using Perforce.P4; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using System; namespace { /// ///This is a test class for P4MapApiTest and is intended ///to contain all P4MapApiTest Unit Tests /// [TestClass()] public class P4MapApiTest { private TestContext testContextInstance; /// ///Gets or sets the test context which provides ///information about and functionality for the current test run. /// public TestContext TestContext { get { return testContextInstance; } set { testContextInstance = value; } } #region Additional test attributes // //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests: // //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class //[ClassInitialize()] //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) //{ //} // //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run //[ClassCleanup()] //public static void MyClassCleanup() //{ //} // //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test //[TestInitialize()] //public void MyTestInitialize() //{ //} // //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run //[TestCleanup()] //public void MyTestCleanup() //{ //} // #endregion /// ///A test for Insert /// [TestMethod()] public void InsertTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); string left1 = "//depot/main/..."; string right1 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); string left2 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right2 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/www/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Exclude; target.Insert(left2, right2, type2); string left3 = "//depot/dev/script/..."; string right3 = "//XP1_usr/depot/dev/script/..."; P4MapApi.Type type3 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left3, right3, type3); string left4 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right4 = "//XP1_usr/depot/live/www/*.html"; P4MapApi.Type type4 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left4, right4, type4); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(4, tCount); // no errors so passed } } /// ///A test for Count /// [TestMethod()] public void CountTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); string left1 = "//depot/main/..."; string right1 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); string left2 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right2 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/www/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Exclude; target.Insert(left2, right2, type2); string left3 = "//depot/dev/script/..."; string right3 = "//XP1_usr/depot/dev/script/..."; P4MapApi.Type type3 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left3, right3, type3); string left4 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right4 = "//XP1_usr/depot/live/www/*.html"; P4MapApi.Type type4 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left4, right4, type4); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(4, tCount); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for Translate /// [TestMethod()] public void TranslateTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); String left1 = "//depot/..."; String right1 = "//ws/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount); String actual = target.Translate("//ws/foo.txt", P4MapApi.Direction.RightLeft); Assert.AreEqual(actual, "//depot/foo.txt"); actual = target.Translate("//depot/foo.txt", P4MapApi.Direction.LeftRight); Assert.AreEqual(actual, "//ws/foo.txt"); actual = target.Translate("//usr/bar.txt", P4MapApi.Direction.LeftRight); Assert.AreEqual(actual, null); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for Join /// [TestMethod()] public void JoinTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target1 = new P4MapApi(unicode); String left1 = "//depot/..."; String right1 = "//ws/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target1.Insert(left1, right1, type1); int tCount1 = target1.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount1); P4MapApi target2 = new P4MapApi(unicode); String left2 = "//ws/..."; String right2 = "//ace/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target2.Insert(left2, right2, type2); int tCount2 = target2.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount2); P4MapApi actual = P4MapApi.Join(target1, P4MapApi.Direction.LeftRight, target2, P4MapApi.Direction.LeftRight); int tCount3 = actual.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount3); string translated = actual.Translate("//depot/foo.txt", P4MapApi.Direction.LeftRight); Assert.AreEqual(translated, "//ace/foo.txt"); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for Join /// [TestMethod()] public void JoinTest1() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target1 = new P4MapApi(unicode); String lr = "//ws/directory/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target1.Insert(lr, type1); int tCount1 = target1.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount1); P4MapApi target2 = new P4MapApi(unicode); String left2 = "//ws/..."; String right2 = "//depot/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target2.Insert(left2, right2, type2); int tCount2 = target2.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount2); P4MapApi actual = P4MapApi.Join(target1, target2); int tCount3 = actual.Count; Assert.AreEqual(1, tCount3); string translated = actual.Translate("//ws/directory/foo.txt", P4MapApi.Direction.LeftRight); Assert.AreEqual(translated, "//depot/directory/foo.txt"); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for Insert /// [TestMethod()] public void InsertTest1() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4Server pserver = new P4Server(unicode); P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(pserver); string lr1 = "Both 1"; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(lr1, type1); string lr2 = "Both 2"; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(lr2, type2); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(2, tCount); // no errors so passed } } /// ///A test for GetType /// [TestMethod()] public void GetTypeTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); string left1 = "//depot/main/..."; string right1 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); string left2 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right2 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/www/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Exclude; target.Insert(left2, right2, type2); string left3 = "//depot/dev/script/..."; string right3 = "//XP1_usr/depot/dev/script/..."; P4MapApi.Type type3 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left3, right3, type3); string left4 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right4 = "//XP1_usr/depot/live/www/*.html"; P4MapApi.Type type4 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left4, right4, type4); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(4, tCount); P4MapApi.Type actual = target.GetType(1); Assert.AreEqual(type2, actual); actual = target.GetType(0); Assert.AreEqual(type1, actual); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for GetRight /// [TestMethod()] public void GetRightTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); string left1 = "//depot/main/..."; string right1 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); string left2 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right2 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/www/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Exclude; target.Insert(left2, right2, type2); string left3 = "//depot/dev/script/..."; string right3 = "//XP1_usr/depot/dev/script/..."; P4MapApi.Type type3 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left3, right3, type3); string left4 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right4 = "//XP1_usr/depot/live/www/*.html"; P4MapApi.Type type4 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left4, right4, type4); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(4, tCount); String actual = target.GetRight(1); Assert.AreEqual(right2, actual); actual = target.GetRight(0); Assert.AreEqual(right1, actual); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for GetLeft /// [TestMethod()] public void GetLeftTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); string left1 = "//depot/main/..."; string right1 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); string left2 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right2 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/www/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Exclude; target.Insert(left2, right2, type2); string left3 = "//depot/dev/script/..."; string right3 = "//XP1_usr/depot/dev/script/..."; P4MapApi.Type type3 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left3, right3, type3); string left4 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right4 = "//XP1_usr/depot/live/www/*.html"; P4MapApi.Type type4 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left4, right4, type4); int tCount = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(4, tCount); String actual = target.GetLeft(1); Assert.AreEqual(left2, actual); actual = target.GetLeft(0); Assert.AreEqual(left1, actual); unicode = !unicode; } } /// ///A test for Clear /// [TestMethod()] public void ClearTest() { bool unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { P4MapApi target = new P4MapApi(unicode); string left1 = "//depot/main/..."; string right1 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/..."; P4MapApi.Type type1 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left1, right1, type1); string left2 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right2 = "//XP1_usr/depot/main/www/..."; P4MapApi.Type type2 = P4MapApi.Type.Exclude; target.Insert(left2, right2, type2); string left3 = "//depot/dev/script/..."; string right3 = "//XP1_usr/depot/dev/script/..."; P4MapApi.Type type3 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left3, right3, type3); string left4 = "//depot/main/www/..."; string right4 = "//XP1_usr/depot/live/www/*.html"; P4MapApi.Type type4 = P4MapApi.Type.Include; target.Insert(left4, right4, type4); int actual = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(4, actual); target.Clear(); actual = target.Count; Assert.AreEqual(0, actual); unicode = !unicode; } } } }