#!/usr/local/bin/python # import sys, os, string, re # everybody is using this expFileNameField = re.compile( r'^(//.+)/(.+)' ) # This func corresponds to p4 diff2 with the -dn switch def extract_metrics_counts_rcs_filetofile( depot_file_and_rev1, depot_file_and_rev2 ): # Does a p4 changes depot_root@label_one depot_root@label_two # depot_root is used to limit the diff range to a single "project" # or something even smaller.. like a single file # we then parse the output and add up the totals command = 'p4 diff2 -dn \"' + depot_file_and_rev1 + '\" \"' + depot_file_and_rev2 + '\"' lines_added = 0 lines_changed = 0 lines_deleted = 0 #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command +' \n' ) # break the line up according to... # sample line: a85 2 # operation (line)location (Number of lines affected)count p = re.compile( r'^([ad])([0-9]+) (\d+)' ) for line in os.popen( command,'r').readlines(): tmp = line[0:1] if tmp == 'a' or tmp == 'd': # only do this if we have a match otherwise groups() will blow chunks diffing an rtf m = p.match( line ) if m: (operation, location, count) = re.match( r'^([ad])([0-9]+) (\d+)', line).groups() #sys.stdout.write( '>' + operation + '< >' + location + '< >' + count + '<\n' ) if tmp == 'a': lines_added = lines_added + int( count ) elif tmp == 'd': lines_deleted = lines_deleted + int( count ) return lines_added, lines_deleted # This func corresponds to p4 diff2 with the -dc switch def extract_metrics_counts_context_filetofile( depot_file_and_rev1, depot_file_and_rev2 ): # Does a p4 changes depot_root@label_one depot_root@label_two # depot_root is used to limit the diff range to a single "project" # or something even smaller.. like a single file # we then parse the output and add up the totals command = 'p4 diff2 -dc \"' + depot_file_and_rev1 + '\" \"' + depot_file_and_rev2 + '\"' lines_added = 0 lines_changed = 0 lines_deleted = 0 #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command +' \n' ) for line in os.popen( command,'r').readlines(): # sample line: Change number on date by name@machine 'comment' # dummy ch# #sys.stdout.write( line + '\n' ) tmp = line[0:1] if tmp == '+': lines_added = lines_added + 1 elif tmp == '-': lines_deleted = lines_deleted + 1 elif tmp == '!': lines_changed = lines_changed +1 return lines_added,lines_changed,lines_deleted def extract_metrics_counts_summary_filetofile( depot_file_and_rev1, depot_file_and_rev2 ): # Does a p4 changes depot_root@label_one depot_root@label_two # depot_root is used to limit the diff range to a single "project" # or something even smaller.. like a single file # we then parse the output and add up the totals command = 'p4 diff2 -ds \"' + depot_file_and_rev1 + '\" \"' + depot_file_and_rev2 + '\"' lines_added = 0 add_chunks = 0 lines_deleted = 0 delete_chunks = 0 lines_changed = 0 change_chunks = 0 extra_data = 0 #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command +' \n' ) # This will match lines starting with exp1 = re.compile( r'^["add""deleted""changed]"' ) # # The next 3 eat the add deleted and changed lines # it could be one expression I suppose # exp2 = re.compile( r'^(add) (\d+) (chunks) (\d+)' ) exp3 = re.compile( r'^(deleted) (\d+) (chunks) (\d+)' ) exp4 = re.compile( r'^(changed) (\d+) (chunks) (\d+) / (\d+)' ) for line in os.popen( command,'r').readlines(): # only do this if we have a match m2 = exp2.search( line ) m3 = exp3.search( line ) m4 = exp4.search( line ) if m2: ( operation, count1, chunks, count2 ) = m2.groups() add_chunks = add_chunks + int( count1 ) lines_added = lines_added + int( count2 ) #sys.stdout.write( count2 + '\n' ) elif m3: ( operation, count1, chunks, count2 ) = m3.groups() delete_chunks = delete_chunks + int( count1 ) lines_deleted = lines_deleted + int( count2 ) #sys.stdout.write( count2 + '\n' ) elif m4: ( operation, count1, chunks, count2, count3 ) = m4.groups() change_chunks = change_chunks + int( count1 ) extra_data = extra_data + int( count2 ) lines_changed = lines_changed + int( count3 ) #sys.stdout.write( count3 + '\n' ) return lines_added,add_chunks,lines_deleted,delete_chunks,lines_changed,change_chunks, extra_data # This func corresponds to p4 diff2 with the -du switch def extract_metrics_counts_unified_filetofile( depot_file_and_rev1, depot_file_and_rev2 ): # Does a p4 changes depot_root@label_one depot_root@label_two # depot_root is used to limit the diff range to a single "project" # or something even smaller.. like a single file # we then parse the output and add up the totals command = 'p4 diff2 -du \"' + depot_file_and_rev1 + '\" \"' + depot_file_and_rev2 + '\"' lines_added = 0 lines_deleted = 0 #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command +' \n' ) for line in os.popen( command,'r').readlines(): # sample line: Change number on date by name@machine 'comment' # dummy ch# #sys.stdout.write( line + '\n' ) tmp = line[0:1] if tmp == '+': lines_added = lines_added + 1 elif tmp == '-': lines_deleted = lines_deleted + 1 return lines_added, lines_deleted # This func generates a list of change numbers that have been # added between the 2 points. # It's equivalent to p4 changes //depot/some def extract_change_numbers( depot_root, label_one, label_two ): # Does a p4 changes depot_root@label_one depot_root@label_two # depot_root is used to limit the diff range to a single "project" # or something even smaller.. like a single file # we then parse the output and add up the totals command1 = 'p4 changes ' + depot_root + label_one command2 = 'p4 changes ' + depot_root + label_two first_list = [] second_list = [] difflist = [] # break the line up according to... # # This seems to work best with 2 groups expChangeNumber = re.compile( r'^(Change )(\d+)' ) #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command1 +' \n' ) for line in os.popen( command1,'r').readlines(): s1 = expChangeNumber.search( line ) ( junk, changeNumber1 ) = s1.groups() #sys.stdout.write('Change Number list 1-> ' + `changeNumber1` +' \n' ) first_list.append( changeNumber1 ) #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command2 +' \n' ) for line in os.popen( command2,'r').readlines(): s1 = expChangeNumber.search( line ) ( junk, changeNumber2 ) = s1.groups() #sys.stdout.write('Change Number list 2-> ' + `changeNumber2` +' \n' ) second_list.append( changeNumber2 ) # The following is a very basic diff routine for 2 lists # Remove items from the second list if they are in the first for item in first_list: try: x = second_list.index (item) except: pass else: second_list.remove (item) summation = second_list index = 0 difflist_length = 0 while index <= len( summation ): #sys.stdout.write( 'Index ' + `index` + '\n' ) if index + 1 >= len( summation ): if index != len( summation ): difflist_length = difflist_length + 1 difflist.append( summation[ index ] ) break else: if summation[ index ] == summation[ index + 1 ]: index = index + 2 #sys.stdout.write( 'Index is ' + `index` + ' After jumpin over\n' ) else: #sys.stdout.write( summation[ index ] + '\n' ) difflist_length = difflist_length + 1 difflist.append( summation[ index ] ) index = index + 1 # Lets print out some summary data sys.stdout.write( '\n' + `difflist_length` + ' Changelists submitted:\n' ) for changeNumber in difflist: sys.stdout.write( changeNumber + ' ' ) sys.stdout.write( '\n\n' ) return difflist def gen_change_data( listof_changenums ): # Parse the data for each change command = 'p4 describe -s ' change_dict = {} # break the line up according to... # # This seems to work best with 2 groups expChangeFields = re.compile( r'^Change (\d+) by (.+) on (\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)' ) expFileFields = re.compile( r'^... (.+)#(\d+) (.+)' ) expFileNameField = re.compile( r'^(//.+)/(.+)' ) #sys.stdout.write('Extraction function using ' + command +' \n' ) # for every change number do a p4 describe # for num in listof_changenums: # Now for each p4 describe, suck in all the output lines # list_of_files = [] for line in os.popen( command + num,'r').readlines(): # Now use re to recognize the header line or the file lines # sdata = expChangeFields.search( line ) sfile = expFileFields.search( line ) if sdata: # Aha! this is first line that contains the user name stuff... # ( changeNumber, user, year, month, day, hour, min, sec ) = sdata.groups() if sfile: # This is a line listing a file that belongs to this change # ( depotPath, revnum, action ) = sfile.groups() sfileandpath = expFileNameField.search( depotPath ) if sfileandpath: ( pathOnly, fileName ) = sfileandpath.groups() #sys.stdout.write( pathOnly + ',' + fileName + ',' ) list_of_files.append( [ depotPath, revnum, action, user ] ) #sys.stdout.write( revnum + ',' + # action + ',' + # changeNumber + ',' + # user + ',' + # year + ',' + # month + ',' + # day + ',' + # hour + ',' + # min + ',' + # sec + '\n' ) # after processing the change list add the data gained into the # into the dictionary of changlistss # Use the KeyError exception to add keys that are missing # otherwise just sum the list of files for each user # try: change_dict[ `changeNumber` ] = change_dict[ `changeNumber` ] + list_of_files except KeyError: change_dict[ `changeNumber` ] = list_of_files #temp_list = [] #for stuff in user_dict.keys(): # sys.stdout.write( '\n\nUser --> ' + stuff + '\n\n' ) # temp_list = user_dict[ stuff ] # temp_list.sort() # for junk in temp_list: # sys.stdout.write( '\t' + junk + '\n' ) return change_dict def gen_metrics_data( data_dict ): temp_list = [] ChangeConfirmed = 0 # # For every entry in the dictionary # Each key being a different User for stuff in data_dict.keys(): # # Copy the list out of the dictionary so I don't have to # use [][][] temp_list = data_dict[ stuff ] temp_list.sort() # # Lets start writing our report data sys.stdout.write( '\n\nChange --> ' + stuff + ' Applied to ' + `len( temp_list )` + ' Files ' + \ '\t By User --> ' + data_dict[ stuff ][0][3] + '\n\n' ) # # cleanup after last pass rcs_adds = rcs_deletes = ctx_adds = ctx_changes = ctx_deletes =0 sum_adds = sum_addchunks = sum_deletes = sum_deletechunks = sum_changes = sum_changechunks = sum_extra = 0 uni_adds = uni_deletes = 0 # # for junk in temp_list: sys.stdout.write( '\t' + junk[0] + ' - ' + junk[1] + ' - ' + junk[2] + '\n' ) for junk in temp_list: #sys.stdout.write( '\t' + junk[0] + ' - ' + junk[1] + ' - ' + junk[2] + '\n' ) # # This file had a rev that can be diffed (as evidenced by the edit) if junk[2] == 'edit': # Only print data if you have an edit in the list that can provide data ChangeConfirmed = 1 rev_number1 = int( junk[1] ) # The implication here is that in any changelist your only submitting the next rev rev_number2 = rev_number1 - 1 ( adds, deletes ) = extract_metrics_counts_rcs_filetofile( junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number2`, junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number1` ) rcs_adds = rcs_adds + adds rcs_deletes = rcs_deletes + deletes # ( adds, changes, deletes) = extract_metrics_counts_context_filetofile( junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number2`, junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number1` ) # ctx_adds = ctx_adds + adds # ctx_changes = ctx_changes + changes # ctx_deletes = ctx_deletes + deletes ( adds, addchunks, deletes, deletechunks, changes, changechunks, extra ) = extract_metrics_counts_summary_filetofile( junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number2`, junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number1` ) sum_adds = sum_adds + adds sum_addchunks = sum_addchunks + addchunks sum_deletes = sum_deletes + deletes sum_deletechunks = sum_deletechunks + deletechunks sum_changes = sum_changes + changes sum_changechunks = sum_changechunks + changechunks sum_extra = sum_extra + extra # ( adds, deletes) = extract_metrics_counts_unified_filetofile( junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number2`, junk[0] + '#' + `rev_number1` ) # uni_adds = uni_adds + adds # uni_deletes = uni_deletes + deletes sys.stdout.write( '\n\n\n' ) if ChangeConfirmed == 1: # # Print out the final report about this User sys.stdout.write( '\tMetrics via RCS diff method Lines Added --> ' + `rcs_adds` + '\n' ) sys.stdout.write( '\t Lines Deleted--> ' + `rcs_deletes` + '\n\n' ) # # # sys.stdout.write( '\tMetrics via Context diff method Lines Added --> ' + `ctx_adds` + '\n' ) # sys.stdout.write( '\t Lines Changed--> ' + `ctx_changes` + '\n' ) # sys.stdout.write( '\t Lines Deleted--> ' + `ctx_deletes` + '\n\n' ) # # sys.stdout.write( '\tMetrics via Summary diff method Add --> ' + `sum_addchunks` + ' Chunks\n' ) sys.stdout.write( '\t ' + `sum_adds` + ' Lines\n' ) sys.stdout.write( '\t Deleted--> ' + `sum_deletechunks` + ' Chunks\n' ) sys.stdout.write( '\t ' + `sum_deletes` + ' Lines\n' ) sys.stdout.write( '\t Changed--> ' + `sum_changechunks` + ' Chunks\n' ) sys.stdout.write( '\t ' + `sum_changes` + ' Lines \n' ) # # # sys.stdout.write( '\tMetrics via Unified diff method Lines Added --> ' + `uni_adds` + '\n' ) # sys.stdout.write( '\t Lines Deleted--> ' + `uni_deletes` + '\n\n' ) # reset this for the next pass ChangeConfirmed = 0 # Main body of program # # depot_location = sys.argv[1] diff_label1 = "@" + sys.argv[2] diff_label2 = "@" + sys.argv[3] sys.stdout.write( 'Starting processing....\n\n' ) # call the diff with the summary flags # # # fyi sys.stdout.write('Start point ' + diff_label1 + ' End Point ' + diff_label2 + '\n' ) sys.stdout.write('Depot Range ' + depot_location + '\n\n' ) changelist_numbers = extract_change_numbers( depot_location, diff_label1, diff_label2 ) data_dict = gen_change_data( changelist_numbers ) gen_metrics_data( data_dict )
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 1267 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Update to correct calculations. | ||
#1 | 514 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Source code metrics scripts. See metrics.py for usage. |