# $Id: //guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/p4checkpoint.pl#2 $
# Modified by Robert Cowham (rc@vaccaperna.co.uk)
# - make tar step configurable
# - add Mailing option
# - add verify option
# Copyright (c) 2000, Sandy Currier (sandy@releng.com)
# Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# This script will backup a perforce database
# This is done by:
# - creating a new checkpoint
# - keeping only a certain number of checkpoint files
# NOTE: to schedule this on NT (via the at command and the scheduler service)
# 'at 22:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su d:\perforce\backup.plx`
# NOTE: to schedule this on unix, use crontab (see manpages)
# BUT, the plx suffix must be a recognized file type (for the above to work)
# 1) goto MyComputer -> View <tab> -> Options... -> File Types <tab>
# 2) add a plx suffix (new type); fill in 'Description of Type' and
# 'associated extension'
# 3) click New <action>
# a) the action is: 'open'
# b) the application is something like 'c:\perl\bin\perl.exe "%1" %*'
# That last bit is the Bill magic to pass args to perl scripts
# NOTE: to cron this on unix, add a cron entry
# first, see if unix or NT or what...
# need a recent version of perl on NT to have win32 module/config stuff
package main;
$SEND_MAIL = 0; # Package assumed not to be installed
require 5.004;
unless ($Platform{'os'}) {
unless ($Platform{'os'} = $^O) {
use Config (); # import nothing
$Platform{'os'} = $Config::Config{'osname'};
# You need to install this package if you want emails sent
eval{use Mail::Sendmail qw(sendmail %mailcfg);};
if (!$@) {
# bottom layer OS specific variables/constants
if ($Platform{'os'} =~ /Win/i) {
# win32
$Platform{'os'} = "win32";
$Platform{'pd'} = '\\';
$Platform{'cp'} = "xcopy /s /e /k /i";
$Platform{'gzip'} = "gzip.exe";
# Note on exit codes:
# 0 Files were copied without error.
# 1 No files were found to copy.
# 2 The user pressed CTRL+C to terminate xcopy.
# 4 Initialization error occurred. There is not enough
# memory or disk space, or you entered an invalid
# drive name or invalid syntax on the command line.
# 5 Disk write error occurred.
} elsif ($Platform{'os'}=~/vms/i) {
# vms
die "vms is currently not a supported platform";
} elsif ($Platform{'os'}=~/os2/i) {
# os2
die "os2 is currently not a supported platform";
} elsif ($Platform{'os'}=~/Mac/i or (defined($MacPerl::Version) and $MacPerl::Version)) {
# mac
$Platform{'pd'} = ':'; # use this in pathname pattern matching (mac)
die "macintosh is currently not a supported platform";
} else {
# unix
$Platform{'os'} = "unix";
$Platform{'pd'} = '/';
$Platform{'cp'} = "cp -rp";
$Platform{'gzip'} = "gzip";
# note on unix error codes
# Unbuffer STDERR and STDOUT
$| = 1; # Make STDERR be unbuffered.
$| = 1; # STDOUT too so, they can mix.
# set up some globale
# Note: assume that the PATH EV is going to be used to find p4
$err = "***";
$ThisCmd = "p4checkpoint.pl"; # this command name
$NetApp = ""; # the name of the NetApp
$logfile_opened_p = 0; # set when the logfile has been opened
$maxbackups = 5; # the maximum number of backup copies
# to keep
$portnumber = "1666"; # the port number for p4port
$host = "perforce"; # the hostname to go with the above port number checkpoint
$stop_p = 0; # whether or not to stop/start the servers
$gzip_p = 0; # whether or not to gzip
$snap_p = 0; # whether or not to snapshot a Network Appliance
$tar_p = 0; # whether to create tars of depot (archive) files
$mail_p = 1; # whether to email the results
$verify_p = 1; # whether to run verify before checkpont
@depots = (); # the depots to tar up
$CkptName = "checkpoint"; # the filename (absolute or relative) of the checkpoint
$CkptSuffix = "ckp";
$JnlSuffix = "jnl";
$printonly = 0;
$fakeckp = 123;
# user overrides
$P4Port = "1666";
$P4InstallDir = "c:/program files/perforce";
$DepotRoot = "c:/perforce";
$BackupDir = "c:/perforce/backups";
$SnapshotDir = "";
# Mail configuration
if ($SEND_MAIL) {
if ($mail_p) {
# Need to configure mail server and addresses
$mailcfg{smtp} = [qw(smtp.aaisp.net.uk)];
$mailcfg{port} = 25; # default
$mailcfg{from} = 'Perforce Backup p4d@vaccaperna.co.uk'; # Email address required!
