@echo off
rem unit test script. Usage
rem runtest.bat 1.1^|2.0 [compile]
rem The first argument is the .Net framework version
rem Supply "compile" if you want the test harness to be compiled
rem To build for the 1.1 framework, execute from a Visual Studio .Net 2003 command prompt.
rem To build for the 2.0 framework, execute from a Visual Studio .Net 2005 command prompt.
if "%~1"=="x64" (
set X64=true
) else (
set X64=false
rem change the following line if you're really anal
rem and want to validate the SN versions as well.
set SN=
rem set SN=.sn
set nunitPath=..\ext\nunit\2.0
if "%X64%"=="true" (
set OutputPath=%CD%\bin\nt.x64%SN%
set ReferencePath=..\bin\nt.x64%SN%
if "%X64%"=="false" (
set OutputPath=%CD%\bin\nt.x86%SN%
set ReferencePath=..\bin\nt.x86%SN%
if not exist "%ReferencePath%\p4api.dll" (
echo "Must compile p4api.dll and p4dn.dll before running test!"
goto :eof
if not exist "%ReferencePath%\p4dn.dll" (
echo "Must compile p4api.dll and p4dn.dll before running test!"
goto :eof
set SrcPath=%CD%\src
set BasePath=%CD%\..
if "%~1" == "compile" (
call :Compile_TestHarness
call :RunTests
goto :eof
echo P4.Net Test Harness. Usage:
echo runtest.bat 1.1^|2.0 [compile] [unicode]
echo 1.1^|2.0 The .Net framework version
echo [compile] Compile first (test harness only).
echo [unicode] Run server in unicode mode.
echo To build for the 1.1 framework, execute from a
echo Visual Studio .Net 2003 command prompt.
echo To build for the 2.0 framework, execute from a
echo Visual Studio .Net 2005 command prompt.
echo The test harness will launch a new instance of p4d
echo and run tests against it.
echo Your favorite version of p4d.exe and p4.exe needs
echo to be added to the current directory.
goto :eof
if exist "%OutputPath%" rd /s /q "%OutputPath%"
mkdir "%OutputPath%"
rem make sure we have the references
copy /y "%ReferencePath%\p4dn.dll" "%OutputPath%\p4dn.dll" >nul
copy /y "%ReferencePath%\p4api.dll" "%OutputPath%\p4api.dll" >nul
copy /y "%nunitPath%\nunit.framework.dll" "%OutputPath%\nunit.framework.dll" >nul
set FLAGS=/target:library
rem set FLAGS=%FLAGS% /reference:"%OutputPath%\p4dn.dll"
set FLAGS=%FLAGS% /reference:"%OutputPath%\p4api.dll"
set FLAGS=%FLAGS% /reference:"%OutputPath%\nunit.framework.dll"
set FLAGS=%FLAGS% /w:0 /o /d:DEBUG /d:TRACE
set FLAGS=%FLAGS% "/out:%OutputPath%\P4.Net.TestDriver.dll"
set FLAGS=%FLAGS% /nologo
set SOURCES="%SrcPath%\P4.NetTestDriver\*.cs"
echo Compiling P4.Net.TestDriver.dll...
goto :eof
echo Running Tests...
"%nunitPath%\nunit-console.exe" "%OutputPath%\P4.Net.TestDriver.dll" /nologo /labels /fixture=P4.Net.TestDriver.MapTest
goto :eof