<project name="guide" default="help">
This is the build script for the sample guide.
Only the most basic transformation properties are specified here.
See the imported, generic Perforce build script to see how documentation
builds are implemented.
<!-- determine where we're building; used when creating output directory -->
<dirname property="book.build.dir" file="${ant.file.mainbuild}"/>
<!-- handle properties -->
<property environment="doc"/>
<property file="build.properties"/>
<!-- ensure that doc.build.path has been provided -->
<!-- feel free to set it in this file if you're going to
hold on to it for a while -->
<fail unless="doc.build.path">
Path to common doc_build infrastructure not set.
When you execute ant, set the parameter doc.build.path:
ant <target> -Ddoc.build.path=/path/to/doc_build
alternately, set the environment variable "doc.build.path", or edit
the peer file build.properties.
<!-- use the generic build script to perform the transformation -->
<import file="${doc.build.path}/perforce/build.xml" as="main"/>
<!-- vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=80 ai si: -->