# Decide who is going to get the mail - example for multiple users:
# $MailTo = 'Someone <him@there.com>, Someone else her@there.com';
$MailTo = 'rhc@vaccaperna.co.uk';
else {
$mail_p = 0; # No point in being set if package not installed!
# set up the other global variable
sub SetGlobals {
# Note: better to set the EV's so that it doesn't get printed all over the place
$ENV{'P4CONFIG'} = "";
$ENV{'P4PASSWD'} = "";
$ENV{'P4USER'} = "";
if ($Platform{'os'} eq "win32") {
$P4Port = "perforce:1666" unless ($P4Port);
$P4InstallDir = "e:/perforce" unless ($P4InstallDir);
$DepotRoot = "e:/perforce" unless ($DepotRoot);
$BackupDir = "e:/perforce/backups" unless ($BackupDir);
$SnapshotDir = "d:/perforce/~snapshot/checkpoint/perforce" unless ($SnapshotDir);
# the below are derived from above
$P4 = "p4.exe";
$P4D = "p4d.exe";
$CkptPname = "$BackupDir/$CkptName";
$CkptCmd = &unix2dos("$P4D -r \"$DepotRoot\" -jc \"$CkptPname\"");
$CkptJnlCmd = &unix2dos("$P4D -r \"$DepotRoot\" -jj \"$CkptPname\"");
# this one is odd - only used when snapshoting...
$CkptFileCmd = &unix2dos("$P4D -r \"$SnapshotDir\" -jd"); # the filename is generated on the fly
$TarCmd = &unix2dos("c:/toolkit/mksnt/tar");
$StopCmd = "net stop Perforce";
$StartCmd = "net start Perforce";
else { # unix
$P4Port = "$host:$portnumber" unless ($P4Port);
$P4InstallDir = "/usr/local/bin" unless ($P4InstallDir);
$DepotRoot = "/perforce/perforce/p4files.$portnumber" unless ($DepotRoot);
$BackupDir = "/perforce/perforce/backups.$portnumber" unless ($BackupDir);
$SnapshotDir = "/perforce/.snapshot/checkpoint/perforce/p4files.$portnumber" unless ($SnapshotDir);
# the below are derived from above
$P4 = "$P4InstallDir/p4";
$P4D = "$P4InstallDir/p4d";
$CkptPname = "$BackupDir/$CkptName";
$CkptCmd = "$P4D -r $DepotRoot -jc $CkptPname";
$CkptJnlCmd = "$P4D -r $DepotRoot -jj $CkptPname";
# this one is odd - only used when snapshoting...
$CkptFileCmd = "$P4D -r $SnapshotDir -jd"; # the filename is generated on the fly
$TarCmd = "/usr/local/bin/tar";
$StopCmd = "$P4 -p $P4Port admin stop";
$StartCmd = "$P4D -p $P4Port -d -r $DepotRoot -L $DepotRoot/p4d.log -J journal";
$VerifyCmd = "$P4 -p $P4Port verify -q //...";
$VerifyUpdateCmd = "$P4 -p $P4Port verify -qu //...";
$LogFile = "$BackupDir/backup.log";
$SnapDeleteCmd = "sudo /bin/rsh $NetApp snap delete vol0 checkpoint";
$SnapCreateCmd = "sudo /bin/rsh $NetApp snap create vol0 checkpoint";
# now parse any args
# the usage message (for -h or on error)
$help = "$ThisCmd portnumber [options...]
