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<font color="blue">This sample demonstrates the following:</font>
<font color="blue"> Given a list of changelists:</font>
<font color="blue"> </font>
<font color="blue"> Create a new label</font>
<font color="blue"> Change the view</font>
<font color="blue"> Change the description</font>
<font color="blue"> </font>
<font color="blue"> Identify all the files in each Changelist</font>
<font color="blue"> Add the most recent version of each file in all changelists to the label</font>
<font color="#a020f0">import</font> clr
<font color="#a020f0">from</font> System <font color="#a020f0">import</font> Array, String
clr.AddReferenceToFile('<font color="blue">P4API.dll</font>')
<font color="#a020f0">import</font> P4API
p4 = P4API.P4Connection()
labelName = '<font color="blue">P4NetTestingSample</font>'
<font color="green"># build my label</font>
labelForm = p4.Fetch_Form('<font color="blue">label</font>', labelName)
labelForm['<font color="blue">Description</font>'] = '<font color="blue">Created for P4.Net sample</font>'
view = Array[String](['<font color="blue">//guest/shawn_hladky/...</font>'])
labelForm.ArrayFields['<font color="blue">View</font>'] = view
<font color="green"># My list of changes. This is totally arbitrary</font>
changes=['<font color="blue">5774</font>', '<font color="blue">5680</font>', '<font color="blue">5636</font>', '<font color="blue">5444</font>']
<font color="green"># sort ascending, so the highest revisions will be last when looping</font>
sorted_changes = changes.sort()
<font color="green"># dictionary: keyed by file, value = revision</font>
filerevs = {}
<font color="green"># spin the description on each file</font>
<font color="#804040"><b>for</b></font> chg <font color="#804040"><b>in</b></font> p4.Run('<font color="blue">describe</font>', '<font color="blue">-s</font>', *changes):
depotFiles = chg.ArrayFields['<font color="blue">depotFile</font>']
revisions = chg.ArrayFields['<font color="blue">rev</font>']
<font color="#804040"><b>for</b></font> i <font color="#804040"><b>in</b></font> range(0, len(depotFiles)):
key,value = depotFiles[i], revisions[i]
<font color="green"># convert the dictionary to a list like ['//depot/file#5']</font>
fileRevList = ["<font color="blue">%s#%s</font>" % (k,v) <font color="#804040"><b>for</b></font> k,v <font color="#804040"><b>in</b></font> filerevs.items()]
labelsync_output = p4.RunUnParsed('<font color="blue">labelsync</font>', '<font color="blue">-l</font>', labelName, *fileRevList)
<font color="#804040"><b>for</b></font> s <font color="#804040"><b>in</b></font> labelsync_output: <font color="#804040"><b>print</b></font> s
<font color="green"># delete the label to keep the public depot clean :-)</font>
p4.RunUnParsed('<font color="blue">label</font>', '<font color="blue">-d</font>', labelName)
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
6414 |
Robert Cowham |
Initial branch |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/main/doc/pythonsample/ironpyton.py.html |
5830 |
Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: reorg to support release branches |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/doc/pythonsample/ironpyton.py.html |
5799 |
Shawn Hladky |
p4.net missing doc files |