<?php /** * Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/) * * @link http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ namespace Zend\Db\Metadata\Source; use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter; class MysqlMetadata extends AbstractSource { protected function loadSchemaData() { if (isset($this->data['schemas'])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('schemas'); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $p->quoteIdentifier('SCHEMA_NAME') . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'SCHEMATA')) . ' WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifier('SCHEMA_NAME') . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $schemas = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $schemas[] = $row['SCHEMA_NAME']; } $this->data['schemas'] = $schemas; } protected function loadTableNameData($schema) { if (isset($this->data['table_names'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('table_names', $schema); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $isColumns = array( array('T', 'TABLE_NAME'), array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE'), array('V', 'VIEW_DEFINITION'), array('V', 'CHECK_OPTION'), array('V', 'IS_UPDATABLE'), ); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifierChain($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLES')) . 'T' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'VIEWS')) . ' V' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('V', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('V', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE')) . ' IN (\'BASE TABLE\', \'VIEW\')'; if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $tables = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $tables[$row['TABLE_NAME']] = array( 'table_type' => $row['TABLE_TYPE'], 'view_definition' => $row['VIEW_DEFINITION'], 'check_option' => $row['CHECK_OPTION'], 'is_updatable' => ('YES' == $row['IS_UPDATABLE']), ); } $this->data['table_names'][$schema] = $tables; } protected function loadColumnData($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['columns'][$schema][$table])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('columns', $schema, $table); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $isColumns = array( array('C', 'ORDINAL_POSITION'), array('C', 'COLUMN_DEFAULT'), array('C', 'IS_NULLABLE'), array('C', 'DATA_TYPE'), array('C', 'CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'), array('C', 'CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH'), array('C', 'NUMERIC_PRECISION'), array('C', 'NUMERIC_SCALE'), array('C', 'COLUMN_NAME'), array('C', 'COLUMN_TYPE'), ); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifierChain($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLES')) . 'T' . ' INNER JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'COLUMNS')) . 'C' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('C', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('C', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE')) . ' IN (\'BASE TABLE\', \'VIEW\')' . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($table); if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $columns = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $erratas = array(); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^(?:enum|set)\((.+)\)$/i', $row['COLUMN_TYPE'], $matches)) { $permittedValues = $matches[1]; if (preg_match_all("/\\s*'((?:[^']++|'')*+)'\\s*(?:,|\$)/", $permittedValues, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { $permittedValues = str_replace("''", "'", $matches[1]); } else { $permittedValues = array($permittedValues); } $erratas['permitted_values'] = $permittedValues; } $columns[$row['COLUMN_NAME']] = array( 'ordinal_position' => $row['ORDINAL_POSITION'], 'column_default' => $row['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], 'is_nullable' => ('YES' == $row['IS_NULLABLE']), 'data_type' => $row['DATA_TYPE'], 'character_maximum_length' => $row['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'], 'character_octet_length' => $row['CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH'], 'numeric_precision' => $row['NUMERIC_PRECISION'], 'numeric_scale' => $row['NUMERIC_SCALE'], 'numeric_unsigned' => (false !== strpos($row['COLUMN_TYPE'], 'unsigned')), 'erratas' => $erratas, ); } $this->data['columns'][$schema][$table] = $columns; } protected function loadConstraintData($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraints', $schema, $table); $isColumns = array( array('T', 'TABLE_NAME'), array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME'), array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_TYPE'), array('KCU', 'COLUMN_NAME'), array('RC', 'MATCH_OPTION'), array('RC', 'UPDATE_RULE'), array('RC', 'DELETE_RULE'), array('KCU', 'REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA'), array('KCU', 'REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME'), array('KCU', 'REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME'), ); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifierChain($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLES')) . ' T' . ' INNER JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLE_CONSTRAINTS')) . ' TC' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'KEY_COLUMN_USAGE')) . ' KCU' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS')) . ' RC' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . ' WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($table) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE')) . ' IN (\'BASE TABLE\', \'VIEW\')'; if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY CASE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_TYPE')) . " WHEN 'PRIMARY KEY' THEN 1" . " WHEN 'UNIQUE' THEN 2" . " WHEN 'FOREIGN KEY' THEN 3" . " ELSE 4 END" . ', ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . ', ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'ORDINAL_POSITION')); $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $realName = null; $constraints = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { if ($row['CONSTRAINT_NAME'] !