namespace Kato;
use Projects\Model\Project;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Activity\Model\Activity;
class Module
* Publish Swarm activity to kato.im
* This module demonstrates firiing off a curl event based on incoming Perforce/Swarm activity.
* You should only need to update the $room variable below.
* @param Event $event the bootstrap event
* @return void
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event)
$application = $event->getApplication();
$services = $application->getServiceManager();
$manager = $services->get('queue');
$events = $manager->getEventManager();
'task.commit', // only fire on task.commit events
function ($event) use ($services, $events) { // we need events and services for this module
// sanity check to make sure this is a properly formed Activity event
$model = $event->getParam('activity');
if (!$model instanceof Activity) {
// provide the kato.im URL for your particular room here.
$room = "https://api.kato.im/rooms/36284a1d50c33c4593c3932b7e5f6942d2e4bd1af990ceb204c9c41cfeea935/simple";
// build up the message
$change = $model->get('target');
$user = $model->get('user');
$description = $model->get('description');
$qualifiedUrl = $services->get('viewhelpermanager')->get('qualifiedUrl');
$url = $qualifiedUrl('change', array( 'change' => substr($change, 7)));
$message = json_encode(ucfirst("[$change](" . $url . ") submitted by $user\n\n$description"));
$json = '{\"from\": \"Robot\", \"color\": \"green\", \"renderer\": \"markdown\", \"text\":' . str_replace("\"",'\"', $message) . ' }';
// some logging that may be handy for debugging
// $services->get('logger')->err("/usr/bin/curl -X POST -d \"$json\" $room");
// $services->get('logger')->err("$url");
// post the message to our room using curl
exec("/usr/bin/curl -X POST -d \"$json\" $room");
// set our priority, -90 to put ourselves near the end of the event pipeline
'task.review', // only fire on task.review events
function ($event) use ($services, $events) { // we need events and services for this module
// sanity check to make sure this is a properly formed Activity event
$model = $event->getParam('activity');
if (!$model instanceof Activity) {
// provide the kato.im URL for your particular room here.
$room = "https://api.kato.im/rooms/36284a1d50c33c4593c3932b7e5f6942d2e4bd1af990ceb204c9c41cfeea935/simple";
// build up the message
$target = $model->get('target');
$user = $model->get('user');
$action = $model->get('action');
$qualifiedUrl = $services->get('viewhelpermanager')->get('qualifiedUrl');
// $target can have a variety of values based on the event. We need to extract that change number
if( strpos($target, 'review') === FALSE )
$url = $qualifiedUrl('review', array( 'review' => $target));
$url = $qualifiedUrl('review', array( 'review' => substr($target, 7)));
$message = json_encode("$user $action [$target](" . $url .")");
$json = '{\"from\": \"Robot\", \"color\": \"green\", \"renderer\": \"markdown\", \"text\":' . str_replace("\"",'\"', $message) . ' }';
// some logging that may be handy for debugging
// $services->get('logger')->err("/usr/bin/curl -X POST -d \"$json\" $room");
// $services->get('logger')->err("$url");
// post the message to our room using curl
exec("/usr/bin/curl -X POST -d \"$json\" $room");
// set our priority, -90 to put ourselves near the end of the event pipeline
// loads up our config file. all modules should have this method.
public function getConfig()
return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';
// makes sure our module is automatically loaded. otherwise the user would
// need to explicitly install our module in the application
public function getAutoloaderConfig()
return array(
'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
'namespaces' => array(
__NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,