This command will checkpoint a perforce repository.
The checkpoint command is: '$CkptCmd'
portnumber The port number for the P4PORT to backup.
Several variables are derived from this value.
-h Prints this help message
-n Will not run write to disk - mostly print
-maxbackups N Specify the number of backup files
to retain (def = $maxbackups)
-depotroot <str> Specify another depot root
# parse command line
my($param) = 0;
while($i <= $#ARGV) {
# scan for a help switch
if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-h/i) {
&DieHelp("", $help);
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-n/) {
$printonly = 1;
# scan for variable definitions (-variable value)
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-\w+/ and defined($ARGV[$i+1]) and $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-[^-]/) {
# NOTE: nt has a difficult time with '=' on a command line...
# process any variable value switches
my($var) = $ARGV[$i];
$var =~ s/^-//;
my($value) = $ARGV[$i+1];
if (defined $$var) {
$$var = $value;
else {
&DieHelp("Unknown parameter '$var'\n", $help);
# catch unsupported switches
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-/) {
&DieHelp("Unsupported switch \"$ARGV[$i]\"\n", $help);
elsif ($param == 0) {
$portnumber = $ARGV[$i];
else {
&DieHelp("Extra args: @ARGV\n", $help);
# Note: if the user overwrote the $DepotRoot value...
$DepotRoot = &other2unix($DepotRoot) if ($DepotRoot);
# algorithm:
# verify depot files
# stop the perforce service
# create a new checkpoint
# create a new tar file
# if this is the 7th day of the month, restart the databases
# start the perforce service
# limit number of each thing
# algorithm ($snapshot_p == 1)
# get a list of depots
# stop the server
# truncate the journal (will bump the journal counter)
# create the snapshot
# restart the server
# moving to the snapshot directorty:
# create a checkpoint (do not truncate the journal nor bump the counter)
# tar up the depots??? - maybe not
# the magic command (must by verbatum)
# sudo /bin/rsh $NetApp snap delete vol0 checkpoint
# sudo /bin/rsh $NetApp snap create vol0 checkpoint
# sudo /bin/rsh $NetApp snap list vol0
# so, delete snapshot, stop server, journal checkpoint, snapshot, start server,
# cd to snapshot,
# create checkpoint file only (into backupdir), tar into backupdir, punt
# gzip (no need), exit
# In the beginning, log the time
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: beginning backup at: $tmp\n");
# But first, cd there...
if (!-d $P4InstallDir) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - the p4installdir directory $P4InstallDir is not a directory\n");
if (!-d $DepotRoot) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - the p4root directory $DepotRoot is not a directory or doesn't exist\n");
if (!-d $BackupDir) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - the backup directory $BackupDir is not a directory or doesn't exist\n");
&PrintAndLog(">>> chdir to $P4InstallDir\n");
$tmp = chdir $P4InstallDir;
unless ($tmp) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - could not cd to $P4InstallDir\n$!");
# get the active depots first
local($printonly) = 0; # do it even if $printonly
@depots = &GetDepots();
# if snapshot'ing, do one thing; else, the other
if ($snap_p) { # snapshots...