== $realName) { $realName = $row['CONSTRAINT_NAME']; $isFK = ('FOREIGN KEY' == $row['CONSTRAINT_TYPE']); if ($isFK) { $name = $realName; } else { $name = '_zf_' . $row['TABLE_NAME'] . '_' . $realName; } $constraints[$name] = array( 'constraint_name' => $name, 'constraint_type' => $row['CONSTRAINT_TYPE'], 'table_name' => $row['TABLE_NAME'], 'columns' => array(), ); if ($isFK) { $constraints[$name]['referenced_table_schema'] = $row['REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA']; $constraints[$name]['referenced_table_name'] = $row['REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME']; $constraints[$name]['referenced_columns'] = array(); $constraints[$name]['match_option'] = $row['MATCH_OPTION']; $constraints[$name]['update_rule'] = $row['UPDATE_RULE']; $constraints[$name]['delete_rule'] = $row['DELETE_RULE']; } } $constraints[$name]['columns'][] = $row['COLUMN_NAME']; if ($isFK) { $constraints[$name]['referenced_columns'][] = $row['REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME']; } } $this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table] = $constraints; } protected function loadConstraintDataNames($schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraint_names'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraint_names', $schema); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $isColumns = array( array('TC', 'TABLE_NAME'), array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME'), array('TC', 'CONSTRAINT_TYPE'), ); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifierChain($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLES')) . 'T' . ' INNER JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLE_CONSTRAINTS')) . 'TC' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('TC', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE')) . ' IN (\'BASE TABLE\', \'VIEW\')'; if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $data = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $data[] = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); } $this->data['constraint_names'][$schema] = $data; } protected function loadConstraintDataKeys($schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraint_keys'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraint_keys', $schema); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $isColumns = array( array('T', 'TABLE_NAME'), array('KCU', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME'), array('KCU', 'COLUMN_NAME'), array('KCU', 'ORDINAL_POSITION'), ); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifierChain($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLES')) . 'T' . ' INNER JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'KEY_COLUMN_USAGE')) . 'KCU' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE')) . ' IN (\'BASE TABLE\', \'VIEW\')'; if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $data = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $data[] = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); } $this->data['constraint_keys'][$schema] = $data; } protected function loadConstraintReferences($table, $schema) { parent::loadConstraintReferences($table, $schema); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $isColumns = array( array('RC', 'TABLE_NAME'), array('RC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME'), array('RC', 'UPDATE_RULE'), array('RC', 'DELETE_RULE'), array('KCU', 'REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA'), array('KCU', 'REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME'), array('KCU', 'REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME'), ); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifierChain($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . 'FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TABLES')) . 'T' . ' INNER JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS')) . 'RC' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' INNER JOIN ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'KEY_COLUMN_USAGE')) . 'KCU' . ' ON ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'TABLE_NAME')) . ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('RC', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('KCU', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME')) . 'WHERE ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_TYPE')) . ' IN (\'BASE TABLE\', \'VIEW\')'; if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= ' AND ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('T', 'TABLE_SCHEMA')) . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $data = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $data[] = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); } $this->data['constraint_references'][$schema] = $data; } protected function loadTriggerData($schema) { if (isset($this->data['triggers'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('triggers', $schema); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $isColumns = array( // 'TRIGGER_CATALOG', // 'TRIGGER_SCHEMA', 'TRIGGER_NAME', 'EVENT_MANIPULATION', 'EVENT_OBJECT_CATALOG', 'EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA', 'EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE', 'ACTION_ORDER', 'ACTION_CONDITION', 'ACTION_STATEMENT', 'ACTION_ORIENTATION', 'ACTION_TIMING', 'ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_TABLE', 'ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_TABLE', 'ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_ROW', 'ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_ROW', 'CREATED', ); array_walk($isColumns, function (&$c) use ($p) { $c = $p->quoteIdentifier($c); }); $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $isColumns) . ' FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'TRIGGERS')) . ' WHERE '; if ($schema != self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA) { $sql .= $p->quoteIdentifier('TRIGGER_SCHEMA') . ' = ' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($schema); } else { $sql .= $p->quoteIdentifier('TRIGGER_SCHEMA') . ' != \'INFORMATION_SCHEMA\''; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $data = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); if (null !== $row['created']) { $row['created'] = new \DateTime($row['created']); } $data[$row['trigger_name']] = $row; } $this->data['triggers'][$schema] = $data; } }