1-RELEASE")
- {
- $Ps_cmd = "/bin/ps -axo pid,ppid,lstart,rsz,time,command";
- $Ntail = "-n $Ntailn";
- }
- else
- { die "I don't know how to run on this <$uname>"; }
- if (! $Ps_cmd) { die "Undetermined \$Ps_cmd"; }
- if (! $Ntail) { die "Undetermined \$Ntail"; }
- if (-e "/u/p4/.p4d.p4netapp.pid")
- #
- # (If we're at NetApp, for example...)
- #
- {
- open(PID, "</u/p4/.p4d.p4netapp.pid") || die "open /u/p4/.p4d.p4netapp.pid";
- $P4d_pid = <PID>; chomp $P4d_pid;
- }
- if (! $P4d_pid && ! $P4d_i) { die "Need to specify either -p4d_pid or -p4d_i"; }
- if (! $P4d_log) { die "Need to specify -p4d_log"; }
- if (! -r $P4d_log) { die "Can't read p4d_log <$P4d_log>"; }
- open(PS, "$Ps_cmd |") || die "open $Ps_cmd";
- while (<PS>)
- {
- chomp;
- if (/^\s*PID/i) { $ps_head = $_; }
- $_ =~ s/^\s*//;
- my ($pid, $ppid) = split(/\s+/, $_);
- # Weed out all processes except this server's p4d's:
- #
- if ($P4d_pid && (! ($pid eq $P4d_pid || $ppid eq $P4d_pid))) { next; }
- if ($P4d_i && $_ !~ /$P4d_i/) { next; }
- if ($P4d_iv && $_ =~ /$P4d_iv/) { next; }
- $p4d{$pid} = $_;
- }
- close PS;
- my $tail_cmd = "tail $Ntail $P4d_log";
- open(TAIL, "$tail_cmd |") || die "open \$tail_cmd";
- my $line = "";
- while (<TAIL>)
- {
- chomp;
- if (/Perforce server (message|error|info):/)
- {
- if ($line) { &process_ent($line); }
- $line = ""; next;
- }
- $_ =~ s/\s+/ /;
- $line .= "$_";
- }
- if ($line) { &process_ent($line); }
- #print "$ps_head\n";
- foreach my $pid (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys(%p4d)))
- {
- if ($pid eq $P4d_pid || ! defined($log{$pid}))
- {
- printf "%5d%s%s\n", $pid, ($pid eq $P4d_pid ? "*" : " "), substr($p4d{$pid}, 0, 80);
- next;
- }
- $log{$pid} =~ s/^\s+//;
- my @args;
- my $args;
- my ($day, $time, $PID, $P, $who, @args) = split(/\s+/, $log{$pid});
- $args = join(" ", @args);
- my $client;
- ($who, $client) = split(/@/, $who);
- $args = substr($args, 0, 50);
- printf "%5d %8s %8s %10s %s %s\n", $pid, $day, $time, $who, $client, $args;
- }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#4 | 983 | Richard Geiger | Beef up the help info, and make OSF work again. | 23 years ago | |
#3 | 894 | Richard Geiger |
Better interactions for -p4d_pid, $p4d_i; add -p4d_iv. Add crude usage & help info. |
24 years ago | |
#2 | 893 | Richard Geiger | Add some usage info. | 24 years ago | |
#1 | 889 | Richard Geiger | First draft revision of p4wd | 24 years ago |