# 1a, verify archive files
if ($verify_p) {
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: verifying archive files at: $tmp\n");
# delete old checkpoint
$output = &ExecuteCommand($SnapDeleteCmd);
if ($output !~ /^(deleting snapshot\.+|No such snapshot.)$/ and !$printonly) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: could not delete snapshot checkpoint\n$output");
else {
# stop server
if ($stop_p) {
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: stopping perforce server at: $tmp\n");
# truncate the journal
($ckptnumber, $journalfile) = &Truncate();
# snapshot
$output = &ExecuteCommand($SnapCreateCmd);
if ($output !~ /^creating snapshot\.+$/ and !$printonly) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: could not create snapshot checkpoint\n$output");
else {
# start server
if ($stop_p) {
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: starting perforce server at: $tmp\n");
# checkpoint snapshot dir (writing to backup dir)
# third, tar up all depots - after finding all depots
if ($tar_p) {
foreach my $depot (@depots) {
# however, if the depot directory does not exist, just print and punt
if (! -d "$SnapshotDir/$depot") {
&PrintAndLog("Warning: $depot directory (in $SnapshotDir) does not exist - punting...\n");
else {
&ExecuteCommand("$TarCmd -C \"$SnapshotDir\" -cf \"$BackupDir/$depot.$ckptnumber.tar\" $depot");
else { # no snapshots...
# 1a, verify archive files
if ($verify_p) {
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: verifying archive files at: $tmp\n");
# 1b, stop perforce
if ($stop_p) {
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: stopping perforce server at: $tmp\n");
# second, checkpoint the meta-data
# note: need to save the checkpoint number and the journal file name for later...
($ckptnumber, $journalfile) = &CheckPoint();
# third, tar up all depots - after finding all depots
if ($tar_p) {
foreach my $depot (@depots) {
# however, if the depot directory doesnot exist, just print and punt
if (! -d "$DepotRoot/$depot") {
&PrintAndLog("Warning: $depot directory (in $DepotRoot) does not exist - punting...\n");
else {
&ExecuteCommand("$TarCmd -C \"$DepotRoot\" -cf \"$BackupDir/$depot.$ckptnumber.tar\" $depot");
# fourth, restart perforce
if ($stop_p) {
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
&PrintAndLog(">>> $ThisCmd: starting perforce server at: $tmp\n");
# at this point, do the same thing whether or not snapshoting
# fifth, limit the number of checkpoints
my(@checkpoints) = &GetCkpts($BackupDir, $CkptName, $CkptSuffix);
&DeleteExtras($BackupDir, @checkpoints);
# sixth, limit the number of tar files (a no-op in the snapshot case)
if ($tar_p) {
foreach my $depot (@depots) {
my(@tarfiles) = &GetTars($BackupDir, $depot, "tar");
&DeleteExtras($BackupDir, @tarfiles);
# seventh, limit the number of journal files
my(@checkpoints) = &GetJournals($BackupDir, $CkptName, $JnlSuffix);
&DeleteExtras($BackupDir, @checkpoints);
# eighth, compress the tar files and journal files
# note: gzip compresses in place...
if ($gzip_p) {
if ($tar_p) {
foreach my $depot (@depots) {
if (-r "$BackupDir/$depot.$ckptnumber.tar") {
&ExecuteCommand("$Platform{'gzip'} \"$BackupDir/$depot.$ckptnumber.tar\"");
&ExecuteCommand("$Platform{'gzip'} $CkptPname.ckp.$ckptnumber")
if (-r "$CkptPname.ckp.$ckptnumber");
&ExecuteCommand("$Platform{'gzip'} $journalfile")
if (-r $journalfile);
# and in the end, the love we take, is equal to the love we make...
$tmp = &TimeString(time);
$msg = ">>> $ThisCmd: ending backup at: $tmp\n";
&MailMsg("Finished successful backup", $msg);
if ($logfile_opened_p) {
# will cleanly abort when in the middle of stuff, trying to restart the server if stopped
sub AbortOnError {
my($string) = @_;
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err $string\n") if ($string);
&MailMsg("Error with backup", "$err $string");
if ($stopped_p) {
$stopped_p = 0; # so to avoid an infinite loop...
