Perforce API for the .Net CLR P4.Net

Known Limitations

Internationalized Servers

Perforce servers running in "unicode" or "internationalized" are unsupported.

I would like to have this fixed for v1.0, but unfortunately there are some major changes that need to happen. My plan is to fix this for 2.0, and therefore will only run on the 2.0 Framework.


Direct manipulation of the form text is not supported. That is, there is no way get the raw text of a form command or to save a form with the raw text. Instead, you must use the P4Form object.

p4 print

There is currently no way to obtain an in-memory stream of file contents using the 'print' command. In other APIs, if multiple files are output using 'print', the contents of the file are concatenated into one in-memory variable. I have an idea that would correct this behavior, but it is more complex to consume. So I've punted on the idea for now, and it is unsupported.

p4 filelog

The parsed output for the of the filelog command is awkward. In the native C++ api, the integration metadata is a sparse 2 dimensional array. The parsing logic in P4.Net does not account for this, so you end up with an ArrayFieldDictionary with keys like 'fromFile1,'. So, I could fix this, and come up with some sort of TwoDimArrayFieldDictionary. However, the trying to make sense of the filelog output using the 2-d arrays will almost certainly give you a headache. Instead, I want to research Tony Smith's implementation in P4Ruby. He has created an object model that represents the filelog metadata in an easy-to-use interface.

Submitting Default Changelist

In P4.Net, there�s no straight-forward way to submit the default pending changelist. This is by design. If the client workspace has opened files in the default changelist before any P4.Net automation runs, those files will "come along for the ride" when you submit the default changelist. If the user has a JobView set, all jobs in that JobView will automatically be fixed when you submit that default changelist. Both of those behaviors are almost never desired, and I�ve found many scripts that have those bugs.

Note, starting in 2006.2, Perforce has native support for automatically submitting the default changelist. This is accomplished with: p4 submit -d "change description". I caution it's usage, as it has the same limitations decribed above.

Changing Port after Connected

You can not change the P4Port setting after a P4Connection has been connected. This is true even after a Disconnect(). Instead, create a new P4Connection object.

Supported Server Versions

Servers lower than 2004.2 begin to fail the unit tests. However, it is not a complete failure. One issue is the use of p4 login. The other failure is in the ConvertDate methods, because they use p4 info in parsed mode to determine the server's time zone. If you avoid those methods, P4.Net should work fine against older servers.