if ($logfile_opened_p) {
# Send appropriate Mail
sub MailMsg {
my($subject, $msg) = @_;
return if !$mail_p;
%mail = ( To => $MailTo,
Subject => $subject,
Message => $msg
if (sendmail(%mail)) {
$logmsg = "Successfully sent mail\n"
else {
$logmsg = "$err Failed to send mail $Mail::Sendmail::error \n"
# will execute a random OS command
sub ExecuteCommand {
my($cmd, $ignore_error) = @_;
unless ($printonly) {
&PrintAndLog("running: $cmd\n");
# special cased commands
$tmp = `$cmd 2>&1`;
if ($? and !$ignore_error) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - could not execute $cmd\n$?");
else {
&PrintAndLog("not running: $cmd\n");
# a system version of the above (sometimes needed in strange situations where the
# fork (note the -d switch to p4d) will get hung up, like during perldb...)
sub ExecuteCommandSystem {
my($cmd, $ignore_error) = @_;
unless ($printonly) {
&PrintAndLog("running: $cmd\n");
# special cased commands
if ($? and !$ignore_error) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - could not execute $cmd\n$?");
else {
&PrintAndLog("not running: $cmd\n");
# will delete extra backups of stuff
# NOTE: @_ must be an time ordered array of old to youngest copies
sub DeleteExtras {
my($directory, @array) = @_;
my($i, $tmp);
if ($#array >= $maxbackups) {
# delete some
for ($i=0; $i<=$#array - $maxbackups; $i++) {
# delete it
&PrintAndLog("running: unlink \"$directory/$array[$i]\"\n");
unless ($printonly) {
$tmp = unlink "$directory/$array[$i]";
unless ($tmp) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - could not delete old checkpoint file \"$directory/$array[$i]\"\n$?");
# will convert a random OS delimited pathname to a perl pathname
sub other2unix {
my($filename) = @_;
my($pattern) = $Platform{'pd'};
$pattern =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # escape wildchars
$filename =~ s|$pattern|/|g;
# if just "^/..." but not "^//..." (which could either by a UNC name
# or perforce depot name)
if ($Platform{'os'} eq 'win32' and $filename =~ /^\/[^\/]/) {
# try to convert to a drive letter - ignore errors at this low a level
my($tmp) = `cd`;
if ($tmp =~ /^([a-zA-Z]:)/) {
return("/") if ($filename =~ /^\/+$/); # if just /+, return just /
if ($filename =~ /^\/\//) {
# add them back in later
$filename =~ s|/+|/|g; # remove doubles
$filename = "/$filename";
else {
$filename =~ s|/+|/|g; # remove doubles
# remove trailing
$filename =~ s|/+$||;
# blindly converts "/" to "\"
sub unix2dos {
my($filename) = @_;
$filename =~ s|/|\\|g;
# will print a help message and then exit
sub DieHelp {
my($str, $help) = @_;
print STDERR "$err $str\nUsage: $help";
# get the depots
sub GetDepots {
my($command) = "$P4 -p $P4Port depots";
my(@depots, $tmp);
$tmp = &ExecuteCommand($command);
@depots = split('\n', $tmp);
if ($#depots < 0) {
@depots = ("depot");
else {
# only do local depots
@depots = grep(/\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} local subdir/, @depots);
foreach (@depots) {
s|^.*\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} local subdir ([^\/]+).*$|$1|;
# will return an ordered list of backups (whether or not gzip'ed)
sub GetCkpts {
my($directory, $CkptName, $suffix) = @_;
my(@filenames, @tmp);
# read the directory
if (! -d $directory) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetCkpts - '$directory' is not a dir\n");
if (!opendir(THEDIR,$directory)) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetCkpts - cannot open $directory for reading\n");
@tmp = grep(/^$CkptName\.$suffix\.[0-9]+/,readdir(THEDIR));
@filenames = sort sortbyckptname (@tmp);
# will return an ordered list of backups (whether or not gzip'ed)
sub GetJournals {
my($directory, $CkptName, $suffix) = @_;
my(@filenames, @tmp);
# read the directory
if (! -d $directory) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetJournals - '$directory' is not a dir\n");
if (!opendir(THEDIR,$directory)) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetJournals - cannot open $directory for reading\n");
@tmp = grep(/^$CkptName\.$suffix\.[0-9]+/,readdir(THEDIR));
@filenames = sort sortbyckptname (@tmp);
# will return an ordered list of backups (whether or not gzip'ed)
sub GetTars {
my($directory, $name, $suffix) = @_;
my(@filenames, @tmp);
# read the directory
if (! -d $directory) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetCkpts - '$directory' is not a dir\n");
if (!opendir(THEDIR,$directory)) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetCkpts - cannot open $directory for reading\n");
@tmp = grep(/^$name\.[0-9]+\.$suffix/,readdir(THEDIR));
@filenames = sort sortbytarname (@tmp);
# will return an ordered list of backups
sub GetNextTarfileName {
my($directory) = @_;
my(@tmp, $newname);
# read the directory
if (! -d $directory) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetNextTarfileName - '$directory' is not a dir\n");
if (!opendir(THEDIR,$directory)) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$err GetNextTarfileName - cannot open $directory for reading\n");
@tmp = grep(/^depot\.[0-9]+\.tar$/,readdir(THEDIR));
@filenames = reverse sort sortbytarname (@tmp);
$newname = $filenames[0];
# now increment the middle field
@tmp = split(/\./, $newname);
$newname = join("", @tmp);
# sort numerically
sub sortbyckptname {
my($tmpa, $tmpb, $junk);
($junk, $junk, $tmpa) = split(/\./, $a);
($junk, $junk, $tmpb) = split(/\./, $b);
$tmpa <=> $tmpb;
# sort numerically
sub sortbytarname {
my($tmpa, $tmpb, $junk);
($junk, $tmpa, $junk) = split(/\./, $a, 3);
($junk, $tmpb, $junk) = split(/\./, $b, 3);
$tmpa <=> $tmpb;
sub PrintAndLog {
my($string) = @_;
if ($LogFile and !$printonly) {
unless ($logfile_opened_p) {
if (!open(LOG, ">>$LogFile")) {
print STDERR "$err $ThisCmd: could not open logfile $LogFile\n$!\n";
$LogFile = ""; # do not do it again
else {
$logfile_opened_p = 1;
if ($LogFile) {
print LOG $string;
print STDOUT $string;
sub PrintErrorAndLog {
my($string) = @_;
if ($LogFile) {
unless ($logfile_opened_p) {
if (!open(LOG, ">>$LogFile")) {
print STDERR "$err $ThisCmd: could not open logfile $LogFile\n$!\n";
$LogFile = ""; # do not do it again
else {
$logfile_opened_p = 1;
if ($LogFile) {
print LOG $string;
print STDERR $string;
# will print time in a yyyymmdd.hhmmss format
sub TimeString {
my($time) = @_;
# Normally: ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($time);
@ltime = localtime($time);
# do not forget to add 1900 to the century, and 1 to the month
($ltime[5]+1900), $ltime[4]+1, $ltime[3],
$ltime[2], $ltime[1], $ltime[0]));
# returns true if true
sub VerifyServerState {
my($string) = @_;
# see if server is running or stopped
@output = &ExecuteCommand("$P4 -p $P4Port info", 1);
if ($string eq "stop") {
if (grep(/^Perforce client error:/, @output) and grep(/Connect to server failed/, @output)) {
else {
else {
if (grep(/^Perforce client error:/, @output) and grep(/Connect to server failed/, @output)) {
else {
# stop the server
sub StopServer {
my($tmp) = &ExecuteCommand($StopCmd);
# wait 5 seconds
sleep 5;
# verify the server is stopped
$tmp = &VerifyServerState("stop");
unless ($tmp or $printonly) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - couldn't stop the perforce server\n$tmp");
$stopped_p = 1;
# start server
sub StartServer {
my($tmp) = &ExecuteCommandSystem($StartCmd);
if ($tmp) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - something went wrong with perforce server start\n$tmp");
# sleep for 5 seconds
sleep 5;
# verify the server is stopped
$tmp = &VerifyServerState("start");
unless ($tmp or $printonly) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - couldn't start the perforce server\n$tmp");
$stopped_p = 0;
# verify archive files
sub VerifyArchives {
my($output) = &ExecuteCommand($VerifyCmd);
if ($output) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$ThisCmd: error - verifying archive files\n$output");
&MailMsg("Verify error", $output);
$output = &ExecuteCommand($VerifyUpdateCmd); # Update signatures for new files
if ($output) {
&PrintErrorAndLog("$ThisCmd: error - updating archive file signatures\n$output");
# checkpoint the database and truncate (rename) the journal file (bumping the journal counter)
sub CheckPoint {
my($ckpt_output) = &ExecuteCommand($CkptCmd);
my($ckptnumber, $journalfile);
$ckpt_output = &other2unix($ckpt_output); # make sure that everything is unix
# Note: inspect $ckpt_output to determine checkpoint number
unless ($printonly) {
unless ($ckpt_output =~ /^Checkpointing to $CkptPname\.$CkptSuffix\.([0-9]+)/i) {
$ckptnumber = $1; # save away the ckptnumber for later
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - trouble creating checkpoint\n$ckpt_output");
else {
$ckptnumber = $1; # save away the ckptnumber for later
if ($ckptnumber eq "") {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: internal error - checkpoint number is nil");
# note: get journal file too...
unless ($ckpt_output =~ /Saving journal to (.*\.[0-9]+)/i) {
$journalfile = $1;
&PrintErrorAndLog("$ThisCmd: error - trouble creating journal\n$ckpt_output");
else {
$journalfile = $1;
else {
$ckptnumber = $fakeckp;
my($foo) = $fakeckp - 1;
$journalfile = "$CkptPname.$JnlSuffix.$foo";
return($ckptnumber, $journalfile);
# truncate (rename) the journal file (bumping the journal counter)
sub Truncate {
my($ckpt_output) = &ExecuteCommand($CkptJnlCmd);
my($ckptnumber, $journalfile);
$ckpt_output = &other2unix($ckpt_output); # make sure that everything is unix
# note: get journal file too...
unless ($printonly) {
unless ($ckpt_output =~ /^Saving journal to ($CkptPname\.$JnlSuffix\.[0-9]+)/i) {
$journalfile = $1;
&PrintErrorAndLog("$ThisCmd: error - trouble creating journal\n$ckpt_output");
else {
$journalfile = $1;
$ckpt_output =~ /^Saving journal to $CkptPname\.$JnlSuffix\.([0-9]+)/i;
$ckptnumber = $1;
if ($ckptnumber eq "") {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: internal error - checkpoint number is nil");
# journal numbers are always one less than a ckptnumber...
else {
$ckptnumber = $fakeckp;
my($foo) = $fakeckp - 1;
$journalfile = "$CkptPname.$JnlSuffix.$foo";
return($ckptnumber, $journalfile);
# checkpoint the database but no journal truncate
sub CheckPointOnly {
my($number) = @_;
my($ckpt_output) = &ExecuteCommand("$CkptFileCmd \"$CkptPname.$CkptSuffix.$number\"");
$ckpt_output = &other2unix($ckpt_output); # make sure that everything is unix
# Note: inspect $ckpt_output to determine checkpoint number
unless ($printonly) {
unless ($ckpt_output =~ /^Dumping to $CkptPname\.$CkptSuffix\.([0-9]+)/i) {
&AbortOnError("$ThisCmd: error - trouble creating checkpoint\n$ckpt_output");
else {